The Realm's Mystics [Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book 3] (5 page)

BOOK: The Realm's Mystics [Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book 3]
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San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ gave a brief nod to her Force Leader, and Ann'wn began their journey, leading the way to the western boundary areas. The journey would take them not quite a full turn, and across the great sea for half of it, but Jandra was excited about seeing more of The Realm, as was Caitha. Ann'wn had already arranged with Meera to take the rear guard. She did so willingly, feeling useful in this strange but compelling land.

Jandra had spoken to Ann'wn briefly about her sorcerer's staff, and Ann'wn had suggested that she take it for Jandra so that it would always be handy, but not bothering Jandra at all the moments. In the prior eve, Ann'wn had even brought the staff into The Great Hall where it would be at the ready for Jandra if needed. Jandra felt more comfortable with the new arrangement, hoping she wouldn't need to use it much. More and more, Jandra was coming to respect this very quiet Warrior Woman who guarded The High Queen so well.

Jandra didn't see The High Queen place the cape upon her head, so kept hers off as well. As they reached the boundaries of the town, Caitha began to sing stories of the Valley, ones she had learned from the sorcerer women and from the moments she had spent there. Jandra listened to them, amazed at the long past the Valley stories spoke of. As they crossed the great land, Caitha sang of prior battles, of the discovery of the Valley, and of one of The High Queens well prior to San'lr'in'thel'ineln'.

Jandra was most interested in the Valley's past, knowing little of it, “Caitha. Do you know any songs of the horses that could fly?"

"I have heard one once, M'Love, but cannot sing it for you yet. I will make it a point to learn it for you."

"Do you recall the story?"

"Only a little. They were once great horses. Large. All white and intelligent. They also had large and beautiful wings."

"Did they die?"

"The story is a sad one, but provides only a mystery, as no one ever found any of their bodies lying in death. So it is but guessed that they disappeared, only."

"Why did they disappear?"

"This is the part that I scarcely recall. Something about Elves who disappeared, and when they did, so did the great horses. I know not who these Elves be, though."

As the story was told, Sam watched Jandra while they rode, saddened to learn she truly missed her. Sam had never prior studied her as carefully as this, and now saw a most desirable woman, admiring the woman Jandra was becoming. She seemed more alive to Sam than ever prior. Now finding every aspect of Jandra tantalizing, Sam guessed it was because she no longer held any claim to her. She was also amazed at how truly stunning Jandra was, and while she had noticed Jandra's beauty often while they were companions, and took full enjoyment in it, she wondered why she had never truly seen the outstanding nature of it. Sam relished the moments Jandra would turn, looking around at the group, smiling upon Sam when their eyes met. She loved the way Jandra looked upon her, desiring the tenderness of the gaze.

Did she look at me such when we were companions?

Or does she just now pity me?

But no, look at her eyes. They yet love me.

While Sam thought such, she also realized that Jandra was fully The High Queen's, and was most happy in that union. Sam knew she would just have to miss Jandra from a distance, realizing that she should never have allowed another to her bed.

How stupid I have been. What was I thinking? How could I have desired any other than this amazingly beautiful woman? I was but lucky, yet saw it not.

As they moved through the boundary, Ann'wn began to run the horses, pushing them across the great open expanse. All talking halted at the moment they passed beyond The Gate. The High Queen placed on her hood, and Jandra followed the example. As occurred with Meera in Woden, no one challenged Ann'wn on any journey. It was silent tradition that while on a journey such as this, all answered to Ann'wn, even The High Queen. They rode throughout the midturn. The guards, including Meera, watched the skies and the surrounding forests for signs of enemies. They rode quickly and silently on toward the sea. Ann'wn knew the route well, guiding them along a direct route to the Sacred Isle.

Ann'wn also knew that their chances of surprise attack diminished the closer they came to the Sacred Isle, as the Spirits of the Valley had placed a barrier of protection around it. She hurried them toward the boundary of the Sacred Isle, relieved in knowing that their journey would become safer as they reached it.

Sam watched her sister when she wasn't watching Jandra. Secretly, she admired her, but admitted to herself that she was also jealous of her. Sam thought her sister very powerful, strong, and extremely self-assured. She knew that San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ accepted no challenge to her commands, something Sam often allowed. But she also saw that her sister was a more solitary figure than herself, not enjoying the camaraderie Sam had in Woden. Sam couldn't quite place what she admired so about her sister, but wished she were more like her.

As they rode across the great sea, San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ thought of her new-found sister in Sansthera. She wondered how she had never prior been able to even sense her presence, and wondered how Far'lin'ter'il had kept her so well hidden.

How is it that even the Spirits of the Valley were not aware of her?

But she sensed the truth,
They must have been!

She frowned at her next thought,
And they must have knowingly hidden this knowledge from Me.

Occasionally she would wander into the thoughts of those around her, but removed herself from them as quickly, not wanting to know all the details they thought. It was enough to know that Jandra had no doubts in her love of her, even though she felt sorry for her Sam.

As they neared the Sacred Isle, Jandra could see the trees that surrounded it. The trees formed a sort of live barrier around the Isle, making the entrance even more difficult for any enemy that managed to get through the protective barrier. The Isle was much higher than the sea, and the horses had to ride uphill on the wind to reach the land. The movement from the sea to the land was tricky for the horses, as there was very little open space at the edge of the forest. Jandra was grateful that Mor'inl’ felt no anxiety about the difficult approach, coming upon it as she would any flat surface.

They landed successfully, then followed Ann'wn single-file through the dense forest. Caitha was glad to finally slow their pace, even in such a forest as dense as this one. After many moments, they arrived to a swampy area, thick with tall reeds, encased in a thin fog. The horses proceeded through it but with great difficulty. At one point as they entered a second forest, Jandra thought they had gotten turned around and had re-entered the forest, but trusted Ann'wn to know where she was heading.

Shortly after entering the second forest, the forest began to thin. As they exited this forest, Jandra had her first glimpse of the Spirits of the Valley. Like the Valley itself, many multi-colored geysers and sulfur pots surrounded it, while large mountains provided a beautiful backdrop to the perfectly all-white town. Jandra saw that it was a small town that shone in its magnificence. Small puffs of steam rose from the hundreds of geysers in the rivers. Suddenly, Jandra saw that it was almost a replica of the Valley itself. They arrived to the entrance to the town, seeing that the Spirits of the Valley were waiting for them. Ann'wn politely assisted The High Queen off her horse and was about to assist Jandra, but saw that Jandra had jumped down and was already beside The High Queen.

* * * *

Jandra stared at the Spirits of the Valley, “They feel me, my Queen. They know who I am."

San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ looked with surprise at Jandra, “How do you know of this, My Love?"

Jandra replied softly, taking San'lr'in'thel'ineln's arm, leading her to them, “They told me. They called me by my Elfin name. They welcomed me home, my Queen. This be where I was born."

"This is where you were born? Are you certain of this?” Having no way by which to have guessed as such, The High Queen was fully shocked. “Here?"

Jandra nodded, “They just now told me."

San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ and Jandra approached the Spirits of the Valley, but as they neared them, San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ let go Jandra's arm, holding back so that Jandra could meet her first caretakers. Jandra walked to them without thinking, driven solely by instinct. She knelt before them when she arrived to the Most Honored Spirit of the Valley.

My Mother.

Unlike anything San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ had prior seen, the Most Honored One placed her hands gently upon Jandra's face. San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ could feel their thoughts, fully amazed at their reaction to, and knowledge of Jandra.

My daughter. You have finally come to the home of your birth.

Tears came to Jandra's eyes,
I knew not.

They rose, and the Most Honored One embraced Jandra,
Sle'nel’ Ni Riain. Our long lost Elfin Faiere. For many, many cycles, I thought you forever gone from us. I never gave up hope for this reunion, though, my sweet, sweet Elf.

Never prior had San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ seen the Spirits approach anyone with the familiarity her own kind knew. The Spirits were ever aloof, always well-guarded with their gifts of feelings and love. To see them approach Jandra in this fashion caught her off-guard. She wondered as to Jandra's role in The Realm, now seeing it far surpassing anything she had guessed. She turned her head sideways, sensing that the High Wizard Sorcerer had come alongside her.

Softly, in a very hushed tone, she spoke to the sorcerer, “I have never prior seen such as this."

The High Wizard Sorcerer nodded, “As you told your younger sister, much has been withheld from you. Even I have known only what the Spirits of the Valley would but allow me to know of this one.” She indicated with her head toward Jandra. “I always knew her to be an Elfin Faiere, but never did I know that she was born among these Spirits."

"They brought her Birth-Mother here then, for the birth?"

The sorcerer nodded, “She yet lives here, but is beyond old and weak. They placed her in a deep sleep long prior, keeping her safe all these cycles from the powers that wished to destroy her for mating with the last elf."

San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ was in disbelief, “Her Birth-Mother lives? This cannot be so."

"She does, my Queen. Barely."

San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ looked upon the old sorcerer with some anger, “You should have informed Me of this, High Wizard Sorcerer."

"Have patience, my Queen. The rightful path always emerges sooner or later. And even I just learned about her Birth-Mother."

The High Queen turned back to looking upon Jandra and the Most Honored One, angered at having not known of such, “I will never understand your thinking, Old Sorcerer.” But as she spoke, another thought came to her, “But most surely the Honored Spirit Mother couldn't be her real Mother?"

"You are correct. But the Most Honored One is the one who raised her, along with her Birth-Mother until they brought Sle'nel’ to me, my Queen."

"The Spirits of the Falls must have placed a block upon her memory so that she could never remember this."

The sorcerer nodded, “She recalls her prior life now, my Queen. These Spirits have just restored her memories to her."

Seeing that Sle'nel’ and the Most Honored One were about done, she walked forward, bowing her head to them, “My Spirit Mothers."

The Most Honored One bowed her head toward The High Queen,
Thank you, San'lr'in'thel'ineln', for returning her to us. My heart is fulfilled this turn, and you are the reason for it.

The Most Honored One took San'lr'in'thel'ineln's arm and intertwined it within her own, a gesture now familiar to her because of Jandra,
Come, High Queen of The Realm, we have much waiting for you. We know of the purpose of your visit, and will take charge and care of Far'lin'ter'il. She will no longer be a concern to The Realm. And we will see to the Spirits of the Falls, as well. But now, you and I must accompany our Sle'nel’ to visit her Birth-Mother, so that she may die in peace. She has waited long for this moment.

Her memories of her early youth now fully restored to her, Jandra was now fully Sle'nel'. She came up beside The High Queen's other arm and intertwined it within her own. She gave a brief but knowing squeeze to her arm, smiling upon her, but with saddened eyes.

"Your eyes are golden, such as the Elfin Faeries."

The Most Honored One answered,
The Spirits of the Falls masked her eye color so as to prevent recognition.

The comment registered heavily with The High Queen as her eyes narrowed,
Yet another deception. And how would the Honored Spirit know of such?
But she ignored the implication for the moment so as to tend to Jandra, “My Love, I understand that we go to see your Birth-Mother. I was not aware she yet remained in The Realm."

The Most Honored One answered yet again for Sle'nel',
I have informed Sle'nel’ of this happy but sad moment. We have kept her Birth-Mother alive as a vow and debt to her, but in a state of deep sleep for many, many cycles. I fear that she will live for but a short moment only when she awakens. It was her dying wish to look upon her Birth-daughter one last moment, and to pass on all her memories. She loved Sle'nel', but gave her to The Realm as vowed. We all believed that their meeting would be much prior to this, but have held our vow to her, knowing her deep sacrifice.

San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ could only guess at the deep pain this was about to bring to Sle'nel', so halted for a moment, “Spirit Mother, please forgive this interruption. Given the sadness of this moment, I would like to speak to Sle'nel’ alone for a moment."

The Spirit Mother nodded,
I understand, My Queen. I will have your escorts tended to until your and Sle'nel's arrival. Sle'nel’ knows the way

Ann'wn came close, but standing well apart so as not to interfere. Try as the Spirit Mothers did, she wouldn't leave her Queen. The High Queen noticed, and was pleased.

San'lr'in'thel'ineln’ looked at Sle'nel', “It seems that much faces you this turn. Are you prepared for this, My Desire?"

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