The Recruit (Book Three) (19 page)

Read The Recruit (Book Three) Online

Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

Tags: #vampires, #fantasy, #werewolves, #swords, #hunter, #bbw, #forbidden love, #shape shifters, #lycans, #kenjutsu

BOOK: The Recruit (Book Three)
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Not very well. If I
’m not angry,
I still can’t shift without, -
well - never mind,” Hannah blushed and looked away, “and I don’t
feel like I have any control over it. Will’s worried. He says he
isn’t and that I’m doing fine but I know that isn’t

“You’ll catch on to it, dearest.”

“I hope so.” Hannah said quietly.

“You will.” Natalie said firmly.

“How are you doing?” Hannah asked suddenly.
“Dad said you were feeling a little claustrophobic.”

“I’m getting used to it.” Natalie smiled at
her and Hannah hugged her impulsively.

“I’m so sorry, mom. I wish I had never
dragged you into this crazy life and I – “

Nonsense!” Natalie interrupted. “This is
the most excitement your father and I have had in years, and
knowing that you’re alive and safe is all that matters to us.
Besides, if we hadn’t been dragged into this new weird world of
yours, we would never have met the twins or Will and Chen and the
rest of your friends. We love you, Hannah, and you have nothing to
apologize for.”

“I love you too, mom.” Hannah hugged her
again and Natalie squeezed her tightly in return.

“Now, why don’t you come back to the
apartment with me for a bit? Your father is playing Scrabble with
the boys and it’ll be a hoot to watch him get his ass kicked.”

Hannah laughed and nodded. “I’d like

* * *


“Chen? Are you alright?” Andrew paused, his
hands gripping Chen’s forearm just below his elbow.

Chen nodded without opening his eyes and
rubbed his arm
gently. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Chen said irritably.

He was lying. His arm was aching, although
not as bad as he feared, but worse than that – he could feel a
small trickle of hope. He had resigned himself to never using the
sword again and his victory over Hannah earlier had ignited a small
flickering flame of possibility.

She let you win.

No, she hadn’t.
He knew Hannah had gone after him with everything
she had. She hadn’t held back, despite his mind trying to convince
him otherwise, and he was grateful to her for her lack of mercy.
For the first time since he’d woken in the infirmary, he felt like
himself again and a small part of him hated her for it. He wanted
to wallow in his self-pity for a while longer, wanted to


He opened his eyes. Andrew had leaned forward
until his face was only inches away and Chen’s gaze dropped
automatically to his mouth. God, he had a nice mouth. He wondered
briefly what it would be like to kiss that mouth, to slide his
tongue between Andrew’s lips and –

He made a muffled noise of surprise when
Andrew pressed his mouth against his. They were warm and firm and,
after a few seconds, he kissed him back. Andrew moaned, a low
hoarse sound that sent a thrill through Chen’s body and when he
parted his lips, Chen slid his tongue into his mouth. He touched
Andrew’s tongue with his own before kissing him harder, urging
Andrew to open his mouth wider. Andrew’s hand tightened on his arm
and he moaned again, sliding his tongue along Chen’s before he
pulled away abruptly.

Panting, he gave Chen an embarrassed look.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. It’s just that watching you
fight was, honestly, really hot.”

Chen grinned and Andrew blushed before
looking down at his hands. “But I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Why not?” Chen asked quietly.

“I don’t usually throw myself at someone
without knowing that they’re, you know, interested in me.”

“I’m interested.” Chen replied

A small grin crossed Andrew’s face. “It’s all
kinds of inappropriate. I’m your therapist and it’s probably not a
good idea for us to – “

Chen gripped the back of his neck and
pulled him forward, kissing him hard on the mouth as Andrew slid
his arms around his waist and held him tightly. The two men kissed
deeply and Andrew gasped loudly when Chen nipped at his bottom

“I like inappropriate.” Chen muttered against
his mouth before trailing a path of kisses down Andrew’s neck.

“Me too.” He gasped. “But your arm – you
probably should get some rest after fighting Hannah and – “

“I’m not tired.” Chen slid his hand under
Andrew’s t-shirt and stroked the hard contours of his chest.

Andrew shivered lightly before cupping Chen’s
face. “Chen, are you sure? I don’t want to pressure you.”

Chen grinned at him. “I’ve wanted you since
the day I met you. Join me in my bed, Andrew.”

He bent his head and licked and sucked at
Andrew’s neck, sliding his tongue along the rough stubble as Andrew
inhaled sharply.

“Fuck,” Andrew muttered, “you’re making it
very difficult to say no, Chen.”

“Good.” Chen stood and held out his hand.

Andrew grasped his hand and Chen, another
small, pleased grin on his face, led him toward his bed.

Chapter 15


I’m telling mom you’re giving Reuben
” Hannah

Jim gave her a wounded look. “You’d rat me
out like that? I thought we had an agreement.”

“You know he’s chunky enough.” Hannah replied
as Reuben danced excitedly around her dad’s feet.

How’s Chen feeling?” Jim asked as her
mother joined them from the bedroom.

“How’s breakfast?”

“Delicious, Nat, thank you.” Jim patted her
gently on the butt as she walked by.

The bacon is perfect.” Hannah grinned at
her dad as he gave her a pointed look.

Yes, well, I’m sure Reuben is enjoying it
too.” Her mother responded dryly.

“So how is Chen doing?” Jim cleared his
throat loudly.

“Really good.” Hannah replied happily. “In
the last week he’s been to the training room every single day and
he almost always takes over Henry’s training halfway through. Plus,
he’s been practicing with Paul and Alex and I.”

“That’s wonderful!” Natalie sat down beside
her before taking a drink of orange juice.

“Yes. He seems much happier.”

“That might have something to do with dating
Andrew.” Natalie said delicately.

Hannah laughed. “How did you know they’re
dating, mom? I know about it, but the last time I checked you
didn’t have a Lycan’s sense of smell.”

Natalie shrugged. “It’s obvious, dear.”

Hannah glanced at her dad who shrugged. “I
had no idea.”

“Anyway, whatever the reason, he’s doing much
better and I’m very proud of him.” Hannah replied.

She suddenly frowned. “Where are the twins?
It’s not like them to miss breakfast.”

Natalie gave Hannah an odd look. “Didn’t they
tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

They’ve been recruited.”

“What?” Hannah stared at her mother in

Natalie sighed and nodded. “Yes. A couple
days after the incident at the farmhouse, Jordan stopped by the
apartment and spoke to the boys about joining the recruit program.
They were all for it and they’re starting training this morning
with the other new recruits.”

They’re fifteen fucking years old!” Hannah
suddenly shouted and Natalie winced as she slammed her fists into
the top of the island. “They are way too fucking young to be in the
recruit program! Why the fuck did you let them sign up?”

She glared at her father as her eyes began to

Calm down, Hannah!” Jim barked as Natalie
reached out and took his hand. “They’re not our kids so technically
we couldn’t stop them from joining. We tried to convince them not
to but we couldn’t outright forbid it. They would have just joined

He gave Natalie a bitter look. “Jordan is
quite the salesman. He talked about how they have real talent for
killing vampires, kissed their genius little asses, and told them
they could go far in the program if they applied themselves.”

“That fucking asshole!” Hannah stood up and
her mother gasped loudly when she slammed her fists into the island
again and a wide crack appeared in the granite.

“Hannah – “

“I’m going to kill him.” She snapped as her
teeth lengthened into fangs.

“Sit down, Hannah!” Jim snapped at her. “You
need to calm down, right now.”

Ignoring him, her entire body rippling and a
low hoarse growl erupting from her throat, Hannah turned and ran
from the apartment. The door slammed shut behind her and Natalie
gave Jim a frightened look.

“Honey? What do we do?”

Jim stood and hurried to the door. “We find

* * *


“Line up, babies!” Mannie shouted over the
excited babble of the new recruits.

Move! I haven’t got all day!” He hollered
irritably and the dozen recruits scrambled to form a line as Will
and Constance entered the main training room.

“My name is Mannie and this is Constance and
Will. From this moment forward, your asses belong to us. Do you get

There were a few muttered replies and Mannie
rolled his eyes and shouted, “DO YOU GET ME?”

“We get you, sir!” The recruits shouted back
in unison.

“Good! First up – “

“Luther? Tyrone? What the hell are you doing
in here?” Will interrupted. He stared in surprise at the twins as
they gave him matching grins.

We’re recruits now, wolf boy.” Luther
replied before wiggling his eyebrows at Constance. “Hey, hottie.
You been missin’ Luther?”

“Watch your fucking mouth.” Mannie growled at

Who said you could be recruits?” Will
couldn’t hide his disbelief.

“That Jordan guy.” Tyrone replied. “He asked
us to join.”

Hell, he
us to join.” Luther snickered. He reached out and slapped
Constance on the ass. “How about later, you and I – “

He shouted in surprise when Constance
whipped around and knocked him off his feet. She glared down at
him. “Fifty push-ups, now.”

“C’mon now, don’t be like that.” Luther

She booted him lightly in the ass.
“Seventy-five. And if you slap my ass again, I’ll break your arm.

“Clear.” Luther muttered as Tyrone laughed

Keep laughing and you’ll be joining him.”
Constance said softly. Tyrone shut his mouth with a

“Will? Where are you going?” Mannie called as
Will turned and stomped toward the door.

To have a little conversation with that
asshole Jordan.” Will replied angrily.

* * *


Jordan stared at the computer screen in
front of him before scrubbing his hand across his face. He
picked up his cup of coffee,
sipping delicately at the hot liquid, before reaching into his top
drawer for a file. As he pulled the file free, the door to his
office burst open and Hannah ran into the room.

She was snarling at him and a thin thread
of fear went through him at the
sight of the large, sharp fangs protruding from her mouth.
He swallowed down his fear and smiled politely.

“Good morning, Hannah.”

“The twins aren’t joining the recruit
program.” She growled.

He raised his eyebrow at her. “Are you their
legal guardian, Hannah?”

“You know I’m not.” She snapped.

“Then I’m afraid you have no say over their
decision to join the recruit program.”

“They didn’t decide to join.” She spat. “You
talked them into it.”

“I merely
suggested they consider joining. They’re extremely talented young
men and we could use them in the program.”

fifteen years old, you idiot!”

“Watch your
mouth, Hannah!” Jordan said sharply. “I am well aware of their age
just like you’re well aware of their unique abilities when it comes
to killing vampires. That, combined with their intelligence, will
take them far in the program. Who knows what they’ll accomplish.
They could be the head of a facility by the time they’re thirty or
– “

“They could be
dead in six months!” Hannah shouted. “They’re too young to join the
program and you know it! Are you that fucking desperate for

“Frankly, this
is none of your business.” Jordan said firmly. “You’re not their
mother or their guardian and you’d be wise to watch your mouth. You
and your boyfriend are on thin ice with the Board of Directors as
it is and – “

“If you think
that I’m going to let you bring the twins into this fucking
miserable excuse for a life, you’re in for a surprise.” Hannah
snarled at him.

“You can’t stop
me.” Jordan said simply.

“Do you really
believe that?” Hannah asked silkily as hair sprouted on her face
and her nails began to lengthen into claws.

yourself, Hannah.” Jordan replied. He tried to sound firm but even
he could hear the fear in his voice and he took a shaky step back
when Hannah grinned fiercely.

“Take the twins
out of the program or you’ll regret it.” She warned.

“Are you
threatening me?” Jordan asked. “I’ll kick both you and Will out of
the facility if you are. Do you hear me? I won’t put up with your

“Take the twins
out of the program.” She said softly.

“No.” Jordan
said quietly.

With a howl of
rage, Hannah shifted fully, her clothes tearing apart to land in a
heap at her feet. Snarling and baring her fangs, she crouched down
as Jordan backed away.

“Don’t do this,

She howled
again, the sound deafening in the small office, and Jordan reached
into the top drawer of his desk and pulled out a gun. He pointed it
at Hannah as the door to his office was thrown open. Will, his face
grim, barreled into the room and threw himself at Hannah just as
she leapt for Jordan. Will’s large body hit her like a freight
train and she made a high yelp of pain and surprise as she was
driven into the wall. The plaster cracked and Jordan winced as
Hannah’s head bounced off the wall before she slid to the ground in
a heap. Whining softly, she stared dazedly at Will as her paws
scrabbled uselessly against the floor.

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