The Recruit (Book Three) (29 page)

Read The Recruit (Book Three) Online

Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

Tags: #vampires, #fantasy, #werewolves, #swords, #hunter, #bbw, #forbidden love, #shape shifters, #lycans, #kenjutsu

BOOK: The Recruit (Book Three)
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. His mind whispered.
Selena might still be alive

He picked up
the pace as a small flicker of hope went through him.

Chapter 22


Chen opened the
door of the gas station. The lights buzzed quietly as he stepped
into the store and checked his cell phone. There was still no
signal and he glanced at the others.


They checked
their phones and shook their heads no. As Chen started toward the
counter, Mallorie wandered to the back and Paul followed her. A
man, wearing jeans and a plaid shirt, stood silently behind the

“Good evening.”
Chen said politely.

The man nodded
as Chen glanced behind him. There was a second man, dressed
similarly in jeans and a striped t-shirt, filling the cooler with
bottles of soda and Chen nodded to him before turning back to the
man behind the counter. He wore a nametag with “Billy” written
across it and he studied Chen carefully. An odd shiver went down
Chen’s back and he had to stop himself from reaching for the sword
hidden beneath his long jacket.

“I’m wondering
if I can borrow your phone.” He asked. “We’ve had some car

“The phone is
for paying customers only.” The man had a thick, German accent and
Chen glanced again at the man in the aisle before smiling.

“I would, of
course, purchase something.” He placed a candy bar on the counter
in front of him. “May I use your phone?”

The man
shrugged and handed the cordless phone to Chen without speaking
before folding his arms across his chest and leaning against the

Chen held the
phone to his ear before placing it back on the counter. “It doesn’t
seem to be working.”

The man’s gaze
traveled over Chen’s missing hand. “Service goes in and out.”

“Do you have a
cell phone that works?”


“Our little
town is a long way from Germany.” Chen suddenly said.

The man
shrugged. “Perhaps.”

Chen stared at
the man. He returned his stare and Chen cursed loudly and took a
step back when something dark and cold flickered in the man’s

He pulled his
sword free as Mallorie screamed a warning.

“Paul! Look

There was a
loud crash and gunfire behind him but Chen didn’t turn. The man
behind the counter had leaped over it and was stalking toward him,
his fangs protruding from between his lips and his nails
lengthening into sharp talons.

“Do you believe
you can defeat me with only one hand?” The vampire hissed at

singing in his veins, Chen took another step back. He bumped into
the end rack. It was piled high with cans of beans and they crashed
downward, rolling crazily across the floor. The vampire in front of
him kicked away a can with an impatient hiss before stalking

“Lower your
sword and I will not harm you.” He held his hands up in a pacifying
manner. “You have my word.”

There was a
scream of pain from Mallorie and Chen’s head swivelled in her
direction. He had just enough time to see the second vampire
sinking its fangs into Mallorie’s throat before the leech in front
of him picked him up and threw him over the counter. He crashed
hard into the back wall, his legs knocking the long, narrow
cigarette case off the wall with a loud squeal. A grunt of pain
escaped him when his stump slammed against a rack of batteries, and
he fell to the floor. Packages of batteries rained down around him
and as the vampire leaped on to the counter, he realized his sword
was gone.

The vampire
landed on him with a heavy thud, knocking him flat to the floor, as
he caught the gleam of his sword just inches to his right. The
vampire wrapped his fingers in Chen’s hair and slammed his head
against the tile floor before yanking on it viciously.

“Just a little
taste before we take you to the barn, ja?” He drooled happily as he
opened his mouth and his fangs lengthened. He bent his head with
terrifying speed and squawked loudly when he was met by cold

Chen, panting
harshly, twisted his sword and shoved it further into the leech’s
open mouth. The tip of the sword burst through the back of the
vampire’s skull and it gagged loudly and scrambled to move when
Chen sat up. Chen pushed the vampire on to his back and pressed
both knees against its sternum.

Moving quickly,
he yanked the sword from the vampire’s mouth and sliced it across
the leech’s throat. As the sharp blade cut through its flesh like
warm butter, the vampire’s eyes widened, his hands drummed
helplessly on the floor and blood poured from his gaping mouth.
Chen pushed himself back as the vampire’s head and body turned to
ash and leaned against the wall. His heart was pounding, his stump
was throbbing and his entire body was shaking with adrenaline.

“Paul! Are you

“Dammit! Yeah,
I’m alright. I just got a mouthful of this fucker’s blood and

Chen took a
deep breath at the sound of Mallorie and Paul’s voices. A broken
carton of cigarettes was pressed up against his leg and he pulled a
package of cigarettes out and awkwardly ripped it open with one
hand. He placed a cigarette in his mouth as Mallorie’s voice rose
in alarm.

“Chen! Where
the hell is Chen?”

“I’m here.” He
called. There was the sound of footsteps and then Mallorie and Paul
peered over the counter. Paul was drenched in blood and ash, and
there was blood trickling down from the holes in Mallorie’s

“Holy shit,
master! Are you okay?” Paul, wincing a little, climbed over the
counter and set his sword on the floor. Mallorie holstered her gun
and followed him. The two of them joined Chen, squeezing onto the
floor of the narrow space.

“I’m fine.”

“Fuck, those
leeches were strong.” Paul said. “Mallorie’s bullet didn’t do shit,
and I was left with no choice but to stab him when he was drinking
from her. I thought I was going to fucking skewer her too.”

He glanced at
Mallorie’s ripped shirt. “Sorry about that.”

“You didn’t
even scratch me.” She fist bumped him before studying the cigarette
in Chen’s mouth. “I didn’t know you smoked, Chen.”

“I don’t.
Figured I’d give it a try.” He shrugged.

She frowned but
Paul reached over Chen’s head and snagged a lighter from the
display on the back counter. He shook out his own cigarette and lit
it before lighting Chen’s. He inhaled deeply and blew out a perfect
smoke ring before tossing Mallorie the cigarette package.

Chen inhaled
cautiously and Paul snickered when he coughed loudly. “Finally,
something I’m better than the master at.”

Chen grimaced
but took another cautious inhale as Mallorie sighed and shook out
her own cigarette. “When in fucking Rome, I guess.”

She lit her
cigarette and took a puff, coughing a little as her eyes began to
water. “We’re all going to die of lung cancer.”

“Dying of lung
cancer is the least of your worries, my pretty.” A deep voice spoke
above their heads.

The three of
them glanced upward and Paul cursed loudly as the four vampires
leaned over the counter and smiled at them.

The smallest
one stared at the pool of blood and ash. “Where are Marco and

“Did you check
the bathroom?” Paul asked innocently before taking another puff of
his cigarette.

laughed and Chen’s mouth twitched as the vampires scowled at

“Come with us,
if you please.” The smallest one said.

“And if we
don’t?” Chen asked.

“Why would you
not?” The vampire gave him a quizzical look. “You’re dead if you do

Paul, smoke
drifting across his face, stared at Chen. Chen shook his head
slightly and Paul’s hand which had been inching toward his sword,

“Well, when you
put it that way.” Paul replied before stubbing his cigarette out in
the pool of blood and ash. “We’d be happy to accompany you. Lead
the way, bloodsuckers.”

* * *


“Guten Abend.
My name is Olof.”

The sun had
just dipped below the horizon and the vampire smiled at Mannie and
the others as he entered the barn. His long dark hair was tied into
a neat bun at the back of his head and his bright blue eyes glowed.
He was trailed by the other vampires and Mannie counted nine in
total as they stood silently in the barn and stared at the

“I see you are
finally awake.” He glanced at the dark-haired vampire standing
behind him. “I was afraid my brother was a little too rough when he
threw you into the tree.”

“I have a hard
head.” Mannie replied.

“Indeed. Your
group is rather strong and clever for humans.” Olof crouched down
in front of Mannie and studied him thoughtfully. “Tell me why.”

shrugged. “Maybe the humans are just weak in Germany.”

Olof laughed.
“I think not. In fact, we have discovered that this country is ripe
for the taking. Both the humans and the vampires are pathetic,
snivelling creatures.”

He glanced
briefly at Judd before turning back to Mannie. “When we left
Germany, I told my brothers I would find us a new home. One where
the women were beautiful,” he smiled at Selena and Stephanie, “and
the blood flowed like wine. After many months of searching, we have
finally found it. I had no idea what riches there were across the
ocean. Now that I have discovered it, we will take what we want. It
is our birthright, after all.”

Tyrone burst out. “You assholes aren’t any better than the asshole
leeches we already have. We kick their asses and we’ll kick

A fleeting look
of annoyance crossed Olof’s face. “The young are so rude now. Do
you not agree, my friend?”

“I am not your
friend.” Mannie said softly.

Olof shrugged.
“Fair enough.”

“Where are our
friends?” Mannie asked.

Olof smiled.
“I’m afraid your friends are dead. My brothers and I hunted them
last evening. I’ll confess, it was the best hunt we’ve had in a
while. The young ones were rather cunning and fought bitterly to
the very end. So many of the humans we hunt give up too easily. It
takes the fun out of it. Isn’t that right, Lars?”

“Ja, Olof.” The
vampire answered immediately.

“You still
haven’t told me why your group was in the woods attacking the
vampires.” Olof said to Mannie.

“We didn’t
attack them. We were just having a bush party. They attacked us and
we defended ourselves.”

“Indeed. And
doing a rather remarkable job at it.” Olof snapped his fingers and
one of the vampires, he had short red hair and his face was covered
in freckles, crossed to a stall. He opened it and Mannie stared
silently at the contents. The stall was filled with purses and
backpacks, jackets, shoes, and a few articles of clothing.
Suitcases were stacked neatly to one side and in front of it all
were their weapons.

“Wooden stakes,
guns with bullets filled with ultraviolet light, and,” he paused
again and perused Alex’s face carefully, “an actual sword.”

There was
silence and Olof sighed softly. “Odd items to bring to a bush

“Are they?”
Mannie asked. “We don’t think so.”

Anger flickered
across Olof’s face and he reached out lightning quick and slapped
Mannie hard across the face. “Listen to me, you ignorant little
worm, I have killed more humans over my lifetime than I can
remember. I will not hesitate to kill you and your friends if you
do not tell me what I want to know. Do you understand?”

Mannie shrugged
and Olof snarled at him and grabbed him by the hair. He yanked his
head forward and pointed toward the stall. “Do you see all of that?
We have been here but a few short months and that stall is nearly
filled with the belongings of the people we have killed. Your
belongings will join them shortly. Do not doubt that. Refusing to
tell me what I want to know will not lengthen your lifespan.”

“Go ahead and
do it then, you blood-sucking scumbag.” Mannie spat in his face.
“You keep talking about killing me so just do it already. I haven’t
got all fucking night!”

Olof’s face
reddened with rage and he shoved Mannie back before standing and
picking up Alex’s sword from the stall. He held it lightly,
studying it in the dim light before walking toward Stephanie.

“I will cut
pieces of flesh from this pretty little girl until she’s screaming
and begging for mercy. I will not stop until you tell me what I
want to know.”

He held the
sword against Stephanie’s leg and smiled at Mannie. “I know you’re
hiding something. This brown beauty has been bitten before as has
that one.” He pointed at Luther. “My brothers and I can smell it on
them so we know you are not unfamiliar with our kind. Tell me what
I want to know.”

He pressed the
tip of his sword into Stephanie’s leg and the young woman groaned
hoarsely when blood bloomed through her jeans.

“Don’t you tell
him a fucking thing, Mannie!” She suddenly snapped defiantly.

“That’s my
girl.” Tyrone said approvingly. Lars slapped him across the head
and Tyrone grunted with pain as Olof shook his head.

“Ahh, the
bravery of youth. You’re a stupid girl. Brave but stupid.” He
raised the sword and held it over Stephanie’s ankle. “This might
hurt, my sweet.”

“Wait!” Mannie
shouted as Olof brought the sword down in a whistling arc. He
stopped it just above Stephanie’s ankle and smiled at Mannie.


“We hunt
vampires, okay? We hunt them and kill them.”

Olof grinned at the other vampires. “How many hunters do you

“Just what you
see.” Mannie said bitterly. “A few of us were bitten and we decided
to do something about it.”

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