The Reef (44 page)

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Authors: Mark Charan Newton

BOOK: The Reef
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It was only when Manolin stopped doing things that he really thought about his own life much. He wanted someone to love him. Or, at the very least, to show some care for him. He felt lonely at times on the island, being far away from the comforts of home, not that there were many -but he was getting used to it. He was getting to an age where he felt he needed to make his career, to settle down. He didn’t want to repeat the bad choices he had already made. He wanted to be sensible, and chose a girl who would not hurt him. Vaguely, his mind drifted to Becq.

She wasn’t all that bad, he thought. She wouldn’t argue much. It would certainly be the rational choice, but he prided himself on not being rational. She would be the settling type. She would not fuck other men in his house.

And that was something to bear in mind.

The next morning, before sunrise, Manolin was ready to walk back down to see Forb. As he was leaving, one of the ichthyocentaurs stopped him, handed him a small leaf package. He opened it to see a crushed blue plant.
He’ll need this,
the ichthyocentaur signed.

Manolin nodded, headed down to the beach.

As he entered the hut, Santiago trotted up the steps behind. ‘Ah, I hear the patient has recovered.’ ‘Yes, I’m popping to see how he is.’ ‘Where were you last night then?’ ‘Up at the ichthyocentaurs’ village,’ Manolin said. ‘Any reason?’ Santiago said. ‘Just wanted to get to know them. You know, really understand them, not from a purely scientific view.’

‘Fair enough,’ Santiago said.

They walked inside.

Forb was sat up on the bed. ‘Ah, Manolin, Santiago.’

‘Hey, Forb,’ Manolin said.

‘Doc,’ Santiago said.

‘I seem to have been away for a bit,’ Forb said, laughing. ‘I apologise for not being a better host.’

Manolin thought he sounded weak despite his light-heartedness. ‘I’ll forgive you. Just don’t let it happen again.’ Then, ‘How’re you feeling?’

‘So, so. Been better, obviously. So, tell me what happened then?’

‘You crashed into Soul’s boat as he was trying to leave the island,’ Manolin said.

‘Did I get him?’

‘We reckon so,’ Santiago said. ‘Calyban and Soul had some sort of fight in the night. Soul shot Calyban and tried to flee.’

‘Really?’ Forb frowned. ‘That’s odd. Why would he shoot him?’

‘Who knows?’ Santiago said. ‘Disagreement probably. Anyway, they were trying to send a message, if you remember?’

‘Hmm. I think so,’ Forb said. ‘Can’t really remember all of it.’

‘Well, you stopped any definite message getting out, by running into Soul,’ Santiago said. Forb blinked. ‘Well that’s something.’ ‘Here-’ Manolin handed over the plant package. ‘I spent last night with the ichthyocentaurs. As I left one gave me this.’

‘Oh.’ Forb took the package, unwrapped it. His face darkened.

‘Not what you expected?’ Manolin said. ‘Forb?’

‘Urn, yes ... Yes. Thank you.’

Manolin looked over to Santiago. ‘If you fancy some rest, then we can leave you to it.’ ‘Thanks. Oh, Manolin. Can I have a quick word?’ ‘Sure.’ He turned to Santiago. ‘I’ll be out in a second.’ Santiago nodded, and left the room. ‘Manolin, was I given any of this whilst I was unconscious?’ ‘Urn, let me have a look.’ Manolin leaned in closer. ‘No, definitely not anything that colour. I think they tried, but you couldn’t swallow.’

Forb sat back, closed his eyes, sighed.

‘Why?’ Manolin asked. ‘Is everything all right?’

‘Remember a while ago I told you about a plant that the ichthyocentaurs had found for me?’ His eyes were still closed. A greater level of pain was displayed on his face during the discussion of this subject.

‘The one you needed?’

‘Yes, well this is it.’

‘Oh,’ Manolin said.

‘And I haven’t been taking it,’ Forb said.

‘Oh. That’s ... ‘

‘Not good,’ Forb said. ‘Not good at all.’ He opened his eyes, turned to Manolin. Then he reached over and picked up Manolin’s hand.

Manolin felt uncomfortable with the gesture. He looked down at the hands and to his left, before he could look Forb in the eye. The doctor was smiling.

Manolin thought it a strange smile, like that of an old man who had just realised he’d been doing the wrong thing all his life, or had been tricked by an old enemy. It was the least happy smile that Manolin had ever seen.

‘I’ll leave you to think for a while,’ Manolin said. Forb nodded. ‘Oh, one last thing. Have any more ichthyocentaurs been killed since I’ve been here?’

‘No. None at all. Perhaps our trip down there scared them off, what with the electric shocks.’


Manolin pulled his hand free, carefully, then left the hut. He had a strange feeling in his chest. As he passed, Myranda and Lewys walked in.

Manolin smiled as he could hear the doctor greeting his son loudly, maintaining a positive air. It took him some moments to contemplate the significance of what Forb was really getting at. Was he dying quickly because of not taking the remedies? It saddened Manolin to think this way. Bonds had formed between the two of them.

He stepped towards the beach to think about the doctor. As he was staring out to the pale horizon, squinting, Becq tapped him on his shoulder.

‘Hey,’ he said. ‘How’s things?’

‘Good, good,’ she said. ‘Look, I found some really sweet fruits on the south of the island. Want to come and see?’ ‘Sure, why not.’ The two walked along the beach around the island. There were a couple of cirrus clouds, thin and pale. It was getting warmer.

‘You lonely here?’ she asked.

‘Lonely?’ he said. ‘A little. It’s quiet here. Forces you to look at yourself. That can make you uncomfortable, I guess. Not so much a loneliness in that respect.’

She nodded. ‘Not many people do that.’

‘Nope, especially back at home. You don’t get the chance to.’

‘Or, people don’t want to,’ she said.

‘Possibly,’ Manolin said.

‘Look, I know it’s probably out of line asking you, Manolin, but I know you had a few personal problems when you left Escha.’ Manolin was silent. ‘You had a fight with your wife, didn’t you? How do you feel now?’

Manolin sighed, stepping the other side of Becq so that he was in the shade from the forest. ‘How do I feel? I think the distance helps. There’re no reminders-you know, places you visit, bars you go out to. Nothing to remind me of her. I think I’m less angry, too. Again, the distance.’

‘Will you see her when you get back?’

‘I’ve never really thought about it. I don’t know. Possibly. I don’t want to anyway.’ ‘She hurt you, didn’t she?’ Manolin smiled. ‘Yeah, something like that.’ Then, ‘It was good to make that mistake at a young age. At least I won’t do it again in a hurry. Or, knowing me, I will.’

Becq was playing with strands of her blonde hair. ‘We should all go for some drinks when we get back. Celebrate returning with a clean slate. I think a lot of us feel changed the last few months. I reckon we all feel put right somehow.’

‘Really? How’ve you changed?’

‘Well, I feel more confident here. I feel more sensual. Yana’s the same. It just makes you more sure of yourself, you know? Anyway, things move too fast in Escha. People don’t stop and talk. There’s no choice here-you’ve got to talk. It’s pretty rude otherwise.’

‘True. Your dad’s changed a bit. I’m not sure if he’s become more tense or something.’

‘I know what you mean. He’s ignored me most of my life. Guess you never really see that side of him. I think he would’ve preferred a son. But, he seems tenser these days. He snaps more.’

‘Maybe he doesn’t like us youngsters.’

Becq laughed. ‘I think you’ve changed, too.’

‘How so?’

‘You seem calmer. More assertive.’

‘Not having a psycho wife does that to you.’

‘I guess so,’ Becq said. ‘But really, you seem more aware and tolerant-not that you weren’t before. I feel I can talk with you more.’

‘Well, that’s a good thing, I suppose.’

Becq was silent for a moment. ‘Manny, what was that thing you all saw? Ever since my dad was down there, he’s been different.’

After she said the question, Manolin realised that she had been working up the nerve to pry. The secret of what lay underwater burned away. ‘I wish I knew, Becq. I wish I knew.’

‘No one’s said anything about it since then,’ she said. ‘I asked him and he continued as if I’d never asked the question.’ She stopped at looked across the fringe of the forest. ‘We’re here. Ah, here’s the tree.’

She reached up and picked a large mango. ‘Here you go.’

Manolin looked at it. ‘Splendid, I was wondering where the natives were getting it from.’ Then, smiling, ‘I see you’re enticing me with your sweet fruit.’


Jella and Lula lay naked on the bed below deck, staring at the wooden ceiling, listening to the sound of the waves striking the boat. They were sweating as they had just fucked. They were now talking about the future. Lula turned her head and her eyes settled on Jella’s breasts. The rumel woman was conscious of this fact, and she raised her chest a little for Lula to place her hand upon her.

They lay together for some time.

‘I’m a little worried,’ Lula said.

‘I know you are.’ ‘I love you,’ Lula said.

After a moment’s silence, Jella said, ‘I know.’

‘What’s wrong?’

‘Sorry, Lula. I’m worried, too. I try not to think about it.’

You should,’ Lula said. ‘You should open up more, and not be so closed to me.’

Jella sighed, glanced down at the top of Lula’s head. She kissed it smelled her fragrant hair. ‘You keep saying this. It’s just the way I am. I’ll try and be different.’

‘But we might not have much time left,’ Lula said.

‘Of course we will.’

‘How can you be so sure?’

Lula moved her leg so that it was on top of Jella’s. It felt so smooth-that simple difference of skin quality never lost its appeal to the rumel. For someone so rough as her, it was a wonderful escape.

‘Because I’ve studied for years and I have a plan. That’s why. I’m confident. We should cheer up because everything will be fine.’ ‘What will we do when it’s all over?’ Lula said.

Jella reflected on the question for a few seconds. The last years of their lives had been spent studying, planning, preparing for their mission. It was all their lives consisted of. This line of contemplation would always reach a wall, and it was as if she was not able to get past it. ‘Then we’ll form another plan.’

‘Why? Why can’t go somewhere north of Rhoam? I want to settle, and look after you.’

‘I’m not that old,’ Jella said, laughing.

‘I know, but you know what I mean. This is all I’ve known. I want to do something different. And after this trip, you will have got your justice, wouldn’t you?’

‘There’s a long way to go yet. Getting to Quidlo is only half the job. We’ve got to trail back to Escha. Then we’ll have to go over land again. In fact, we’re probably a third of the way there. We can talk about the future later, yes?’

Lula sighed. ‘It just feels like the end. It’s such a long way to go.’ ‘Well, the difficult bit’s coming up. After that it’s easy. Just sailing. Come on, be positive.’ ‘I know,’ Lula said. ‘I’m hungry though. We can’t keep living off fish.’

‘Then we’ll stop at an island and get some more fruit.’ Jella turned Lula over on her back, kissed her. She drew her tail up the inside of Lula’s legs, up to the top. The girl was still wet from before.

‘You can’t get away with it that easily, you know,’ Lula said. Jella kissed her soft neck.

Jella sat up on top of Lula. ‘I can try.’ She slipped her tail inside. Lula grunted, closed her eyes, drew her knees up, all the time groaning slowly. As Jella leaned forwards to kissed Lula’s chest, the girl opened her eyes to stare at the ceiling. Although the rumel could see this, the fact that her human lover might not be fully interested in sex, she continued, would try harder until she gave satisfaction.

Jella stepped up on the deck. Menz, Yayle and Gabryl were all standing on one side of the boat, taking turns at staring through a telescope into the direction from which they had come. She walked over. Above her, the sail was tight with the wind. On one side of the deck were the carcasses of whales. She did not know what species they were, but the stench was horrendous.

‘Hey, guys. How’re we doing?’ she said.

Menz and Gabryl turned. Yayle continued to look out to sea. Menz’s tail, which was motionless. Gabryl ran his hand through his beard. ‘What’s wrong?’ she said. ‘It appears,’ Gabryl said, ‘that there are one or two ships following us.’

‘One or two?’ Jella said. ‘What?’

‘Well, a few, actually,’ Gabryl said.

‘Let me-’ She stepped past them and took the telescope from Yayle, who stumbled back, cursing. She raised the telescope, thrust it at the horizon. She could see only the sea and the sky. ‘Where are they?’

‘To the right.’ Gabryl tilted the end of the telescope for her. She could see, in a tight formation and hazy because of the distance, seven shapes, small and neat, facing them. ‘Those’re the one’s we can see,’ Menz said. ‘Ain’t gonna be surprised if there’s more.’

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