The Reformer (13 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: The Reformer
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“You know I don't hate you, silly girl. Nor will I send you away. Ever. I promise,” Ryan assured her. “Now go wash your face and meet me in the study. You have lessons to finish.”

With a loud sigh, Aryanna nodded, standing. On an impulse, she reached forwards and kissed boldly, pressing her lips against his and opening her mouth slightly to allow access to his tongue. Ryan was unable to resist her sweetness and devoured her mouth hungrily. He had been with women before, especially when he had gone over to America, and had learned many different ways to pleasure them. They had all said that his mouth was his gift, and by the way Aryanna groaned as he kissed her, he believed it to be true. She melted in his embrace and felt like she had become part of him. His cock rose solidly, wanting her closer. He gently pulled away and touched her crushed mouth with a finger.

“No more distractions. Let's get to work,” he said, clearing his throat. Aryanna blushed, pulling away in embarrassment over her unladylike behavior. She did not see the ‘interest’ that bulged from his pants or that his own breath had quickened with want. She scurried to the basin, partly to cool off her heated face and partly to hide her shame. She had thrown herself at him like a wanton woman! But he had kissed her back. Aryanna groaned, realizing her dilemma. She was falling in love with this handsome, stern man and desired nothing more than to make him love her back. How? She would learn! That was important to him. She lifted her chin and looked at her reddened eyes in the mirror. Yes, she would show him that she was everything he wanted her to be.

Ryan rubbed his temples, waiting for Aryanna to return. He had broken the golden rule of reforming. Don't fall in love. And he had fallen. Hard.


* * *


Eliza smoothed her dress nervously as she waited for the arrival of The Lord and Lady Remington. Martha had warned her that the lady was as skilled with a wooden spoon as she and advised the young women to watch her manners and her tone of voice. The Lady had no patience for petulance, either, so Eliza was advised to remain pleasant and cooperative. Eliza's eyes widened when she discovered Brigit was ever stricter than the earl!

“Sit straight, girl, and do not even think about sassing back again,” Brigit ordered as the three sat for their evening meal. Eliza had already tried to argue that she preferred to eat apart from the Remingtons since she was being treated as a child still in the nursery. Brigit would hear none of her reasons or excuses to avoid their presence.

“I told you that as long as you are in our home, you will be treated as a member of this family. My own son sat at the table with us for all our meals, and that is the way it shall be done.”

“Madam, propriety…”

“Eliza, you heard what Mama said. Not another sound. Now eat,” Gerard scolded. Eliza lowered her face to stare at her plate. She hated how they treated her. It was so demeaning and vulgar! She flushed, realizing that Aryanna, the young Russian girl who she had sent away, was probably receiving the same type of care. Well, at least that saucy brat didn’t have to deal with the likes of Lady Brigit! Martha was many years her senior and the earl was an older man, so it was proper to submit to his authority. But the Lady Remington… Eliza disliked the pretty woman immensely. She had never felt so intimidated by someone before.

“Respond to Papa, Eliza, or I will be forced to be stern with you,” Brigit ordered, her green eyes firmly planted as she stared at the young woman before her.

“Yes, Papa. I apologize,” Eliza muttered.

“Martha? Tell me, has this child been sulky like this all day?”

“No, ma'am. We had some difficulties this morning, but her behavior improved immensely after we had a good long talk.”

Brigit frowned, eyeing Gerard knowingly. “Tomorrow we will deal with this attitude. I am too tired from our trip and want to spend some time with my husband. Eliza? Help Martha with the dishes and then go to bed.”

“Dishes? But…” she noticed Gerard's dark look and gulped. “Yes, Lady Remington.”

Gerard nodded with approval and stood, offering his hand to his wife. “Come my dear, let's go talk. Sleep well, child,” he leaned over to kiss Eliza on the forehead. Brigit did the same, holding the younger woman's face in her hand.

“You really are a beautiful girl, but we need to remove this sourness. We'll spend some time together tomorrow. Maybe a good night's sleep will help you not be so surly, yes?”

“I'm not surly…” Eliza grumbled under her breath.

Brigit raised her brow, somewhat amused but the woman’s stubbornness. She was so much like the way Brigit has been when she first began her training! “After tomorrow, you certainly won't be. Good night, Martha. Thank you for a wonderful meal.”

“My pleasure, missus. You, clear the table,” Martha ordered. Eliza slowly rose, her face scrunched in a frown. Martha snatched her arm, turning Eliza to face her. “What bee got caught in your bonnet, missy?”

“I don't know. I don't like her. She's bossy! And I will
call her mama! She can’t be more than ten years my senior!”

“Do you need another spooning to teach you manners, girl? Lady Brigit is a reformer, just as her husband and son. Don't look so surprised. You know that she was one of the first to be taken through this training and knows better than any of them what is required.”

“I don't care. I don't like her.” Eliza stomped her foot.

“Your pouting is very unbecoming, young lady. I'll wash, you dry,” Martha ordered, hiding a smile. The woman was finally starting to regress and exhibit childlike behaviors. Good, once that happened, then she could be molded.

Eliza grumbled some more as she helped the old woman with her chores, finding that the task were not difficult or distasteful. She also found herself to be exhausted, yawning uncontrollably as they completed the job at hand. She barely remembered Martha changing her for bed or tucking her into the bed with a bottle of cool water. With a contented smile, she drifted into a deep sleep, finding solace in the protective confines of her bassinet.


* * *


Gerard chuckled as he slowly unbuttoned Brigit's dress, caressing her silky shoulders as it rustled to the floor. “I missed having you in my bed, my dear. Your skin is so soft and tastes so sweet,” he murmured, bringing his lips to the back of her neck. Brigit shuddered with anticipation and turned towards him, still dressed in several layers of undergarments. One by one, like unwrapping a gift, he peeled them from her until she stood naked before him. He released her long, red hair from its pins and draped it over her pale flesh, smoothing it over her delectable breasts. The years had matured her, making her figure more womanly and desirable. Despite having given birth, she still maintained a firm, flat abdomen, and her full breasts and pebbled nipples continued to look up to greet his eager mouth.

“How much have you missed me?” Brigit teased, pulling away from his caress impishly.

Gerard's eyes twinkled, “Enough to know I will have you and will not allow you to resist me.”

“And what if I should resist you? What if,” she purred, increasing their distance, “I wish to go to sleep and not be touched?”

“Your body belongs to me, wife, and I shall have it as I please,” Gerard announced, familiar with her 'cat and mouse' game. It meant she was in a rowdy mood and wanted things to be a little courser than usual. He was more than happy to oblige.

“My body is my own, Lord Remington. And I have decided that you are not to seek pleasure in it this evening,” Brigit commented, strolling towards her bureau and pulling out a nightdress. Gerard yanked it from her hands, tossing it out of reach before grabbing her wrists. He pressed her against the piece of furniture, holding her arms roughly above her head and looking down into her grinning face.

“This body is mine!” he growled, unhitching his trousers with his free hand. “And I will take it as I please.”

“I think not, sir,” Brigit cooed back, already feeling her body moistening with excitement. “I have not given say that you may have me. Sir! What are you doing to me?” She yelped as he dragged her bodily to the bed, pushing her over the side with her bottom in the air.

“I am claiming what is mine, woman,” Gerard stated, sending a harsh smack across the smooth, white peaks of her bottom. Brigit groaned in pleasure, making him repeat the gesture several times in continuum. Her bottom began to sting, and she wiggled it desperately, begging for more, while offering false protects and halfhearted attempts to disengage herself from his solid hold.

“You must stop this, I… OH!” Brigit exclaimed as she felt his pulsing organ suddenly plunge into her from behind. Gerard held her hips firmly in both hands, rocking his cock into the deepest recess of her womanhood. Brigit cried out in both pain and pleasure as he took her from behind, her senses heightening as his pelvis ground against her stinging backside. Harder and harder he lunged, his eyes shut with feral pleasure. Brigit clutched the bedclothes, her legs spread wide for his encounter, and whimpered in delight as he exploded his hot seed through the depths of her body. She reached between her legs and touched her swollen clit, clutching his manhood with her inner muscle as she quickly brought herself to orgasm. Gerard moaned as she tightened her grip around his spent manhood and spasmed around the sensitive head of his buried cock.

He collapsed over her back as they both caught their breath. Brigit slowly turned her body under him after he slid from her and wrapped her legs around his waist.

“You’re still dressed, Gerard. You devil,” Brigit whispered huskily, nipping his neck with her tiny, white teeth. He groaned, feeling himself beginning to grow once again.

“I need to be twenty years younger to keep up with your needs, my darling.”

“Hmm, maybe if I remove these restrictions from you, you will have more energy to play?” Brigit asked roguishly, hurriedly removing his clothes until he stood, naked and majestic before her. She sighed, running her hands over his body. Hard work kept him fit, as did not indulging in excess liquor or smoking. He had even adopted the healthy eating habits of the far east, with many vegetables, lean meat and fish, and very little lard. He was even more handsome now than the day they met, and her desire for him never ceased.

“What are you doing?” Gerard asked, hands on his hips and very amused as his wife studied his body with eagerness.

She looked up at him, her eyes glittering like emerald pools. “I was just thinking how nice it would be to ride you as one would a horse.”

“Would it now? Perhaps I should gather a bridle and a crop to assist you in this curiosity,” Gerard questioned, his manhood lifting as he became more aroused. Brigit nodded and watched as he removed a long jute rope from his chest of drawers. “Stand up. I learned this when I was visiting King Edward. It’s called Kinbaku.”

“What is it?” Brigit asked, eagerly jumping to her feet.

“Japanese rope bondage. It’s very beautiful and very erotic. I learned a few knots that I’ve been waiting to practice. Well?”

“My body is yours, my love. Show me your new skill,” Brigit begged, her excitement growing as she watched him carefully unravel the cord and then fold it in half to make a loop. He then coiled both ends so he could keep control of the tension as he bound her. Brigit gasped as he placed the rope to the back of her neck and then slowly drew it to the front of her body, crossing it over her breasts. He pulled the ends underneath the panting mounds and around her back, where he then threaded both rope ends under the original loop. Pulling down gently, her breasts were lifted! He then drew the ends down to between her bottom cheeks, pulling to keep her breasts lifted as he strung the ends between her legs, parting her swollen lips with the rope. Gerard glanced at her face. Brigit was shivering with excitement! Pleased, he continued his artwork upon her pale flesh.

The two ends where drawn up over her stomach and threaded through the ‘v’ between her breasts, forcing her vulva to spread wider and the rope to penetrate the sensitive crack of her backend, rubbing delightfully against her bottom hole. He paused, and with an evil grin, produced a small wooden device.

“Where have you been hiding these things, husband? What is that for?”

“As you know, Dr. Freud has a theory that we are stimulated most carnally by anal penetration. This is a dilator. It goes into your bottom.”

“Will it hurt?” Brigit asked.

“No, but it will give you some new sensations.”

She held her breath as he bent her partially trussed body over his raised knee and gently inserted his finger deep into her wetness, bring its moisture up to lubricate her winking entrance. Satisfied that she was ready, he slowly pressed the plug into her rosy hole after pushing aside the rope. She whimpered, unaccustomed to this type of penetration, and forced herself to relax under his hand. This was her Gerard, the man she trusted with every part of her being. She knew he would never cause her harm.

When she had relaxed, he replaced the ropes between her bottom, forcing the plug to stay in place. Standing her once again, he watched as she fidgeted to accept the unusual invasion. Satisfied, he returned to the roping. Tightening the ropes by pulling them down through the ‘v’ of her breasts, he split them once again and drew them behind her back. Step by step, he soon had a diamond pattern over her abdomen and her wrists bound to her sides. Brigit groaned as the bonds tightened and glided over her restrained body, the friction changing each time she moved, touching one erotic zone after another. In a final swoop, Gerard laid her upon the bed and secured the rope ends to the posts. Brigit was completely captive to his mercies and became a slave to his mouth and tongue.


Chapter Nine



Ryan yawned, stretching his arms over his head as he slowly awoke from his slumber. He had spent a good part of the evening with Aryanna, amused by her insistence on reading aloud to him. The spanking had apparently renewed her desire to please him, and he found her efforts charming… albeit exhausting.

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