The Reformer (21 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: The Reformer
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“Really? Do you agree with this conclusion, Ary?”

“Yes, Lord Ryan. These are very pretty, but I cannot run in long skirts. I am happy we are not made to wear corsets,” she shuddered. “Please do not make me wear this all the time.”

“We do not believe in inhibiting one from breathing for means of fashion. Better a stout waist than a blue face, as Father says,” Ryan laughed. “And you do see that my lady mother never ties herself. So do not be concerned.”

The three chatted happily on their course to Gerard's home, and the girls appeared excited as they were escorted inside. Gerard and Jack rose to greet them, with Jack not missing the opportunity to tease about the need for hats in the absence of the sun. Eliza gave him the courtesy of a blush, while Aryanna wrinkled her nose in confusion, not understanding his implication.

After a delightful meal, Jack rose and extended his hand to Eliza. “Madam, if you would be so kind to take a stroll around the garden with me, I would be a very happy man.”

“Um… I thank you, sir, but… Papa?” Eliza looked at Gerard, “Please explain for me.” She sounded upset, confused, and uncertain.

“It sounds to me, by the tone of your voice, that you would enjoy a walk. Go on, child. I trust Jack with your safety. Please try to recall, I have no need for the confines of social etiquette when we are within my home and out of view of nosey neighbors.”

A smile lit across Eliza's face, and she quickly excused herself from the table, taking Jack's proffered arm. Gerard sipped his wine, looking quite pleased with himself. Ryan raised a brow.

“You summoned him here, didn't you, Father? For the purpose of meeting Eliza.”

“Whatever makes you say that, son? That type of meddling falls in your mother’s department, not mine. I simply was interested in seeing my old friend and hearing of his recent exploits in the Americas.” Gerard snickered. “Ary? What do you think about this coupling?”

“He is a very nice man, Papa. Eliza said he is good to watch,” she giggled. “Her face turns pink when she speaks of him, and she fans herself as though she is warm.”

Gerard chuckled again and then turned toward the knock at the door. Glancing at the clock, he frowned as he went to answer it.

“We have a bit of a problem, Ryan. Your mother has raised a mutiny against the headmaster,” Gerard announced upon his return, reading a post in his hand.

“Pardon? Mother did what?”

“She gathered all the staff together to strike against the headmaster. The children are behind her as well. She is demanding his resignation on the grounds of neglect and abuse of office.”

“This is not like Mother… what brought this on?”

“Actually, it is like your mother. However, she does tend to be foxier in her schemes. That call was from an officer who was summoned to arrest her. The staff won't allow him entry. He has also called the magistrate,” Gerard sighed, swallowing his wine. “That poor gentleman must be tired of seeing her name come before him by now.”

“Stewart called the police against Mother?” Ryan sounded as surprised as he looked. “The magistrate knows her?”

Aryanna gripped his arm, “Not let them hurt Mama! Stop them.”

“He was the one who sentenced her to reform when she was a child. He’s had multiple run-ons with her since,” Gerard smiled warmly. “Don't worry, my dear. Mama will be fine. We should go retrieve her though. Ryan, please have the driver assemble the large carriage so that we all might go. I am going to send a post to the Chairman about this problem and let him be advised of my solution. I am certain he, and the rest of the Board, will be fully compliant.”

“Pulling rank, Father? How noble of you!” Ryan teased, standing.

“If my lady wife feels the need to exercise her voice in such an unconventional manner, then I must trust it to be of import. Ary, will you please find Jack and Eliza and tell them what we are doing?”

Aryanna hastened to obey and raced to find the couple. Jack had Eliza pressed against the ivy and was kissing her hand when they were discovered. Aryanna giggled and quickly informed them of the situation, elbowing Eliza as she, once again, fanned herself. The five departed the grounds within the hour. Aryanna nodded towards Ryan, tilting her head towards the other couple and pointing out the budding romance. Jack was holding Eliza's hand with comfortable familiarity, and she leaned carelessly against his arm. Gerard, meanwhile, stared out the window, contemplating the best manner in which to conduct himself and bring resolution to the situation at the school.

It took them nearly three hours to arrive, guided by hanging lanterns over the carriage and taking slow care with the horses and wheels over the dry, pitted roads. Gerard raised his hand before allowing any of them to exit. “I ask that you allow me to handle this situation. Ladies, I wish you to maintain silence and decorum, regardless of the activities. Are you able to do this for me?”

“Yes, Papa,” both girls said, glancing at each other in confusion.

“Very good. Gentlemen, please remain well-mannered and dignified. Ryan, no temper. Understood? I need you to make certain that your mother is well and out of harms reach.”

“Yes, Father. I do have some self-control. At times. As long as there is no harm to Mother or my girls, I promise not to knock Henry Stewart onto his fat, English ass,” Ryan grinned.

“Son, if that be the case, you will wait in line for me to finish first. I understand that he locked the school completely, including the kitchens, so I have no idea how long it has been since the children have had food or drink.”

“They were being severely rationed as it were, Papa. Mr. Stewart had ordered cut backs in order to save money.” Eliza stated, grasping Jack’s hand.

“And what was he doing with the monies we sent him? Padding his own pocket? That is theft… No wonder he protested my looking over the ledgers. Well, his reign has come to a bitter end, children. I swear upon my family and the Hidden Glenn of Clan O’Ryan, that this be so.”


“That was for your mother’s benefit, in case she inquires.”

The five exited the carriage and were met by the constable who stood with frustration before the locked gate to the school. He and Gerard spoke quietly for a while as Ryan's eyes sifted through the crowd of staff and students to seek out his mother. Her red hair stood out like a beacon.

“Mother! What is this nonsense?” he demanded, pressing his face against the grid of the gate.

“Hello, darling,” Brigit smiled, making her way through the crowd, “I'm conducting a tiny lesson on social sciences and civil rights.”

“Mama! Are you alright?” Eliza and Aryanna rushed to the gate.

“My sweets girls! Of course I am. They,” she swept her hand behind her, “are learning how to stand up for themselves and one another. I am so proud. Jackson! How good to see you!”

“I wish I could greet you properly, Brigit, but we seem to have some bars between us. What brought about this stand down?”

Brigit shared the events with them, including the headmaster’s comments and threats. Ryan's eyes began to blaze with anger as Jack took on a look of amusement.

“I would have loved to see that little Irish troll escape,” he laughed, squeezing her hand through the fence. “So, what is your position now?”

“All the staff and students are striking. Mr. Stewart has holed himself up in the building, probably crying by now, and has locked all doors to prevent our entry, including the kitchens. Everyone is ready to take back the form and dignity of this school,” Brigit said proudly. “I just wish the little ones did not have to suffer while we did so. They are very hungry and need water.”

“Father does not look pleased, Mother.”

“Yes, I realize that. Eliza? Honey, why are you crying?”

Eliza broke down in a loud sob, throwing herself into Jack's surprised arms. “This is all my fault! All of it. I am so sorry. He always seemed to approve of my methods and never stopped me. I wanted to gain his approval, so I did as instructed. He always praised me for my sternness. I was such a fool! All to catch the eye of a man because I was lonely.”

“Darling, listen to me,” Jack said, lifting her chin up to look at him. “Stewart is the headmaster. His job was to monitor all the activities of the school, not leave them to you. Nor was his job to starve these girls so he could fatten his wallet. He failed the school, the students, the staff, and you. He took advantage of your position in life and used it to cause harm. That is not your fault. He conned you, baby.”

“You don't understand. I am just like him! I informed him of my plans…”

“And he approved and encouraged them. No, Eliza,” Ryan said, taking her hand. “Jack is right. This is not your doing, and I deeply apologize for having not recognized that.”

“Eliza? You are not like Headmaster. You are…” Aryanna searched for words, “my friend.”

“I am? Even after the terrible things I did to you?” Eliza stood with her eyes wide and amazed.

Aryanna nodded and reached to hug the woman. Their embrace was long and cleansing, with Eliza finally pulling back. “Thank you, Ary. I have never had a friend before.”

“Well, now it seems as though you have many. If I'm not mistaken, those are people from our tenancy!” Ryan stated, noticing carriages and horses pulling up to the fencing and a multiple of people approaching them.

“No, Lord Ryan… they are here for the Lady,” Eliza began before she was surrounded by a dozen younger children hugging her skirts and calling her name. She touched the little heads and looked up with surprise at the children’s mothers. “I don’t understand…”

“My Ladyship! Are you well? We got word from the butler about the school and remembered what Miss Eliza had done to help with our children. We wanted to give back, if we could. We brought food and water.”

“I did not do anything. I am confused…”

“These are children you read to, Eliza, while Ary and the others were in the kitchens. You have a family and a home here now,” Ryan said kindly, feeling his mother squeeze his hand. The sound of a clearing throat made them all turn around.

“Are we having a family reunion here or seeking means to defend a criminal of justice?”

“Magistrate Bates! How good to see you, sir!” Brigit smiled, reaching her hand through the fence.

“Lady Remington… how often must I see you finding yourself in hot water?” the old man chuckled. “Was not the last time when you hid the riding whip from the postal master?”

“If you had ever been struck by a whip, sir, you would have understood,” Brigit said with her chin raised.

“I did understand, young woman, which is why you did not suffer any consequences.”

“No consequences? I had to deal with those once we arrived home and my lord husband saw me to our room,” Brigit shuddered, reaching to touch her backside.

The magistrate laughed, turning to Ryan, “She has not changed a bit since I first met her anger at age eighteen. How might I help you in this predicament?”

“You are here to help us?”

“I have seen the work this school has done for our ladies. My own daughter-in-law came from here. What is this about abuse? I also understand that a matter of theft might be about as well.”

The story was told once again, this time with additional information added by both Gerard and the constable. Sadly, Aryanna and Eliza shared their own stories, as well as the multiple reports being shouted in his direction by the staff behind the fence. Magistrate Bates shook his head sadly. The reports confirmed his suspicions following the discovery of a girl who had run away from the school. She had been found in a local pub, trying to sell her broken body for money. Eliza broke into another torrent of remorse, this time being pulled into Gerard's hold and rocked gently.

“It appears that Reform has helped yet another poor, misunderstood girl,” Magistrate Bates smiled. “I know I sound old-fashioned, but it was the headmaster’s responsibility to keep tabs on the goings on in his establishment. It was designated as the man’s responsibility, and he failed. Don't you fret, my dear. Things worked out well for the girl, very well indeed. She has found a suitable home to learn and grow in and has been taken in as an adopted daughter by a very distinguished lady who was unable to bear children of her own.”

“S-she has? Please, sir. Tell me where she is. I must make amends.”

“She is with my wife and has become a cherished member of our home. She has made us as happy as she,” the older man said warmly, earning a grateful smile from Eliza’s full lips.

“Delightful!” Gerard said, kissing the top of Eliza's head. “Now, how can we have these good people understand that it is safe to allow us entry and for me to retrieve my beautiful, if not wayward, wife?”

“Please open the gates. These are all friends here,” Brigit called. They watched as the townsfolk flooded in, bringing small treats and gifts for the girls and the staff. “I know they said they brought some food and drink, but… what is going on? Gerard?”

“I don't know. Ryan?”

“Nor I, Father. Ary? What are you hiding behind that little hand?”

Aryanna was smiling, her fingers to her lips. “I told people about life in school. No candy or pretty smells. They bring for my friends so girls can have happy life like I do.”

“I love you. My Dear God, how I love you,” Ryan said. Without regard to decorum, he bent upon his right knee and took her hand, “Please, I beg of you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife, Lady Aryanna?”

Brigit squealed with joy, flinging her arms around Gerard's neck, and Jack pressed the happy Eliza into his strong side. Aryanna looked around, stunned. All activity had frozen with her at the center. She met Brigit's eye and knew the answer to give.

“Yes,” she whispered, nodding. Then grinned mischievously, “but I am still incorrigible.”

“We already know how to deal with that,” he laughed, drawing her against his mouth for a deep, passionate kiss.


Chapter Fourteen



After extensive blustering and swearing, Henry Steward was removed in disgrace from his position as headmaster and given no recommendations for future employment. Jack suggested he travel to Hong Kong to one of the British colonies and try his hand there, and was 'strongly' urged by both Gerard and the magistrate to consider the suggestion since the man would not find employment in the country again.

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