The Reformer (6 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: The Reformer
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“But you—”

“You will give it to her when you sense the time is right. A gift from a reformer is a treasured thing. And this one,” he said, showing Ryan a brown-haired, sweet-cheeked cherub, “is for my next project.”

“I fear Mother is not the only one who is capable of conniving,” Ryan laughed, accepting the blonde doll and tucking it under his coat. With a wink, Gerard galloped off towards his estate while Ryan went towards his own.


Chapter Four



“Are you ready to leave, Brigit, my love?” Gerard asked, gathering his riding gloves and hat. Brigit smiled with a nod, handing him her satchel and then pulling on her gloves. He kissed her cheek and then looked over at Martha, “Please make sure the room and clothing is ready for my homecoming. We will proceed with lessons immediately. Inform the staff of the situation and remind them about prudence and their vows to our family. I do not wish gossip to abound and risk causing harm to my lady wife or our new ward.”

“Yes, My Lordship. Will you be spending the evening with the Lady?”

“No, I shall be coming home directly. And thank you for your assistance. It is greatly appreciated,” Gerard said, watching the old governess blush with pleasure. He escorted Brigit out and helped her into the carriage. After riding in silence for several minutes, Gerard touched Brigit’s hand. “What are you thinking of so seriously, wife?”

“I just wonder what causes a person like Miss Woods to behave in this manner. I understand that she was raised in a comfortable home, received a good education, and is not unsightly. What would bring on such anger?”

“Dr. Freud believes that she lacked something in her childhood, perhaps the nurturing she required to discover her softer nature. I will explore that. Are you certain you wish me to pursue this path?”

“Gerard, my love… I have no fear that you will succeed. I trust you, my husband. Otherwise I would never have made such a bold suggestion.”

“I have never reformed without you present. My methods…”

“Are effective. And Martha will help you. I am not accustomed to you being this concerned over something so trite, my love. Follow your instincts and your heart.”

“You always know what to say when I struggle with myself. I shall miss you.”

“And I, you. What is that?”

“A gift. She was made by one of our tenants,” Gerard said, handing Brigit the beautiful doll. Tears filled her eyes and she hugged the toy to her chest.

“She is beautiful! I have not had a doll since…”

“Since I gave you that ragdoll in the nursery. The day you came to me for reform after you set the warehouse lavatory aflame,” he chuckled.

Brigit blushed, burying her face in her hands, “What a terrible child I was! I was so frightened when they told me that I was being shipped off to a reformer. And so surprised to see it was you!”

“That day was one I will never forget. Do you like her?” Gerard asked, as Brigit stroked the doll lovingly.

“More than I can express. She will keep me company while you are far away. I will miss you.”

“And I, you. If it becomes too difficult for you, please—”

“Gerard, I will be fine. We both have a job we need to do. Mine will be much more pleasant than yours, I’m certain.”

Several hours went by and they pulled into the grounds of the school. Gerard helped Brigit out of the carriage and requested her satchel from the driver, insisting on carrying it inside himself.

“Lord and Lady Remington! What a pleasant surprise!”

“Really, Stewart? After what my son reported, do you really see my presence as a surprise?” Gerard frowned, glaring down at the pasty-faced man. Henry reached up to twirl the end of his mustache nervously,

“I expected Lord Ryan to return, Your Lordship. But I am very pleased to see you and the lady. Please, come inside. Tea?”

“For the lady… Excuse me. Brigit? Where are you going?”

“I am going to set up my things and review the students’ records. I see no reason for my ears to be privy to your discussion with Mr. Stewart.”

“Very well. I will be back to see you shortly.”

Both men stood as she departed, then returned to their chairs. Gerard watched the man shrink before him, as he offered a stony glare. “Why have you been allowing your students to suffer abuse? Don’t even attempt to deny it. I witnessed the results of that woman’s cruelty myself. Be careful of the words you choose, Stewart. This could mean your job and, very likely, your future.”


* * *


Brigit hummed to herself as she settled in behind the large wooden desk in the headmistress’ office and opened the folders holding the information regarding the sixty students in attendance in the school. She looked up as the door was flung open.

“Yes? May I help you?” she asked gently, noticing the searing blaze in the eyes of the woman before her.

“How dare you rummage through my desk! This is a private office and—”

“You must be Miss Woods. Please, have a seat,” Brigit said calmly, nodding towards the chair.

“You are
my seat. Now I must demand that you leave.”

“I asked you to have a seat, Miss Woods. I am not in the habit of repeating myself,” Brigit said, once again her voice soft but firm as she met the angry woman’s eyes with an unwavering strength. Slowly, Eliza sat in the chair in front of the desk, livid with anger toward the intruding stranger.

Brigit smiled. “Very good. Obedience did not require my raising my voice or threatening a beating, did it, Miss Woods?”

“Who are you?” Eliza sputtered, fighting the desire to slap the woman across her lovely, flawless face.

“You may call me Brigit, if you like. That, or Lady Remington.” Brigit hid her delight as Eliza’s face turned ashen.

“I beg your pardon, milady. I did not expect you to be here. Please, feel free to help yourself to my files…”

files, Miss Woods. You were discharged from this position for abusing a student, were you not?

“Madam, that was a misunderstanding. I had to discipline a student, and Lord Ryan disapproved. I am required to…”

“Discipline, not abuse, Miss Woods. You bloodied that child within an inch of her life,” Brigit said with a low growl, her green eyes sparking as she slowly rose from her chair to glare at the younger woman. “How many others have you practiced your cruelty upon?”

“None, ma’am. She had blatantly—”

“Not another sound from you,” Brigit ordered, practicing Gerard’s technique of intimidation. Keep your voice low, body gestures calm, and never break eye contact. ‘Make them guess as to what you are thinking,’ he would say. Eliza shrunk in her seat, hiding the trembling of her knees. “And sit up straight. I would be very disappointed if I were your mother, seeing how you have managed to forget even the most elementary of good manners.”

“I apologize, madam,” Eliza growled, struggling to not break eye contact. She failed and glanced at the desk before her.

“You are to sit in that chair and not move until I return. Am I understood?” Brigit asked firmly, tilting the woman’s chin so she could look at her in the eye. Good, she was afraid. A trickle of excitement traveled down her spine as she acknowledged her ability to take command of an awkward situation by following Gerard’s instructions. He would be so proud of her!

“Yes, madam.” The hatred in her voice was pronounced, but Brigit was not disturbed. She was familiar with the defiant and haughty nature of those requiring reform. A nature that would quickly be altered if Lord Remington was involved. Without another word, Brigit departed to find Gerard. She tapped on the door to the headmaster’s office.

“Yes, my dear. Is all well?” Gerard asked, looking at her from his place behind Henry’s desk. He was leaning over the other man’s shoulders, scanning the ledgers. Henry looked relieved at the interruption.

“Miss Woods is in my office, sitting somewhat contritely, and impatiently waiting for my return.”

“Is she now? Did you demand obedience as I taught you, my lady?”

“I did, My Lord. And I thank you for that instruction.” Brigit tipped her head graciously. She took the arm offered to her and was silently led from the room by her husband. He paused in the doorway to looked back at the headmaster. “Call an assembly of all the students and faculty. I want every person who is employed by the institution present.”

“Yes, Lord Remington,” Henry said sickly.

“And I will be back to look at those ledgers,” he warned, noticing Henry's fearful glance towards the books. “They had best be in order.”


* * *


Gerard entered the headmistress’ office and took his place behind the desk, observing the uncertainty hidden under the arrogant glare of the pretty woman who sat nervously before him. He took a moment to study her, measuring her reaction to his presence, her body language, her eyes. “I am Lord Remington, Miss Woods.”

“Yes, I am aware of who you are. I demand an opportunity to explain—”

“You are in no position to demand anything, young woman. You were terminated from this position. Why are you still present?” Gerard interrupted, his voice rumbling through the small room.

“It is my opinion that the discharge was ordered in haste, and without justification. Your son—”

“Lord Ryan,” Gerard corrected firmly.

Eliza snarled, “Lord Ryan overheard me punishing a pupil for a serious misdeed and interfered. It appears that his attraction to her caused him to react unprofessionally and imprudently.”

“Are you suggesting that after Lord Ryan laid eyes upon this creature, he took pity upon her? It sounds to me that he used his position to manipulate the system because he found her appealing.”

“Yes, sir! I am so glad you understand! It is so inappropriate—”

“You are lying to me, Miss Woods. I abhor liars.”

Eliza turned white, her words cut mid-sentence.

Brigit intervened angrily. “My son did not see that child until she was brought to the carriage. It was also at this time when he noticed the blood on her clothing as a result from a horrendous caning that you administered. What you did to that girl was unforgivable, Miss Woods—”

She was cut off by the raising of Gerard’s hand. “My wife is very passionate about our reform system. As I am certain you know, she is a product of this establishment and is very conscientious as to how the students are treated. While I personally would not have used the term ‘unforgivable’, being that I believe that most sins can be forgiven when the right price is paid, I would have chosen the word ‘disgraceful’ instead.”

He paused, taking the moment to walk in front of her and lean against the edge of the desk with his arms crossed as he stared down at her. Seething, Eliza lowered her face to the floor, unable to meet the eye of this formidable man.

“I am very well aware of your economic situation, Miss Woods. In addition, your termination here will guarantee that you shall never work again as either an educator or a governess in this country. Because I am a fair and just man, I have decided to allow you a small degree of control over your future. I am giving you a choice. You may resign from this position effective immediately, or you will agree to present yourself to a reformer.”

“A reformer? I am not a hopeless child in need of training! How dare you assume such of me? You certainly cannot be serious!” Eliza yelled, standing.

He pointed his finger to the chair and stood over her until she sat again, glancing behind her to see his wife offer him a wink. “Oh, I am very serious, and you will lower your voice when you speak to me. Your behavior is such that it needs to be altered and restructured. Should you submit to the training and prove yourself worthy, I may allow your return to position as headmistress of this school to come under consideration.”

Silence filled the room. Brigit cleared her throat. “It appears that Miss Woods is contemplating employment in a workhouse or a mill, since she has no response to your generous offer, husband. That, or she could return to her childhood home and live with her family. I will escort you out…”

“How long must this be done?” Eliza interrupted, her pride shriveling before her.

“However long it takes for you to learn, Miss Woods. I warn you that your reformer demands complete obedience and will not suffer a word of complaint or argument. Nor will that unseemly tone of voice be tolerated.”

“And who would this reformer be, sir? Your son?” she could not hide the disgusted growl in her voice.

Gerard raised an eyebrow before lifting her chin to face him, “You will wish it were my son, Miss Woods. No, you require a more experienced hand in guiding and restructuring you. A much more experienced hand. Mine.”

Blood left Eliza’s face as the reality of her situation came to light. There was no choice. Either she submit herself to the impassable dominance of the Earl of Yarlshire, or she spend the rest of her life withering away in filth, living off scraps. “It appears that my choices are severely limited. I accept, Lord Remington,” she sneered.

“Wise decision, girl. From this moment, you are to obey all orders given you by my family and your elders, regardless of their position. Am I understood, young woman?”

“Yes, sir,” Eliza said, unsuccessfully hiding her disgust.

“Excellent. Lady Remington? Would you please see that Eliza is dressed properly for the assembly?”

“As you wish, Lord Remington,” Brigit responded back in a formal manner. Eliza stared after him as he left the room, aghast that he had the audacity of calling her by her Christian name. She was even more appalled when she saw the clothing that Brigit was laying out for her.

“These clothes are for children!” Eliza shrieked, glaring at Brigit.

“A three-year-old displays better manners and self-control than the behavior we have witnessed from you. Because of this, you will be given the same consideration and treatment as one would a child. That means that, from now on, you will dress as a child, speak as a child, play as a child, and be instructed as a child. Turn that I may unbutton you.”

“Lady Remington, this is outrageous! How dare—OW!” Eliza’s eyes widened as she placed her right hand upon her stinging left cheek. Brigit pointed at her.

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