The Reluctant Wolf (Book 1 Cloverleah Pack) (21 page)

BOOK: The Reluctant Wolf (Book 1 Cloverleah Pack)
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“I don’t care if they do.  This is supposed to be our wedding day. They will know where we are.


Chapter Twenty Six

Neither Kane nor Shawn got a lot of sleep that night.  The threat of the next day’s event seemed to make both men frantic with need and the early dawn light
was peaking through the windows when they could finally come together this time slowly, and with love.   As Kane collapsed spent over his mate, he rolled and pulled Shawn close into his arms.  It wasn’t until their breath had slowed completely that he spoke.

“I am going to have to watch you die today my lover.  I don’t know if I have the strength.”

Shawn was tracing his fingers over Kane’s armband tattoos. He knew he could argue that this was the only way that the whole Xavier issue could be resolved.  But Kane didn’t need any argument - he needed reassurance.

“I believe you do,
” Shawn said quietly and firmly.

“You truly believe I can bring you back like Paulo said?”

“With every fiber of who I am.”

“Can you show me?”

Shawn thought about what Kane meant for a moment and then he reached over with his hand and put it directly over Kane’s heart. He put his other hand on his heart and closed his eyes.  Tapping into his magic Shawn allowed the energy to flow between himself and his mate.

“Look inside
your heart and see what I see,” he said softly.

Kane closed his eyes and allowed his spirit to ‘see’
.  In his minds eye he watched as Shawn opened up the connection between them.  He could actually see all three of Shawn’s spirits; the strength of his wolf, the power of his magic and the compassion of the human that housed them. As he looked he could see the blue haze of magic forge a direct link from Shawn’s heart to his and there in his heart he saw the resonating blue glow of Shawn’s magic beating in rhythm with his human heart protected by the spirit of his own wolf.

was the connection the Shaman had talked about.  His heart was where Shawn’s magic had taken root.  Now he understood.  It was their love that would always keep them connected.  It was their love that would allow Kane to bring back his mate’s wolf from death itself.  It was their love that would give Kane the strength to do what he had to do.

“I understand.” Kane whispered his voice filled with awe.  Shawn opened his eyes and slowly withdrew his magic.  Then he smiled.

“Now you see what I see when I look at you.  You are my protector.  You are the keeper of my spirit and in your heart I will always have life.”

“I will bring you back simply because every moment you are in death will se
em like an eternity to me.  I won’t let you down.  You have my word.”  Kane spoke as quietly as his mate but the conviction in his words made them strong.

“I know.”

The two men lay entwined for what seemed like hours but what was probably only a couple before a small knock sounded at the door.  On Kane’s gruff “Come in,” the door opened to reveal Cheryl standing at the door beside Griff who was carrying a huge tray full of food.

“We thought you boys might like breakfast in bed,” she said laughing as Kane grabbed a blanket to cover them both
and they struggled to sit up in bed.  “I wanted Griff to bring it up for you, but he said you would yell at him, Kane, if he disturbed you.  But I knew you wouldn’t yell at your mother now, would you.”

Grinning, Kane shook his head.  Griff came over and settled the big tray over their legs
, propping it up on the bed.  Then he stepped back and leaned on the wall.

“Now Shawn,” Cheryl fixed her gaze on the man, “I want to know about this Lucius character.  I understand he is a friend of yours and he seems really interested in my Vincent.  What can you tell me?”

“Oh Mom leave Vincent alone, he is a big boy now.”  Kane groaned.

“I was talking to Shawn.  Eat your food before it gets cold.”

Hmm Shawn thought.  Well Cheryl is not going to want to know about Lucius’s success as a Master Dom, or his prowess with other men.  What sort of thing was important to mothers?

“Uh, Lucius is a really good man, Cheryl.  He is a Beta in Damien’s pack
and Damien trusts the man implicitly.  I believe he owns his own computer business and has his own home.  He…er…has a lot of friends both in and out of the pack and is a good guy to go to if you have a problem.”  Shawn looked at Kane as if to say well is that enough?

“Hmm,” Cheryl was obviously thinking about Shawn’s words.  “I think there are things you aren’t telling me and I am just going to guess it is because you are too polite.
” Over by the wall Griff snorted. “But do you vouch for him Shawn, and be careful how you answer ‘cos I am your mother-in-law you know.”

“Yes ma’am I hadn’t forgotten and yes I would totally vouch for Lucius.  I would trust him with my life.”  Shawn could answer honestly about that at least.

“Okay, well that’s all right then. I had better go and prepare your father that there will be another son-in-law in the family soon enough.  Thank goodness your other three brothers are already married to decent girls and have all got pups of their own or he could get a little bit upset.”  With that she waltzed out of the bedroom with a wink. 

Shawn was looking at Kane and Griff, “Lucius and Vincent?  Really?”

“Yeah hon,” Kane spoke with a mouthful of pancake. “I forgot to tell you that Lucius had approached me about him when he saw him last night.  Claimed Vincent was his mate.”

Griff laughed.  “The man’s a smooth operator all right.  He had your Cheryl and Arthur charmed within about
ten minutes of meeting last night and then he asked Vincent if he wanted to go for a run.  I think they only got back about half an hour ago.”

“Well I am guessing they weren’t the only wolves in the trees last night so it’s not too much of a worry.
Too many gay men to be hanging around in one place without some hookups going on.” Kane had finished his pancakes and was looking at Shawn’s plate so didn’t see Griff’s reddened cheeks.  Shawn had his hand wrapped around a huge mug of coffee and nodded to show Kane could eat his breakfast too. 

Kane noticed the bemused expression on his mate’s face and said, “What’s on your mind?”

Shawn smirked. “I was just thinking about all of the broken hearts that are going to be running around Texas when word gets out that Lucius is mated.  I think he was more popular than you are.”

“Apparently there are broken hearts in Texas already.”  Kane laughed as Shawn blushed.
Then he looked up at Griff and said, “What’s on your mind my friend.  You aren’t standing there just to watch us eat, are you?”

“It’s about the challenge today.  You have no intention of winning do you Shawn?
You are gonna get killed and leave Kane with nothing.” 

Griff’s face looked like he wished he had kept his mouth shut as soon as the words are out.
Shawn and Kane shared a look not knowing what to say.  No-one could know what they planned to do because neither one of them was exactly sure how the whole fight was going to pan out.  But Griff was Kane’s dearest friend and it was clear he was hurting for him.

It was Kane that
answered. “Griff, you are my dearest friend and I love how you are sticking up for me.  I can’t tell you much yet, but I can say this.  Shawn is unique.  We all know that.  We have spent a long time with the Shaman and I am positive we have a plan that will ensure the right outcome in the end for all of us.”

Griff didn’t look very convinced so Kane carried on. “I know you are worried, Griff and I totally understand.  So am I.  But I trust Shawn with his life and mine.  I need you to stand by my side today and do exactly what I tell you to do, when I tell you to do it.  Can you do that for me?  Can you trust me with this?”

Thinking hard about Kane’s words Griff tried to understand what his friend was not saying.  Then he thought about what Kane had said and he raised his head proudly.  “I’ve got your back, Kane, you know that.  And yeah, if anyone can get out of this pickle it will be you Shawn.  I will do as you ask.”

Beaming, Kane said, “Thanks, I knew I could count on you, my friend.  Now can you please remove this tray so we can get dressed, I guess we had better lay down a few ground rules with the others before Xavier arrives.”

“I’ll have the Alpha’s and Lucius waiting in the kitchen.”  Griff grabbed the tray and took off out of the bedroom closing the door behind him.

Grinning at Shawn Kane leapt out of bed and started looking for clothes.  When they were both dressed in their standard fare of jeans and nothing else Kane wrapped his arm around Shawn’s waist and they headed out the door.


The meeting went well enough considering there were four Alpha’s in the room including Shawn.  Shawn explained to them all how no-one was to take out Xavier unless it was a member of the Spokane pack.
He said there were at least two men he knew of that would be prepared to challenge Xavier for the Alpha position if they were given the opportunity.  He was also adamant that everyone was to follow any orders that Kane gave until the whole thing was over. That sparked a bit of debate but Kane and Shawn didn’t back down and eventually everyone agreed.

Everyone was outside, with the exception of Cheryl, when the first of Xavier’s convoy arrived.  Six cars in all, twenty six men including Xavier and a scrawny man that had to be the Shaman. 
Stepping out of the last car, Xavier examined the gathering with a look of disgust on his face.

Xavier was not a tall man but he was solidly built.  His short grey hair was cut close to his skull doing nothing to alleviate the roundness of his face.  His eyes were small and dark in stark contrast to a set of full red lips.  He looked like a man who overindulged in every vice.  Without a word he strode into the middle of the pack circle that only the day before had held Kane and Shawn’s wedding.  His men closed rank around half of the circle and they stood waiting for the opposition to approach.

Nodding his head to the others, Kane and Shawn walked down to the edge of the circle.  Beside them stood Griff and Arthur, then Claude and Lucius.  Their men fanned out almost but not quite meeting the group on the other side. It was Kane that spoke first.

“I am Kane, Alpha of the Cloverleah pack.  State your name and your business or be gone.”

“I am Xavier, Alpha of the Spokane pack.  I know who you are, you faggot piece of nothing.”  Xavier didn’t mince words.  “I know who your friends are too.  Texas, Colorado and Oklahoma.  Very clever.  But it won’t work.  I will not be denied. I am here to rid the world of my scumbag nephew, Shawn and as is my right, I am laying down an Alpha challenge.  To the death.”  There was a gasp around the circle and Arthur and Claude were looking particularly worried as were Scott, Troy and Dean.  But Kane kept his face stern and showed no emotion at the challenge.  Neither did Shawn.

“Shawn is my mate.
As such I demand a fair fight.  Otherwise those gathered here will insist on retribution.”

“You can try and take it, but it won’t happen. And I too insist on a fair fight.” Xavier’s mouth twisted his words so badly they sounded obscene with hate.  He beckoned to the scrawny man beside him.

“I demand you allow my Shaman to bind Shawn’s evil.  Let him fight as a wolf with none of his trickery.”  Xavier pushed the man and he stumbled forward heading for Shawn.  God Lucius was right, the man stunk. He stood before Shawn and Kane riddled with the smell of death and decay.  As he reached out a hand to touch Shawn, Kane growled but did nothing.  It was Paulo who reached in between the men and grabbed the sickly Shaman’s hand in his own.  He pulled the man away from Shawn and dropped him in a pile on the grass clearly saying, “Stay here.”

“This is trickery,” Xavier screamed. “Let my man touch him.”

Kane’s father stepped forward with a roar.  “My Shaman will care for my son’s mate.  Yes we know of Shawn’s trickery as you call it but we all agree that this should be a fair fight.  Under pack law my Shaman shall bind Shawn’s powers, not yours.”  Not even bothering to wait for Xavier’s reply, Arthur nodded to Paulo, who stood in front of Shawn.  He placed a hand on Shawn’s mating mark and chanted under his breath.

What is he doing?
Kane was anxious but trying not to show it.  He didn’t want anything to interfere with his ability to resurrect his mate after death.

He is reinforcing our mating bond with the magic he has of his own.
Shawn relaxed and let the man’s light magic pass through his system.

After two minutes of chanting the Shaman stepped back and faced Xavier.  “It is done. You need have no fear of Shawn’s magic during the fight.
  Now if you don’t mind I would like to tend to a fellow Shaman.”

Xavier looked like he wanted to argue the point especially when Paulo dragged the other Shaman off
to the side of the glade.  Instead he just glared at Arthur before facing Kane.

“I have challenged him. Let your mate step forward to his death.”

“Fine.  As the challenger you may shift first.” Xavier removed his clothes, kicking them out of the circle, before shifting into a large black and grey wolf.

Shawn kissed Kane’s cheek.  He stepped into the circle.  His
I love you
wafting through Kane’s mind as he shifted without removing his clothes, his pure white and silver wolf gleaming in the sun.   He breathed deeply pulling in the fresh clean air of the glade as he forced himself to focus.  Reaching deep inside Shawn bound his protection runes to prevent them from activating if he got hurt and then he waited for Xavier to attack. His only focus in this moment was to injure the black and grey wolf as much as possible before he died. His wolf could take Xavier’s in a heartbeat but he had to do this the right way.

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