The Renegades (Book 4): Colony (14 page)

Read The Renegades (Book 4): Colony Online

Authors: Jack Hunt

Tags: #Zombies

BOOK: The Renegades (Book 4): Colony
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But maybe today would be my last.


hard to estimate the value of a life. How do you determine what someone is worth? What is it measured in? What they can offer? How much they mean to you? By the time we made it to Rikers Bridge the rain had stopped. A harsh cold wind chased away what remained of the dark clouds. Going from soaking wet to freezing cold and constantly running and fighting Z’s could break anyone down.

The bridge crossed over the island channel of the East River and Bowery Bay. At the center it was over fifty-two feet high. The military had used vehicles to block access across. This wasn’t just done because of the Z’s but to prevent sneak attacks by the resistance.

Prior to our arrival Rowan had spoken to Tanner over the radio. I got on the radio and negotiated for the release of Jess. There were no other conditions. They agreed and said they would send her along with Tanner to the middle of the bridge.

My hands weren’t tied behind my back. There was no need for that as I was willingly handing myself over. I had no intention of fighting or double-crossing them, at least at that moment in time. Rowan pushed me forward as though I was a prisoner, we slid over the hoods of vehicles that were in the way and ambled our way towards the center.

“Were you close to your brother?”

Rowan shrugged, looking past me towards the two figures in the distance.

“Don’t you want to know how he died?”

“Birdy knew what he was getting into the moment he went out with us.”

“Do you miss him?” I asked.

He never replied.

“I’d be pretty pissed off if I found out that my brother was murdered.”

“What are you, a psychologist? Just drop it.”

“Just making conversation.”

“Well don’t. You and I aren’t going to be chums. After this you… well.”

I caught an edge to his voice. Something that seemed a little off. Perhaps he thought this was all going to go south on us. He wouldn’t have been wrong. It was probably the most stupid thing I had ever agreed to do. The moment I got there, they would be probing me worse than a grey alien would. I had basically volunteered to become a lab rat. But I wasn’t focused on everything that could go wrong. I was thinking about what would happen if everything went to plan. Maybe I should have taken the two helicopters being pushed into the East River as a warning sign.

There are a lot of things that go through your mind when you think your life is about to end. It’s mostly family; the ones that are important to you. Everything else takes a back seat. Nothing else matters. Success or the lack of just becomes background noise.

I thought about Dax as we came over the bridge. Rowan, obviously being a big talker, wasn’t saying shit so I had to keep myself occupied. It was a long hike. Along the way we saw some vehicles full of the undead moving around but unable to get out because of the seat belts.

It would have made a good commercial for car safety.

As we got within sight of them, I could see Jess was tied and unharmed. Tanner had a look on his face as if he had hit the lottery. No doubt he would get a raise, or whatever the fuck they gave them for a job well done. Knowing him it was a pat on the ass.

We stopped about twenty feet from each other.

“Go ahead, release her.”

Tanner didn’t release her binds but pushed her on.

“Now you.”

My eyes were scanning for security. I couldn’t see them trying anything. Jess didn’t have anything they wanted. This was a win-win situation for them all around.

I met her halfway down and I wrapped my arms around her and she sobbed into my neck.

“You don’t need to do this.”

“Yes I do. Trust me.”

She stared into my eyes. I didn’t need to explain what we were about to do. She must have known that there was more to this than just a simple exchange. She kissed me and for a moment I held her.

“Alright, alright. Let’s go,” Tanner said impatiently.

“Go on,” I said, encouraging her to move towards Rowan. I kept my eyes on her as I walked backwards towards Tanner. When Jess reached Rowan I felt relieved. At least she was safe, away from the Hive, away from anyone who might experiment on her.

How wrong I was.

Rowan pulled the Sig Sauer from his side and placed it against her head.

“What are you doing?”

Tanner came up behind me and I felt his meaty claw grab the back of my top, yanking me away. He wrapped his arm around my neck, placing me in such a harsh headlock I thought I was going to pass out. All the while I could see Rowan pushing Jess back towards us.

“Oh, the look on your face was… Well… this has been fun.”

“Rowan,” I yelled.

“Yeah, change of plans. Oh and the fire. I had some good friends of mine start that.”

I screwed up my face. “Kind of figured.”

“You had no fucking clue.”

“Whatever,” I replied.

He snorted and studied my face. “Oh, and them knowing about you,” he shook his head, “wasn’t Vinny. Me too.”

“Oh, big surprise there,” I said before spitting a glob of phlegm near his feet. To be honest, I didn’t know about that but I certainly wasn’t going to fluff his ego any more than he was doing it himself.

“You really are a scumbag.”

Tanner started laughing. “Even I have to admit it’s pretty cold.”

“I aim to please,” Rowan said, moving on.

We were pushed on towards the concrete wall in the distance that surrounded the Hive. Inside I was fuming. I wanted to beat the living shit out of him.

“So does Wren know about this?” I asked him as he kept shoving us forward.

“Please, Wren has always been an idealist.”

Right then his radio crackled. “Rowan, come in.”

“Hold on a sec, Tanner.”

We came to a halt as he got on the radio.

“Go ahead.”

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Change of plans, Annora. The boy wonder is going in and so am I.”

“That’s not the plan or what I told you to do.”

He strode around breathing in the salty air. “Well, that’s the thing, Annora. I’m done listening. I don’t take orders from you anymore.”

The line crackled again but this time it was Wren who was speaking.

“Rowan, don’t do this.”

“Sis, I told you. She’s out of her mind. Come in. We can survive behind the walls. No more running. No more following orders from that bitch.”

“She helped us, Rowan.”

“Has she? Look around you, sis. The world has fallen apart. The city is ablaze and the undead are running the show. Now it would have only been a matter of time before the Hive swooped in and picked us up. We were one hair away from having a bullet in us.”

“No, Rowan, you don’t understand.”

“Let me stop you right there. You are the one who doesn’t understand.”

“Speed this up,” Tanner shouted. Rowan nodded.

“This is it, Wren. You come in now, I can negotiate that we get to live. We work for the Warden. Let’s be honest here, Wren. No one is going to survive this shit unless we are on the winning side and right now that’s inside the colony.”

He moved over to the side of the bridge and looked out over the East River.

“They killed Birdy, Rowan. You want to side with those who killed our brother?”

“Your brother, you mean.”

“Stepbrother, it doesn’t matter. He was still our family.”

“You’re my family, sis. Now I’m telling you. This is your last chance. If you don’t come now, there’s not much I can do.”

“Screw you, Rowan.”

He shook his head with disappointment, took off the radio, paused for a second, then launched it over the edge. I never heard it splash. We trudged on towards the gates. Every step was one more step closer to death. When the gates opened, the Warden stood there alongside Dr. Brenton with a big grin on his face. He loved every second of this.

He opened wide his arms. “The prodigal son returns.”

“I’m not your son, asshole.”

He let out a laugh and I heard the groan of metal, then a thud as the steely gates sealed shut.

“You’re doing the right thing here, kid.”

“You agreed to let her go.”

“About that. See that’s the thing. I couldn’t exactly let her go without testing her.”

I tossed him a confused look.

“One of you isn’t going be enough. Did you think that you alone would be able to give the world what it needs?” He stifled a laugh. “And you think I’m insane?”

I was beyond confused. I had no idea how the cure worked. I thought it required a gene from one person who was immune.

Inside the walls not much had changed. I recognized some of the people who came in at the same time as us. This couldn’t get any worse. Not only did he have me, but Jess too. Maybe that was it. Perhaps our lives would end at the hands of a maniac who thought he could change the world by controlling it. Over the course of my life I had fought back against those trying to control me. My father, my brother, teachers, and the community I lived in. The irony of it all was I would die at the hands of a control freak.

There was no waiting. No delay. Rowan removed the access card from my pocket. He informed the Warden that he would fill him in on the locations of the resistance. I clenched my jaw. I watched them talking as Dr. Brenton guided me down the corridors towards the testing area. I couldn’t believe he had turned on his own sister.

So when did I think the world fell apart?

It wasn’t when Dax died.

It was now.

When humanity turned against each other. Fathers against daughters, brothers against sisters. And for what? Control? How was this going to create a better world? It didn’t matter if an apocalypse reset society. It would still be driven by assholes clambering for power and control over others. There would always be those who would allow fear and ignorance to push them into serving a madman.

But that was it. James Fritz didn’t think he was a madman. He honestly thought he was doing the world some good. I thought back to what Annora had said. She spoke of others, those that were above the Warden. Who were they? A hidden government? The ones who pulled the strings?

“You know what?” I asked.

Dr. Brenton turned to me. Her high heels clattered against the ground as we walked along the corridors, occasionally stopping so she could swipe a card through an access point.


“That’s why I never voted,” I said.


“Yeah. You know how everyone says you should vote because if you want change to happen, and you don’t vote… well… you are only contributing to the problem. But it’s not because of that. No.”

She looked at me like I was a psychiatric patient who had forgotten to take his meds.

“No, you see, it didn’t matter who you voted for. Besides the fact that everyone fucks up when they get into office. It’s all an illusion. The whole voting system. I mean the reason it exists is to give people a sense that they are in control. But let’s be honest here. I mean, fuck. Who the hell checks the ballot? Right? I mean, do I get to check it? No. Do you? No. Some fuckwit in a backroom who is being slipped some money does. Hell, they probably don’t even do that. Nope, I bet you a dime to a dollar they already know who is going to be in charge. I can see it now. The big fat cats, sipping cognac and smoking their cigars in their expensive summer homes laughing about how society thinks they are actually getting to choose who rules over them.”

Dr. Brenton didn’t reply. She just continued to endure my rant and assumed I had lost my mind. But I hadn’t, I could just see it for what it was.

“Faux Façade.”

“What?” she replied.

“You know, you think you know what is happening. But you really don’t. Faux Façade. There will always be someone behind the curtain pulling the strings, making society believe one thing, when really the truth is something else. Take you and the Warden for instance. You really think you are in control. Don’t you? Even now.”

She looked at me and I smirked as everything became clearer.

“You have lost me.”

“That’s exactly it.”

An officer pushed me forward, getting irritated by my ongoing rant. We continued on towards the lab. Once we arrived I was strapped to a table and they didn’t waste any time piercing my skin. My eyes glanced up at the clock. It was a little after five. A margarita would have been nice around then. In fact, I was tempted to put in an order but I could see the staff looked rather preoccupied.

“You think I could get a burger, perhaps some fries with a little coleslaw on the side? Being this probably is going to be my last meal.”

Dr. Brenton looked at me and shook her head.

“Well, let’s be honest here, that is what you are about to do, right? Kill me in the process of extracting what you need to develop a cure that you can sell for a tidy bundle?”

She slowed down as if she hadn’t thought of it that way. Maybe a smidgen of her humanity had kicked in.

The pause only lasted a few seconds, which meant… no, she was a royal bitch dead set on getting what she wanted.

“Hold up, doc.”

“What is it?”

“Just a rumor. Correct me if I’m wrong but you might want to take a semen sample.”


“Well, you know how all the good shit is in a placenta when a woman gives birth. Well, it’s just a rumor but if you are trying to figure out where the cure is, you might want to start by going a little lower.”

She pulled off the table a rather large needle.

“Or… maybe not. Yah, actually I think it was urban legend.”

“Flip him over.”

I saw her snap on some blue rubber gloves as a security guard flipped me over and strapped me in using thick leather buckles.

“Please tell me you are going to use lube. I have a very sensitive heinie.”

She took a scalpel out and slit down the back of my shirt until my skin was exposed.

“Now this might hurt a little.”

I winced feeling the cold, sharp blade dig into my back. But that wasn’t the worst of it. Whatever they were about to do, I would have taken being alien-probed over this any day of the week. I screamed in pain as an intense burning sensation forming in my lower back spread upward. I didn’t know if they were pumping me with the virus or extracting spinal fluid. It hurt in ways that I had never felt pain. Like being punched in the face with a brick and made to swallow a thousand bees, pain coursed through me in brutal waves. Each was worse than the one before. From the small of my back up to the top of my head it felt like I was on fire. My vision blurred fast and I vomited.

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