The Republican Brain (50 page)

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Huntsman, Jon

Hussein, Saddam

hydraulic fracturing.

Iacoboni, Marco

Idaho, abortion and

identity-protective cognition


of conservatism

“environmental explanation” and


ideological constraint


measuring (
Louisiana State University study)

personality and

rise of “New Right” and (
See also
“New Right”)

selective exposure and

“idols of the mind”

Illinois, backfire effect and

Imagining the Future: Science and American Democracy

Impostor: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy

In Defense of Internment: The Case for “Racial Profiling” in World War II and the War on Terror


centrists, independents, and

expertise gap and

“smart idiots” effect and


economic conservatives as

morality and

personality and

Ingraffea, Anthony

Institute of Medicine (U.S. National Academy of Sciences)


integrative complexity (IC)

intelligence, Openness

International Atomic Energy Agency

internment camps

Iraq War

falsehoods about

morality and

motivated reasoning and

selective exposure and

Iyengar, Shanto

Jackson, Lisa

Jackson, Robert B.

Jacobins (France)

Jacobson, Louis

Japanese Americans, World War II internment of

Jean Nicod Institute (France)

Jefferson, Thomas

Jenkins-Smith, Hank

John Birch Society

Jost, John

on defensiveness about psychology and politics

on ideological extremism

on ideology

neuropolitics and

on personality and politics

on resistance to equality

Kahan, Dan

Kaiser Family Foundation

Kansas, abortion and

Kazin, Michael

Keech, Marian

Kemmelmeier, Markus

Kennedy, Robert F., Jr.

Kenyon, Cecelia

Kerry, John

Kessler, Glenn

Keynesian economics

Klaczynski, Paul

Kristol, Irving

Krosnick, Jon

Kruglanski, Arie

Krugman, Paul

Kuklinski, James

Kull, Steven

laissez-faire conservatism

Lakoff, George

Lay, Ken

Lederman, Cindy

leftist regimes

left-wing ideology.

Legislative Assembly (Revolutionary France)

Levin, Yuval

Liars for Jesus

“liberal establishment”

“liberal hawks”


change and

compromise and reality

Condorcet and

as core political ideology

ideology and

misinformation and

morality and consequentialism

motivated reasoning and

need for motivating narratives of

Openness to Experience correlation (
See also
Louisiana State University study)

political psychology and

refuting historical revisionism and

rise of “New Right” and

See also
morality; motivated reasoning; personality; selective exposure


Lilla, Mark

Limbaugh, Rush

“Linear No-Threshold Model”

Lodge, Milton

Louisiana State University study



on Openness to Experience

study design

Lynas, Mark

MacInnis, Bo

Madison, James

Making Work Pay tax credit

male strength, neuropolitics and

Malkin, Michelle

Mankiw, N. Gregory

Marcellus Shale


Martin, Dorothy

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

mathematical reasoning

McCarthy, Jenny

McConnell, Mitch

McCrae, Robert


“conscious” choices about


proliferation of

reality gap and

rise of “New Right” and

selective exposure to (
selective exposure)

truth and reality

See also
individual names of media outlets


Medicare Part D

memory retrieval

Mercier, Hugo

meta-analysis, defined

metaphor, morality and

Meyer, Aviva


fracking and

liberal views and

motivated reasoning and

nuclear power and

selective exposure and

trustworthiness of information sources

U.S. history and

vaccines and autism

See also

Monbiot, George

Montreal Protocol

Mooney, Chris

The Republican Brain

The Republican War on Science


consequentialism and

expertise gap and

family metaphor and

in-group bias and

moral intuition and

Moral Politics

motivated reasoning

argumentative theory of reason and

backfire effect and

beliefs and

cognitive dissonance theory and

Condorcet and

education level and

expertise and

extent of research in

goalpost shifting and

Italian study on

misinformation and left

morality and

Openness to Experience and (
See also
Louisiana State University study)

primacy of affect and

pseudo-evidence and

reality and

reason and

rise of “New Right” and

selective exposure and

“smart idiots” effect and


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

National Center for Policy Analysis

National Center for Science Education (NCSE)

National Endowment for the Humanities

National Institute of Aging

National Institute of Mental Health

National Institutes of Health

nationalism, rise of “New Right” and.
See also
“New Right”

National Organization for Women

National Review

National Rifle Association

National Science Foundation

“nature hypothesis”.
See also
“environmental explanation”; morality; personality

Nature Neuroscience


Nebraska, abortion and


brain anatomy and (
See also

conflict monitoring

fear and

genetics and

longitudinal study of children's politics and


political conversion and

study of

Neuroticism, OCEAN and

“new class”

New Republic

“New Right”

authoritarianism and

Phyllis Schlafly and

right-to-left political conversion and

See also
Christian Right

New York State, fracking and

New York Times

New York Times Book Review

New York Times
/CBS poll

New York Times Magazine

New York University.
See also
Jost, John

9/11 Commission

Nixon, Richard

Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America

Norquist, Grover

North Carolina, backfire effect and

Northwestern University


nuclear power

consilience of evidence and

in Louisiana State University study

misinformation and

Nyhan, Brendan

Obama, Barack

approval ratings

“Birthers” and

economic conservatism and

falsehoods about

on fracking

loyalty of liberals and

motivated reasoning and

on nuclear power

2008 election of

2010 election and (
See also
selective exposure)

health care; Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2009)

Occupy Wall Street

OCEAN (Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism)

Ohio State University

“Old Enlightenment reason”

Openness to Experience

conservatism and ideology


measurement of (
See also
Louisiana State University study)

morality and expertise gap

O'Reilly, Bill

“Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act”

Paine, Tom

Paisley, Brad

Palin, Sarah

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2009)

falsehoods about

selective exposure and

See also
health care

Patterson, Charlotte

Paul, Ron



fracking and

Three Mile Island

Pennsylvania State University

People's History of the United States, A

Perlstein, Rick

Perry, Rick


asymmetry and symmetry theses


“Big Five” traits and Openness to Experience (
See also
Openness to Experience)

character traits of conservatism

conservatism and ideology

ideology and

integrative complexity and

Openness to Experience

persuasion, friendly

Pew Center

Pew Charitable Trusts

Phyllis Schlafly Report

Pinker, Steven


Poland, conservatism and

politeness, personality and

Political Brain, The

political conversion

neuropolitics and

rise of “New Right” and

political correctness

Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, The

political neuroscience.

political psychology




Powell, Lewis

Prasad, Monica

President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC)

primacy of affect

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA

Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA)

fact checking and

on Iraq War

on 2010 election

“Project Steve”


Psychological Bulletin
(American Psychological Association)


American Psychological Association

evolutionary psychology

Jost on defensiveness about psychology


political psychology

See also
brain; cognition; groups; motivated reasoning; neuropolitics; personality

Public Policy Polling

Qaeda, Al

quantitative easing (QE2)


Japanese internment camps

morality and consequentialism

selective exposure and

Ramsay, Clay



reading time, conservatism and

Reagan, Ronald

change and

economic conservatism and

“environmental explanation” and

Fairness Doctrine and

rise of “New Right” and

U.S. history and


reality gap

abortion and

conservativism/liberalism compromise and

consilience of evidence and

fact checking and

global warming and

importance of understanding

“nature hypothesis” and “environmental explanation”

same-sex marriage and

selective exposure and

See also


Age of Reason

argumentative theory of reason

Condorcet on

heuristic reasoning

mathematical reasoning

“Old Enlightenment reason”

U.S. history and

See also
motivated reasoning

“red” states

personality and

rise of “New Right” and

selective exposure and


Reifler, Jason

Rekers, George

relativity, theory of


faith-based economics and backfire effect (
See also
economic conservatism)

neuropolitics and

“New Right” and

selective exposure and

separation of church and state

U.S. Constitution on

See also
Christian Right

Republican Brain, The

Republican Party

authoritarianism and

backfire effect and

child-rearing style of

expertise gap and

ideology of

political conversion and

RINOs (Republicans-in-name-only)

rise of “New Right” in

selective exposure and global warming

selective exposure and motivated reasoning

“smart idiots” effect and

two-party system and

See also
conservatism; motivated reasoning; “New Right”; reality gap; selective exposure

Republican War on Science, The

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