The Ride (14 page)

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Authors: Jaci J

BOOK: The Ride
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            We're two movies in,
The Fast and Furious
was first. Why that movie you ask? Because according to Tank, and I quote, “this movie is the fuckin' shit baby. Bad ass cars what could be better?” Then we watched
Role Models
. Both us laughing into a fit. No matter how many times I watch it it kills me each time. Cuddled up on his couch. Tank's smoking a blunt and me nursing some wine. Now we're watching
I've been trying to explain the movie to Tank, but he just doesn't understand the concept of alien Autobots and how they are trying to help save the planet and not blow it up. “Baby, my bikes or truck starts talkin' n' shit they'll be hunks of scrap metal.” I try to explain, but he really doesn't get it. I give up. “Forget it,” I mutter. His face happy and smiling at me. He thinks I'm funny. “You're a fuckin' nerd baby.” I've been called a lot of things. A nerd never being one of them. “I am not!” I scoff, affronted by the word nerd. Shaking his head he kisses my forehead, “you are. You're a cute fuckin' nerd.” Batting his hands away I get off of the couch. Set about cleaning up the pizza, beer bottles, and my glass all while ignoring him. “You mad cus you're a nerd angel?” Tank teases me. Flipping him the bird as I round the corner to the kitchen I continue ignoring him. “I am NOT a nerd!” I shout from the kitchen. I can hear Tanks deep hardy laugh. I fight the smile his laugh brings to my lips. Damn him. “You
beautiful,” he counters. God he's annoying. Sticking my head around the corner I find him with his hands behind his head reclined comfortably and that asshole smirk on his lips. “I am not a nerd, biker.” Shaking his head he slowly mouths
you are.
Enunciating each syllable with that smirk right in place. “You're annoying and I hate that smirk.” Eyes wide, mouth gaping he feigns hurt. “Take it back.” he demands standing up. Never one to back down I shake my head, “no.” Pointing at me he lifts his eyebrows expectantly, waiting for me to do as he says. “Say 'I'm sorry. I take it back baby.'” Snorting a laugh at his bossiness I shake my head again waving him off. Holding up three fingers he smirks knowingly. “Three, baby,” he warns softly folding one finger down leaving only two. “What, you gunna spank me if I don't do what you say?” I joke. That smirk turning into a full blown ear to ear grin. Oh shit. “Exactly. Two,” he says folding a second finger down. Backing away from him I try to formulate an escape route, but nothing is coming to me. Shit. “One, baby. Time’s up.” Before I can move Tanks on me. Up over his shoulder I go.

            “Tank you can't carry me around the house all damn night,” I tell him while dangling upside down. Snorting in disagreement he says, “can and will.” Pain in my ass. Fine. “Have it your way.” Swatting my ass hard he chuckles. “Now you're gettin' it angel.” Impossible bossy ass men in my life driving me crazy. I'm still hanging upside down when Tanks phone rings. While
holding me upside down I watch him pull it out of his pocket. He answers it in grunts and one word answers. “Your pops,” he says holding his phone towards me. Pressing a button turning on the speaker phone Tank says, “you go her.” A beat passes before my pops says, “Lil you good?” This is his way of saying, 'Hey honey. How are you doing? Tank treating you well?'. These damn bikers and their refusal to use more than a few words at any given time. “I'm good, pops. Thanks.” With a grunt of acknowledgment he hangs up. Tossing the phone to the couch Tank chuckles. Hands of my thighs he pulls my body from up over his shoulder. Letting my body slide down his on my way down. Friction building in the way my body slides down his. Catching me, hand on my ass he holds me to him. Face in my neck his stubble scrap at my neck and cheek. Lips at my ear he kisses my neck. Soft kisses along my neck and jaw. “You smell fuckin' good.” His voice rough and gravel makes my skin tingle. “Yeah?” His lips all over my skin. “Baby, yeah.” Big arms wrapped around me. His smell invading me. Hard body all over mine. God,
smells good too. One arm under my ass the other holds around my thigh he carries me to his room. “Time for 'a little fun baby.”

            Reaching for the hem of my shirt he tugs it up over my head. Tossing it onto the floor he stares at my tits. Always offering them his full attention. “Enjoyin' the view?” I ask, watching him stare blatantly at my tits, he doesn't even try to find it. Licking his lips he doesn't even look at me when he answers, “fuck yes.” Men. Grabbing a fist full of shirt I pull him to me. That hard chest against mine. “You're a fuckin' pervert,” I whisper against his lips. I can feel his deep rough laugh in my chest. “Probably right.” Yeah, figures he wouldn't care. Running a rough finger over the swell and curve at the top of my bra his touch bring goose bumps to my skin. With his other hand he sweeps my hair over my shoulder. “You like that bra?” he asks nodding at my chest. His disgusted stare at my bra tells me he's not a huge fan. Do I like my bra? I do. It's cute. It's black lace with a pink satin under lining from
Victoria's Secret
. Staring at my breasts I can see the eagerness worn into his brow. “I don't mind it.” Grabbing the tops of both of the cups he tears it open. The material tears and rips right open not putting up much of a fight. “I'll buy you a new one.” Tossing it with my shirt he smirks. “That fun for you?” I question him. From the boyish smile on those lips I'd say he enjoyed himself. His eyes still trained right at my chest. “You've no fuckin' idea.” Wrapping an arm around my shoulders he tugs me to his chest. “No. No.” I push his arms off of me. “Sit your ass down. It’s my turn.” Smirking he folds those huge arms over his chest. The muscles in his arms strain and pull making me want to drool. God damn it. Looking ready to argue he smirks. “You fuckin' think so sweetness?” He challenges me. Do I think so? Hell yes. I don't think so, I know so. Cocking a brow I can't help my snort of a laugh. “You want some pussy?” I counter easily. That smirk melts right off that handsome face. “That's what I thought.”

            “Keep doin' that shit baby,” Tank groans into my neck. “So fuckin' good.” His words horse and forced. Rolling my hips I grind down on him. One of his big hands wrapped up in hair, pulling on it. The other clutching at my waist, fingers digging into my skin leaving bruises. His back pressed against his head board. On my knees over his thighs. Hands over his shoulders gripping the head board as I ride him. Moving my body in smooth deliberate strokes driving him crazy. Moving slowly. Up and down. Up and down, with a hip roll. Pulling myself up just enough to almost pull him all the way out of me. So wet I can feel it on my thighs. Slowly lowering myself down I add a little twist to my hips. Each time his fingers dig further into my skin. He tugs on my hair a little rougher. “Fuck! … Jesus Fuckin' Christ baby.” I do it a few more times before Tanks hand grabs up my hair tightly twisting his hand in it. Crushing his lips to mine he kisses me deeply. Tongue in my mouth. Biting his bottom lip hard he growls. “You wanna play it like that baby?” he asks quietly. Smiling sweetly I bat my lashes at him. Rocking my hips again his head hits my shoulder on a groan. “
, baby.” With another little hip roll I'm flat on my back under Tank, legs over his shoulders. Biting my leg hard I know he leaves teeth marks. “My turn.” Fucking me hard. No sweet. No soft. He gives it to me. I can feel the orgasm building. Eyes roll back into my head. “No, fuck
give me them eyes baby.” Smacking the side of my ass hard Tanks demands my attention. Opening my eyes I focus on the devastatingly beautiful face. Body humming. Arms and legs shaking. Tank's hold on me tightens. Leaning into me further, spreader me wider he hits the perfect spot. “Shit. Shit!” I lose it. The ground slips away. My body burns on high. Nails digging into his arms. “Oh fuck!” Riding the wave Tank bites and sucks at my lips. Giving me a knowing smirk he licks his thumb. Working small circles on my clit he gives it to me hard. “Give me one more baby.”



Two weeks later. ...

             Life with Lil is something else. Shit's falling into this normal pace with her. It's comfortably perfect and I like it that way. Lil spends her days at the club and shop doing all kinds of shit. She helps the brothers. Keeps Low's shit together. Everybody seems to like having her around. With her here things are finally getting back to normal. I get her most nights. Naked and in my bed, exactly where I like her. We're hiding our thing, but not very well. Pretty much every brother and old lady knows. None seem to give a shit really. Although Low seems clueless. I don't see how, because I'm shit at keeping my hands off of her. If Lil's not at his place he thinks she's staying at Peaches and Gin's. Not a huge fan of having to keep that shit secret, but I do it for Lil. I get her and to be honest that's all that really fucking matters to me. Left her beautiful ass at my place earlier with Rampage. Happy needed a fucking hand so here I am. One in the God damn morning I had to drag my ass out of my place to handle a motherfucker. This shit is about Draco's and the shit that happened to Lil so I made an exception. Needing to get shit squared away so my girl is safe so here I am. “He's not givin' it up?” I ask Happy walking through the sliding bay door at the warehouse. “Nah.” He shakes his head. Happy looks a little sick and uneasy. A Draco member sat in a chair tied up and bleeding from the head rambling on about shit that isn’t making much sense. “Yo, shut the fuck up. Where's Tick?” My turn. He doesn’t get chances with me. Slipping on my leather gloves I'm ready to get this shit done with. Happy isn’t getting it done and I've got shit to get back to. Poor Happy he's loyal as a motherfucker, but dealing with this kind of shit isn’t his thing. He’s not the blood and weapons kind of guy. “Can't … find him fucker.” The dude spits and sputter, blood spilling from his mouth. Drops of blood splattering onto the concrete floor at my feet. He needs a little education. “You sure 'bout that?” I hate dealing with stupid assholes. They think we don't know what we're doing. “Fuckin’ stupid,” he grumbles through a mouth full of blood. Yeah I'm the stupid one, all while he's tied to a damn chair in a warehouse about to get fucked up. Reeling back I land a bone crunching blow to his face. Bone breaks and crunches under my fist. Love that sound. Blood splatters. Fucking bleeders getting blood on my boots and shit. There's a loud grunt, but nothing from him. “Ain't got nothin' for me?” I ask again. He only shakes his head. Alright we'll play it his way. Reaching for the small tray a few feet away I pull it towards me. Grabbing up a long hunting knife I show it to him. “Got shit to tell me now?” Shaking his head he spits at me. “Fuck you!” he slurs. I'm done with this shit. Pulling back a little I plunge the long knife through his hand. His skin, tendons, muscle, and bone put up no resistance. The blade slices in effortlessly. The bitch lets go of a loud scream. He instantly starts shaking and crying. “Now?” I push him. He just shakes his head on a sob. Fucking prick eating up my time with my girl. That shit doesn't make me happy. He doesn't start talking here real quick I'm going to stop being so damn friendly. Reaching into my back pocket I pull out my time savers. “Hold his head,” I tell Happy. He grabs around his forehead. Prying his mouth open I go for a front tooth. These bitches always get people to start talking. Those sons-a-bitches hurt the worst. “Where's Tick?” I ask him yet again. Shaking his head violently he tries to wiggle his head away. “'Kay I'll play it your way.” Reefing on that bitch it starts to come loose. The tooth cracks and breaks apart in his gums. Pulling and prying on that shit that tooth puts up a fight. Let me tell you teeth are a bitch. I swear they're cemented into his skull. Blood and spit dribbles onto my gloves. With a sloppy pop the tooth yanks free. A gush of blood pools in his mouth “
Fuck! ...ugh
! 'Kay
” Listening to the dude ramble off some information I get what I came for. Pulling my gun from my waist I blow a hole in his head before he sees it coming. Blood and brain all over the metal wall behind him. Shit is done with. I'm ready to roll. Calling up King I need a hand since Happy looks half past ready to throw up. “King, need a hand.” Ten minutes later he pulls up. Instantly he grumbles, “fuck man didn't save me no fun with him,” when he sees the guy is already dead. Shrugging his stupid comment off I toss him some gloves. “Limbs off, transport it, and then burn it all. Keep the pricks cut.”

            Walking into my place it's quiet and dark. The only light coming from the TV. Rampage's ass is watching porn on my couch. Fucking asshole. “Where's Lil?” I ask him. Shrugging he don't even look away from the TV. “Whatcha a mean you don't know?” He lost her? I will kick his fucking ass if he lost my God damn girl. “She's up there somewhere,” he says pointing up the stairs. Stupid motherfucker. Leaving Rampage down stairs I head for my room. Needing to get to her. Pushing open the door I find it dark and warm in my room. In the middle of my bed a little Lil curled up around my pillow and sleeping. It never fails, every night I end up pillow jacked. One hundred pounds of tiny person in one of the biggest beds they make and she still takes up at least eighty percent of it. And somehow she always manages to steal any pillow I have. I'd gladly sleep pillowless and on that edge of the bed if it means I get Lil in bed with me though. Seeing her in my bed never gets old. Every time I see her it's like the first time. Never in my life have I cared. I count my blessing every day. Pray to a religion I know nothing about. Thank a God I don't always believe in. Believe in shit I didn't know existed until her. She's my living proof. Kicking off my clothes I pull back the blankets. Crawling in next to her I pull her to me. Needing that warm soft skin on me. Hands under her shirt I find the smooth skin of her stomach. Pressing her back to my front. Warm skin against mine soothes me. Calms me down. Turning in my arms she buries her face in my chest. This right here is the best part of all this shit. This makes life worth living. I love hanging out with her. I love looking at her. I love fucking her. I love talking to her. I love everything about her. But this, this shit right here is perfect. “Missed you,” she mumbles into me. Been gone a few hours and she missed me? Not sure I believe that, but I like it. “Baby, yeah.” Little arms wrap around me pulling me as close as she can get me. “You smell kinda like bleach,” she informs me. That makes me laugh. Girl doesn't miss anything about me. “Go to sleep baby.” Nodding her head she sighs, “I will now that you're here.” Kissing her head I let her sweet smell get to me. Wrapped around me I've got her and that’s all I need.

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