The Ride (23 page)

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Authors: Jaci J

BOOK: The Ride
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            The club is packed. Shit's getting pretty fucking wild. Lost Lil somewhere again. Baby is going wild tonight. Love to watch her smile and laugh. Lil's dancing and enjoying herself. She's got the world’s smallest dress on. Some high ass heels that cost her at least four hundred, but fuck if they're not hot as hell. Swear she's trying to kill me wearing that shit. Sitting myself down on the bar stool next to me Tags he's looking pretty fucking gone about now. Jesus Christ he's high as fuck. Lil gave him some coke and he went to town. “Lil knows how to party brother,” he laughs throwing a thumb over his shoulder at her. Looking behind me I find her dancing with Peaches. Looks like their fucking each other on the dance floor. Grinding and rubbing on each other. “Oh shit Gin's gettin' himself into it too,” he laughs. Yes he is. That brother is all over the place tonight. Right now his ass sat up in a chair. Some girl’s mouth latched onto his dick. “Hey baby,” Bubbles coos at me from behind the bar. She's looking like a hot ass mess tonight. “Aye,” I throw her way, but that's all that bitch is getting out of me. I don't bother looking at her when I talk to her, my eyes glued to the fine piece of ass walking towards me. Right between my legs she pushes her way in. Hands right up under my cut. “Havin' fun?” Lil smiles at me. Her eyes are unfocused, but fuck does she look happy. “Baby, yeah. You look like you're havin' all kinda fun with Peaches.” Speaking of Peaches she throws her arms around Lil's neck screeching, “My song girl. My song.” Trying to tug my baby away she grumbles. Laughing at each other Peaches shakes her ass about two inches from me. This makes Lil giggle. Oh shit here comes the stripper who's got eyes for my girl. And now I'm fucking sandwiched between these crazy bitches. “Dance with me girls?” … I let Lil do her thing. As long as I can see her shits cool. It's getting late as hell. Pushing three in the morning. Things are starting to shift from the party fun to the wild fun. People are losing their clothes and their inhibitions. Stitch broke out the fun drugs. I retired my ass to the couch for the time being. Plopping herself down next to me Lil huffs looking a little tired. Peaches sets herself on the arm of the couch looking just as worn out as Lil. “You good sweets?” Laying her head on my shoulder she snakes an arm underneath mine. “Yeah. I think I drank too much though. Worked up a sweat,” she confesses with a guilty laugh. Fuck she's happy tonight. “Might need to take a shower,” she adds. I don't fucking think so. “Fuck a shower. I like ya all sweaty and funky baby.” Biting her lip she cocks an eye brow at me. Oh fuck yes I just said that. Sitting for a while she watches the girls dance around. Hand rubbing on my stomach. Sitting down next to Lil, Rampage throws an arm around her. “'Ous gunna gimme 'a daynce fer ma birfday?” he asks Lil, okay well tries to ask her anyways. Bottle under his arm. A beer in his hand. Holy shit he's fucked up. Shaking her head she laughs again. The blonde stripper is on Rampage in a second. Bitch has been tailing him all damn night. On her knees she goes. Hands right down his pants. “Ready for your birthday blow job?” the blonde says, because she sure as fuck isn’t asking since she's already got a hand down his pants. Peaches makes a gagging noise, “oh gross.” The girl just pulls his dick out right next to Lil. Looking at her face she's staring with a wide eyed expression. “Holy shit Rampage. They shoulda named you King Kong,” Lil whispers in astonishment. Oh Jesus fucking Christ. Peaches giggles reaching a hand out she touches his dick with one finger acting like it might bite her. “Eh, look a Jacobs’s ladder,” Peaches squeals and laughs. Turning his shit towards Lil he asks her, “ya wanna touch it.” Shaking her head she snorts a laugh. “Uh, no thanks … I'm good.” Damn fucking right she isn’t touching it. Okay that's enough show n' tell. “Put your dick away man.” Grabbing Lil up I head for the bar. Fucking asshole.

            Leaving Lil at the bar for a second I make sure shit is locked up for the night. Although most of these motherfuckers here I trust, you never know who might show up and God knows about them. Locking up the office door when I hear loud shouting and some raised voices coming from the back of the room. The rooms so packed I can't see who's making all the noise. Pushing my way through the crowd I look for Lil. Not five minutes away I hear bitches hollering and screaming, Jesus Christ. “What the fuck,” I grumble to myself heading back to the group. Pushing closer I see two girls fighting. Walking up to Lil I see its Peaches and Bubbles yelling at each other. Oh fuck. “You keep your skank ass cunt away from my man.” Peaches screams at Bubbles, hands flying all over the place. Lil's standing behind Peaches a few feet back not saying anything. Instantly I can tell Lil's ready to throw down. “What? He wanted a taste of what I got. That nasty shit you’re passin' off ain't keepin' your man satisfied.” The nasty Bubbles smiles sweetly at Peaches. Fucking bitches. Glaring at Gin he shrugs looking like he could give a shit. Asshole. “Hey that bitch was hangin' on me. I got rid of her, but not before Peaches saw,” he says flippantly. He's always causing shit like this with Peaches. Good fucking God. “Listen you stupid cunt stay the fuck away from my man!” The Bubbles steps up to Peaches. Here it goes. Peaches pushes Bubbles hard making her stumble back. Shit gets going good I'm smacking the shit outta the both of them. Swinging Bubbles gets a handful of Peaches hair. Landing a loud smack Peaches hits her in the cheek. “Let go my hair you fuckin' whore,” Peaches screams. This shit goes on for a minute. Slapping, scratching, hair pulling. All while Lil stands stock still watching. Arms crossed, face impassive. She's wearing her hot ass dress and those six inch fuck me heels. People forming a circle, hollering and jeering. Cali steps behind Lil and whispers in her ear. That's when I see shit change on my baby's face. With a nod she steps up. A sick smile creeps over them lips. The devil in those brown beauties. Pushing through a few people Lil walks into the cleared out circle, Cali on her heels. Walks right up to the two of them looking like she could give a fuck. Bubbles has Peaches in some bitch chock hold pulling on her hair. In a quick motion Lil snatches Bubbles up by her hair, pulling it hard. Her neck snaps back into an unnatural position. “No hair pullin' bitch,” Lil sneers in a scary voice right in Bubbles face. Peaches pushes away from Bubbles looking like she's ready for the show. That isn't a voice I've ever heard Lil use. Tossing Bubbles down she lands on her ass. Jumping up Bubbles lunges at Lil. Spinning on her heels Lil faces Bubbles, smile on that face. One solid swift hit Lil lands one right in hit in Peaches nose. Blood everywhere. Lil never fucking flinches. Lil didn't even look like she had to work for it. Bubbles stumbles back blood running from her nose and mouth. Crazy bitch comes back for more, but Lil was ready. Lil grabs the back of her neck bringing her face down to her knee. Lil's silent and composed through the entire thing. Standing there looking like a fucking angel, fighting like a man. Bubbles slumps to the floor, no fight left in her. Body limp. Down for the count. Holy motherfucking shit. Some sick fucking thrill pumping through me. That shit's got me fucking hard and hurting. My sweet fucking girl is a motherfucking bad ass.


My hand hurts instantly. I know that shit is going to hurt like hell in the morning, but right now I just don't care. I'm not one for fighting. I usually let my girls handle that. Peaches and Cali are the ones always down to fight, but I saw that bitch Bubbles fighting dirty and I couldn't have that. So I handled a bitch. She'll think twice before fighting like a bitch in my club next time. That's not how I was raised to fight. You're going to put your hands on someone else you better be ready to take a punch. Don't touch someone if you're not prepared to go rounds with them. Wiping the piece of hair away from my face that fell I catch Tank's eyes. Their bright and heated staring holes through me from a few feet away. Making his way to me he pushes people out of his way. Stitch throws an arm over my shoulder. “Shit yeah sis. Haven't seen that side of you since high school,” he chuckles looking like a proud older brother. I can hear Peaches screaming at Gin, but no one pays them any attention. They're all used to their shit so it's no fun to watch anymore. Cali's shaking her head and smiling at me. Happy smacks himself in the forehead and shakes his head. Poor guy's not one for violence. Not sure the club's the right place for him, but he's family so he's not going anywhere. Tank makes it to me. Those eyes glowing brighter as he looks at me. Reaching a hand out to my face he brushes his fingers over my cheek. “Got some blood on you baby.” Tank stares at me for a moment not saying anything. Crush bounds up to us looking happy and drunk as hell. We're stuck staring at one another. “Fuckin' hell Lil. That was
” So glad I could offer some entertainment for everyone. Out of nowhere Bubbles pushes her bloodied face back towards me. Screaming and hollering nonsense. “Bitch I will get you!” Right at me she goes. Side stepping her I have to laugh. This girl has some serious heart. Making a swing for me again, I side step again. “Girl I will eat you alive,” I tell her evenly. I say it, because it's the truth. “Fuck you cunt.” Right there was her last chance. Call me a cunt and I'll land you on your back. One swift fallow though I plant my already aching fist right into her mouth. Tooth hits my knuckle and it isn’t because I missed, her tooth went through her skin. Crying she stumbles blindly into Stitch. “Bitch get lost before Lil kills your ass,” he warns her. Throwing wet bloodshot eyes at me she screams, “This ain't over. I will get you.” And I'll be waiting.

            “Baby, lean back into me,” Tanks deep rough voice growls in my ear. A chill runs down my spine from his gruff voice. My heart flutters. Dragging his fingers down my sides my skin goose bumps. His hard chest and stomach leaned into my back. Pushing my body back into his he groans into my neck. “Yeah, just like that baby.” One arm snaked around to my stomach, the other gripping my waist tightly. The hot water raining down on my back. The cool tile wall at my front. Pushing all the way into me I can feel him shiver. “Oh
” Kissing my shoulder he runs his tongue up my neck. Kissing and biting his way along my skin. Fucking me from behind my body pressed into the tiled shower wall. The coolness of the cold shower wall making my nipples harder. Pushing my ass back into him, my eyes close from the angle. So good, so full. Hitting the perfect spot deep inside me. Sliding in and out of me slowly he draws the pleasure out. Rubbing every angle, hitting every nerve. “Baby,
.” Pushing my hair over my shoulder he bites my ear, “hmm, so fuckin' good baby.” Pulling himself out slowly he kisses my neck sweetly. Tasting my skin. One hand on a tit, caressing softly. Slowly pulling in and out of me. Savoring every inch of my body with his hands, mouth, and dick. Touching me softly, lovingly. This Tank is sweet, but I want to be fucked right now. “Please just fuck me,” I beg. Reaching behind me I try to pull him closer. Try to get him to fuck me harder. Kissing the back of my neck I can feel his smirk. “My baby wants to be fucked huh?” he growls. Turning my head I look over my shoulder at him. “Fuck me,
,” I plead, licking my lips. Heat in those hooded blue eyes. Pulling out of me he turns me around in a blur. Grabbing around my waist, the other hand under my thigh. Lifting me up he slams my back into the wall at the same time slamming into me. “Fuck!” Smashing his hand into the wall by my head. His other hand grips my thigh, those strong fingers digging into my skin. Pulling out slowly he slams back into me. My arms instantly around his neck. “You want to be fucked baby. I'll fuck you so good you won't be able to walk.” My eyes roll into the back of my head. My head it’s the tile wall. Tank makes me cum so hard I'm pretty fucking sure I won't be able to walk. He wins.

            Laying in bed wrapped up around Tank I'm warm and comfortable. I can't walk and I don't intend to. My head rested on his hard tattooed chest. Wearing just his tee shirt my naked leg rested over his thigh. Tanks propped up in the bed, back rested against the head board. He's only wearing a pair of loose gray sweats. One of his arms wrapped around my shoulders playing with a piece of my hair and the other holding a blunt between his thumb and index finger. Stitch is sat in a backwards chair right by the side on the bed facing us. Passing it back and forth between them they smoke. Watching Tank bring the blunt to his lips. Inhaling deeply, letting the smoke soak into his lungs. Exhaling slowly. White clouds of smoke pass his lips smoothly wafting the air in the light smell of weed. A small simple act so alluring and sexy. “Got somethin' to ask you sis. Ain't gunna like it, but gotta know.” Dragging my gaze from Tanks mouth I look to Stitch. “Okay?” I retort hesitantly. God knows what's going to be coming from his mouth. “Whatcha ya remember from the day Josh was killed. Whatcha remember 'bout Crow n' him?” Completely caught off guard by his questions I just stare into space trying to get it together. Instantly long buried images and memories flood my mind. My heart constricts painfully. A cold sweat attacks my skin. All I can see is Josh in that thermal. Body here, but he's gone. I know it. There's too much blood, too much damage to his body. “Fuck man. Really had to bring that shit up here in my room. She was good n' you go n' fuck with it.” Tanks big hand buries into my hair. Wrapping fingers around the back of my neck he squeezes carefully. “Baby, you alright?” Pulling myself out of those thoughts I focus my attention back on Tank. His eyes intent on me. “Like I told you before I don't remember a whole lot. I hadn't seen
for a month or two before that day. You know Crow steered clear of me. Why?” Taking the blunt back he takes a hit and hands it back to Tank. As he speaks the smoke escapes his mouth. “Just tryin' to piece this shit with Draco together. Wonderin' why in the fuck they're gunnin' for you, for us. You didn't over hear shit? Josh didn't tell ya nothin'?”

            Shit no. Josh and I was a couple, but that's about it. He didn't talk to me like that. We spent time together occasionally. More than anything I was an in with the club and a girl to fuck. I thought I loved him, but I think it was more of liking someone desperately who wasn't nearly as invested or interested in the relationship than I was. My need for him to want me as much as I wanted him looked a lot like love to me at that age. Having been in other relationships I know that ours couldn't have been further from love. I was a possession. I was his ticket in to the club. His obsession with owning me looked a lot like love to me. Now I know differently. “Stitch you know I don't and didn't know anything.
told me more than
did. Fuck Stitch you and me spent more time together then
and I did.” Nodding he takes another hit savoring the smoke. Handing it back to Tank he gets up pushing himself off of the chair. “Alright. You think of somethin' that might help let me know.” Doing a manly hand shake thing Tank and Stitch nod at one another. Leaning down Stitch kisses my forehead and ever so slightly Tank's hold on me tightens. “You know I love ya sis. Just tryin' to take care of ya.” Stitch leaves the room and I slump into Tank. Jesus Christ I really do hate talking about Josh. As soon as the click of the door sounds Tanks eyes are on me. Concern plagues his face. His gaze warm and serious. “Nothin' n' nobody is goin' to get to you. I'll tell you that every day, if you need that I'll give it to ya. I swear on everythin' a motherfucker wants to you they're goin' through me first baby.” Since I can remember I've always had an army of family for protection. I've always had fierce mamas guarding my front. A father who ferociously protected my back. Brothers looking out for my best interest. Not once have I actually
that safety. Leaning into Tank I wrap an arm around his middle and pull him as close as I can get him. With Tank I feel it. I can feel that safety from head to toe. “Thank you.” His eyes flare. Leaning his face towards mine he whispers, “don't ever thank me for keepin' you safe. Fuck, it's why I'm here baby. No matter the circumstance, no matter the place, or the person I'll
have your back. Until the day I'm no longer breathin' I'll be here to keep you safe.”

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