The Right Words (22 page)

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Authors: Lane Hayes

BOOK: The Right Words
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“Mmm?” The initial discomfort was receding. I rocked my hips, gently testing my readiness and was hit by a wave of intense pleasure.

“Ride me.”

My eyes snapped open at his command. I rocked forward, then back again, setting a steady pace as I relished every little thing about being joined with this man. I loved how he held my hips but let me control the action. I loved his furrowed brow and intense expression. I loved the feel of him buried deep inside me, and when I reached back to fondle his balls, I loved the blissful moaning sounds he made. They spurred me on. I grabbed my dick in a firm hold and moved my hips faster.

“That’s it, honey. So good.”

Michael drew one knee up, adjusted his hip to change the angle slightly, and placed his larger hand over mine. He took over stroking my dick while he fucked me hard from below. He kept a litany of “that’s it” and “yeah, baby” all the while, but when he switched to Spanish and pistoned his hips in a fast and frenzied motion, I was left with no choice but to fall apart. I shuddered and quaked, cumming all over my lover’s taut stomach. He held my hips firmly and waited for the shaking to subside before he pulled me down and sealed his lips over mine in a passionate kiss.

He held me close for a long moment, and then his hands were everywhere. His fingers were back in my hair, then over my ass. He was on fire and anxious for his own release. He rolled me over to my side, careful not to break the connection between us. Then he bent his left knee and hooked my right leg over his arm. It was a slightly awkward position, but it didn’t matter. Fusing our bodies as close as humanly possible, Michael moved inside me wildly, jutting his hips like a man possessed while he tightened his hold on my ass. When his rhythm faltered, he clawed at my skin and came with a roar.

The passion and sheer intensity of our joining left me breathless and oddly weightless as though I were floating above looking down on our sweat-slicked, tangled limbs. I felt a lightness of being and a serenity that made want to cry out at the sweetness. When I threw my arms around Michael and squeezed him in a spontaneous embrace of sheer gratitude, he chuckled softly and pushed my hair away from my forehead before kissing my nose and gently disengaging our spent bodies. I lay flat on my back and stared up at the ceiling as Michael left my side to use the bathroom. I was ultra-aware of my surroundings. The sound of the waves breaking on the beach nearby blended with the closer soft hum of the tiny refrigerator in the kitchenette and Michael’s footsteps moving away from me and then, a moment later, back to my side.

I looked up and offered my lover a smile as he handed me a warm washcloth. He pulled the cloth away at the last second and sat next to me, his head cocked and a thoughtful expression on his handsome face.

“Turn over.”

I raised my eyebrows and hitched my arms behind my head not bothering to move an inch.


“Why do you think? Let me clean you up. Go on.” He made a flustered hand motion as if to say “Please just listen and don’t make me explain.”

I stared at him for a long moment before slowly rolling onto my stomach. I fluffed the pillow once and rested my head to the side to face Michael. He looked so intent, I didn’t want to miss a thing, and for some reason I found his request to cleanse me a complete turn-on. I loved the intimacy inferred. I’d bet he would be an amazing boyfriend, I mused.

I snapped my eyes closed and buried my head in the pillow in an effort to derail my idiotic thoughts. A man in the closet would not make a good boyfriend, no matter how attentive he was in private. At least not for me. And I wasn’t in the market anyway, I reminded myself.

“Better?” His deep voice combined with the warm cloth riding between my cheeks was nirvana.

“Hmm,” I murmured happily.

I turned my head to gaze at my beautiful lover. What was it about a strong man showing his gentle side that got me every time? I basked in his tender touch, closing my eyes as his fingers once again teased my hole.

“So sexy,” he purred in my ear, licking my lobe while his hands kneaded my ass.

He slapped my right cheek hard and shifted off the bed laughing like a loon when I jumped.

“Ow! That hurt!”

“It was a love tap.” Michael flopped down beside me and reached out to gather me in his strong arms before I could protest.

“Payback is a bitch.”

Michael gave a small chuckle and turned on his side to study me. “Sorry. I couldn’t resist. You have a beautiful ass.” He raised his eyebrows up and down in a lascivious manner.

I turned on my side and smiled widely, loving his silly teasing.

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Michael traced my jaw and held my chin briefly as he stared into my eyes, his expression turning serious.

“No.” I reached out to run my fingers along his brow, hoping to smooth out the deep furrows indicating worry on his part. He wasn’t talking about a slap on the ass. “I loved it.”

“Me too. I tried to be patient but I couldn’t….”

I pulled back slightly and studied his earnest face. He was telling me something, but I couldn’t tell what exactly.

“Couldn’t what? What do—” And then I got it. “You’ve been waiting for me, haven’t you? For me to say I was ready?”

He didn’t speak right away. He quirked his head and gave me a shy smile.

“I didn’t think we should do anything, you know,
if you weren’t read—”

I put a finger to his mouth and leaned over to kiss his full lips gently.

“Thank you. I’m ready.”

It was a cryptic exchange, but I felt as though we understood the meaning. And I
ready. I wasn’t exactly sure I could vocalize what I was ready for… a new start, a new direction, a new lover… but I felt stronger than ever. I felt capable and confident. I was healing inside and felt more at peace than I ever had. Michael was obviously physically mending too. I didn’t know if that translated to inner peace, but maybe it would eventually when he was forced to deal with the real world.




talk about our new roommate status. The plumbing issue had been fixed long ago, so we didn’t
to share the studio. Or a bed. But we did. We fell into an easy routine in the weeks that followed. Michael woke up at the crack of dawn most mornings to work out in his home gym or take a walk on the beach before heading off to a physical therapy appointment or a meeting. I really had no idea where he disappeared most days. I stayed busy coordinating the contractors and writing in my spare time.

I wondered every once in a while when things would get awkward. We didn’t know each other’s everyday habits. I wasn’t overly picky, but I didn’t want to step over dirty laundry in the bathroom or be subjected to loud television viewing. Who knew when little idiosyncrasies morphed into bigger issues? Or even worse, when one of us began to expect more than the other was willing to give.

As the first few weeks of cohabitation melted away, I had to admit, Michael was easy company. He was a thoughtful and considerate roommate. But better yet, he was an attentive lover with an insatiable appetite. The sex was off the charts. I’d never been with someone who had the ability to make me feel cherished and adored one moment and like a porn star the next. It was a heady combination I wanted to take full advantage of for as long as it lasted.



him one morning in the kitchen standing near the sink with a cup of coffee in his hand, staring into space. Or perhaps the cinder-block wall view had captivated his attention somehow. His thoughtful expression was tinged with worry.

“Morning,” I mumbled as I headed straight for the coffeemaker. Michael turned to offer me a sweet but distracted smile.

“Penny for your thoughts.” I casually leaned against the counter, wiping the inside of my cup clean before pouring coffee in it. The layer of grime in the kitchen seemed a bit thicker than yesterday. I was thinking I should suggest we start using the kitchenette in the studio rather than drink construction dust with our morning java.

Michael snorted a light laugh under his breath and rolled his eyes at me. “I have an idea. I’ll give you a penny for your thoughts.”


“You’re easy to read, honey.”

“So I’m always told. What was I thinking?” I took a sip but made sure he saw my glare first.

“You were thinking the mugs are too dirty to continue drinking from or at least making coffee in the kitchen. You turned up your nose at the dust, and I’m guessing if you were a little more awake you’d start redesigning this room in your head.” He smirked playfully and tapped the side of his temple. “Which is why I had to think fast to intercept before you got too deep. Am I right?”

“You’ve obviously had more caffeine than me. I’m not sure I can keep up with all that.”


“Fine. You’re right. It is grimy down here.” My tone was prim and proper, but I ruined the vibe with a grimace when I took my next sip too quickly and nearly burned my tongue.

“Easy there.
Es muy caliente
.” Michael chuckled. He stood facing me with his arms crossed over his chest, looking mightily amused. “That means ‘it’s hot’ in Spanish.”

“Actually it means ‘it’s very hot.’” Nice comeback. I was such an idiot. I carefully lifted my cup, taking a slow sip this time.

Muy bien
. Very good. I think you know a lot more Spanish than you let on.”

“No, not really. I told you. I know a few swearwords and some basics, like
. When I hear you speak to someone on the phone in Spanish, I zone out. Sort of like when someone talks sports or high finance. It’s another language to me. An unfamiliar one I’ll probably never know.”

“You could if you chose to. It’s never too late to learn. And what do you mean about sports? You don’t follow any sport? At all? What about diving or gymnastics or—”

“Save your breath. Not interested. At all.”

“I could teach you. In fact….” His eyes lit up in animated determination. Oh boy.

“We can have fun with this. I’ll teach you some basic
and then we’ll do a little training, light weights, cardio. Do you run at all? I should be cleared to jog in a month or less and—”

I sputtered my protest, not sure which part to tackle first. I hated exercise. I went to the gym occasionally… as in when Brandon dragged me. Otherwise I avoided it and tried to eat well to compensate. And I did not agree to be his Spanish pupil!

“No. Not happening.”

He walked toward me and set a single finger over my lips to silence my protests.

Sí. ¡Es perfecto!
You can help keep me busy. And it’s something we can do together. Besides fuck.” He licked my bottom lip as he palmed my cock through my jeans. I moaned and arched into his touch, wanting more contact.

Michael pulled away and gave me a lascivious grin.

“Come join me for a walk on the beach. The benefit to working out with me in my current condition for you is that I can’t run. Yet. Once I can, you’re doomed.” He held my face between both of his hands and gave me a big, sloppy kiss.

I pulled back and opened my mouth to protest, but he stopped me with another kiss. A real one. My toes curled, and I swore I saw stars when he finally stepped away from me. He held my eyes for a long moment and then gave me his sweet lopsided grin before heading toward the door, smacking my ass lightly in parting.

“Meet you outside by the stairs in half an hour.”

I stared after him and knew resistance was futile. Michael’s easy charm always seemed to catch me unaware. He was one of the most naturally charismatic men I’d ever met. Sure, Neil had been charming but in a calculated way. Michael was innately magnetic. He didn’t have to say much for you to notice him, but when he did, you listened. And when he actually put a little effort into being engaging and pleasant, it felt like a seduction of sorts.

If I were completely honest, I would admit the reason I put my sneakers on and headed outside to meet him had more to do with the simple fact I wanted to be with him. Besides, he’d soon give up when he realized I was a hopeless pupil.




with basics. You already know
. What about
, and

Michael turned to wait for me as I descended the last few wooden steps leading down to the beach below his house. He was dressed for the cooler late-October morning in formfitting black workout leggings, an olive-green pullover, and a black beanie. The hat shouldn’t have looked sexy, but I gulped and tried to discreetly adjust myself when I first saw what he was wearing.

I stepped carefully onto the uneven sand and took a brief look around. The marine layer was thick, making it difficult to see the horizon in the haze. However, it didn’t detract from the incredible setting. The cliffs behind us and the outcropping of rock formations in the ocean a hundred yards out gave the secluded beach a rugged feel. I’d been down here to explore and get away from the construction a few times, but I rarely ran into many people. A couple of joggers or walkers and the occasional tourist came by, but truly it felt like a private beach. A cool and dreary weekday morning meant we’d most likely have the shore to ourselves.

“Are we going to walk in the wet part of the sand? I’ll probably twist my ankle if we stay on the dry part, and it’s cold out here. I really don’t wan—”

“Cool it, kid. No complaining. It’s time for your lesson. Don’t try to deter me from my quest to teach my pretty designer boy some elementary español.”

I rolled my eyes but kept my attention on my feet, wondering if I could successfully ignore him for an hour. And because I was a total sucker, I also basked in the fact he’d referred to me as his “pretty designer boy.”

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