The Risk: Scott's Story (Runaway Love Series Book 2) (18 page)

BOOK: The Risk: Scott's Story (Runaway Love Series Book 2)
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First, I have to thank God for guiding me on my writing journey.

To my husband, Airial: Thank you for being my best friend and an amazing partner. Without you in my world, I probably would’ve lost my mind. Thank you for being you. I love you!

To my mother, Candace: Thank you for being the best mother. I truly appreciate you!

Chloe, Mommy loves you! You’ve seen me pour my heart, soul, and time into writing my books. I hope you’ve learned that hard work and dedication do pay off in the end! Always try your best and put your entire being into any tasks that truly matter to you.

To my brother, Lance: Thank you for being a great brother and helping me when I needed the help.

To my aunt/sister, Sheliese: Thank you for being such a wonderful person. Keep up the hard work - you can do whatever you set your mind to doing.

To my family and friends: Thank you for allowing me to tell you about my book every chance I got.

To my power squad, Francisca, Stephanie, and Kim: What can I say about you ladies? Francisca, you’re wonderful and I love you! Thanks for being here from the start, creating real and random teasers, making swag, and sending me inspiration. Stephanie, thank you for being you! Even though you went MIA for a while, I understand school is way more important. I love your wonderful personality! You’ve been here since day one and have always given me honest and helpful feedback on my stories. Kim, what can I say? You’re a wonderful personal assistant and friend who I absolutely need in my life. Thanks for putting up with my bossy ways that I’m not even away of. Lol Thank you for promoting my books out to the world. You’re amazing and thank goodness for your hidden talents!

To my editor/guardian angel, Tina: You’re my blessing in so many ways. Words truly can't express how happy I am to have you as my editor and helping me on my journey of becoming an author. Thank you for helping me with everything. I’m trying to make your workload lighter if I can. With each book, I’m pushing to be better than the last one. You’re stuck with me for LIFE!

To my formatter, Angela: Thank you so much for your support and your creative approach to formatting. I love that formatting is more than just a job to you – you actually care about me and my book and you go over and beyond to ensure my book looks the best it can! We have many more books to do. Thank you for sticking with me.

To JM Walker, Just Write. Creations: I love, love, LOVE my cover for
The Risk
. I think I might want to lick it! Thank you for helping me express how I wanted the cover to be. This only the beginning. Thank you.

To Iveta and her blog, Read It Women: Thank you for being so amazing and expressing the love you have for my stories. I live for your feedback! I promise I’ll try my best to keep you on the edge of your seat.

To my beta readers, Terri, Tennille, Diane, Elsi, and Kathy: I enjoy reading each and every one of your feedback comments. I'm glad everyone enjoys the book, and I hope you ladies stick with me on my journey. I have plenty of books to write.

Thank you to my street team, Pamela Washington’s Dream Chaser’s! Thank you ladies for having fun with me. I love interacting with you amazing ladies.

And last but not least, I would love to thank YOU the READER and all the BLOGS for taking a chance on ME. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did writing it. Thank you.



Pamela Washington is a proud native of Staten Island, New York who now resides in Charleston, South Carolina with her amazing husband and wonderful daughter.

Pamela LOVES to read! She enjoys the opportunity to enter into a whole new world and escape reality for a little while. Throughout her childhood, she could be found devouring books instead of playing outside with friends. Even as an adult, she reads every chance she gets! She’s extremely proud of her talent in picking out great books!

Pamela is quite passionate about her writing. She pours her heart and soul into everything she writes because she wants to give her readers a very special part of herself. A self-professed hopeless romantic, Pamela loves love. However, not every story she writes will have a happily ever after. Pamela believes in keeping her stories true to life, and sometimes life just isn’t happy.

When Pamela isn’t reading or writing in her bed with her headphones on and Rice Krispy treats nearby, she’s most likely working her day job, hanging out with her family and friends, or indulging in some TV time with her favorite shows

This is just the beginning of Pamela’s professional writing journey, and she hopes you join her as she creates her own path in the literary world. If you would like to follow or contact her, please do so. She LOVES feedback!


Email Address: [email protected]



Come be part of her Street Team/Dream Team:

Pamela Washington's Dream Team on Facebook


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Now that you know Grace and Scott’s sides of the story, please continue reading to get a special glimpse into Tony’s perspective!


The Protector

Tony’s Story


I still remember the day I met Grace. What a beautiful and conflicted beauty she was! I wanted to be close to her more than she will ever know. Her haunting grey eyes called to me as they expressed the extreme loneliness and deep sadness that were slowly taking over her soul. I made a silent promise to her to always take care of her and make her happy. From the moment our eyes locked, my life revolved around Grace.

We went our separate ways after we left the group home, but I always kept track of her. When Grace finally called me and said she needed a place to stay, I was elated. Grace was always in trouble and hanging with the wrong crowd. I tried to help lead her on the right path, but I soon realized she had to learn on her own. I loved her independent, stubborn nature. Hell, I loved everything about her.

It took a while, but we were finally able to build our perfect family with our son, Scottie. I know Grace doesn’t love me as much as I love her, but I’m okay with that. That may sound twisted, but I promised to accept her just the way she is – flaws and all. I know so many of Grace's secrets, but I will never tell her what I know. That would destroy our relationship. She thinks I’m always totally honest with her, but I can’t be – I will do whatever it takes to keep her. I know I’m the best man for Grace, and I know she knows it too, deep down. I’m the man who makes her feel secure, loved, happy, protected, and worthy. I’m the man she sleeps next to at night. I’m the man who saved her. Most of the time I can convince myself that Grace is mine even though I know her heart belongs to an unreliable, selfish, cocky asshole.

How did she find Scott? I tried my damnedest to keep Scott away from Grace, but I obviously wasn’t successful. He's back in her life, and Grace has completely changed. She doesn't think I’ve noticed, but I have. I know she’s conflicted as well – torn between her loyalty to me and her desire for him. I can only hope that her trip to England with Scott helped her find the closure she desperately needed so she can finally give me her heart when she recommits herself to me.

Our vow renewal ceremony was more amazing than I could have ever imagined. When Grace told me she loved me and only me, she made me the happiest guy in the world. I’m delighted for our family, and for our future, with my child growing inside of her. She doesn't know that I found the positive pregnancy test in the garbage, and I can’t wait for her to tell me so I can scream my excitement to the heavens and back. Our baby will bring us even closer and strengthen our relationship.

Our lives are back on track, and we’re both content. With Scott out of the picture, nothing can tear us apart. Well, nothing that is except for Allison. I saw her attend our ceremony even though she wasn’t invited. Allison is up to something, and I have a bad feeling about her intentions. Grace can’t learn about Allison being around again; she just can’t. Grace is finally mine; I finally have everything I’ve ever wanted, and I will do whatever it takes to protect what’s mine. Whatever. It. Takes.

Table of Contents

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