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Authors: Candice Millard

The River of Doubt (56 page)

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Seeing his opportunity

So deep-seated

As soon as she could talk
, April 15, 1914, AMNH.

He and three of his neighbors
Dark Trails

Honorato began to realize

“most hospitable”
Through the Brazilian Wilderness

“like a dream”

Even the sight
, April 15, 1914, AMNH.

Sitting outside after

From the start
Author’s interview with Cinta Larga.

: A Pair of Flags

According to the expedition’s
Theodore Roosevelt,
Through the Brazilian
(New York, 1914).

“working poorly”
Kermit Roosevelt,
, April 16, 1914, KBRP.

“retained their original”
Through the Brazilian Wilderness

Just two days earlier
, April 14, 1914, KBRP.

“in worse shape”
Through the Brazilian Wilderness

“If I am to go”
New York Times
, Jan. 7, 1919.

Using only the simplest
Museo do Índio, Rio de Janeiro,

As the doctor worked
Through the Brazilian Wilderness

“Father’s courage”
Kermit Roosevelt,
The Long Trail
(New York, 1921).

“dusky cigar-smoking wife”
Through the Brazilian Wilderness

Although the operation
George Cherry,
, April 21, 1914, AMNH.

The bacterial infection

“He eats very little”
, April 21, 1914, AMNH.

They rejoiced when
Through the Brazilian Wilderness

At exorbitant cost
, April 20, 1914, AMNH.

“In this land of plenty”
Through the Brazilian Wilderness

The only food
, April 23, 1914, AMNH.

After months of worrying
, April 20, 1914, KBRP.

Concern over Roosevelt’s condition
, April 24, 1914, AMNH.

These falls
Through the Brazilian Wilderness

Men much younger

“the ‘king’”
, April 24, 1914, AMNH.

Caripe was exactly
Through the Brazilian Wilderness

The Carupanan falls demanded
, April 25, 1914, KBRP.

On the afternoon of April 26
Through the Brazilian Wilderness

When the men on the river


On the afternoon of May 19, 1914
New York Times
, May 20, 1914.

“brown as the saddle”
New York World
, May 20, 1914.

“wasted to a mere shadow”
Leo E. Miller,
In the Wilds of South America
(New York, 1918).

For his trip from Manáos
New York World
, May 20, 1914.

It was not until
New York Times
, May 19, 1914.

Not only did he regain
New York Times
, May 20, 1914.

“I am all right”
New York Sun
, May 20, 1914.

“certainly is a very remarkable”
New York World
, May 7, 1914.

New York World
, May 9, 1914.

“If the Colonel says”
New York World
, May 8, 1914.

“unconsciously paid”
New York Times
, May 14, 1914.

“a pure fake”
TR to Arthur Hamilton Lee, May 23, 1914, TRC. Rondon had traveled with Landor during his visit to Brazil, and he wrote Roosevelt a letter stating that the self-proclaimed explorer had not entered any uncharted territory. Roosevelt later published this letter in
Le Matin
, one of the largest newspapers in Paris, where Landor was living. “I think that I have definitely put a stop to all serious considerations of his claims as an explorer so far as competent observers and witnesses are concerned,” Roosevelt later wrote to Rondon.
(New York Times
, June 13, 1914; TR to Rondon, Nov. 5, 1914, TRP.)

The society, which had fought
New York Times
, May 27, 1914.

Following a dinner
Gilbert Grosvenor to Melville Grosvenor, Dec. 29, 1962, NGS.

As Roosevelt entered
New York Sun
, May 27, 1914.

“The striking thing”
New York World
, May 27, 1914.

Asking the journalists
Theodore Roosevelt, Address to National Geographic Society, May 26, 1914, NGS.

“I sat in the front row”
Gilbert Grosvenor to Melville Grosvenor, Dec. 29, 1962, NGS.

“any doubts that
New York Evening Journal
, May 27, 1914.

Roosevelt’s chance
Belle had been forced to move her wedding date from April to June because of the late arrival of the expedition, but it still took place in Madrid.

Outside the front door
New York Times
, June 17, 1914.

Lifelong members
New York Tribune
, June 17, 1914.

Even Lord Earl Grey
Times of London
, June 17, 1914.

“All the benches”

In his opening remarks

“stepped briskly”
Unnamed newspaper, June 5, 1914, TRC.

“not in good trim”
TR to Arthur Hamilton Lee, June 29, 1914, in
, vol. 8.

“demonstrate his growing skill”
Literary Digest
, May 23, 1914, TRC.

Months after the news
Kathleen Dalton,
Theodore Roosevelt: A Strenuous Life
(New York, 2002).

“old Brazilian trouble”
TR to KR, Feb. 18, 1917, in
, vol. 8.

“When the young die”
TR to Corinne Roosevelt Robinson, Aug. 3, 1918, in
, vol. 8.

“All right!”
Quoted in Hermann Hagedorn,
The Roosevelt Family of Sagamore Hill
(New York, 1954).

“Never before”
John Burroughs, “Theodore Roosevelt,”
Journal of the American Museum of Natural History
, Jan. 1919, TRC.

Just three years after
Amilcar Botelho de Magalhães,
Impressão da Commissão Rondon

Albert Zahm became
Fred Howard,
Wilbur and Orville: A Biography of the Wright Brothers
(New York, 1987).

Father Zahm himself
Ralph E. Weber,
Notre Dame’s John Zahm
(Notre Dame, 1961).

After his expedition
Joseph R. Ornig,
My Last Chance to Be a Boy
(Mechanicsburg, Pa., 1994).

He loved fishing
Author’s interview with Hubert Cherrie, George and Stella Cherrie’s grandson.

The same year
Todd A. Diacon,
Stringing Together a Nation
(Durham, N.C., 2004).

He was hounded
Donald F. O’Reilly, “Rondon: Biography of a Brazilian Republican Army Commander,” Ph.D. dissertation, New York University, 1969.

When Rondon left
Mac Margolis,
The Conquest of the Amazon Frontier
(New York, 1992).

He took a job
Unnamed newspaper, July 30, 1914, TRC.

“The bottom has dropped”
Quoted in Edward Renehan,
The Lion’s Pride
(New York, 1998).

In the 1920s
Peter Collier with David Horowitz,
The Roosevelts: An American Saga
(New York, 1994).

Kermit lost Belle’s
Collier with Horowitz,
The Roosevelts

When Kermit disappeared

At fifty-two
Lion’s Pride

On the night of June 3, 1943
Collier with Horowitz,
The Roosevelts
; Renehan,
Lion’s Pride

Not until 1926
New York Times
, June 26, 1927.

By the 1950s
W. Jesco von Puttkamer, “Brazil Protects Her Cinta Largas,”
National Geographic
, Sept. 1971.

It was not until
Initially, FUNAI officials were uncertain how many tribes and sub-tribes lived along the River of Doubt and so classified them all as Cinta Larga. As contact with the tribesmen grew, experts later distinguished between the tribe that lives to the west of the river and the tribe that lives to the east. The former calls itself the Paiter, and is now officially known as the Suruí. The latter refers to itself as the Matétamãe, and is known to the outside world as the Cinta Larga. (For excellent descriptions of FUNAI’s first contact with the Suruí and Cinta Larga, see John Hemming,
Die If You Must
[London, 2003], and Von Puttkamer, “Brazil Protects Her Cinta Largas.”

The Indians kept
Von Puttkamer, “Brazil Protects Her Cinta Largas”.

Steps toward pacification

After the exchange

On March 1, 1919
George Cherrie, Memorial Meeting, March 1, 1919, TRC.

“I have always thought”


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