The Road to Price (12 page)

Read The Road to Price Online

Authors: Justine Elvira

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

BOOK: The Road to Price
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“You don’t say? I
wasn’t aware Miami had a beach.” He looked at me wide eyed to see if I would
say something snarky back. I kept my mouth shut; he could win this one.

Sebastian grabbed
a duffle bag from the backseat of his jeep along with the paper bag that held
our subs. He shut the passenger door and looked my way.

“Mia, if your done
being sarcastic then I will tell you why I brought you here. I wanted to have a
picnic with you on the beach. The beaches in Miami are crazy and I wanted us to
have some privacy. Then I remembered this stretch of beach and decided I would
take you here. It is stunning here and you can actually enjoy the sound of the
ocean instead of the sound of the thousands of people around you.” He smirked
at me while lifting his eyebrows, “Was that a good enough answer?”

I was speechless.
He thought this day out. He wanted to spend time with me on the beach… he
wanted us to have privacy. This man was constantly doing and saying the
sweetest things. I guess I will play along and spend the day his way.

“So, what’s in the

“Wouldn’t you like
to know?" He flicked my nose with his finger and lowered his hand to grasp
mine again. Then we were walking, hand in hand, to the beach. To an outsider we
might even look like a couple in love. Man did I wish we could be a couple in

I was drawn out of
my thoughts by Sebastian’s voice. “I’m kidding around you know. I have a
blanket, water, and some sodas in the duffle bag. That’s it.” 

We had stopped on
a nice stretch of beach that was practically deserted. Since it was the middle
of October there were less and less people coming out to the beaches.

Sebastian opened
his black duffle bag and pulled out a large flannel blanket. He laid it out on
the sand and made a gesture for me to sit. I happily sat while he pulled the
water and soda out of the bag.

“Which one would
you prefer?” he asked me sweetly.

“Water, please.”

He handed me the
water and kept the soda for himself. When he sat down next to me on the blanket
I was hoping for some kind of physical contact again. It didn’t happen.
Sebastian kept a couple inches between us and slowly sipped his soda. We sat in
a comfortable silence, just staring out into the deep blue ocean.

It was

There were some
boats out in the water. A few were docked closer to the beach but most were
much further out. Occasionally I would see one of the beach goers step into the
ocean but most stayed on the beach like us. The water was getting a little
colder this time of year.

After a few more
minutes of silence Sebastian turned to me, staring at my profile while I was
still taking in the sight of the ocean. When I turned to meet his eyes he

“You hungry?”

“Not really.” I
replied back while taking in his blue eyes with mine.

They were
piercing. I don’t know if it was because they were on Sebastian or if they
would look this way on anyone, but he had the most beautiful eyes I had ever

His gaze stayed on
mine as he leaned in towards me.

“Mia, I know I
said I would be your friend and I am your friend… but being your friend sucks.”

“Excuse me?” I
said with a bit of hurt in my voice.

He looked frazzled
at the sound of my voice and quickly explained. “No… I mean… I mean being your
friend has been great but, Mia, I want to be more. I want to hold you, kiss
you, fall asleep next to you at night and wake up with you by my side in the
morning. I want you to be mine and I want to scream it from the rooftop.”

He leaned in
closer to me and my breathing started to get faster. My heart began to race.

He continued,
“These past six weeks have been amazing but they’ve also been torture. Everyday
I get to know you more and I fall deeper. I want to have a life with you Mia.”

His hand lifted to
my face and cupped the side of my cheek as he spoke softer. “I want… scratch
that… I need to make love to you.” His face came impossibly closer to mine. He
brought his mouth to mine and stopped as his lips grazed mine.

“Can I kiss you?”
He asked, his lips gently brushing against mine as he spoke.

I didn’t answer
with words. I closed my mouth on his and basked in the beauty that was
Sebastian’s lips. His kiss was soft, unrushed, like he was soaking in every
part of my lips.

I was soaking in
his too.

He slid the tip of
his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance. My mouth instantly opened
and his tongue met mine. His taste was like nothing I had experienced before.
Every second, his kiss got better.

One of his hands
slid to the small of my back while his other hand was gently holding my head to
his. Sebastian started moving us down until I was lying on my back on the

I opened my legs
for him and his body slid in between them. I had one hand on the back his head,
gripping the hair that was there. My other hand moved slowly down his back
until it I got to the hem of his shirt, then my hand slid under his shirt and
made its way back up, tracing and gripping his defined muscles.

His body was

His lips moved
from my mouth, as he slowly placed open mouthed kissed down my next. It was
sending tingling sensations throughout my body. I could feel the warmth in my
belly and my panties were wet.

Sebastian’s hand
slid from behind my back to my stomach. He slowly applied pressure while moving
his hand to go under my tank top. The skin on his hand was a little rough and
somehow made me more turned on than before. His hand reached my breasts and
went under the cup of my bra to play with them. He would gently massage my
breast and then he’d pull on my nipple. He continued this a few times before
switching to my other breast.

His erection was
pressing against me. He was grinding his hips in time with each wet kiss he
left on my body.

I was in bliss.

His mouth moved to
my collarbone as he continues his efforts on my breasts. His erection was now
sliding back and forth against my core, through my shorts.

I needed him now,
but we were on a beach.

The Beach!

“Sebastian!” I
moaned out.

It sounded like
encouragement. Sebastian started sucking on the top of my breasts.  For a
second I forgot that I needed him to stop. It felt too good. Luckily my brain
wouldn’t let me forget we were on a public beach.

“Sebastian, we
need to stop.” This time my words came out stronger.

Sebastian lifted
his head from my breasts, panting, and looking into my eyes. After his
breathing started to slow down he spoke.

“I’m sorry. That
was way to fast. I swear I was only trying to kiss you but once my hands
touched your body, I couldn’t stop.”

I reached out to
brush my fingertips across his upper arm. I felt exactly what he was saying; I
needed to touch him too. So I was going to reassure him with my words.

“I’m not
complaining Sebastian. I wanted you to touch me. I want you to keep touching me
but… we’re on a public beach.”

Sebastian looked
around us as if he was just now noticing where we were. He looked back at me
with a huge grin on his face. “I guess we put on quite the show,” he winked at
me. Sebastian than raised himself off me and sat next to me on the blanket.

While I was getting
myself back up he spoke again. “Was that okay? I mean... did you enjoy kissing
me? Do you want to continue kissing me?” He sounded so unsure of himself. It
was adorable.

“I enjoyed it and…
I wouldn’t mind if it happened again.” I blushed as I said that last part. I
don’t know why I was all of a sudden being shy but I guess I was unsure of
myself too.

Sebastian reached
his hand out to grab mine. “Good, because it took everything out of me to stop
kissing you. I was ready to find some secluded area, strip you naked, and
finally claim you as mine.”

His words brought
that familiar ache back to my belly. I was ready for him to claim me too.

“Sebastian, I… I
want that too,” I whispered to him. “Take me home.”

He looked puzzled
at my words so I continued. “Take me home and make love to me. I want you to
make love to me.”

His face showed a
bunch of emotions but shock won out. I was shocked too. I had never imagined
being comfortable enough with a man to trust him with my body, but I trusted


“Are you sure? I
don’t want to rush you; especially after everything you have been through.”

I looked into his
eyes and with a steady voice said, “I’m sure.”

Sebastian leaned
into me and planted a sweet, slow kiss on my lips. It only lasted a couple
seconds and then he was looking into my eyes again. “Lets eat our lunch and
take a walk on the beach. Then we can head back home and see where it goes from
there. How does that sound?”

He was always so
considerate. I had a hard time believing this was the same man I met back in
August. He was a changed man and I couldn’t help but hope it was because of me.

“That sounds
perfect,” I answered him.

He reached for the
paper bag next to him and pulled out our sub sandwiches. He handed me my
Italian meat lover’s sub and another bottle of water. My mouth started to water
and I realized that our make-out session had actually made me hungry.

I took my first
bite and couldn’t help but think about the night ahead of me. Sebastian and I
were going to sleep together.

Sebastian was
going to make love to me.

I was going to
trust a man for the first time in over seven years and although that thought
should scare me, it didn’t. I was ready to have sex. I just hoped this time I
enjoyed it.




The rest of the
day went by perfectly. We finished our subs on the beach, and then we sat for a
little while longer just enjoying being in each other’s company. We finished
the afternoon walking hand in hand along the edge of where the ocean met the

It was a perfect
day. The best I have had in awhile.

We were on the
highway driving home now and I was starting to get nervous about tonight.

What if I wasn’t
any good? Sebastian has a lot of experience. Maybe he won’t want to be with me
after tonight? Will he go back to sleeping with the other girls tomorrow? My
mind was going crazy with my thoughts.

He had said some
life altering words to me earlier that made my insides melt. I couldn’t be sure
but maybe they were just words for him. Maybe it was what he said to women to
seal the deal. Was I just going to be another fuck to him?

I stayed silent
the rest of the way until we pulled into his estate. Sebastian pulled up to
where the driveway curved at the front of the house and stopped the car.

I didn’t wait for
him to open my door. I needed air. I got out of the car and waited for him as
he walked to my side of the vehicle.

“Everything okay?”

I wasn’t sure what
to say. Should I lie and tell him yes? Or should I tell him the truth and let
him see what a complete nutcase I was being.

I went with the

“No actually. Can
we go inside and talk? Maybe up to your room? I had some time to think on the
car ride and I probably just let my thoughts get the best of me but I need to
talk to you about what you said earlier,” I blurted out.

“Sure. You know
you can ask me anything Mia. I promise to be honest with you. You may not like
what I have to say, but I will be honest. You’re putting a lot of trust in me
and I don’t want to blow that by lying to you.” I saw the sincerity in his eyes
as he spoke and I knew whatever was said would be honest. That was all I could
ask for.

We walked into
Sebastian’s home and went straight to the right side of the house where the
bedrooms were. The house was eerily quite and no one on the staff was in sight.
I could hear the sound of each of our steps on the wood floors. We walked
towards the end of the hallway until we reached a set of double doors that led
into the master bedroom.

Sebastian opened
the doors to his room and made a gesture with his hands for me to go in first.
I have been in this room several times but only to clean. This time felt

It was different.

Sebastian was
inviting me in for intimate reasons. I wasn’t in here to clean, or dust, or
even to put his laundry away. I was here for the night… hopefully.

The walls in his
room were a light blue that naturally brightened up the look of the room. A
dark brown suede chaise was to the left of the doors along with a standing book
shelve filled with historical books and biographies.

Directly in front
of me was a California King size bed with black bedding, black satin sheets,
and dark grey accent pillows. A dark brown nightstand stood on each side of the
bed and to my right was the largest dresser I have ever seen. It was dark brown
and had to have been custom made just for him.

He didn’t have any
pictures of friends or family in his room. In fact most of the estate had no
personal pictures, but he did have one painting above the headboard on his bed.
It was one of those abstract paintings that looked like it was just paint
splattered over a canvas but the artist saw something else. And you, as an
admirer, are supposed to draw your own conclusion of what the painting means to

When I looked at
it, it made me sad.

He had two doors
to the left of his bed. One opened up to a large walk in closet. The other
opened to and elegant master bath that had a gigantic Jacuzzi bathtub that I
cleaned once a week. I often fantasized about being able to use his bathtub.
What girl wouldn’t?

At this point
Sebastian had made his way over to his bed. He was sitting and staring at me,
the woman who was still standing in his doorway. I knew that once I moved I
would have to ask him where he saw this going. The physical part of me, the
part of me that wanted him more than my next breath, didn’t want him to answer.
She just wanted him… all of him…. tonight.

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