The Romanov Sisters (Four Sisters) (82 page)

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Authors: Helen Rappaport

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Russia & the Former Soviet Union, #Biography & Autobiography, #Women's Studies, #Family & Relationships, #Royalty, #1910s, #Civil War, #WWI

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Newspapers and Magazines

Anglo-Russian, The

Atlantis Magazine

Cassell’s Magazine


Current Literature

Current Opinion

European Royal History Journal

Daily Mirror

Girl’s Own Paper

Girls’ Realm

Harper’s Weekly

Illustrated London News

Ladies’ Home Journal

Letopis’ voiny
, 1913–18

Literary Digest

Littell’s Living Age

McClure’s Magazine

Munsey’s Magazine

New York Times


Noviy Zhurnal

Novoe Vremya



Pearson’s Magazine

Penny Illustrated Paper


Review of Reviews
(UK edition)

Royalty Digest

Russkoe Slovo

Scribner’s Magazine

Stolitsa i usad’ba,

Strand Magazine

Washington Post

Westminster Review

World’s Work

Young Woman

Youth’s Companion


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Digital Newspaper and Historical Archives

Alexander Palace Time Machine

19th-century UK Periodicals, British Library

19th-century Newspapers, British Library

New York Times
Digital Archive

Papers Past, New Zealand

Proquest British Periodicals

Proquest Periodicals Archive

Proquest Periodicals Index

Royal Russia News Archive

The Times
Digital Archive

Trove Digitised Newspapers

Washington Post
Digital Archive

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