The Runner's Enticement (Men of Circumstance Book 2) (18 page)

BOOK: The Runner's Enticement (Men of Circumstance Book 2)
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Chapter 30

How she managed to make it through the scene in the parlor without confessing all, Anna had no idea. Probably because she’d been frozen and her body incapable of moving, much less speaking.

Even now, sitting across the table from Mr. Thomas with her father at her side, she had to force herself to lift her fork and chew the roast threatening to choke her.

To make matters worse, Nate was absent from the meal, claiming a need to see to some business. If not mistaken, and in her current state she could very well be, he'd replaced himself with the man standing guard outside the door of the dining room. One of these days she would learn why Nate felt the need for such increased security.

Then again, after today and the realization there had been another robbery, she couldn’t fault him. Little did Nate know the thief, and amulet, had walked right past him just days earlier.

Her mouth still working around the same chunk of beef, she only vaguely registered her father’s conversation with Mr. Thomas. Her throat felt too tight to swallow.

Not until the words ‘Bes bell’ penetrated her thoughts did she take an interest.

“Since I didn’t want talk of the bell to get around before I’d shared the discovery with you, I don’t know the exact interest a faience Bes bell will bring, but I’m sure it will be extensive,” Mr. Thomas rejoiced.

Ever since she’d learned the potential value the small but potentially one-of-a-kind item held, she’d been struggling with herself. If Mr. Rollins only wanted to recoup his investment, and wasn't secretly bent on ruining her for some obscure reason, the Bes bell might carry enough worth to settle the debt.

Could she do it? Could she destroy her father to save herself?

The bell was his chance to make an everlasting mark on the world of collecting. The one thing he’d always longed for. If he’d been present when they’d unearthed the artifact, instead of merely funding the expedition . . . That would have made the discovery even better.

“It is indeed a rare find, Walter.” Her father congratulated Mr. Thomas. “Besides the rest of the crew, does anyone else know of the bell?”

Mr. Thomas frowned. “Not by me. I came here as soon as the ship hit land. And I kept the bell in my possession the entire time.”

Anna studied her father. Gone was the overjoyed man from earlier today.

“Good.” He responded as if preoccupied.

“Papa, what is it?”

“What, dear?”

“Something is obviously on your mind.”

He patted her hand, resting beside her plate filled with uneaten food. “Nothing for you to worry about. Just something I need to discuss with Frederickson.”

If her father wanted Nate involved, she suspected his thoughts were consumed by the thefts. She understood his concern. Knowing items had been taken after Nate and his men had become involved must plague her father.

It wouldn’t be long before someone—most likely Nate—figured out why. When she’d stood in the parlor as they’d discussed the missing amulet, she’d actually felt the room shrink around her.

Thank God her next—and most betraying—act would be her last. She didn’t have the stomach to handle any more. If she couldn’t convince Mr. Rollins the Bes bell held the kind of value which should easily cover the debt, she’d have to admit defeat—as much as it would crush her to do so.

If not for the recent success of Clara and others like her at the school, Anna would never contemplate taking the bell. The students deserved one more try.

If only she’d never met Mr. Rollins and she’d focused her attention on recruiting wealthy families to supplement the students who couldn’t pay. She scowled at her uneaten food that seemed to mock her. She never would have been in the situation to begin with if noble families hadn’t started to look elsewhere, not wanting their daughters exposed to the likes of the lower class.

With her mind on the school and her father distracted, it didn’t take long before everyone wished to be somewhere else and Anna was free to be alone with her thoughts. Well, as alone as she could be with Nate’s man never far from her side.

Continuously being
hindered her ability to get a message to Mr. Rollins. As it was, without her trips to the school she already had very limited options.

Too early for bed, and frankly quite sick of the four walls of her chambers, Anna retreated to the library. Hopefully she could ease her thoughts between the covers of a book.

“I shall be perfectly safe surrounded by these books, sir.” Anna addressed Nate’s man who had positioned himself at the door of the room. “Just as I had been in the dining room.”

“I have my orders.”

“Of course you do,” Anna muttered under her breath as she ventured further into the room.

Her better sense told her to go to the shelves and pick a book. Any book. But with the day’s events swimming around her head, sitting and reading no longer seemed possible.

She turned and eyed the man at the door. His serious expression and clear dedication to his
brought to mind Nate from the day they’d met, before the line of their relationship had become murky and she could no longer see where it fell.

Frustrated with his renewed dedication to see to her safety, a very naughty side of her wanted to take a stroll through the house and visit every room to see how far her guard’s commitment to his job went. But that would be childish and even though she’d sunk to incredible lows over the last few weeks, she refused to help herself sink further.

Instead, she opted for eliciting conversation from him. Maybe he’d slip and reveal where Nate had gone. Or why the sudden need for her to have a constant companion.

“What are your orders exactly?” she asked rather bluntly.

He eyed her wearily. The man clearly had enough sense to question her motives.

“To stay by your side.”

“For what purpose? Surely the thief wouldn’t harm me. Nothing the person has done as of yet would indicate he is dangerous. There haven’t been any changes that would merit this increased protection.” She’d attempt to smile sweetly and lure the answers from the Runner but she suspected she didn’t have an alluring demeanor. She settled for the direct approach. “Or has there?”

His eyes shifted from her face and she expected him to ignore her question.

He might as well have done, considering his noncommittal answer. “That is not for me to say.”

“So there
been something but you won’t—or can’t—tell me. Did Nate order you to keep silent?”

“Really, princess, you’ve stooped to interrogating my men?”

! The dratted man had to pick now to show himself?
There’s something being kept from me and I want to know what.
Given Nate’s difficult nature, she’d have no luck getting answers from him. Not that her current guard had been any more forthright.

“My missing protector has returned. How lucky for me.” She couldn’t help being surly. She wanted it to all be over. To have Mr. Rollins out of her life. To have the school safe. To somehow have her father’s artifacts returned.

The figurative cage Nate’s safeguarding had placed her in was getting to her. She couldn’t move without someone being there. She swallowed her laugh realizing Nate had unknowingly captured the thief.

“A tad out of sorts tonight, I see.” He turned his attention to his man still standing by the door. “I hope she didn’t give you too much trouble, Henry.”

Anna hadn’t realized
possessed the ability to smile. “Nothing I couldn’t handle.”

Nate gave a deep chuckle as the other man departed, apparently relieved of duty.

Seething at how the two shared a good laugh at her expense, Anna stood silent. How dare he make her a prisoner in her own home and then have the indecency to find her situation amusing?

“Retract the claws. Henry was just doing what I asked of him.”

“It isn’t Henry I want harmed.”

His fair brow rose. “You
in a mood. Did you miss me? Is that what has your drawers in a bunch?”

Heat flared in her cheeks as she recalled how he’d become intimately familiar with her undergarments.

He shifted closer. “No response? No reminder that the sky would turn purple before you missed me?” With every step closer, he exposed an aspect of himself she fought to resist . . . appealing predator. “No scathing rebuke that I have no right to mention your drawers?” His voice dropped. “Even though I’d have to argue since I can recall several instances granting me the right.”

She was quickly losing the ability to recall the reason for her anger.

“Well, Anna?”

Ignoring the tingles his closeness incited, she found her voice. “You are being ridiculous, as you very well know.” Returning to the issue at hand, she asked, “Am I not allowed to speak to the men assigned to

The heat in his eyes faded by a degree. “Of course not, but we both know your attempt to speak with Henry was far from innocent. It wouldn’t have amounted to anything though. My men are well trained and I’m sorry to inform you it would take more than a society miss to crack one of them.”

She latched onto the one thing his response didn’t deny. “Then there
something everyone is keeping from me.”

Before he effectively cleared his expression, she discerned a quick flicker of dread over his handsome face as he detected his error.

“We’ve already spoken of this. Your father wishes for you to be safe and until we determine who is stealing the artifacts, and how far he will go to get what he wants, you will be protected.”

It was her turn to shift closer. “Yes, so I’ve been told. Numerous times. What I don’t quite understand is the renewed attention in my safety. As far as I can tell, nothing surrounding the stolen items has changed. So, why the constant guard?”

He released a deep sigh. “Anna, nothing has changed from the last time you pursued this. I’m here to do a job and I’ll be damned if I don’t do it to the fullest of my ability. Just accept that seeing to your safety is more important than some dusty artifacts.”

Her eyes searched his face, looking for the words he left out. When she didn’t find them, she asked, “To whom?”

“Excuse me?”

“To whom is my safety important? My father?”

“Of course your father wishes for you to be protected.”

She didn’t believe it was so simple. “And no one else?”

His eyes softened. “What do you wish me to say? Is my admission that important?”

For some inexplicable reason it was all that mattered. Her throat suddenly dry, she nodded.

“Very well.” His body brushed hers as he traced a finger over her cheek, tempting her to sway into his arms. “There is nothing more important to
than ensuring your safety.”

His heavy-lidded eyes locked on hers and she found herself tumbling into the sincerity swirling in the intense blue. The genuineness pulled at her until, before she could stop to consider, she pushed to her toes and pressed her lips to his. She’d intended for it to be a light brush, just to show what his admission meant to her. But when his strong lips caressed hers, she melted under the heat consuming her. Which, it seemed, Nate echoed, judging by the sudden growl from his throat.

Familiar with the feel and taste of him, her body took control and seized what it had craved since the day in the drawing room.

His mouth slid against hers as freely as his hands roamed her body, effectively clearing everything from her mind apart from the two of them. Their future might not be clear but they had now.

Anna vowed to enjoy whatever she could of her life that wasn’t crumbling around her.

Chapter 31

Even as he continued to taste the sweetness of her lips, Nate knew he should cease. One day he vowed to discover what overrode his common sense when it came to Anna. Until then, he couldn’t muster enough concern to give a damn.

As her delicate sigh filled his mouth, he only cared about enjoying the woman in his arms. Soon enough he would have to find the strength to send her on her way. Alone.

With Grant still tracking Foxmoore and Nate needing to guard Anna, his night would be hell. He’d only torture himself further by going into it with the recent feel of her soft body against him—not to mention the hardness of his cock straining his breeches.

One more
. He would allow himself one more deep taste before he sent her away.

The moment her tongue swept into his mouth and she became the aggressor, his good intentions strode out the door. Along with his better judgment.

Their lips fused in a kiss so deep he felt it in his loins; he moaned his approval as he lifted her in his arms and moved until her back pressed against the wall. His fuddled brain vaguely registered the bookcase partially shielding them from view of the open door. In the low evening light—and no candles lit—perhaps their tryst would go unnoticed.

Aided by the strength of the wall behind her, Nate pinned Anna high, until his hardness could throb against her mound. The instant his shaft nestled there, her head fell back and he sealed his lips to the erratic pulse throbbing beneath her smooth skin.

“Oh God, Nate. I need . . . please.”

Her broken plea spurred him on. Increasing the pressure between her legs, he raised her higher as he shifted his attention to the low bodice of her gown. Keeping her trapped between him and the wall, he freed her breast.

Nate wanted to crow aloud at the catch in her breath when the cool air hit her uncovered skin. He rubbed his mouth over the swell of her breast and feasted on the tip.

“Nate . . . please.”

Without deserting the treat displayed before him, he whispered, “Hush, princess. You must be quiet or else the servants might come searching for the source of all this moaning. Instead of finding a ghost, they’d catch you with your dress around your waist.”

To punctuate his words, he dropped his hands and easily raised her skirts so only his breeches separated them.

Her breath hitched once more, yet he knew she wasn’t completely lost in the moment when she spoke. “You are indeed a rogue, Nathaniel Frederickson.”

He lifted his head and smiled unapologetically. “I never claimed not to be.”

She batted his shoulder at his unabashed response but not before an approving smirk curved her lips. The teasing lightness, mixed with the heady passion of the moment, sent his head spinning. Sex for him had always been about pleasure. His
his partner’s. With Anna it went deeper.

Maybe she had the right idea, continuously asking for
. Undoubtedly, with each other, the simple act of sharing their bodies would never be enough.

Lost in the turquoise depths of her eyes, Nate freed himself and without losing their visual connection, joined their bodies in one smooth thrust of his hips.

“Perfect.” His cheek nestled into the crook of her neck, he inhaled her feminine scent as waves of desire pulled him under.

Overwhelming need roared for him to plunge rapidly into her softness. To find the burst of pleasure waiting beyond the rising peak. Instead he became lost in her. In the feel of her tight heat pulling him in—and not just his cock. When he lifted his head and his gaze met hers, the fire mounting in her eyes burned hot with a blend of passion and affection that swallowed him. He’d never be the same again, for Anna somehow managed to scorch an untouched part of him, leaving a scar only she could heal.

His movements steady and deep, he caressed her from within.
Damn, she’s incredible.
So giving of not only her body, but fragments of herself he’d never thought to claim.

Still held captive by her eyes, he whispered, “You’re beautiful,” and meant it in every way possible.

His words seemed to set something free in her because before he could react, her core tightened around his cock and she shattered in his arms. Only when her eyes finally closed with the power of her orgasm, did he free his hold on his arousal, surrendering to his own release.

When his body finally floated back to earth, he found her staring at him with an utterly satisfied smile parting her soft pink lips.

“Why the smile?” As if he didn’t know.

“I never figured I’d have my very own rake.” She didn’t even attempt to sound modest. Which made him wonder if she’d always possessed a hidden level of daring or if she’d gained it for his benefit.

“Your very own, eh?”

“Oh, yes. My very own.” Her smile widened.

This time, her self-confidence hit him close to his heart. He found himself
—no, demanding—to be kept by her. How easily he could push aside his bastard status and claim her in ways he didn’t have the right to. To offer her a future. Together.

Instead, he focused on the moment and the tempting woman still clasping him intimately.

“I have no issue with that,” he finally answered, ignoring the twinge of guilt for further integrating himself in her life, before covering her lips briefly with his.

Their position against the wall rather uncomfortable, besides exposing her to anyone who walked in, Nate withdrew from her warmth and set her on her feet. He told himself she needed time to find her legs, the single reason he allowed only enough space between their bodies for the hem of her dress to fall to the floor.

As if she too wanted to keep their connection, Anna fussed with the collar of his cutaway coat, reminding him wore entirely too much clothing for what had just transpired.

“You have a habit of distracting me.”

“Me?” He released a deep laugh before remembering the open door. “Anna, love, you’ve sidetracked me since the day we met.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

He found it adorable that her sensual appeal was lost on her.

“Either way,” she continued, “your form of distraction seems to coincide with you not wanting to answer my questions.”

She had a valid argument but in no way was his need to have her body connected with keeping the truth of Jarvis from her. He feared his desire for Anna could withstand anything.

“Are you ready to retire or do you still have things to do? I know you’ve been busy planning your father’s gathering.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Distracting me again?”

Since he was, and they both know it, he ignored her question. “How are the party arrangements?”

“If I didn’t have plans for you, Nathaniel Frederickson, I’d toss you out on your ear.”

He didn’t know what he wanted to address more. Her
for him or how sweet she became when her hackles were raised.

“What plans exactly?” His baser self won out.

“Excuse me?”

He pushed into her until she was flat against the wall once more. Hands braced on either side of her head, he leaned in. “You said you have plans for me. I wonder what they are. And, if they could quite possibly match my plans for you.”

“Still attempting to distract me?”

He grinned. “Is it working?”

“I was right about you all along.”

“How so?”

“You, sir, are the devil sent to torture me.” There was no bite to her words. In fact, her rather wicked expression hinted at an entirely different method of torture than the heinous sort.

“You’re wrong there, sweetheart. It is
sent to torment me. In fact, I think we should relocate to your bedchamber where you can continue to

What am I doing?
Anna wondered as she lay curled in Nate’s arms. When had she turned into a scandalous woman who snuck men into her bed? In her father’s house?

Her head resting on his bare chest, she felt its steady rise and fall and knew he slept deeply. The gentle rumble of his breathing—plus the rather vigorous activities they’d partaken in after entering her room—should have lulled her to sleep.

Instead, she found herself unable to silence her stupid thoughts. They kept circling between Nate, what having him in her bed actually meant, and the Bes bell. If she couldn’t find sleep, then she wished her focus would remain solely on the warm, naked man her equally unclothed body draped across.

Unfortunately, the dratted bell and what she feared she would have to do kept encroaching on her good thoughts. Each time she almost convinced herself to admit defeat, to let the school go and somehow amend for her sins, she thought of Clara Tindale and the opportunity the school allowed her. Could Anna take the opportunity away from her? Away from all the young ladies the school benefited?

She worried the answer was no.

Careful not to wake the sleeping man beneath her, Anna untangled their limbs. She rolled to the vacant side of the bed, her back to him, unwilling to taint the wonderfulness of their night with the awfulness of what she’d decided to do. She just needed to convince herself to take the final step that would ultimately destroy her father.

The chill of the night cooled her skin that Nate’s body had so effectively heated. She welcomed the coldness. It matched how she felt inside. Of course there were other options available. But she couldn’t default on the agreement with Mr. Rollins and let him take the school as payment. No longer because of her own desire to see it succeed in the name of her mother, but for what it meant to Clara and others like her.

She could also go to her father. Confess what she’d done, and have him save her from it all. As much as it would solve so many of her problems, she was no longer a child and had made her choices as an adult. She needed to face the consequences as one. With all she’d taken, she couldn’t ask him for more. Not with her betrayal between them.

Which left her with filching the Bes bell in hopes she could convince Mr. Rollins it had enough value to pay off the note. Which remained a wild card because she feared Mr. Rollins wanted her to fail. Either way, she had to try.

Her next problem, to either send word to Mr. Rollins first and present her offer, or secure the Bes bell and then meet with the odious man. With the recent discovery of the missing amulet, there wasn’t much chance of being alone with the bell, especially with her father and Mr. Thomas’ fascination with their new find.

She would have to take whatever opportunity presented itself. Time was running out.

Lost somewhere between what she must do and what she didn’t want to do, Anna was unaware Nate had awakened until his hand slid over her side and tugged her to the defined muscles of his chest.

“I don’t like waking to you not in my arms.” The soft mumble of his touching words against her ear brought a sob to her throat. She fought the tears pooling in her eyes. The moment Nate learned of her deceit, he’d no longer desire her by his side. If he could even stomach the sight of her, it would be more than she deserved.

“Why are you so far away?”

She doubted he meant in the physical sense. Nate was too perceptive to overlook her mental anguish.

“I know tonight doesn’t indicate how we should proceed,” he continued. “I know there are more questions than answers, but this isn’t just some casual tryst for me.”

She had to bite her lip to keep from crying out when he placed a gentle kiss on her shoulder. Why couldn’t he have stayed the obnoxiously irritating man she’d first met? Then it wouldn’t hurt so much when he ultimately turned away from her.

She’d been content with her single life before Nate. Satisfied knowing men didn’t flock to her like bees to honey. She hadn’t been searching for a grand passion. So why did it have to find her? Was it punishment for all the awful choices she’d made?

“Anna, look at me.”

It wasn’t a demand; neither was it a request. If anything, it was a plea. Having a man as confident and sure of himself as Nate plead for her attention cut her deep.

Aware he silently waited for her to comply, she blinked her tears away and rolled onto her back, hoping the darkness cloaked her swollen eyelids. Now was not the time to be mulish. She had a very seductive, naked man in her bed. There were better activities to engage her time than dwelling on what seemed beyond her power to change. Tomorrow would be soon enough for that.

When she met the lightness of his eyes through the murky moonlight, one risk she’d taken left her reassured . . . Nate might be correct about having more questions than answers but no matter the outcome, she’d never regret their intimate time together.

“I would say I’m sorry and take back tonight if I could, but I’d be lying.” The darkness failed to cloak his grin. “If I recall correctly, you get rather peevish when I’m not honest.” He raised his hand and caressed her cheek. “Anna, love, please tell me if I should be apologizing.”

Hating that he felt unsure of their lovemaking, she vowed to forget everything, save the two of them. At least until the morning light invaded their sanctuary.

Snuggling closer, she nibbled the curve of his jaw. “The only thing you need to make amends for is falling asleep. What is the benefit of having my very own rake if he is unconscious?”

Nate had her flat on her back before the last word left her mouth. Given the hardness pressed against her leg, he was
awake. “You were saying?”

“I can’t seem to remember.”

“If I’d known this is all it took to get you to cooperate, I’d have enticed you into bed days ago.”

Now it was her turn to be a little wicked. “I believe you did. Oh, and let us not forget the couch in the drawing room and the wall in the library.”

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