The Saint in Miami (15 page)

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Authors: Leslie Charteris

Tags: #Mystery & Detective, #General, #Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Large Type Books, #Large Print Books

BOOK: The Saint in Miami
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Karen brushed off her dress.

“He’s just a big overgrown kid, isn’t he?” she said in a tactful undertone. “When are you thinking of sending him to school?”

“We tried once,” said the Saint, “but he killed his teacher in the third grade, and the teacher in the fourth grade thought he’d had enough education.”

It was fortunate that there was half a mile from the entrance arch to the premises, he reflected, so that it was unlikely that anyone at the Palmleaf Fan would have been alarmed by the shot.

The road swung right in a horseshoe. His headlights ran along a thatched wall ten feet high, broken only by a single door, and picked up the sheen of a line of parked cars. There was not a vast number of them, and he imagined that the crowd would not get really thick until the other night spots were tiredly closing and the diehard drinkers flocked out to this hidden oasis for a last two or three or six nightcaps. Simon parked himself in the line, and as he switched off the engine he heard music filtering out from behind the impressive stockade.

“Well, keed,” he said, as Mr Uniatz gouged himself out of the back, “here we go again.”

She sat beside him for a moment without moving.

“If anything goes wrong,” she said, “I couldn’t help it You won’t believe me, but I wanted to tell you.”

He could see the pale symmetry of her face in the dimness, the full lips slightly parted and her eyes bright and yet stilled, and the scent of her hair was in his nostrils; but beyond those things there was nothing that he could reach, and he knew that that was not delusion. Then her fingers brushed his hand on the wheel briefly, and she opened the door.

He got out on his side, and settled his jacket with a wry and reckless grin. So what the hell? … And as they crossed to the entrance she said in a matter-of-fact way that clinched the tacit acceptance of their return to grim rules that had been half forgotten: “It’s easier to get in here if you’re known. Let me fix it”

“It’s a pipe, boss,” declared Mr Uniatz intrusively. “When de lookout opens de window, I reach t’ru an’ squeeze his t’roat till he opens de door.”

“Let’s give her a chance to get us in peacefully first,” Simon suggested diplomatically.

It was all strictly practical and businesslike again.

A hidden floodlight beat down on them, and a slit opened in the door-perhaps someone else had thought of Hoppy’s method of presenting his credentials, for the slit was too narrow for even a baby’s hand to pass through. But there was no need for violence. Eyes scanned them, and saw Karen, and the door opened. It reminded Simon a shade nostalgically of the glad and giddy days of the great American jest that was once known as Prohibition.

The door closed behind them as they entered, operated by a stiffly tuxedoed cut-throat of a type Simon had seen & thousand times before.

“Good evening, Miss Leith.”

The blue-chinned watchdog approved the Saint, and veiled his startlement at Hoppy’s appearance with a mechanical smile and an equally mechanical bow.

A flagged pathway led to the entrance of the building itself, which was a rambling Spanish-type bungalow. The second door opened as they reached it, doubtless warned by a buzzer from the gate.

They went into a vestibule full of bamboo and Chinese lanterns. Another blue-chinned tuxedo said: “A table tonight. Miss Leith? Or are you going back?”

“A table,” she said.

As they followed him, the Saint took her arm and asked: “Where is ‘back’?”

“They have gambling rooms with anything you want. If you’ve got a few thousand dollars you’re tired of keeping, they’ll be delighted to help you out” ‘

I tried that once today,” said the Saint reminiscently.

They went through into a large dimly lighted dining room. The tables were grouped around three sides of a central dance floor and on the fourth side, facing them, an orchestra played on a dais. Back against one side wall was a long bar. Grotesquely carved coconut masks with lights behind them glowered sullenly from the walls. At either end of the bar a stuffed alligator mounted on its hind legs proffered a tray of matches. Electric bulbs scattered over the raftered ceiling struggled to throw light downwards through close rows of pendent palmetto fans, and only succeeded in enhancing the atmospheric gloom. The collective decorative scheme was a bizarre monstrosity faithfully carried out with justifiable contempt for the healthy taste of probable patrons, but with highly functional regard for the twin problems of reducing the visible need for superfluous cleaning and concealing the presence of cockroaches in the chop suey; and Simon recognised that it was entirely in tune with the demand that it had been designed for.

A silky head waiter, proportionately less blue-jowled as his position demanded, ushered them towards a table on the floor; but the Saint stopped him.

“If nobody minds,” he said, “I’d rather have a booth at the back.”

The major-domo changed his course with an air of shrivelling reproach. He might have been more argumentative, but it seemed as if Karen’s presence restrained him. As they sat down he said: “Will Mr March be joining you?”-and he said it as if to imply that Mr March would have had other ideas about good seating.

Karen dazzled him with her smile and said: “I don’t think so.”

She ordered Benedictine; and the Saint asked for a bottle of Peter Dawson, more with an eye to Mr Uniatz’s inexhaustible capacity than his own more modest requirements.

The orchestra struck up another number, and multicoloured spotlights turned on at each comer of the room threw moving rainbows on the floor. Karen glanced at him almost with invitation.

“All right,” he said resignedly.

They danced. He hadn’t wanted to, and he had to keep his mind away from what they were doing. She had a lightness and grace and rhythm that would have made it seem easy to float away into unending voids of rapturous isolation; her yielding slenderness was too close to him for what he had to remember. He tried to forget her, and concentrate on a study of the human contents of the room.

And he realised that there were some things about the clientele of the Palmleaf Fan which were more than somewhat queer.

He wasn’t thinking of the more obvious queernesses, either; although it dawned on him in passing that some of the groups of highly made-up girls who sat at inferior tables with an air of hoping to be invited to better ones were a trifle sinewy in the arms and neck, while on the other hand some of the delicate-featured young men who sat apart from them were too-well-developed in the chest for the breadth of their shoulders. Those eccentricities were standard in the honky-tonks of Miami. The more unusual queerness was in some of the cash customers.

There was, of course, a good proportion of unmistakable sightseers, not-so-tired business men, visiting firemen, shallow-brained socialites, flashy mobsters, and self-consciously hilarious collegians-the ordinary cross-section of any Miami night spot. But among them there was a more than ordinary leavening of personalities who unobtrusively failed to fit in-who danced without abandon, and drank with more intensity of purpose than enthusiasm, and talked too earnestly when they talked at all, and viewed the scene when they were not talking with a detachment that was neither bored nor disapproving nor cynical nor envious but something quite inscrutably, different. Many of them were young, but without youthfulness-the men hard and clean-cut but dull-looking, a few girls who were blonde but dowdy and sometimes bovine. The older men tended to be stout and stolid, with none of the elan of truant executives. There was one phrase that summed up the common characteristic of this unorthodox element, he knew, but it dodged annoyingly through the back of his mind, and he was still trying to corner it when the music stopped.

They went back to the table, and he sat down in the secure position he had chosen with his back to the wall. Their order had been delivered, and Hoppy Uniatz was plaintively contemplating eight ounces of Scotch whisky which he had unprecedently poured into a glass.

“Boss,” complained Mr Uniatz, “dis is a clip jernt.”

“Very likely,” Simon assented. “What have they done to your
Hoppy flourished his glass.

“De liquor,” he said. “It’s no good.”

Simon poured some into his own glass, sniffed it, and sipped. Then he filled it up with water and ice and tried again.

“It seems all right to me,” he said.

“Aw, sure, it’s de McCoy. Only I just don’t like it no more.”

The Saint inspected him with a certain anxiety.

“What’s the matter? Aren’t you feeling well?”

“Hell, no, boss. I feel fine. Only I don’t like it no more. It ain’t got no kick after dat Florida pool water. I ast de waiter if he’s got any, an’ he gives me dat stuff.” Hoppy pointed disgustedly at the carafe. “It just tastes like what ya wash in. I told him we ain’t gonna pay for no fish-bath, an’ he says he won’t charge for it. I scared de pants off him. But dey try it on, just de same. Dat’s what I mean, boss, it’s a clip jemt,” said Mr Uniatz, proving his contention.

The Saint sighed.

“What you’ll have to do,” he said consolingly, “is go back to Comrade Gallipolis and “ask him for some more.”

He lighted a cigarette and returned to his faintly puzzled analysis of the room.

Karen Leith seemed to sense his vaguely irritated concentration without being surprised by it. She turned a cigarette between her own finger and thumb, and said: “What are you making of it?”

“It bothers me,” he replied, frowning. “I’ve been in other joints with some of these fancy trimmings-I mean the boys and girls. I think I know just what sort of floor show they’re going to put on. But I can’t quite place some of the customers. They aren’t very spontaneous about their fun. I’ve seen exactly the same thing before, somewhere.” He was merely thinking aloud. “They look more as if they’d come out here because the doctor had told them to have a good time, by God, if it killed them. There’s a phrase on the tip of my tongue that just hits it, if I could only get it out-“

“A sort of Kraft durch Freude?” she prompted him.

He snapped his fingers.

“Damn it, of course! It’s Strength through Joy-or the other way round. Like in Berlin. With that awful Teutonic seriousness. ‘All citizens will have a good time on Thursday night. By order.’ The night life of this town must have got to a pretty grisly state …’

His voice trailed off, and his gaze settled across the room with an intentness that temporarily wiped every other thought out of his mind.

The head waiter was obsequiously ushering Randolph March and his captain to a table on the other side of the floor.

How Simon Templar Saw
Sundry Girls, and Sheriff
Haskins Spoke of Democracy

The orchestra uncorked a fanfare, and the room lighting seemed to become even dingier by contrast as a spotlight splashed across to illuminate a slim-waisted creature who had taken possession of the microphone on the dais. His blond hair was beautifully waved, and he had a smudge under one eye that looked like mascara.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” he said, with an ingratiating lisp, “we are now going to begin our continuous entertainment, which will go on between dances to give you a breathing spell-if you can still breathe. And to start the ball rolling, here is that beautiful baby, Toots Travis.”

He stepped back, leading the applause with frightful enthusiasm, and Toots minced forward from a curtained arch on the right of the orchestra. She really was pretty, with a dutch-doll bob and a face to go with it and a figure with rather noticeable curves. She looked about sixteen, and might not have been much more. The orchestra blared into a popular number, and she began to saunter around the floor, waving a palmleaf fan and singing the refrain in a voice which could have been more musical. Much more.

March semaphored boldly across the floor to Karen, and she responded more restrainedly with one hand. He gave no sign of having noticed the Saint’s existence. The captain nodded perfunctorily in their direction, and paid no further attention. Simon could hardly see any other course for him. When in a public place one encounters two persons who twentyfour hours ago were kicking one four feet into the air and beating one over the head with an empty bottle as one came down, one can hardly be expected to greet them with effusive geniality. One could, of course, call for the police and make charges; but there had been plenty of time already to do that, and the idea had obviously been discarded. Or one could come over and offer to start again where one left off, but there were social problems to conflict with that, not to mention the discouraging record of past experience.

Toots continued to stroll about after the refrain ended. It began to appear that the needlework in her dress was not of the most enduring kind. Subtly, and it seemed of their own volition, the seams were coming undone. Either because she was unaware of this, or because as a good trouper she bravely refused to interrupt the show, Toots went on circulating over the floor, revealing larger and larger expanses of white skin through the spreading gaps with every pirouette. Mr Uniatz goggled at the performance with breathless admiration.

Simon leaned a little towards Karen.

“Incidentally,” he said, without moving his lips, “what is that captain’s name?”

“Friede,” she told him.

“One of those inappropriate names, I think,” murmured the Saint.

He was recalling his first curious impressions about the captain. It had seemed on the March Hare that Friede was far more in command of the situation than March. There had been an aura of cold deadliness about him that the average observer might have overlooked, but that stood out in garish colours to anyone as familiar with dangerous men as the Saint Throughout the episode of the previous night, Friede had never stepped out of line, had never attempted to dominate, had given March every respect and deference. And yet, when Simon looked back on it analytically, Friede had done everything that mattered. All the constructive and dangerous suggestions had come from him, although he had never obtruded himself for a moment. He had simply put words and ideas into March’s mouth, but so cleverly that March’s echo had taken the authority of an original command. It had been so brilliantly done that Simon had to think back again over the actual literal phrasing of the dialogue, wondering if he was trying to put bones into a wild hallucination. Yet if that irking recollection was right, what other strange factors might there be inside that rather square-shaped cranium, which now that the captain appeared without his cap was revealed as bald as an ostrich egg?

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