Read The Salvation of Daniel (The Blue Butterfly Book 2) Online

Authors: D H Sidebottom

Tags: #Book 2 in the Blue Butterfly Series

The Salvation of Daniel (The Blue Butterfly Book 2) (18 page)

BOOK: The Salvation of Daniel (The Blue Butterfly Book 2)
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She glanced at me over her shoulder, her eyes on fire. “You see how pale my skin is, Daniel?” Her taunting was dangerous. My fingers manoeuvred the belt until the buckle was wrapped around my wrist, the leather strap now doubled and taut across the palm of my hand. Every fibre of me was alert and stimulated. It had been so long since I had delivered any extreme pain that my body was over-stimulated and a shiver racked my brain, excitement thinning my blood until it was powering around my body, the pulse of it throbbing in my ears.

The slow blink of her eyes captivated me, my mouth watering at the liberation of the old me. “Make me bleed,” she ordered. “Make me scream… Master.”

“Bend over the bed.”

She was now naked, the whole of her stunning body open for my viewing. I had never seen a woman so fit, and it was beautiful. Each of her muscles gave her contours and lines that appealed, and although she was firm, she was still feminine. The curve of her breasts when she palmed the bed made my dick groan.

She still watched me as I stepped towards her. Her breathing was hard as she anticipated the pain, the freedom it could provide. Her lips parted when I softly ran the palm of my hand down the bend of her spine and then over her smooth backside. She was correct; her skin was pale, beautifully fair. The need in me to alter that into the deep glow of agony was engulfing.

She gasped when I lifted and brought my hand down hard, readying her for the leather. Her skin instantly flushed, the rush of blood to the surface thrilling every nerve within me. The next crack blushed more, her bottom lifting this time to meet me and grant her even more delicious pain.

She groaned when I gave her more and rested her forehead on the bed. Her skin glowed, not just from my hand, but the whole of her, the excitement racing though her forcing her blood to flow easier and more smoothly.

This was what the acceptance of pain offered. The endorphins that stimulated the brain released adrenaline, which in turn excited the heart, powering the blood to surge through the system, consequently stimulating every single erogenous zone in us.

“Harder,” she moaned through her panting. “Don’t be afraid to let me see you. Let yourself go.”

I closed my eyes, trying to rein in the desire to hurt further but suddenly it was no good. She had roused the real me with her want for stimulation, with her acceptance.

The leather felt too good in my hand, its weight satisfying as though it was a part of me, my own personal tool. The whoosh it created when I whipped it through the air and down on her skin released the first of my own moans. Her body bowed under the contact, her mouth open to release her own erotic groan, her neck bent back as her face expressed the ecstasy.

The second slash broke her skin, releasing bubbles of her blood to pool over the paleness. I stared at it in awe, the beauty of the crimson against the white was mesmerising, stimulating. My groin throbbed, my own aroused blood hardening my erection severely.

Freedom overtook and I relished in each whip on her, every single crack driving the power in me higher and higher. I gave her what she wanted, what I needed, what I always craved. I slaughtered her body, destroying her skin, and finally broke her pain barrier when she screamed my name in a fierce climax. I watched her body stiffen, her head snap back further, her pale skin erupt in goosebumps and her lips part in an incredible orgasm. She was extraordinary as her body let go and allowed her to fly.

My balls clenched and I feared I would come right there watching the ecstasy take her.

Positioning myself behind her I murmured a groan when the trickle of her arousal dripped down the inside of her thighs. Fuck! I didn’t wait for her to come down before I slammed inside her. Her climax gave me a graceful entrance, her slick walls allowing me all the way in on the first drive.

“Shit!” she hissed when I smashed against her cervix.

My palm crashed over her sore arse, igniting another hiss from her. “Watch your mouth. It’s bad enough I have to listen to your filth, but I won’t tolerate it whilst I’m inside you.”

She stilled. I watched with a smile when her teeth sank into her lip, her anger at my declaration tightening her pussy around me, making my need to hurt her intensify.

“When my cock is pleasuring you, your body is mine, swan.” Pulling out of her slowly, smirking at the way her hips followed me, I tore back into her hard, knocking her forwards up the bed. “Mine to control and mine to rule.” Wrapping her hair around my hand, I tugged her backwards onto me, my cock feeding her pleasure. “I will give you what you want.” I pulled her back against my chest and slid my fingers around the front of her throat. “So you will concede to mine.”

She didn’t reply, yet I saw the rage pour through her. My fingers constricted her airway further, her small gasps igniting the delight in pain deliverance inside me. After all her stubbornness and her defiance, I could still rule her. I was the one in power now, and better still, she knew it. She needed me, she craved what I could give her.

She was just like the rest, a puppet allowing me to manipulate them so long as they got what they wanted. However, it didn’t disappoint me. Connie was somewhat different. I could see her discipline, the way she had been taught to devour pain was astounding. Her own manipulation of pain saddened me. She was like every woman I had educated but her schooling had been brutal, the scars that adorned her back testament to that.

I fucked her hard, knowing she could take it. My pelvis crashed against her sore backside over and over as both of our moans fuelled our hunger. Releasing her neck from my hold, I pushed her back down until she was flat on the bed, my body eclipsing hers, my whole frame pinning her down under me, her stitches scratching at my back, grazing my skin.

The position clamped her legs together, restricting my cock inside her but this only gave me a deeper sensation of her cunt biting down on me. The elegance in the way she fucked made my name for her even more appropriate.

I brought my mouth to her ear as I pushed further inside her, my thrusts quickening as my orgasm demanded its release. She groaned long and intensely when I swelled inside her, my climax painful and rapturous at the same time as I spewed inside her.

My teeth clenched and I growled loudly as my body clenched and jerked, bliss making my eyes roll and my heart beat stutter. She followed me, another orgasm ripping another scream from her, enhancing my own with the erotic sound.

I rested my forehead on her shoulder, sweat from both of us dripping down her hot skin, and slid out of her. She pushed up on her hands, encouraging me to roll off her and onto the bed.

Her face turned to me, her skin flushed and glowing. “Well fuck.” My eyes widened at her language, especially after my earlier instruction but she winked. “I think you’ll find your dick isn’t currently inside me. So… yeah, fuck!”

She tapped my nose then lifted herself off the bed and walked into the bathroom.

My teeth were still grinding in fury as I heard the shower start up.

THE EXHAUSTION DEBILITATED my weary body. I could take no more. I dropped to my knees again, wet mud adding a layer to the dry mud that caked my legs.

I no longer registered the pain, only numbness and an overwhelming need to die.

“Get up,” Frederik hissed. I cried out, surprising even myself at the strength my body found to voice my anguish when he brought the whip across my back in punishment. I didn’t howl at the agony, only the despair.

“I can’t, Master,” I managed to croak out, even though my body defied my words and I palmed the ground to push myself upright. My hand slid in the sludge and I fell forwards, my cheek gliding over the dirt, some of the earth slithering up one of my nostrils. The rain that beat down on me made my skin even heavier, making standing even more excruciating. Even the Gods hated me apparently.

The slurry of dirt picked up by the leather of the whip fed my flesh when my skin split with yet another thrash from my Master. “Get up, Shadow!”

Swallowing slowly, I urged myself to stand, the tearing rain laughing at me when its strength mocked me and made the task almost impossible. I didn’t care that my bare arse stuck up in the air, I didn’t care that blood and mud were now my clothes, I didn’t care that my beautiful long black hair had been hacked off, nor did I care that my skin hung off my protruding ribs. The only thing I cared about was my sister, and how my pain and agony gave her peace and happiness. And that in itself gave me the determination to stand once more.

Once upright, Frederik walked around me, coming to a halt in front of me. Rain poured from the umbrella Panther stood holding above his head and cascaded down my face but I knew better than to move from its torrent. I stood still, my eyes blinking furiously as the river lashed over my eyelashes and instinct attempted to close them. I didn’t even have the energy to close my mouth as it hung open, the only available input and outpour for air now the mud blocked my nose.

He stepped forward, his foot skidding in the wet earth and his body surging forwards. Panther snatched his hand out and grabbed hold of him. I secretly wished he hadn’t done that.

He curled his fingers around my throat and I sagged in his hold, thankful at the support for a brief moment. “What the fuck Isaac sees in you is beyond me. You are weak. A disabled irritant in an existence only for warriors and fighters.” His hold on me tightened. I couldn’t fight him anymore, I didn’t have the energy. I wanted to die, I craved for it.

Frederik had taken an instant dislike to me as soon as Isaac had made me take my first step into the life of the Phantoms almost three years ago. As soon as I had entered the house, I felt his hatred seep into me. No Phantom ever went back on a binding contract, and the fact Isaac had brought me back instead of killing both Mae and me was not only outrageous but disrespectful to Frederik. So I was to be punished, not just for my father’s debts, but for Isaac’s insult.

I dropped to the ground when he opened his hand, screaming at the pain that erupted through my kneecaps when they smashed on the concrete. I knew I had shattered one, my malnutrition made them brittle and fragile. The agony made my body jerk and vomit spew from my belly. I was surprised there was anything to throw up. I hadn’t eaten for days and I was concerned it was my stomach lining that had torn away when a spray of blood coated Frederik’s legs.

He tutted, his cold stare locking on what painted him. My body instinctively curled in on itself when the heel of his boot slammed into my stomach. I had thought the pain before that had been unbearable but this was something altogether worse. Yet it wasn’t the pain from his kick that ripped my soul from me, it was the fact that I knew his cruelness had just killed the tiny living person that was growing inside me.

A wail shattered the air around us when I immediately felt the warm rush between my legs, the torturous sound only a mother losing her child could make.

“What the hell?” Frederik barked when his eyes dropped to the rush of blood flowing over my thighs.

“No!” His scream was both agonising and welcoming. My eyes lifted in time to see Isaac race from the house and plunge the knife straight through Frederik’s gut, his rage twisting it cruelly, his wrath dragging it back out so he could stab the bastard in the heart.

Frederik’s body dropped beside me, his dead open eyes fixed on me. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth and merged with my own.

“No!” Isaac wailed as he lifted me gently in his arms. Panther stood, his mouth agape, his eyes wide and flicking between Frederik and Isaac. “Contact the medic, have him meet me in the infirmary!” Isaac barked out as he rushed through the courtyard with me. “Panther!”

The world was leaving me, Heaven closing in, the angels tempting me with serenity as they welcomed my baby into their arms.

“Stay with me, my love. Don’t you dare close those beautiful eyes,” Isaac whispered as he ran. “Look at me, Connie.” The fact that he used my name and not my tag made me slowly open my eyes. Minions only had tags. We lost our names the moment we walked through those large wooden doors.

BOOK: The Salvation of Daniel (The Blue Butterfly Book 2)
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