The Sanctuary (44 page)

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Authors: Arika Stone

BOOK: The Sanctuary
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“If that’s my punishment, I don’t mind then.” He tucked his hair behind his ears, trying to keep it out of my face, and kissed me on the lips. His hot tongue slid into my mouth, and I instantly felt connected to him. I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him closer to me.

His hands quickly flew down my side, tugging on my pants, which, thanks to the elastic waistband, slipped down easily.

The baby began to stir. I placed my hand on my belly. “You better be quiet. She’s starting to move, and there’s no way you’re fucking me if she’s awake.”

He mounted me again. “Is this how it’s going to be for the rest of our lives?”

“I’m sure this is only the tip of the iceberg.” I laughed. I was so in love with him.

He rubbed his cock against my pussy. “You’re drenched. I’ve never felt you so wet.”

“Maybe my water broke?” I shifted sideways to check if the bed was wet.

His lips inched down my body over my belly. “Let me taste and I’ll let you know.”

I grabbed him. “Oh Val, don’t even go there.” The baby started to stir again. “Stop, you’re waking her up,” I playfully chided him.

He kissed my stomach. “Hello, little one. Daddy is home, and he needs you to go back to sleep so he can fuck Mommy.”

“Val!” I screamed. “Don’t talk to her like that.”

“Like she knows what fuck means.” His eyes danced. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” He laughed, shifting himself onto me and sliding his cock between my lips. “You’re beautiful, Eve, and I’ve missed you so much.”

“I missed you too. Make love to me, Val.”

“Are you sure?” He pressed his throbbing cock a bit farther, penetrating my pussy with his head.

“Yes.” I bit my lip and moaned. Thoughts of him entering me sent waves of pleasure through my body.

He tenderly inched his way inside, as if he was afraid to go too fast. I didn’t realize how horny I would be. I wanted to feel him all the way inside, and I wanted it now. “Val, just fuck me.”

He began to grind against me, slow and shallow, but it wasn’t enough to quench my craving for him. “Val,
me! Come on, like we used to.” My nipples were hard and erect, and I could feel my pussy dripping with desire.

He began to pump a little faster. “Are you sure you can handle this?”

I grabbed him by the hair and pulled him toward my face. “Fuck me,
!” I growled. I clenched onto his shoulders. His cock felt enormous inside of me. I was going to come any minute. My hands grasped his back, and I felt the ridges of the scars I’d created on him months ago in the shower. It was pleasing to the touch, knowing I’d scarred him for life.

He placed a hand under my back and arched me up to thrust deeper into me. It was the position I needed to send me over the edge.

“Oh, Val…” He kept pumping into me. “Val, stop,” I said between breaths, my body shaking in delight. He groaned but kept pumping slowly. “Please, I don’t think I can come again.”

“Oh…shhh…Eve. I’m almost there,” he growled into my mouth.

He hadn’t spoken to me like that in months, and my body was turned on by his spark of dominance. “Mmm…say it again.”

He perked one eyebrow up, questioning me.

“Say it, Val.”

His voice grew deeper. “Shut up.”

“Say it like you mean it. Let me feel the bite of your words,” I challenged.

“Shut the fuck up, Eve!” he roared, falling into me, breathless and indulged.

“Next time, slap me when you say it. Now, get off of me. I have to pee.” I shoved him, rolling him onto his back.

I returned from the bathroom moments later to find Val lounging in bed, cigarette in hand.

We sat there in silence enjoying the afterglow. Pregnant sex wasn’t so bad after all. It was downright enjoyable.

“Do you have my collar?” I asked.

He turned his head slowly toward me. “Your collar? Are you serious?”

“Yes. And the ropes, do you have them here? Or are they in New York?”

His eyes searched mine. “You’re serious, aren’t you? No, I don’t. Everything’s at the apartment. Besides I couldn’t do that to you. You’re pregnant.”

“But I want to play. Can we?”

“Hmm…I don’t know. I’d rather wait.” He kissed me.

We remained silent, each lost in our own train of thought. My mind raced. I wanted to get back to New York, not only for my collar but also for the baby. “Val? I know you’re here for another two weeks, but is there any chance you can move the release to New York after you finish rehab? I want my own doctor. I don’t want to give birth in L.A.”

“Do you think she’s going to come early?”

“I know she’s going to be early.”

“I’ll see what I can do. But of course we can fly to New York whenever you want.”

I rolled next to him. “I’m tired. Do you mind if I go to sleep?”

“No, not at all. Can I hold you for a bit?”

“I’d love that. I’ve missed you sleeping next to me.” I rolled onto my side. Val wrapped his leg over me and spooned me. It was the perfect ending to the perfect day.

Chapter 56

I watched perfection exit our bedroom. He’d been sober for almost two months and looked better than ever with his tousled hair and five o’clock shadow. He’d put on weight and was healthy and radiant again.

“What are you doing up so early?” Val muttered as he poured himself cup of coffee and dangled an unlit cigarette out of his mouth.

“Between the acid reflux and my back, I’ve been up all night. I couldn’t get comfortable.” I shrugged. There was nothing I could do except wait it out.

He leaned across the counter opposite from me. “Only eighteen more days to go.”

“Don’t remind me. I don’t think I can deal with this if she decides to go into overtime.” I eyed him. “Are you ready for tonight?” The label had switched the release party to New York City, so we were able to be home in case I gave birth early.

“No need to be ready. I’m always prepared.” He winked. “Do you think you’ll be up to attending?”

“Of course. I wouldn’t miss it. I’ll be right back. I have to pee.” I stood up and rubbed my belly. It felt as if I would explode at any minute. It ached when I walked, and it ached when I lay down. It ached all the time.

“Have you dropped?” Val walked into the bathroom.

“Must you always follow me in?” I laughed at his quirk.

“You always have to go in the middle of a conversation. I’ll wait until you finish.” He stood in the doorway, admiring me.

“So instead of giving me privacy, you stand there and watch.” I shook my head. “You’re too much.”

He walked to me and lifted my shirt. “You did drop.” His eyes lit up, and he kissed me. “It’ll be any day now.”

“How can you be so sure, Dr. Ruska?” I laughed.

“Why don’t we take a peek and find out?” he said seductively as he took me by the hand and led me into the bedroom.

“I don’t think I’m up for this.”

“But I don’t need you to do anything.” He leaned in kissing me, gently pushing me onto the bed. “You just lie back and put your feet up here.” He grabbed my legs and hoisted them upward. “And I’ll take a quick peek. This shouldn’t hurt a bit.” He quickly slid his pants down, revealing his hard, erect cock.

“Oh, Dr. Ruska, I don’t know if we should be doing this.” I giggled. “What would my husband think?”

He laughed, tugging my shorts off. “I think he would want to make sure you were examined properly. Now, I’m going to slide this in and see how deep it can go.” He shifted into me, sliding his cock into my pussy, which, lately, was perpetually wet.

“Owww…Doc, that hurts.” I pushed his weight off of me.

He slid his cock out. “What hurts?”

“You can’t lean on me like that. My back is killing me.” I propped myself up on my elbows.

“Then we’ll have to examine you in a different position.” He smiled ear to ear. “Roll onto your side.” He wrapped his arm below my stomach and drew me into him, spooning me. “I like this position better. I can examine all of you this way.” He chuckled before diving into my neck with his lips and bringing his hand to my breast, squeezing it tightly.

His strokes were short and shallow, drawing himself in and pulling out with quick movements. I leaned into him and closed my eyes. Morning sex was something I indulged him in. It always felt great but very rarely was I able to come before my morning cup of coffee.

“Fuck, Eve,” he said between breaths. “I can’t keep myself in you. You’re so fucking wet.” He whispered, “Can I go deeper?”

I moaned softly, giving him the green light. He grabbed my hipbone to gain leverage. I tried to squeeze my pussy tighter around him, to give him a better sensation, but I was so soaked it didn’t matter.

He drove deeper and harder. I ground back, but as soon as I did, his cock poked my cervix, sending a shooting bolt of pain into me. “Ahh!” I screamed.

“Fuck, I’m sorry!”

I squeezed my eyes shut to block out the cramping. “Oh, come on, baby, come for me.” I hoped talking dirty would send him to the place he needed to be. “I want to feel that hot cum,” I purred.

He thrust himself into me with the strength of a bull and held me deep, his throbbing cock exploding inside.

It sent me over the edge and tore me in two. “Oh fuck, Val, get out! I’m in pain.” I drew my legs upward as far as they would go. The cramps were too much.

He pulled out. “Shit, Eve, you’re bleeding.” He jumped up off the bed and ran for a towel. “I’m calling the doctor.” He sped out of the room, returning with the phone in hand.

“How do you feel?” he asked.

“I’m cramping.” I was in a cold sweat.

“Hi, Doc, it’s Val Ruska. Eve and I just made love, and she started to bleed and get cramps.” He paused to listen to the doctor’s instructions. “No, she’s not bleeding heavily. I see. Yes, thank you.” He hung up. “He’s not too concerned, yet. He said to keep you off your feet and watch the bleeding, but he thinks it’s because we made love,” he said with a sheepish grin. “I’m sorry if I hurt you, baby.”

“I’m sure I’ll be fine. Did he say anything else?” I rubbed my belly, trying to calm down.

“He said if the bleeding or cramps gets worse to call him. But he thinks they will subside with a bit of rest. Why don’t you relax? Can I get you anything?”

I shifted myself onto the pillows and flicked on the television. I was used to relaxing in bed by now. “Coffee would be lovely.”

Val weaved into the kitchen and back to the bedroom. “Do you mind if I join you?” He extended a cup to me.

“No, not at all.” I eyed him. “I know you have things to take care of today. Don’t let this hamper you.”

He smiled warmly. “I’m not leaving if you’re not feeling well.”

“Don’t be silly. I’m fine. Besides, you won’t be too far away. You’ll be close if I need you. Take care of business. I’ll be here waiting.”

He shook his head no. “If you’re not feeling good, I’ll stay home.” He grabbed the remote and flipped the channel. “Do we really need to watch another baby show?”

I snatched the remote from him. “It eases my mind about delivery. If they can do it, so can I.”

Val sipped his coffee. “Are you scared about giving birth?”

“Of course I’m scared of it. I mean, all of this has to come out of one tiny little hole.” I gestured to my stomach.

“It opens up. You’ll be fine.” He winked.

“Easy for you to say. You’re not giving birth.” I smirked. He enjoyed me being pregnant. It was painless for him. He didn’t feel any of the repercussions of pregnancy other than my mood swings.

“So have the doctors give you drugs or go for a C-section,” he stated, as if labor was like ordering fast food. I could pick and choose what I liked.

“No one is cutting me open while I’m awake.” I shook my head and placed my coffee mug down. I was getting tired.

My eyes began to close. I had been up for over twenty-four hours. “I’m going to sleep. You exhausted me. Maybe sex is what I needed.” I smiled. “Take care of what you need to. I’m going to crash. I’ll call you later.”

He leaned over and kissed me. “If you need me, you better call. But I’m not leaving for a few hours.”

I nodded. “I love you.”

“I love you too. Sweet dreams, darling.”

* * * *

It seemed like I’d just closed my eyes. But when I opened them, the sun was already set over the Manhattan skyline. I grabbed my cell phone from next to the bed: eight forty-two p.m. Shit, I was going to miss the party. I got up, showered and dressed, as fast as I could.


“Yes, Eve.” Edward hurried into my bedroom, as if it was an emergency.

“Did Val call at all? Did he come home?”

“He did, but since you were sleeping, he wanted to let you be.”

“Get my car. I need to get to the release.” I hurried around the room, hastily tossing things into my purse.

“Do you think it’s wise to drive? I can call your car.”

“I don’t care, as long as it is here in five minutes.”

I picked up my cell and dialed Val. No answer. It figured. He never answered his phone when he was working. I left a message on his voice mail just in case before dialing Sebastian, but I also received no answer.

Ten minutes later, I pulled up to the hottest rock club in New York City,
Rock. Roll. Repeat.
, a relatively new club that had sprung up last year as the “it” place to be.

“Mrs. Ruska.” Security immediately recognized me and opened the doors to the club as soon as I stepped onto the pavement. It probably wasn’t hard to describe me. Just look for the very pregnant chick.

I headed inside and was greeted by flashing lights, fog, loud music, and an undeniable feeling that I didn’t belong. Everywhere I turned I was flanked by fabulous, skinny women that any rock star would fuck in a heartbeat. I felt completely insignificant and very fat. I wove though the crowd toward the green room. I figured I could start there before attempting to find Val among the crowd or VIPs.

But the club was so crowded I couldn’t focus on where I was going. It was a blur. The lights made me dizzy, and the people appeared to blend into each other. I found my way to the bar and flagged down a bartender.

“What can I get you?”

“Water and can you tell me if you’ve seen Valo?”

The bartender eyed me. “He’s upstairs, but you’ll need a pass to get up there.”

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