The Sand Prince (39 page)

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Authors: Kim Alexander

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: The Sand Prince
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Chapter 54


riis City

20 years after the War of the Door, Eriisai calendar

100 years later, Mistran calendar

Outside the Arch

When Hellne appeared in Diia’s small walled courtyard, she found her relaxing with two visiting clan sisters and their children, enjoying the cooling evening. The young ones screamed and ran in the house.

"They're scared of you," Diia joked, "you should visit more often." She handed Hellne a cup of water, which they passed quickly back and forth.

"I apologize for the intrusion. I need your help." They both noted the water in the cup, which shook and quaked in the Queen's hand. "Something has happened. I need your strongest clan sibs. Ones who can block and guard. I need them in the palace, outside Rhuun's room."

"Whatever you need, I'll contact them at once." The gate slammed as one of her sisters was already on her way down the alley.

Hellne set the cup down and took Diia's hands in her own. "I am in your debt." She paused. "Before the war, I was a very foolish girl. I did some things I can't even regret, because the things—the thing I did gave me my son. But I thought I could keep it a secret. I was wrong."

Instead of the expected frown or shake of her head, Diia nodded sympathetically. "His father, he must have brought you much pleasure, before he went back through The Door."

Hellne stared past her. "I seem to recall that he did. But do you know, I can barely remember his face? But it's all come out. The Mages want Rhuun for whatever awful blood games they play. I think... I think he's safe. I sent him after his father. He may be there now. He may be in the Veil. He may never come home. But if he does, we must make sure he comes home to us, to me, and not to the knife."

"So you want my clan brothers and sisters to guard his door? The Mages have come up into the light—people must hear about this." Diia's second sister slipped out the gate. "The Mages out of their Raasth, and a half human prince." She shook her head. "Jaa was right about that boy. Ah, but everyone had something to say, back then."

"Maybe I should have paid more attention." Hellne thought she’d have time for regret, but it would have to wait.

Diia stroked the Queen's hand soothingly. "The young people, they don't remember what the humans looked like, most of them never saw one. There are not so many of us left from the time before the Weapon, but I saw plenty of those people with my own eyes, and your boy, well, he wears a human face." She paused. "What people said... they are still saying."

"Yes, I can’t stop Court gossip any more than I can shut off the wind. 'Ugly, crippled.' I know."

"This is not what I mean. I mean our people. Those who thought he would bring back the rain. That he is different and special. They still think so."

I can use this
, Hellne thought at once, and flushed with shame.

Diia said, "Things will be changing, I think. And we will help you now."

"Your people helped guard the way when he came into this world. I would trust no others."

"What about you?" asked Diia. "The Mages will try and take the Seat away from you. And that Counselor friend of yours...."

"Is no friend. I see his hand behind the Mages. If it comes to it, may I count on your clan for one more favor?"

"The Edge is a big place. It would be hard to find one woman in all that sand." Diia rose to her feet. "Now, let us decide what to pack, and what to leave behind for when we are ready. When the day comes, we will want to leave behind only our footprints in the dust."


t was late and Hellne was exhausted by the time she shimmered back to her own quarters. She threw her heavy brocaded gown on the floor and poured herself some water. She hadn't found Ilaan, and that was a problem. Had he gone with Rhuun into the Veil? Or had neither of them managed to escape? They both could be out on the sand right now. She threw back the silk drape which opened onto her courtyard to let some air in, and looked out at the same low clouds she'd watched every night since the Weapon.

They're turning him into something he's not, those people in the Quarter. But if they think he'll lead them to the rain, I can use them to hold the Seat.
She sighed.
For how long? And to what end?

For the first time, she tried to picture Rhuun on the Seat. People would be looking at him all day long, staring. He'd hate that.
Well, he ought to be used to it be now. And he's not lacking in wits, certainly, at least when he's not in the bottle.

She heard a noise, a rustle and soft thump from the courtyard. Had Yuenne already sent someone after her in the night? They'd find her ready.

She decided not to shimmer the few feet into the open, it left her vulnerable for the second it took to reform. She slipped through the open door and went towards the sound, against the far wall and behind a big stone urn which had once held a water garden. A familiar figure stepped into the low light.

"Ilaan, thank Light and Wind. Tell me it worked."

Ilaan was pale and his handsome white tunic was smeared and grimed, but he straightened and said, "It was as successful as it could be. He's gone. To where and what fate, I don't know. But he's gone."

For the first time since the party, she took a deep breath. "Thank you." He'd been sitting on a box and she saw several other bundles against the stone wall. "What's this?"

"After he went through, I went back home. It was an uproar. My father was gone, and so were the Mages."

"I know, I was with them."

He frowned. "Then you know my father was—"

"Working with them. Yes. For as long as you and I, it would appear." She thought of Yuenne's tight little smile. "He was trying to get the proof he lacked about Rhuun for the Mages. I know he's always suspected. But I wonder what he got in return? He didn't know what you were up to, though, did he?"

"He knows now." Ilaan ran his hands through his long, dusty hair.
He picked that up from Rhuun
, she thought, and her heart twisted. He was gone, really gone. "I took as many of my books, and some other things; I just grabbed whatever I could. My mother didn't think it was wise for me to wait and see my father. She said she'd try and sort it out. I didn't know where else to go." He looked near tears. "Why didn't you tell him what he was? Why did we have to find out like this?"

"I had my reasons. I was trying to keep him safe."

"From the Mages. Well, that one is on me." He barked a laugh, "I let it out of the bag, didn't I?" His fists clenched and unclenched. "You should have told me; together we would have had a chance to protect him. Why didn't you tell me? Did you think I'd love him less?"

"Yes," she answered. "Because I loved him less." She took in the shock on his face, the distaste.
I earned that
, she thought. "It’s not a pretty thing, is it? But there it is. You saw your friend. I saw every mistake I ever made. I saw a weapon."

"A weapon? You looked at Rhuun and saw a weapon? Turned against whom?"

"Do you know what the people in the Old City are saying? They think he's going to lead them one day. He has a destiny, it is said." She paused.
Don't say any more,
she thought.
Let him be clever

"Everyone has a destiny, Hellne. Even Rhuun. What if they're right? That didn't occur to you. He's just a weapon, your weapon. Tell me, once your weapon is spent, who sits on the High Seat after you?"

"There was a time I thought it might be you," she said.

"Oh, you are good. Very good." He glared at her. "A few drops of water in my path, that's all it ever takes. You still think I'm your boy? You think I'll just go live down there and make sure all the right things are said? What should we call him? The Chosen One, that's a bit of a cliché, don't you think?
, you already have this figured out, don't you?"

"Do you really want to stay here? You can't go home, Yuenne has some sand set aside for your mouth. I suppose you can throw yourself on the mercy of the Zaal..."
I do have this figured out
, she thought.
And I am not ashamed.

"There are conditions," he said. She nodded. "I want the whole story. Where that stupid book came from. What really happened?"

"The author was Rhuun's father," she said. "A human from a religious order who had a hand in the Weapon."

Ilaan was horrified. "But you—that's where we sent him. He's gone to look for that man. The human—does he know he has a son?"

"No." She smiled. "Imagine his surprise when he finds out. I've been waiting for that meeting for a long time. I wish I could be there for it."

"That man. He's the target." He looked sick. "That was what you wanted, for Rhuun to bring the man back here, so you
be there for it."

"Yes, I planned on making sure he lived long enough to answer a few questions. Something for the Mages, and something for me. But that little scrap of paper at your ceremony, well, that put a hole in my plan, didn't it? They'll take anything with human blood in it, bad luck for Rhuun. Oh, don't give me that face. I know I'm not living up to your high standards of integrity, but just exactly how many times did you say 'no' to anything I asked of you? You were so proud of yourself, running my errands. You might not have had the whole picture, but you were in it, Ilaan. I wasn't the only one who lied."

Ilaan gathered his bags and bundles around him. "I'm leaving. I'm going down to the Old City. But I'm not doing it for you. Don't send for me again." With a shimmer, he was gone.

She sighed deeply and went back inside. She poured herself a full glass of

Well, that's done. He's his own man now, and he'll do whatever he can for Rhuun down in the city. Untied from me, they will believe what he says. He'll be the Prince's lifelong friend and companion, not the Queen's errand boy.
She took a sip.
I will miss him.
She looked around her high ceilinged room, the colored tile inlay on the floor, tan and white against the black stone, her closets set aside for gowns and silks, her airy and comfortable dry room, her wide bed.
I'll miss this place too, and soon.

Chapter 55


The Duke woke from the same nightmare as always—burning and falling.

The girl—Gwenyth—was holding his hand. He was gripping it hard enough to hurt, but she made no mention.

"You cried out, my Lord! I was afraid for you."

-The Claiming of the Duke, pg 125

Malloy Dos Capeheart, Little Gorda Press (out of print)



100 years after the War of the Door, Mistran calendar

20 years later, Eriisai calendar

Road through the Great Forest

"I think it's going to rain." Lelet shaded her eyes at the clouds that were both bright and leaden.

"Hmm. Rain. Right." Moth shook his head.

"What, do you think I'm joking? This moving palace of yours doesn't have a roof. I saw another house, we passed it a while ago. Well, not much of a house. It looked sort of collapsed. Probably there was no one there. I think it burned down, maybe? But we should definitely turn around and go there. Right away."

He glanced at her. "We should? Really?"

"Moth. I seriously felt a drop. Please? I am not teasing you or making fun in any way. I don't want to get wet, it'll be too cold." Why was he being difficult? They had done crimes together—didn't that count for anything?

He hauled on the reins until the horse stopped. They sat for a moment. Finally he sighed and asked, "How do you turn this thing around?"

It turned out to be not easy and not quick. The horse seemed prepared to stand motionless in the road until the moons fell in the sea until Lelet took the leads and got them pointed in the right direction.

There was barely enough roof left of the one room stone structure for it to be rightfully called a building at all. One entire side had caved in or fallen away, and she drove the horse inside, cart and all. It looked as if the kurdza vines were all that was holding it together. But it had a flat stone floor and there weren't too many places for vermin to come out and attack her while her back was turned. It was her new favorite place.

She spread her increasingly dirty blanket on the floor and sat, trying not to touch anything. The rough stones that still showed white plaster in places were too damp to lean against, and anything resembling furniture was long gone. There were scorch marks on the floor and the walls. It appeared they weren't the first to shelter here. She hoped they wouldn't have company today.

Why wouldn't you want that?
she wondered
. Don't you want a band of human persons to come along and rescue you? What if the kindly farmer had been home in that house this morning?
She eyed Moth, who was contemplating tying the ends of the horse’s reins to something—he apparently hadn't decided to what, how, or if it was even necessary. He looked between the leads in his hands and the horse, as if waiting for the animal to give him some instruction. She wasn't certain she needed rescuing. In fact, he was a terrible villain. He acted as if he had never met a woman before (maybe he hadn’t)
or as if he were afraid of her, which, if her novels were to serve as a clue, was not the usual order of things in a proper kidnapping.

If he was warty or fat or had bad teeth, would I have tried to run away? Or if he seemed violent? Shoes or no shoes, I'm not sitting around waiting to be violated.
She wondered what was going on under his shirt. When he'd picked her up, he'd felt like a warm stone wall.
Oh, that's nice work, Lel. Imagine yourself in a little scenario with your kidnapper. Like that's not written in a textbook at a university somewhere.

But, seriously, look at him.

After a long moment
, Okay, if he doesn't stop messing with those reins one of us will die here today.

She got up and took the lead out of his hands and looped it loosely around a half burnt beam, all that remained of the missing wall.

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