The Savage City (70 page)

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Authors: T. J. English

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SNCC meeting with, 186

social services concept of, 338

and splits within Black Panthers, 289–300, 313, 314, 315, 316

and spread of Black Panthers, 226, 235

and Webb murder, 313

Newton, Melvin, 214, 297

Nineteenth Precinct (Manhattan), 21, 23, 72

Nixon, Richard M., 266, 331–32

nonviolence tactic, 113, 183, 186, 218

numbers racket, 20, 122–23, 249, 339, 344

New York Police Department


Oakland, California

black activists in, 185

Black Panther Party in, 205, 224, 225, 228, 281, 285, 286, 288, 290–91

Odinga, Baba, 282

O'Dwyer, William, 124

O'Hara, Charles E., 38

O'Keefe (patrolman), 305, 309

Old Homestead steakhouse (Manhattan): Knapp investigators–Phillips discussion at, 312–313

Olds, Frankie, 21–22

Olivia (friend of Phillips), 88

Omar (Black Panther member), 316

O'Meara, Margaret, 44

“Open Letter to the Harlem Community” (Black Panthers), 186–87

Operation 42 (NYPD), 60–61

OPERATION NEWKILL (FBI-NYPD), 332–33, 335, 336, 338, 387

Operation Safe City (Lindsay campaign program), 154

OPERATION SHUT DOWN (Black Panther Party), 187

O'Reilly, Terrence, 361, 362

Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU), 113–14, 243

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 29, 30


Pacino, Al, 345

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 266

Pan-Africanism, 291, 389

Panther Twenty-one case

arrests of Panthers in, 273–74

bail for some members in, 288

and Bin Wahad's letter to
New York Times,
295–96, 319

and black liberation movement, 320

and Black Panther organization, 285–87, 294–96, 297, 298, 315

and corruption among Black Panthers, 298

fund raising for, 288, 294

indictment in, 277–79

jury in, 320, 360, 368

and media, 277–79, 281

and Newton, 295–96, 297, 299, 315, 319

and Panther's open letter, 295–96

pretrial activities in, 282–88

protests concerning, 284–85

and splits among Black Panthers, 295–96, 301, 319

trial of, 285, 288, 299, 302, 307

verdict in, 320–21, 334

See also specific person

“Panther Twenty-one Manifesto,” 284, 291

Parole Board, New York State, 116–17, 142, 383–85

Passin' It On
(documentary), 388

patriotism: and race relations, 198

“The Payback” (Brown), 299

Payne, Beverly, 33–34, 41–42, 54–55, 101, 139


Bin Wahad documentary on, 388

The 51st State
on, 355, 357, 371–72

Peace and Freedom Party, 246

Penniwell, Ron, 235


and Bin Wahad-Roberts gun-running mission, 272

march on, 207

People's Revolutionary Constitutional Convention, 291–92

Permanent Coordination Committee on Police and Minority Groups, 154

Pete (retired NYPD detective), 89, 90

The Phil Donahue Show
(TV show), 388

Phillips, Camille, 88, 162, 163, 258–59, 347, 369

Phillips, Joseph A., 284, 307, 320

Phillips, William R. Jr. “Bill”

in air force, 259

awards and commendations for, 222, 223

black prejudice of, 83–84, 86, 91, 93

and Blue Wall of Silence, 165–66, 260–61, 282, 343–44, 370

Career Girl Murders investigation by, 18–19

CBS newsmagazine profile of, 383

and CCRB, 160–61

and Clark incidents, 124–25

code of, 165–66

commitment to NYPD of, 260–61

as “conditions man,” 87, 340

conscience of, 127

conviction and sentencing of, 382

demotion to patrolman of, 90–91

documentary about, 385

and drugs, 91, 123, 124–25, 304

early police career of, 19, 20–24, 86–87

family and personal life of, 19, 20, 84, 88–89, 258–59

and father's death, 259–61

fear of prison by, 382

and Grosso, 125, 126

in Harlem, 91–93, 255–57, 258–59, 346

and Harlem riots, 220–23

health of, 384

in hiding, 385

and Hollander prostitution operation, 304–6, 308–10

and infractions of police protocol, 89–93

and King assassination, 220

and Knapp Commission, 282, 308–13, 339–40, 341–44, 364, 365, 366, 368, 370, 382, 383

language of, 339, 342

as learning from errors of others, 164

legal studies of, 383

LIE airplane landing of, 163

and limits of thievery, 164

and Lindsay election, 121

and McCoy arrest and death, 220–23

memoir of, 19, 83–84, 312, 346–47, 369, 382

and Newark riots, 201

and NYPD–black radicals war, 255

and NYPD payback, 366, 368

NYPD reaction to Knapp testimony by, 343–44

parole hearings for, 383–85

perjury by, 23–24

as pilot, 162–64, 305

at P.J. Clarke's Saloon, 257, 258, 304, 305, 309, 312

in prison, 382–85

problems of, 89–93

promotion to detective of, 87

and race riots, 201–2

release from prison of, 385

reputation of, 87, 166

restored to detective, 339

and rich versus poor in jail, 167

scoring/scams of, 19, 86–87, 88–89, 90, 91–93, 122, 123, 124–25, 160–62, 255–58, 260, 304

self-image of, 165

and Smith (Jimmy), 257–58

sports car of, 257

spreading the wealth by, 161, 282, 339

and Torres, 126, 127

trials of, 367–70, 382

undercover work of, 339–40

as untouchable, 164

and use of force, 121–22

vacation of, 93

views about ghetto areas of, 346–47

and whorehouse murder case, 364–66, 367–70, 382

Phillips, William R. Sr., 19, 20, 86, 90, 91, 259–60, 261, 304, 343

photograph, Whitmore's: and Career Girls Murders, 45–46, 54, 59, 78–79, 103, 106, 150

Piagentini, Joseph, 322, 330–31, 335–36

P.J. Clarke's Saloon (Manhattan), 257, 258, 304, 305, 309, 312

Podell, Bertram L., 145


Bin Wahad's views about, 60

black relationship with, 62, 70–77, 84, 85–86, 156–59, 187

as enemies, 60, 61, 225

extracting of confessions by, 43–44

gangs as threat to, 60–62

interrogation methods of, 51

as pigs, 227

protector role of, 85–86

and shooting of policemen, 386

on vacations, 93

Whitmore's trust of, 17

See also
New York Police Department; police brutality; police corruption;
specific person or event

police brutality, 71, 74

and Black Panthers–police war, 281

and Blue Wall of Silence, 122

and Borrero case, 99–100, 101, 102

and “community policing” proposal, 303

Malcolm X's comments about, 182–83

and media, 128, 242

NAACP concerns about, 128

in 1990s, 393–94

NYPD reputation for, 43–44

as part of the job, 43–44, 121–22

Phillips' views about, 121–22

and police corruption, 307

and race issues, 199, 377

and Whitmore case, 40, 99–100, 101

police commissioners, 154–55, 281–82, 380, 394

police corruption

and BLA-police war, 338–39, 350–51

and Black Panthers, 279–81, 301

and Blue Wall of Silence, 282

and community policing proposal, 304

and drugs, 123–24, 280, 308, 343, 344, 345, 350

federal investigation of, 308

and fixing cases, 309–10

and gambling, 280, 307–8, 345

in ghetto areas, 346–47

and “grass and meat eaters,” 363–64

and Hayden arrest, 253–54

and Lindsay, 280

main areas of, 307–8

and media, 280, 308, 346, 347

as norm, 24, 280

and numbers racket, 344

Phillips as poster child for, 127

and police brutality, 307

Powell's accusations about, 123–24

public complaints about, 124

and racism, 347, 359

in SIU, 308

and spreading the wealth, 161, 282, 339, 364

trials concerning, 351

and Whitmore as symbol of injustice, 378

See also
Knapp Commission;
specific person

Policeman's Benevolent Association (PBA), 155, 159–60, 173, 175–76, 239, 280, 322–23, 344

Policy Squad, NYPD, 20

Powell, Adam Clayton Jr., 123–24, 125, 346

Powell, Curtis, 282, 351

Powell, James, 70–71, 72

Pratt, Geronimo, 290

Preventive Enforcement Patrol (PEP), 345


beatings in, 65

Bin Wahad's views about, 65

Black Panthers in, 373

Box in, 65–66, 67, 115, 117

censorship of newspapers in, 58–59

institutional racism in, 65

Malcolm X's views about, 114–15, 141

Muslims in, 66, 67, 115, 129, 373

racism in, 65, 250

rich versus poor in, 167

screening cells in, 65

as state of mind, 141

See also specific prison or person

Progressive Labor Movement, 72

prostitution, 91, 307–8, 364.
See also
Hollander (Xaviera) prostitution operation

psychiatric evaluations, Whitmore's, 57, 67–69, 78, 94, 101, 169, 171, 194, 209, 210

Public Protector Award, 81

Puerto Rican gangs, 189–91

Puerto Rico, Beldock-Raab trip to, 355–57


Qualls, Augustus, 180–81, 327–28, 329, 330, 333, 336, 337, 361


Bin Wahad in, 181–83, 204

Black Panthers in, 273–74, 294–95, 314, 315, 359

Genovese murder in, 118–19

RAM in, 197

shooting of policemen in, 381

Queens House of Detention: Whitmore at, 146, 171


Raab, Selwyn, 103–5, 210, 325, 352–57, 370, 371–72, 373


Alex NYPD interviews about, 348–49

and attitudes about drugs, 27

and black-NYPD war, 198, 281

and Career Girls Murders, 28, 82

and criminal justice system, 394

and framing of Whitmore, 377

and gangs, 61

institutional, 65, 210, 378

and Knapp Commission hearings, 347–49

New York Times
survey of attitudes about, 175

and patriotism, 198

and perceptions of urban crime, 28

and Phillips use of language, 339

and police brutality, 377

and police corruption, 347, 359

in prison, 65, 250

Whitmore case as example of institutional, 210

and Whitmore as symbol of injustice, 378

in Wildwood, 15–17

See also
blacks; civil rights movement; March on Washington; race riots;
specific person or organization

race riots, 198–201, 202, 203, 220

Rackley, Alex, 286, 296

Ralph (friend of Bin Wahad), 63–64

magazine, 205–6, 246

Ratnoff, Teddy, 305–6, 308–12, 339, 369

Ray, James Earl, 217

Red Book, 278, 283

Redwine (Panther member), 300

Regan, Cyril, 10, 49

Reiben, Stanley J.

and Borrero case, 106, 130, 168, 169

and Edmonds case, 110, 138, 139, 140

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