The Scandalous Duke Takes a Bride (12 page)

Read The Scandalous Duke Takes a Bride Online

Authors: Tiffany Clare

Tags: #Historical Romance, #Victorian, #Fiction

BOOK: The Scandalous Duke Takes a Bride
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Jessica stirred as he leaned forward to toss her bedding aside so he could set her on the mattress. “Hayden,” she whispered, though he knew she was half-asleep and unaware of her surroundings.

God, how tempting it was to climb into bed with her, hold her tight, and feel her in his arms a while longer.

As much as it pained him to walk away after everything that had happened between them, he had no choice but to do just that when she wasn’t fully aware.

Carefully tucking her into bed, he brushed his lips against her forehead and left her just as the maid came in to light a fire. Tomorrow would prove to be another day. Whether he and Jessica started on a tense note or in the same easy fashion they’d always enjoyed depended upon her.

Nothing yet everything had changed. She was still his friend, his Jessica. But now there was more to be discovered between them.

He nodded his farewell to the maid before shutting the bedchamber door behind him.

One thing was certain—he’d see Jessica on the morrow whether she wanted to face him or not. How she would handle it was another matter entirely. While she might find merit in ignoring what they had done, he didn’t want to go backward in their relationship. And ignoring that kiss, the start of something more between them, would be doing just that.


Chapter 9


How often can one visit the Zoological Society in a season without drawing suspicion to the possibility of clandestine meetings? I’m beginning to believe that Lady A—— has taken after her mother and is hosting the idea of a paramour. Could someone of revered prestige like Lord G—— fall victim to her youthful charms so easily?
Mayfair Chronicles,
July 1846 “Goodness. How much did I drink last night?” Jessica asked herself as she stumbled out of bed, her hand shielding her eyes from the light coming through the sheer curtains.

Her maid came in just as Jessica cinched the ties of her dressing gown around her waist.

“His Grace is here to see you, my lady.”

“What hour is it, Louise?”

“Half past eleven.” Jessica’s maid ducked her head as though embarrassed to admit the time she’d let her mistress sleep to.

Jessica pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes tightly—it didn’t alleviate much of the megrim that had her in a full grip of head-pounding agony.

She cracked open her eyes the slightest amount. “Did you try to wake me?”

“We did.”

There was still no eye contact from her. Jessica must have been a boor when the staff had come up to her room earlier in the morning. Not that Jessica could recall any of those instances, though she did remember her maid taking down her hair and helping her dress for bed after she arrived home. She groaned as she took a deep breath and willed her head to stop throbbing.

“Help me ready before the duke barges up here with a mission in mind, one I have no intention of fulfilling today.”

“Right away, my lady. Shall I have Cook prepare her special tincture?”

“Yes, that’s a fabulous idea. Thank God one of us is thinking straight this morning.” Closing her eyes for a moment, she rubbed at her temples.

Her maid left with the speed of a jackrabbit that had caught the smell of a fox. Before the door could close behind Louise, Hayden stepped through the entrance.

“Darling.” Evidently, he was far more chipper than she this morning.

She should have known she couldn’t keep him waiting downstairs for long. “How much champagne did you let me have last night?”

“A few glasses, can’t recall the exact number.”

“Must you be so cheerful in the morning?”

He laughed. “Always. I came over thinking you’d like to stretch your legs with a walk in the park.”

“You really must give me another hour to ready.”

“Afraid I can’t do that. I’m meeting with someone this afternoon about acquiring some property in Kent. It’s quite a lovely area.”

“That’s a poor attempt to draw me away from London.”

“It’s only a day’s ride from here.”

“I’ll have to take your word on that.” She sat at her vanity and looked at Hayden’s reflection in the mirror as she undid the braid. “You’re not here simply for a walk.”

She hoped he didn’t wish to revisit all that had happened last night. She hadn’t sorted through her thoughts and feelings of what had transpired the previous evening, and she wasn’t ready to discuss it with Hayden until she figured it out for herself.

“And what’s wrong with a jaunt around the park?” he asked.

She motioned to her current state of dishabille. “I’m hardly presentable for an outdoor excursion.”

“Then I’ll give you ten minutes to make yourself presentable. I have an appointment on Bond Street I’d like you to come to.”

“An appointment with regards to…?”

“The estate and some other financial affairs. All dreadfully boring tasks but made exceptionally more fun by your company.”

She lightly banged her forehead against the vanity. She had a megrim that bordered on excruciating, and he wanted her to attend appointments with him? “You can’t be serious.”

“I most certainly am.” There was laughter in his voice, no doubt because of her state right now.

“How is it that you drank as much as I did last night and are in a perfectly fine state this morning?” She could not keep the irritation from her voice. She refused to run errands with anyone. And more important, she hated mornings, so, really, why should she have to leave the house before luncheon if it displeased her to be up and about?

“Before you outright refuse me your company,” he interjected as though he’d read her thoughts, “there is someone I want you to meet. He can be of great assistance with your finances.”

“I have a solicitor,” she pointed out.

“I know you are smarter than that, but your head never did fare well with an overabundance of champagne.” He placed his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it affectionately. “Put it this way: you have a solicitor, but they hold a personal interest in maintaining the Fallon estate with your entire fortune intact.”

Jessica stood from the vanity, walked over to her bed, and flopped face forward onto it with a groan. She really wanted to climb back under the blankets and sleep until her head felt normal.

“We’ve been over this,” she mumbled into the coverlet.

“Give him a chance, Jez.”

Hayden still hadn’t mentioned last night’s activities. Perhaps he was willing to forget everything that had happened and that was why he was here, kind of like a truce, for surely he regretted the actions as much as she. And if that was the case, she was almost willing to see this man of business. Almost.

“I need at least half an hour. I haven’t even had my morning tea.” She peeked up at him from the bed.

His smile was staggeringly handsome. She frowned at the thought.

Why did his smile affect her now when it never had prior to their kiss? She shrugged, then pushed the image away. She didn’t like the direction of her thoughts this morning.

“Half an hour and not a minute less.” She pointed a threatening finger at him. “You can wait for me in the parlor. Mrs. Harper will have tea brought down to you.”

“Exactly what I wanted to hear.” He came forward and brushed his lips across her forehead. It was an action she was used to—or had been used to, but it meant something different now, didn’t it?

She banished her wayward thoughts. What had gotten into her head to twist everything around when it had never crossed her mind before? She pressed her fingers to her lips. Hayden looked up at her just as he was about to shut her bedchamber door. She dropped her hand and narrowed her eyes too late. He was smirking, the rascal.

Ringing for her maid, Jessica brushed her hair, which was still damp since washing out the talc last night. Hayden would have to amuse himself for the next hour at the very least. Today was going to be a long day if this ache in her head didn’t go away.

Served him right for calling on her at such an ungodly hour and expecting her to run errands with him at the very last minute.

*   *   *


On waking this morning, Hayden had decided it would be best not to mention the intimacies they had shared at the ball. All in good time, he supposed, though he barely had a hold on his patience as it was. Their kiss would definitely be a topic for later, as would the future.

When he’d arrived at Jessica’s today, he hadn’t expected to find her still abed. And now that he’d seen the state she was in this morning he knew not to expect her for at least an hour. Mrs. Harper had been kind enough to have a sandwich tray prepared for him with tea, so he took the time to read the morning paper while he lunched in the parlor.

Waiting in the first parlor off the foyer, he didn’t miss the knock at the front door. Wilson answered, his voice too quiet to hear other than the greetings exchanged. Hayden put down his teacup and narrowed his gaze in the direction of the newcomer. Before the butler could show Mr. Warren to another room, the parlor door slid open, bringing the men face-to-face.

“Your Grace,” Warren said, surprised.

Why Warren should be shocked to find him present seemed odd; it was well known that barely a day passed without him, Leo, or Tristan spending time with Jez.

“Wilson,” Warren said, “that’ll be all. I think I’ll keep company here with Lord Alsborough till Your Ladyship makes an appearance.”

The door shut behind the butler, who looked none too happy to be leaving the two men alone.

“I see you’ve made yourself rather at home,” Hayden pointed out.

“It already is my home.” Warren tossed his hat on the mantel and unbuttoned his coat before taking a seat on the sofa. “What’s your point, Alsborough?”

Hayden took a step toward him, not entirely sure how he should handle the blackguard. He knew secrets about this man that could put him into a boiling tub of water. There was always a time and place to show your cards; that time wasn’t quite yet, not without the permission of other parties involved in those damning secrets.

“My point is that you should give Lady Fallon more space. She is still in mourning, and you constantly nipping at her heels makes it difficult for her to move on and adjust to her life as a widow.”

“The only thing she’s mourning is the life she too freely enjoyed without consequence until now.” He folded his hands together and rested them on his knee. “You know as well as anyone that I can end her time in this house without preamble.”

“And what of the whispers of cruelty that will befall your name? You wouldn’t want to make too many enemies before taking your seat in the House of Lords.”

Warren snorted, uncaring. “Politics are not new to me, Alsborough.”

Which was true. Warren was a prominent figure in Parliament matters for the House of Commons. But the two circles had very different social obligations—Warren could not easily navigate the
with his

“I’m surprised you would even threaten me when I hold your dear friend’s fate in one hand.”

“It would be my greatest pleasure to crush you, Warren. Never forget that you are but an interloper in your newfound position.”

Warren gave him a sardonic glare. “I’ll be sure to remember that when I’m out and about during the evening. Speaking of evenings, yours seemed rather … how shall I say this … entertaining.”

Hayden felt the last reasonable part of him snap. Before he could check himself, he was halfway across the room, with an iron grip around Warren’s throat.

“Never for one minute think you can predict the outcome of Jessica’s life. It will be your undoing.”

And that was how Jessica found them.

She pointedly cleared her throat where she stood in the doorway, dressed in a white-checked day dress, her hair up, curls cascading down at her temples. Her gaze—severe and unimpressed—rested on Hayden, then on Warren. She crossed her arms over her midsection and gave them both a questioning look.

He released Warren just as suddenly as he’d taken hold of him, but he did not take his gaze from the man. Hayden pulled down his vest to neaten his appearance. Though there was no hiding the fact that he’d been about to turn Warren into a punching bag.

How did Warren know anything about last night? They had never made eye contact. Could Hilliard have mentioned his quick meeting with Hayden? Perhaps this had nothing to do with the masked ball.

No, it had everything to do with his attendance at the Malverns’ last night. And he would find out exactly what Warren knew before it could be used against Jez. Right now, however, Hayden had a schedule to keep with Jessica.

“We were just catching up,” Hayden said to Jez, unable to keep the venom from his voice as he straightened the cuffs on his jacket.

“I’m sure you were.” She turned from him to narrow her gaze on their mutually unwanted guest. “Warren, I didn’t realize you were coming by today. Do you have your man with you to conclude the inventory?”

“We completed the inventory yesterday for the most part. The upstairs can be done when I take over the house.”

“I’ve made plans this afternoon. Shall I have a plate prepared for you before I leave?”

“Not necessary. I have a lunch engagement.” Warren retrieved his hat from the mantel and glared at Hayden before turning back to Jessica. “There were some personal matters we needed to address, but I can come back at a more convenient time.”

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