The Scarred Heart (Wilde Creek#5) (7 page)

BOOK: The Scarred Heart (Wilde Creek#5)
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He’d never come so hard or so much.  He lifted his head from her neck and looked down at her.  Her eyes were clear amber, beautiful and bright, and the connection between them deepened.

“You’re mine, Kammie.”

She blinked and tears slipped from her eyes.  “You’re mine, too, Row.”

He rolled gently onto his back, bringing her with him.  She lay across him limply, her face glowing with happiness.  His bear rumbled its approval.  Row stroked her back, gentling her from the heights of their combined pleasure.

They were starting off their new life together in the best of ways, and he couldn’t wait to see what the future would bring.





Chapter 6


Kammie woke slowly, aware that she was entirely naked, with a man – also naked – holding her tightly.  It wasn’t just any man who held her exposed body so close and tenderly, even in sleep; it was her mate.  She closed her eyes for a brief moment, her fingertips lightly tracing the top of Row’s hand, which was planted firmly on her lower stomach, and searched for unease and fear.  She didn’t find any.  She was entirely comfortable with Row now, and the freedom of not worrying about him seeing her scars was liberating on a level she hadn’t expected.

Row’s hand flexed against her stomach.  Her wolf growled happily as Kammie slipped onto her back and Row rose above her.  He smiled, and the corners of his eyes crinkled.  “Morning,” he said, his voice a deep rumble that made every feminine instinct inside her cheer.

She cupped his face with both hands, smoothing her thumbs across his stubble.  “I’m so glad you’re here.”

His brow arched.  “Where else would I be?  Here, in this bed, with your sexy body plastered to mine…this is my definition of heaven.”

They’d made love all night.  He’d taken her to places of bliss that she hadn’t known existed outside of romance novels.  When they’d crashed for the night, bodies tangled tightly together, she’d never been happier.  How long had it been since she’d felt so safe and so cherished?  She couldn’t even recall.

As she stared up at her mate, she knew she didn’t want to stay in Wilde Creek a second longer.  She wanted to go to his home so he could follow the traditions of his people.

“I’d like to leave.”

His brows furrowed.  “What?”

She chuckled.  “I want to go to your home so we can go to the mating cave.”

His eyes darkened and a low growl rumbled in his chest.  “Do you, little wolf?”

She loved when he called her that.

“There’s no reason to stay here.  We have a two-day journey ahead of us; plus I’d love to meet your mom.  Promise to keep me warm in the cave?” she teased.

His hand slid down her side to grip her thigh, lifting it up so he could move between her legs.  “Definitely.”

She arched up under him as he slid into her heat, and they made love twice more before they made it out of the bedroom.


* * * * *


While Row made a late breakfast for them, Kammie stood in front of her closet and looked at her clothes.  She only wore long things – long skirts, pants, long-sleeved tops and sweaters.  Hardly any of her clothes bared her skin.  It was still winter, so it made sense for her to have these things, but being with Row made her want to make him proud.  He’d told her over and over that in his sleuth, her scars wouldn’t be a liability, and she believed him.  He’d been nothing but good to her since they’d met, and she wanted to honor him the way that he honored her.

Digging into the back of her closet, she found a short-sleeved top that she’d bought on a whim a year earlier.  It was deep purple, with a v-neck and a scalloped edge along the hem.  It was feminine and lovely, and she’d never worn it.

Discarding her towel, she changed into her prettiest lingerie, a white lace set that seemed to highlight her curves and showed off the scars.  After the way Row had worshiped her body, she realized that her scars didn’t have to hold her back anymore.  She didn’t have to be ashamed of them; they were badges of honor, proof that she could survive anything that life threw at her.

She dressed and then went into the bathroom to look at herself.  She lifted her hair and inspected the mating marks that he’d given her.  They’d already scarred over and healed while she’d slept, leaving behind the evidence that Row was her mate.  It had been so sweet she’d wanted to cry, but she’d done her best to just enjoy how wonderful it felt to have family who cared about her.

Using small clips, she twisted her hair up to show off the marks, and smiled at her reflection.  The urge was there to cover up her arms, especially the right one which had a long line extending over her elbow, but it was a small urge and she ignored it.  She would honor Row by baring her skin in this little way.  She wouldn’t be ashamed anymore.

Joining him in the kitchen, she said, “It smells good in here.”

Row turned from the stove and smiled.  “It’s because you just came in.”

She chuckled.  “And there’s the bacon.”

“It’s one of my four food groups, along with pasta, hamburgers, and chocolate cake.”

Immediately she started thinking about how to make a casserole with everything he loved – except the chocolate cake.  He kissed her and shooed her to the table.  She sat down and watched as he set everything on the table and then fixed her coffee just the way she liked it.  Over-easy eggs glistened on her plate along with seasoned potatoes and a pile of bacon.  He poured orange juice for both of them and sat across from her with an identical plate.

“I’d like to get going after we eat, sweetheart.”

“I’m almost done packing.  Is there anything special I need to bring?”

He swallowed a bite of food.  “Something nice so I can take you out on a real date.”

“Aren’t we past the dating stage?” she asked, quirking her brow at him.

“Not hardly.  I want you to have every experience I can give you, and that includes me taking you on a date.”

“Did you use to date a lot?”

“Not really.  I did a little when I was younger, but once I was old enough to take part in the battles my life became about making myself a better fighter.  Even though they were brutal, the battles helped to focus my attention where it mattered.”

“On beating other shifters up?”

He laughed.  “Sort of.  It helped me prepare for anything that might happen.  As I trained, I learned how to fight – not only to win the battles, but to defend myself and my family.  Finding you made all that worthwhile.  I feel confident in my ability to keep you and our cubs safe.”

Her heart clenched at the thought of having a child with Row.  “You want kids?”

“Of course.  I want to be the best father to our kids and the best mate to you.  I’m technically an only child.  Even though Dani is the sister of my heart, I always wished I could have a blood brother or sister.”  He looked at her hopefully.  “Do you want kids?”

She swallowed back the emotions that rose in her chest.  “I didn’t give much thought to having kids before I met you, but yes.  I’d definitely like to have kids.”

He grinned broadly, relief and happiness shining in his eyes.

“Why didn’t your mom have more kids?” she asked.

“My dad died.  She was pregnant with me when it happened.  Bears form very tight bonds with their mates, and sometimes the one left alive will die of loneliness.  She always said I was her salvation, because if she hadn’t been pregnant she might have just wanted to curl up and die.  She lived for me, to honor her mate.  My name is evidence of the burden she shouldered alone.”

“Row?” she asked, confused.

“My name is Sorrow, but I go by Row for short.  My middle name is Nathaniel, for my dad.”

“That’s sweet and sad.  She never wanted to be mated again?”

“After losing my dad, she said she was content to live her life without a mate.  I think if she met someone she was attracted to she might mate him, but she’s never dated.”

Kammie hummed in thought and finished her meal.  She was sad for Row’s mom, but admired her courage in not giving up.  It couldn’t be easy to be a single parent, but she’d done it, and had even opened her home to Dani.  Kammie already loved Row’s mom and she hadn’t even met her.

“Will our kids be bears or wolves?”

“I don’t know; it depends on whether they take more after me or you.  They could be either, or a combination – like a wolf with my black fur or a bear with your gray fur.  Whatever they are, they’ll be well-loved.”

She had no doubt of that.  Row was protective and possessive, and those were qualities that she knew would extend to their kids.  He wouldn’t let anyone hurt someone he loved, and she suspected that would be especially true for her and their family.

When the dishes were put away and the kitchen cleaned, she finished packing and they loaded up into his truck.  After stopping by to say goodbye to Adam and Dani, Kammie and Row began their two-day journey to his sleuth.


* * * * *


Row stopped for gas just before they entered the town of Oakville.  Kammie got out and stretched to ease the ache of riding in the truck for so long.  They’d stopped overnight at hotels along the way, talking long into the night about their hopes and dreams.  They took turns driving, and filled the hours between stops with stories from their youth.

She felt closer to him than she’d ever felt to anyone.  With every day that passed, the connection between them grew, and she could feel her feelings for him deepen.  He was amazing – not only did he have a body that made her wolf pant, but he was kind and sweet, always making sure she was taken care of first.  That he put her happiness above his own made her like him that much more, even though his happiness was paramount to her, too.

“What are you thinking about,
?” he asked, leaning against the back of the truck.

She moved to him and slid her arms around him, snuggling into his embrace.  He caged her in his arms and drew her even closer.  “How crazy I am about you.”

“Are you, little wolf?”  He gazed down at her with pure adoration.

“Very much.  I didn’t know it could be like this.  My wolf is happy, I’m happy, and I hope I make you happy.”

His eyes darkened.  “You make me
happy, Kammie.  I’m not just crazy about you, I love you.  I love everything about you, from your beautiful brown eyes to your sexy toes, to the way you snuggle against me when we sleep and how you take care of me.”

Tears pricked her eyes at the sweet words.  “I love you, too, Row.  I didn’t think there would ever be anyone for me, but you’re perfect.”

“I’m not hardly, but I’m glad you think so.”

“You’re perfect for me,” she insisted.  “We fit together like puzzle pieces.  You make me melt with your amazing smiles and the way you hold me after we make love.  I’ve never felt so sexy, so cherished.  I forget everything when I’m in your arms.”

His eyes smoldered as he looked down at her.  “You’re the most important person in my world, Kammie.  You’re mine and I’m yours.”


He nodded and kissed her, before releasing her so he could pay for the gas.  As she walked around the truck to her side, she danced a little jig.  Row loved her!

She climbed in the cab and pulled the door shut.

“I saw that,” Row said with a chuckle.

She grinned.  “I’m happy.  My mate loves me.”

“Trust me,” he said as he pulled away from the pumps, “my bear is doing cartwheels right now and can’t wait to get you home.”

Leaning against his shoulder, she sighed contentedly.  After such a long stretch of time when nothing went right for her, finally Kammie was on the receiving end of some good luck.  She couldn’t wait to see what the day would bring.





Chapter 7


The brick house where Row had grown up sat on a quiet street, surrounded by the homes of sleuth members.  The flower beds were covered with snow, but as soon as spring came his mom’s favorite crocuses would bloom, heralding the coming warm weather.  Kammie walked beside him as he led her into the house.  It smelled like chocolate chip cookies, which reminded him of his childhood.  He’d always found the scent comforting.

His mother stood in the front room wearing a chocolate-smudged apron.  She smiled, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

“Mom, this is my mate, Kammie.  Sweetheart, this is my mom, Alice.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Kammie said, and then chuckled as Row’s mom hugged her tightly.

“Aren’t you beautiful?” she said, cupping Kammie’s face.  “My son is a lucky male.”

“I’m lucky, too,” Kammie said, winking at Row.

His mom gestured for them to move into the family room.  Row took Kammie’s coat off and hung it on the hook by the front door, along with his own.  Since the day they left Wilde Creek, Kammie had been wearing short-sleeved tops.  At her request, Row had taken her to a store to pick up some clothes that would show more skin.  Even though it was cold out, she seemed to really enjoy wearing more revealing things.  The top she wore now was a v-neck, and he loved how her collarbone was exposed.  It made him want to tug the top aside so he could kiss her skin inch by inch.

As he and Kammie sat down, his mom said, “I Skyped with Dani this morning and she’s doing well with her new mate.  She’s going to come visit in the spring, but I was thinking about going there myself if you think that would be okay with the alphas.”

Row didn’t particularly want his mom to be around the wolves who’d treated Kammie so poorly for such a long time, but he’d never keep his mother from visiting Dani.

“I’m sure it will be fine,” Kammie said.  “The alphas are good people.”

Row held back his snort of derision.  Perhaps the female wasn’t bound by the same rules as the pack because she was human, but the male had tolerated and even seemed to encourage a ranking system within the pack that put those who needed help at the bottom.  Every time he thought about returning to Wilde Creek, he wanted to throw something.

His mother gave him a long look and then said, “I cleaned your place and changed the sheets.  I’m sure you wouldn’t want Kammie to know how you lived.”

“Mom,” he protested, his cheeks heating in blush.

Kammie laughed, but it was a forced chuckle and Row’s bear growled in worry.  Something was bothering her, and he needed to know what it was.  She and his mother talked about the differences between Wilde Creek and Oakville while they ate the light meal she’d prepared.  When the meal was over, Row stood and held out his hand to Kammie.  “I want to show you my home, sweetheart.”

She smiled at him, heat and happiness dancing in her eyes, and then she slid her hand into his and stood.  He grabbed their coats and kissed his mom goodbye.  “I need to take Kammie to the cave,” he said.  “I want to talk to Fayar about doing that.”

“How long will you be staying?”

“We’re not in a hurry to leave,” he said.

His mom smiled.  “I’m glad to hear it.  Maybe Kammie and I can go shopping and out to lunch one afternoon.”

“I’d love to,” Kammie said.

His mother added, “I stocked your fridge and pantry, too.”

He kissed her cheek.  “Thanks, Mom.”

Row took Kammie’s hand as they walked back to his truck.  He left his mother’s driveway and drove two doors down to his own.  Turning off the engine, he reached for her hand again and asked, “Why did you seem unhappy when my mom said she cleaned my house?”

She looked surprised and then smiled gently.  “How is it you know me so well already?”

“Because you’re my
, Kammie.  I don’t want you to be upset, ever.  If I can fix it, just tell me what it is.”

“You’re too good to be true.”

“I’m right here.”  He brought her hand to his lips and kissed the top.  “Tell me.”

Sighing lightly, she said, “You’re not a housekeeper.”

“I don’t understand what you mean.”

“Returning to Wilde Creek means that you’ll be serving the pack with me.  You could work outside of town, find another job that you’d like to do, but you seem so adamant about being an omega with me.  Your mom saying that you aren’t naturally neat just reminded me how much you’d be giving up to stay in Wilde Creek.”

He brushed his thumb across her jaw, tilting her face until she really looked at him.  “I would give up everything for you.  I hope you realize that.  I don’t know if I could tolerate being without you, knowing you were working alone in unmated males’ homes while I was out of town, if I could even find work.  The best thing for me and my bear is for us to be together.  If Wilde Creek is where you want to be, then I’ll be by your side, no matter what you’re doing.”

“It’s not fair to you.”

“I get to have you in my arms at night, Kammie.  Whatever happens during the day, it’s a very fair trade.”

She chewed on her bottom lip, staring at him.  “After we unpack, can you show me around your sleuth’s territory?”

He knew she was still holding onto something she wasn’t sharing with him, but he decided not to push her.  He’d give her a little time to sort it out on her own.

“Yes.  I want to introduce you to my king, Fayar, and get permission to use the sacred cave tomorrow night.”

They exited the SUV and moved to the back to unload their luggage.  He slung several bags over his shoulder and ensured that Kammie only carried one light thing.  He didn’t want to take a chance on her slipping on the icy sidewalk.

He unlocked his front door and let Kammie in.  Then he left his bags on the floor and hustled out to the truck, returning with the remaining bags.  Once he was finished, he shut and locked the front door and found Kammie in the kitchen, looking out the sliding door to the backyard.  He slid his arms around her, drawing her close and pressing his face into her neck.

He kissed her throat, and she tilted her head to give him better access.  “This is what I always wanted.”

She shifted her hips, rubbing herself across his growing erection.  “Me?”

“Our connection.  The knowledge that we’re perfect together, that we fit together just right because we’re meant to be mates.  Anything else would be false and my bear would never be content.”

“My wolf wouldn’t either.”  She turned in his arms.  “I’m glad you’re mine, Row.”

He kissed her gently, teasing her lips with his until she pressed against him and growled in eagerness.  He lifted her into his arms and turned toward the bedroom.  “How about a tour?”

“A naked one?”

“I love how you think,” he said, chuckling.


* * * * *


Row and Kammie spent several hours in bed.  He knew she was happy to be off the road and settled for a little while.  She’d taken two weeks off from her duties with the pack, and he planned to make the most of that time.  He hoped that while she was here she’d fall in love with Oakville and want to stay; to leave Wilde Creek behind and embrace being his mate in a place where her scars were marks on her skin and not the definition of her being.

She stretched out on the bed, rubbing her toes along his calves as they snacked on a plate of cheese and crackers.  Having naked conversations was one of his favorite things to do with his mate.

After they finished their snack, they unpacked their belongings.  He gave her the top two drawers in the dresser and half of the closet, and helped her hang up her clothes.  He loved to see her things hanging next to his – her pastel-colored tops alongside his black shirts.

“I saw some steaks in the fridge.  Want to grill for dinner?  I have this great recipe for cheesy potatoes you make in a foil packet on the grill,” she said.

“Sure, sweetheart.”  She liked to cook for him, but he liked taking care of her, so they’d come to an agreement to both help during mealtimes.  He liked sharing household duties with her.  He didn’t mind running a broom around the kitchen, when it was for her.

They dressed warmly and he took her on a walking tour of the sleuth’s territory before it got dark.  The territory was several hundred acres, and he’d grown up exploring them.  They walked to the mating cave first.  He couldn’t wait to take her inside and hole up for a night so he could mate her in the traditions of his people.

She stood in his arms and looked at the entrance to the cave.  “Remember, you promised to keep me warm in there.”

“You know I will, sweetheart.”

She peered up at him and smiled.  “I can’t feel my toes.”

“It’s pretty damn cold.  Let’s go see Fayar and then I’ll warm you up properly.”

“And grill some steaks for dinner?”


She chuckled and took his hand.  They walked side by side toward Fayar’s home.  Fayar and his mate, Gloria, lived in a large house in the center of the sleuth’s territory.  Their children were all grown.  Only the youngest, Rafe, had remained in the sleuth, primed to take over the kingship when Fayar was ready to step down.  Rafe was an honorable male and only a year older than Row.  The two had been friends since they were cubs.

Row knocked on Fayar’s front door.  Gloria answered, her face lighting up as she opened the door wide and gestured them inside.

“I heard you’d found your truemate, Row!  Come in, we were expecting you!”

Fayar strode into the room and clapped Row on the shoulder.  “Congratulations on finding your mate.”

“Kammie, this is my king, Fayar, and his mate Gloria.  This is my
, Kammie.”

Gloria hugged Kammie lightly and said, “It’s wonderful to meet you.  Come into the kitchen while the males talk.  I hope you like snickerdoodles; I just made a batch for Rafe, but there’s plenty for everyone.”

Kammie smiled at Row.  He squeezed her hand and let go, and she walked with Gloria into the kitchen.  Row’s bear didn’t like her being out of sight, but he trusted Gloria to take good care of her.

Fayar gestured to the furniture in the living room and Row sat on the couch.  Fayar settled in an easy chair across from a small wooden coffee table and cleared his throat.  “Your mother called Gloria to tell us that you were bringing your new mate home, which is why Gloria said we’ve been expecting you.”

“I’m not surprised.  Mom is really happy for me.”

“She should be.  It’s a good thing when males find their truemates.  I understand Dani also found her mate.  Is he taking her on to her people?”

“I think she’s scrapped that and is planning to just stay in Wilde Creek.”

Fayar’s brows lifted.  “You don’t seem happy about that.”

Row lowered his voice.  “The wolves don’t take care of their injured.”

He nodded slowly.  “It’s because of how they view weakness.  For males especially, if an injury prevents them from being at their top strength, then they’re not seen as whole.”

Row explained about Kammie’s scars without going into too much detail.  “I wish I could convince her to stay here.”

Fayar’s brow was drawn.  “I don’t understand an alpha who would allow the abuse of a child, or anyone for that matter, to continue.  Wolves are curious creatures.  Very fierce, but they’re small shifters compared to bears or big cats, and I’ve always thought that gave them a bit of a complex.”

“Maybe.  I dislike the idea of being in Wilde Creek, but it’s her home.  The fact that she drew the short straw on family members shouldn’t be held against her any more than the color of her fur.”

“How long are you staying?”

“Ten days.”

“I’m sure you can convince her that Oakville is a better home for her, and for your future cubs, in that many days.  From what you’ve shared, her life isn’t that good in her pack, and life is different in the sleuth.  Show her the truth of that and she’ll see the light on her own.”


“I won’t talk to you about your position here until your future location has been decided, but know that the training job is there for you.”

“I’d really like to do that.”

“Do what?”  Kammie asked as she carried a plate of cookies into the room and set them on the table.  Gloria followed with a tray of mugs and a carafe of hot chocolate.

For a heartbeat, Row considered not telling her anything yet, but he never wanted to lie to her.  “Before I left, Fayar offered me a position teaching the young males how to hunt and fight.”

Her eyes widened.  She sat next to Row, and he put his arm around her.  Her coat was gone, and she was wearing a short-sleeved top that showed some of her scars.  He was proud of her for baring her skin, even just her forearms, to strangers.  He kissed her temple.

Kammie said, “Gloria was telling me about her granddaughter, Ahmani.”

Row was disappointed that Kammie changed the subject from his job, but he shook off the feeling, deciding it really was too early for him to expect her to want to move from everything she’d ever known.

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