The Second Book of General Ignorance (10 page)

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Authors: John Lloyd,John Mitchinson

BOOK: The Second Book of General Ignorance
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How can you tell which way is north in a forest?

It’s old woodsman’s lore that moss always grows on the north side of the trees, but it doesn’t.

Mosses prefer shady places but they can grow on the south, west and east of trees (as well as the north), if there’s enough moisture to sustain them. The presence of moisture depends as much on the direction of the prevailing wind as on being out of the sun. And, although a tree in isolation tends to have more shade on its northern side, trees in wooded areas throw shade on one another, making it perfectly possible for the south side to be the mossy one.

Can you tell which way is north from the sun? If you face the sunrise in the east, north is 90° to your left, isn’t it?

This isn’t foolproof either. The sun only rises
in the east on two days a year, at the spring and autumn equinoxes, when night and day are of equal length. (
is Latin for ‘equal night’.) In Britain, as a general rule, the sun rises in the south-east and sets in the south-west in winter; and rises in the north-east and sets in the north-west in the summer.

A more reliable method is to wait for nightfall and use the stars. Find the constellation of Ursa Major (Latin for ‘Great Bear’), better known as the Plough or Big Dipper. It looks a like a pan with a handle. Make a line between the two stars on the side of the pan opposite the handle and follow it upwards.
Polaris – the North Star – is the next bright star you find along that line. It’s not
north; but it’s good enough for someone hopelessly lost in a forest.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t work so well in the southern hemisphere. The nearest star to the celestial South Pole, sometimes called
Polaris Australis
, or the ‘Southern Pole star’, is Sigma Octantis in the constellation Octans, but it’s barely visible without a telescope.

The North Star isn’t always due north, either. This is because Earth wobbles as it spins. Think of the Earth as a ball, spinning round an imaginary stick that passes through each pole. Because of the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon, the stick moves slightly over time, slowly tracing a circle in the sky. This means that the end of the stick isn’t always pointing directly at Polaris: it’s either moving slowly towards or away from it.

You don’t need to worry about that for a while yet, though. The movement is
slow: each rotation of that circle takes 25,765 years to complete. For our Bronze Age ancestors in 3000
, the star Thuban in the constellation of Draco was closer to north. In 12,000 years time it will be Vega in the constellation Lyra. Polaris will be back in pole position again by

Meanwhile, a neat trick is to use your watch. Point the hour hand at the sun. Taking the middle of the angle formed between that and the number twelve gives a fairly good approximation to south.

You can float a razor blade on water and, if it’s magnet
ised, it would act as a compass.

But if you were lost in the forest and you were getting
pretty despondent, and you thought, ‘I’ll float a razor blade on
the water’, you would be tempted, wouldn’t you, as you looked at
that razor blade, to end it all?

Do people really go round and round in circles when they’re lost?

Yes, they do. In situations where there are no navigational clues – such as in a snowstorm or thick fog – human beings who are convinced they’re walking in a straight line always end up going round in circles.

Until very recently this peculiar effect was explained away by the not very convincing theory that one of our legs is stronger than the other, so that over a period of time we tend to veer in the direction of the weaker leg. But research carried out in 2009 by the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen has shown that it’s not our legs, but our brains, that are at fault.

Volunteers were set down in a particularly empty bit of the Sahara in southern Tunisia or the dense, flat Bienwald Forest in south-west Germany and tracked as they walked, using GPS (the Global Positioning Satellite). When the sun or moon was out, they were perfectly capable of walking in a straight line. As soon as these were absent, the volunteers started to walk in circles, crossing their own path several times without noticing it. When another group of volunteers was blindfolded, the effect was even more obvious and immediate: the average diameter of the circle they walked was only 20 metres (66 feet).

This is far too rapid a change of course for the ‘stronger leg’ theory to explain. What the research proved is that, deprived of any visual points of reference, people have no instinctive sense of direction.

Vision is by far the most important of all human senses. Processing visual information uses 30 per cent of the brain’s activity, whereas smell, the directional aid used by most mammals, accounts for just 1 per cent. Only birds are as visually dependent as we are, but they navigate using
‘magnetoception’, the ability to plug into the Earth’s magnetic field. Embedded in their brains are crystals of an iron-based mineral called magnetite.

The bones of human noses also contain traces of magnetite, which suggests we may once also have had ‘magnetoception’ but have forgotten how to use it.

In 2004 Peter König, a cognitive scientist at the University of Osnabrück in Germany, made a belt that he wore round his waist constantly, even in bed. It had thirteen pads linked to a sensor that detected Earth’s magnetic field: whichever pad was pointing north vibrated gently like a cellphone. Over time, König’s spatial awareness radically improved. Wherever he was in the city, he found he knew intuitively the direction of his home or office. Once, on a trip to Hamburg, over 160 kilometres (100 miles) away, he correctly pointed towards Osnabrück.

When he finally removed the belt, he had a powerful sensation that the world had shrunk and that he had become ‘smaller and more chaotic’. The belt had reactivated – or perhaps re-educated – a sense he didn’t realise he had. It may be that our bodies have been faithfully sending out magnetoception signals all the time, but that our brains have lost the ability to interpret them.

Why do we walk in circles if we’re lost?

Homing pigeons: we’re descended from homing pigeons.

What’s the best way to weigh your own head?

Self-decapitation? Are you sure?

A severed head has left than five seconds of consciousness left, so you wouldn’t have much time to enjoy the results of your experiment.

Resting your head on the bathroom scales is another idea but it’s very inaccurate: your neck would still be supporting some of the weight.

The simplest way is to stick your head in a bucket.

The density of most people’s heads is very close to that of water. Put a bucket in a large tray, fill it to the brim with water and then dunk your head in it. Weighing the water that spills over into the tray will give you a fairly good approximation of the weight of your head.

For an encore, you can repeat the experiment with your whole body, using larger containers. You can then compare the amount of water displaced by your head to the amount displaced by your whole body, and work out what fraction of your total body weight your head is.

To ensure 100 per cent accuracy, though, what you really need is a CT scan.

Computed Tomography (CT) scanners use X-rays to produce an extensive series of images of objects in cross-section. (Tomography is Greek for ‘writing in slices’.) The information can be used to analyse any part of the human body and determine the exact density at each point within it. From this, a SAM – or Specific Anthropomorphic Mannequin
– can be generated: a 3-D computer model that, among other things, will tell you the exact weight of your head.

If you’re not particularly bothered about accuracy and only want to know
what your head weighs, according to the anatomy department at Sydney University the weight of an adult human head (with hair removed), cut off at the third vertebra down, is between 4.5 and 5 kilograms (9.9 and 11 pounds).

If you like to be accurate to the point of extreme pedantry, you might be able to use this. It was the Greek mathematician Archimedes (about 287–212
) who discovered you could measure the volume of irregular objects by seeing how much water they displaced. He supposedly found this out while he was sitting in his bath and was so excited that he jumped out and ran naked through the streets of Syracuse yelling ‘Eureka!’ (Greek for ‘I’ve found it!’)

How do snakes swallow things bigger than their heads?

They don’t, as you may have heard, ‘dislocate their jaws’: they stretch them.

Most of the bones in a snake’s head – including the two halves of the jaw – are not locked in position, as in mammals, but are attached by a flexible ligament.

One of these bones links the snake’s lower jaw to its upper jaw in a double-jointed hinge. It’s called the quadrate bone because it is connected at four points.

We have this quadrate bone too, but it’s no longer attached to our jaw. Instead, it has migrated up into the ear and shrunk down in size to become the incus, or ‘anvil’, bone. This
combines with two other bones called the malleus (or ‘hammer’) and the stapes (‘stirrup’), to produce the miracle of efficiency that is the human middle ear.

The three-bone arrangement amplifies sound and is capable of much more acute hearing than the reptile system, where the eardrum is connected directly to the inner ear by just the single ‘stirrup’ bone. So, while we can’t swallow a goat whole, we can at least hear much better than snakes can.

Despite their big mouths, snakes sometimes bite off more than they can chew.

In 2005 the remains of a 1.8-metre (6-foot) alligator were found in the Florida Everglades National Park, protruding from the stomach of a 4-metre (13-foot) Burmese python. The python had tried to swallow the alligator whole and had then exploded. The alligator is thought to have clawed at the python’s stomach from the inside, leading it to burst.

Burmese pythons come from South-East Asia and are one of the six largest snakes in the world. In their natural habitat, they can grow to more than 6 metres (20 feet) long. They now infest the Everglades: all of them are pets that have been abandoned by, or escaped from, their owners.

In 1999 a study at Cornell University estimated that the control of invasive species cost the US a staggering $137 billion a year. In the following five years 144,000 more Burmese pythons were blithely imported into the United States.

In 2010 Florida finally passed a law banning the importation of Burmese pythons, but too late. They thrive in the hot, wet climate of the local swamps (along with dozens of other non-native species like monitor lizards and vervet monkeys). Fights between alligators and Burmese pythons are a not uncommon sight and are a popular tourist attraction. The result is quite often a draw.

Do you know what you should drink with the
beating heart of a cobra? This is a dish in China where you get a
cobra, and it’s brought to the table alive; they then slice it open,
the heart out and it’s beating on the plate there. You have to
chase it round the plate and then you drink the blood of the
snake as the wine.

‘Actually, I ordered the lasagne!’

Where does a snake’s tail begin?

You might think a snake is just one long tail with a head at one end, but in fact only about 20 per cent of a snake is tail.

The word
is Latin for ‘joint’. Human beings have thirty-three vertebrae, which form the spinal column and the bones in the neck. Depending on the species, snakes can have over ten times as many. The great majority of these sprout a pair of ribs. Just as with people, snakes don’t have ribs in their head. And, at the other end (also as with people), where the ribs stop, the tail begins. The human ‘tail’ is called the coccyx; in a snake, its tail starts after its cloaca.

All reptiles, birds and amphibians have a cloaca. It’s named after the Cloaca Maxima, an early sewage system that ran through the Forum in ancient Rome. In snakes the cloaca is a small, flexible vent on its underside: the reptilian equivalent of a bottom. So a snake’s tail starts, just like a lizard’s or a pheasant’s, behind its behind.

Although controlled by a sphincter muscle, as in mammals, it differs from a mammal’s anus by providing a common passage for the removal of both urine and faeces. It’s also used
for mating and egg laying. Stored inside a male snake’s tail are his two penises (known as hemipenes or ‘half-penises’). To mate, he turns each one inside out, so that they poke out of his cloaca. They look rather like exotic varieties of mollusc, adorned with various knobs, spines and protuberances. Each is inserted, in turn, into the female’s cloaca, which is of a matching design to deter interlopers from other snake species.

Recent studies have shown that, while a snake can’t be referred to as ‘right-handed’, they are definitely ‘right-penised’: the hemipenis on the right side tends to be larger and is the one inserted first. Another use for the cloaca in some snake species is ‘popping’. This is where air is expelled from it in a series of sharp bursts, indistinguishable in timbre and volume from high-pitched human farts. The foul smell (and surprise value) helps keep predators at bay.

If a snake is kept in too small a space, it may attack and eat its own tail, thinking it’s a rival. Some snakes have been known to choke on their own tails.

The Ouroboros (Greek for ‘tail-eater’) is an ancient symbol of a snake swallowing its own tail. It appears in Egyptian, Greek, Norse, Hindu and Aztec mythology and represents the cyclical nature of things. In the
), Plato credited the origin of life in the universe to such a circular, self-consuming creature and the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung (1875–1961) believed it was an archetype, a concept hard-wired into our unconscious.

The Ouroboros unlocked one of the great scientific puzzles of the nineteenth century: the chemical structure of benzene. Found in crude oil, benzene is a powerful solvent used in the manufacture of dyes and plastics. First isolated in 1825, it was used as paint stripper, aftershave and to decaffeinate coffee before it was discovered to be dangerously toxic. Though its chemical formula, C
was known, its atomic structure baffled everyone until the German chemist August
Kekulé (1829–96), after years of work, had the sudden insight that it was a ring of six carbon atoms. These were attached to each hydrogen atom with a single bond, but to each other with alternating single and double bonds.

Kekulé’s solution transformed organic chemistry. The breakthrough came to him in a daydream, when the image of a snake with its tail in its mouth suddenly came to mind.

When I was a kid, there was a rattlesnake on TV, every week. It was, like, a big thing in the ’70s. Every week, in something, there was always a rattlesnake. And nowadays, there’s never a rattlesnake on TV.

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