The Second Coming (53 page)

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Authors: J. Fritschi

BOOK: The Second Coming
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The only people that could corroborate Mike’s story were Big Pete and Kate. Big Pete didn’t remember anything that happened that day and Mike didn’t want to put Kate in any danger. The only reason he agreed to go to the memorial service was because Kate called him and asked him to meet her there. She wanted to talk to him and since they hadn’t spoken in quite some time, Mike was willing to meet her anywhere. His heart longed for her and he could sense that there was something wrong in her empty voice. She had been through an unimaginable experience and he felt responsible.

Mike followed the procession of mourners like grazing cattle into the great room of the Claremont Country Club, funneling into the sterile room that overlooked the tree lined fairways and manicured putting green. Flowers were displayed on top of rich, antique tables that were dispersed evenly
amongst the couches and chairs that people with drinks in their hands were beginning to nest in.

This was the type of social gathering that only a few months earlier Mike would not have entertained coming to without having at least a couple of drinks before, during and after. He watched the nameless faces clutching their drinks like life preservers and felt like he was drowning and no one was going to throw him a line, or offer him a drink. He wiped away a thin layer of perspiration that was forming on his forehead and upper lip.

Where was Kate? What did she want to talk to him about? He was afraid she was going to break his heart, but as much as he dreaded that, he was still looking forward to seeing her. Having his heart broken by her was better than not seeing her at all. If he couldn’t be with her at least he would enjoy wallowing in his aching desire for her. He romanticized about her breaking his heart. It was better than never experiencing the rush of her allure. He would do anything for just one last tender moment of affection from her; all of these feelings from one night with her. She was magical.

As Mike gazed over the sea of mourners, he spotted Father John standing on the far side of the room next to the fireplace, holding a cherub faced baby boy. He was dressed regally in a white Cossack robe with a red chasuble over his shoulders like he just came from the Vatican. He was reservedly smiling as if he knew he was supposed to be happy, but was uncomfortable holding the baby. He made Mike sick. He was the height of hypocrisy.

Standing next to Father John, watching him with the admiration of a mother watching her son be baptized, was an exotic, olive skinned brunette with brilliant emerald eyes and full lips. Her hair was almost as long as her legs, which were covered by an exquisite black dress with a matching lace shawl. She was stunning.

Mike glanced around the room and found Kate leaning sensuously with a glass of wine in her hand next to a sun soaked window, talking with a lean, bearded man with bushy blonde hair. She was even more beautiful than the image Mike fantasized about in his head. Everything about her was perfect; her wavy dark hair, her cute, buttercup nose, her smooth jaw line and chin; but the thing that captivated Mike the most was her luscious, arching mouth. When she wasn’t speaking, she had a mischievous grin that could cast a spell on you and when she spoke, all Mike could imagine was placing his lips against hers as she softly devoured him. She was delicious.

Who the fuck was this shithead she was so demurely talking to? Did he have any idea how close to death he was right now? Mike sized him up. He was handsome enough, if you like grizzly ski bums, and although he appeared athletic, Mike knew he could end his life as quickly as the idea crossed his mind. Kate looked like she was enjoying his rugged attention so Mike did what any red blooded, jealous juvenile would do and proceeded to go over and put an end to their happiness.

“Hello Katy Kate,” he said as he leaned over and tried to kiss her on the lips.

“Hello Michael,” she replied as she turned her head modestly and offered him her cheek.

Mike stood tall and glared into the grizzly man’s eyes. “Mike McCormick,” he said firmly as he held out as his hand.

“Matt Carpenter,” the man replied disconcertingly as he grasped Mike’s hand and clenched it like a brick.

And then it clicked in Mike’s head. “Father John’s brother,” he said mildly relieved.

“Nice work Detective,” Kate said sarcastically under her breath.

Mike let go of the brother’s hand and looked at Kate surprised. She stared at him with raised eyebrows that said ‘I don’t need your petty jealousy’. There was an awkward moment of silence as Mike and Kate engaged in a staring contest. Her eyes were melting his heart and he finally relinquished like a scolded school boy and reluctantly turned to face Father John’s brother.

“I’m sorry about your father,” he said as politely as he could muster.

“Don’t be,” the brother replied flippantly. “My brother says he is in a better place now, but I don’t buy that bullshit.”

Mike’s brows furrowed. “Excuse me?”

“You know...” The brother said sarcastically. “My brother is the second coming of Christ,” he paused for affect. “At least that is what my father thought. Look at him over there; all holier than thou,” he said bitterly as he motioned to Father John holding the baby boy, surrounded by a flock of people. “Look, the son of God has a son!” He proclaimed mockingly. “God is a grandfather! I’m sure God and my dad are watching this together from Heaven proudly.”

Mike glanced over at Kate who was looking at him with her mouth agape.

“I didn’t know your brother has a son,” Mike said in disbelief.

“Neither did he until a few days ago. It must have been an immaculate conception. Let’s all bow down and worship the chosen one.” He glared at Father John in disgust. “Fuck that,” he said and then stormed off toward the bar.

Mike was taken aback. “Can you believe this?” He asked stunned as he stared in awe at Father John holding his son.

“That must be the baby’s mother,” Kate said reflectively. “Arianna.”

Mike looked down at Kate with regretful eyes. “How are you doing?” he asked pensively.

“Not so good,” she replied with a crack in her soft voice as she looked at him with the eyes of a lost child.

“I’m sorry I got you mixed up in this whole thing.”

“I’m scared Mike,” she said with a quivering chin.

Mike reached out and pulled her into his chest and held her tight. “It gets easier with time. The memories won’t go away, but they get easier to deal with.” He could feel her body shaking against his.

“That’s not it,” she sniffled as she pulled away and retrieved a handkerchief from her purse that she used to wipe the mascara from her face.

“What do you mean?” Mike asked confused. “What is it?”

Kate’s eyes were shifty as she looked around the room.

“Is everything alright?” Mike asked.

“I need another glass of wine,” she said disconsolate.

Mike motioned to a short Pilipino waiter dressed in a white coat and black bowtie, butler-like uniform to bring another glass of wine.

“Why don’t you sit down,” he told her as he assisted her into an antique high back chair. The waiter brought the glass of wine and Kate gulped down half of it.

“Are you going to be alright?” he asked as he examined the worried lines on her face.

Kate took a deep breath and exhaled. “I’m fine,” she said unconvincingly.

“Why don’t you tell me what this is all about?”

Kate peered up at Mike with her fluttering lashes and baby doll eyes. “I didn’t want to tell you until I was sure.”

Oh shit. Here it comes. She was going to try and let him down easy. “You don’t have to say anything,” Mike assured her gently. “I don’t blame you for not wanting to see me anymore.”

Kate tilted her head and looked at Mike with sympathetic eyes. “You are a sweet, misguided angel Mike McCormick,” she said with tears in her eyes.

Mike could tell she was holding something back, like she wasn’t sure how to tell him and then finally her lips moved and the words came out like a revelation.

“I’m pregnant.”

Mike didn’t see that coming. Holy shit. That is what she meant when she said she wanted to talk to him alone. She wasn’t breaking up with him. She wanted to tell him he was going to be a father. Of course! She was probably scared that he wouldn’t want anything to do with the child.

Mike smiled, got down on one knee in front of her and took her hands in his as he looked her in the eyes.

“That is great news,” he assured calmly. “You are not going to have to raise our child on your own. I will take care of both of you.”

Kate shook her head with a trembling bottom lip as tears welled in her eyes.

“I’ll quit my job,” he said reassuringly. “You won’t have to worry about me not coming home one night and the child being raised without a dad.”

Tears streamed down her face as she reached out and tenderly stroked his cheek.

“I want to marry you and have a family together,” he proclaimed earnestly. “I’m ready for this now. I’ve been sober for over three months and I’ve done a lot of soul searching.”

“You don’t understand,” Kate whispered regretfully. “I don’t think the baby is yours. I think Father John’s son is going to have a cousin. I think the baby is the Sterling Killer’s.”

Mike felt like the life was sucked out of his heart as his arms dropped to his sides and he sat back on his hindquarters. His head was reeling as all the blood rushed from it. The son of God has a son…was the son of the Devil going to have a son too? What would the church do to Kate if they found out she was pregnant with the Sterling Killer’s baby? Mike now understood the feeling of fear that Father John’s dad felt when he realized he was having a sixth son. He would do whatever it took to protect Kate and her baby. If the church ever found out that the child was the son of the Antichrist, they would surely kill them both.

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