The Secret Journey (14 page)

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Authors: Paul Christian

Tags: #erotic, #erotica, #domination, #bondage, #sex slave, #sado masochism, #50 shades of gray

BOOK: The Secret Journey
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Check for Homeroom 4A in the upper left.
Evaluate the handwriting, is it neat, is it clear and legible? Is
it worthy of you? Red mark if the name’s not there, red mark if the
title isn’t right, red mark if the homeroom isn’t there, red mark
if the handwriting isn’t perfect, lose another point if it’s
sloppy, lose another if it’s actually messy, lose another if the
title isn’t underlined. Five red marks if it isn't handwritten, if
you cheated and used a printer. I expect my instructions to be
carried out, honey, exactly as I give them. Check the margins. Are
they even? If not, red mark. Are they an inch exactly? If not, red

Now question one, honey, remember that? You
need to explain the effect of Julie’s desire on her teacher, and
that of his own desire. You have to predict what’s going to happen
with them, and discuss the dynamic of their relationship. So sit up
straight in your chair and take your paper and read it aloud with
red pen in hand. Read it in a clear voice, and as you read it
evaluate it, listen to the words, the phrasing, the sentence
structure. And every time you come to an error, grammar or
spelling, that’s a red mark. Every time the phrasing is awkward or
the point is unclear, red mark. Be strict, honey, as strict as I
would be. Stop reading this now, and read your work aloud.

Now that you’re finished, ask yourself if you
were convincing. Ask yourself if you expressed yourself as well as
you possibly could have. Ask yourself if this work is up to the
standard that I would expect from you, that you would expect from
yourself. Red marks every time you don’t get a good answer to those
questions, honey, as many red marks as there needs to be. Don’t be
easy on yourself honey, the idea isn’t to cheat and cut corners,
the idea is to learn and to learn we need to be honest here. Right
now we’re setting the standard, and you have high standards,
because that’s who you are, that’s why you’re here. And ask
yourself if your reading voice was clear and articulate. Red mark
if it wasn’t. Finish your marking, and then turn the page.

Question two, honey. Tell me about your
sexual development, your sexual fantasies of domination by a man of
intelligence and authority. Read them out loud, too. You know the
standard now. We’re not here to judge your fantasies, anything you
dream is absolutely fine, but that red pen is going to move for
spelling, for grammar, for every other technical detail that’s less
than perfect for me. Don’t be afraid to express yourself honey, and
don’t be afraid to mark yourself. And tell me did writing your
thoughts down bring a blush to your cheeks? Did writing your
thoughts down bring them one step closer to real? Of course it did,
and you know the real reason behind this question, don’t you,
honey? You know that I want to know what buttons to push in your
mind. And because you know the purpose of this question, that's ten
red marks if you evaded it, if you weren't absolutely honest about
the darkest corners of your desire. Intellectual dishonesty is the
worst academic sin, and I won't have it in my class.

And speaking of buttons, I bet your hot
little button is hard right now, and I bet your panties are well on
their way to soaking wet. Is it your own fantasies that are doing
that to you honey, or is it all the red marks on your paper, and
the knowledge that very, very soon now they’re going to be on your
ass? You’re looking forward to that, I know you are. Not so much
the hot, sharp smack but the fact that you’ll be getting it from
me, that I’ll be providing you with exactly what you need, whether
you want it or not. And red mark if I just caught you slouching in
your chair. Back straight, honey. Posture is important. Read your
work aloud, and grade it like before, and turn the page when you’re

Question three, honey. How do you feel about
kneeling and asking to be trained? How do you feel bent over the
desk to be whipped? How do you feel being fucked with your ass all
sore and welted and red and swollen? How do you feel about being
fucked like that, being required to suck my cock like that, taking
it up the ass like that? And what do you get from this
relationship? Read it aloud honey, and make your red marks just
like you’re supposed to. Stop reading this now, and read your work

Last question, honey, how should dirty little
sluts like you be punished? Tell me in detail honey. Tell me what
needs to be done so I can do it to you. You need to be kept in
line, I know that much. You need to be taught how to respect the
cock. Read it loud and proud honey, and evaluate it just like the
other three questions. Red marks for grammar, for spelling, for
writing and margins. Red marks when you aren’t up to the required
level of articulate presentation. And ten red marks if you skated
the question, made the punishment any lighter than the full measure
that you need. I need you open, honey, I won't have anything less.
Stop reading this now, and read your work aloud.

And now, honey, we’re going to add up all
those red marks. Are you sitting up straight right now, honey?
Three red marks if I caught you slouching again. Just because
you’re getting all wet and squirmy is no reason to relax the
requirements. And let’s do that, let’s check how wet you are,
naughty, dirty girl. Have you soaked right through your panties,
made a mess on the schoolroom chair? Put your hand down there and
check, bad girl, that’s a red mark if your cunt is wet, another if
your panties are, and five if you've made your chair sticky. Is
your clit stiff? Check it, honey, red mark if it is. Are you a hot
little cocksucking bitch? We already know you are honey, we proved
that back in part three. Five red marks for being such a bad, bad

So count them up honey, count up all the red
marks so we can bring you right up to perfect. And just in case
you’ve skipped ahead honey, just in case you’re reading this
without your homework done, it’s twenty five red marks for every
question you didn’t do, plus the ones for slouching, for being a
bad girl, for being a hot little cocksucking bitch, and twenty five
extra for deliberately avoiding the work. So I hope you did make an
effort honey, I hope you didn’t skip your assignment, because
otherwise you’re going to have a lot of trouble sitting this week.
Count them up now, and then turn the page.

Good girl, my bad girl. How many red marks
did you earn? The number is important, because now your backside is
going to be presented and punished honey. Every red mark on your
page is going to be made up on your ass, so bend yourself over the
desk or the table or the dresser or whatever it is you have to be
bent over. Get your back arched, get your ass up and out and yes,
of course, get your legs apart, wide, wide apart. This book in one
hand, and your instrument of correction in the other. Get in
position, honey. We’re going to make you a very good girl

First things first, bad girl. I’m going to
show you how to do it like I do it. The most important thing is the
way you count them, and the way you count them is this. The spanks
come down, hard and sharp and one stroke at a time, and afterward
you say, “One, sir. Thank you for making me be a good girl, sir.
Please may I have another?
Then another spank and
"Two, sir. Thank you for making me be a good girl, sir. Please may
I have another?" Then another and
. "
Three, sir, thank you
for making me be a good girl, sir. Please may I have another?”
You’re going to say that for each spank, unless the spank isn’t
quite hard enough, and then you’ll say. “Please sir, I need it
harder, may I have that one again?” And the way you know it’s hard
enough is if you hear a definite, hard smack on impact, and it
makes you jump and gasp and sends lightning bolts through your
body. The way you know it’s hard enough is that you’ll be thinking

Please I can’t take it, that’s too hard.
Anything less
than that doesn’t count. “Please sir, I need it harder, may I have
that one again?”

How wet are you now, naughty girl, bent over
like this awaiting your punishment? Are you eager for it or
reluctant? Curious? Scared? Both at once, and more than that,
you’re aroused. Your heart is beating fast and your belly is tight
and yes, your nipples are starting to stiffen. Your breathing is
coming faster and your lips are dry and so part them honey, lick
them. And now we’ll begin.

First spank.

“One sir. Thank you for making me a good
girl, sir. Please may I have another?”

Second spank.

“Two sir. Thank you for making me a good
girl, sir. Please may I have another?”

And that’s the way it’s going to work, honey.
Just keep going, spank after spank, thank me for each and ask for
the next until every last one has been driven home, until every
last red mark has been paid for in full. Rhythmic and steady,
that’s the way it has to be. Smack, smack, smack.

Yes honey, I know it hurts. And you know you
need it to hurt. We both know you need this, you know you have been
needing this for a long time. Is it bringing tears to your eyes,
honey? Are you going to have trouble sitting tomorrow? If not you
aren’t doing it hard enough. So do it harder, honey. You’re going
to be doing it as hard as I would, and that’s very hard indeed,
hard enough to turn your luscious ass cheeks red, hard enough to
make you squirm and dance and gasp and cry.

Harder, honey. That’s the way. Show me how
much you want to be a good girl. Let me strip away the badness, let
me scourge your soul clean. Just take it honey, just accept it.
Show me what a good girl you can be for me. It’s just about you and
me honey, and you should understand that I have your best interests
at heart here. This is done because I want nothing but the best for
you, nothing but the best from you. You do understand that, don’t
you, honey? What you might not understand is that this is hard for
me too. I don’t like to have to do this, but we both know it has to
be done.

Harder, honey. How many are you up to now?
Finish them off, rhythmic and steady, no drop in intensity, no
change in cadence. Do it, honey, do it hard, and if you aren’t
pleased with your own response, if you don’t feel I’d be pleased
with the intensity, or with the way you hold your posture or the
clarity of your voice when you ask for the next one then feel free
to apply that hard, unyielding implement to more sensitive areas.
That’s right, right there at the very bottom of your ass where your
thigh begins. Right up against the inner thigh. Right up in between
your sensitive soaking labia, right up against your hard, hurting
clit. Ever been cunt spanked before, honey? It’s happening now, and
keep those legs wide for it, keep that ass arched out. Keep the
cadence, honey.

“Thank you for making me be a good girl,
Please may I have another?”


Oh yes, honey, every red mark on your ass now
makes up for one on the page. Every red mark now atones for every
little notch of less-than-perfect performance. Feel it, feel the
catharsis building up. You can cry if you want to, cry in response
to the pain, to the humiliation of being bent over and spanked like
a bad little girl.

Harder! You can give in to it, feel the tears
building up inside.

Harder! It’s okay to cry, honey, it’s okay to
not cry, the only requirement here is that every last smack be
taken out on your upturned and by now well punished bottom. So now
you’re going to finish, you’re going to stop reading now and finish
off the full measure of punishment. Finish it off honey, do it the
way you know it needs to be done. I’m counting on you to be a good
girl for me. Finish your spanking before you turn the page.

And now we’re back, honey, and you’re done,
with your now very red and sore ass high in the air. It is still in
the air, isn’t it honey? You didn’t get out of position just
because you were done, before you were told you could, did you? And
you did finish every last spank, didn’t you, every last one given
hard enough, firm and on target? So what I want now is the make-up
spanking, the extra strokes for every one that didn’t count, for
imperfect posture, for moving, for every transgression not yet
redeemed. You know how bad you were, honey, so you know how much
more you need. So do it honey, lay them on there, fast and furious.
Lay them on until you are done, until your sore, smarting ass has
completely atoned for your sins. Ask for each one, honey. Convince
me that you need it, convince yourself. I’m watching, I’m waiting,
do it, do it now.

And now I’m satisfied, honey. I’m convinced
that you are one hundred percent good girl now, every last red mark
taken off the page and put on your ass. Did you cry after all
honey, did the tears come, or did you fight them down, keep control
the whole time?

I want to know the answers to those
questions, but the more important question is, was it enough for
you, honey? Yes you’re my good girl now, my well spanked, well
loved good girl, but how do you feel inside, do you think you need
still more spanking to meet your own standard, or do you think
you’ve had enough? Because this isn’t about me, this is about you,
and so if you haven’t had enough chastisement, if you still feel
rebellious in your heart, if you still feel guilty, if you still
feel unfinished, then there is only one solution here, and that is
more spanking.

Yes, honey, more. And this time it’s going to
be hard and fast and you aren’t going to ask for them, oh no,
you’re just going to get them,
smack, smack, smack,
finished, done, completely, cathartically,
thoroughly spanked as much as you need to be spanked. The tears are
there honey, whether they come spilling out is up to you because
you’re the one who needs this, you’re the one who’s been craving
this deep, deep down inside for oh, so very long. So keep it up
honey, don’t short-change yourself, this is where you get a lasting
impression, this is where you truly learn how it’s going to be.
Keep it up until you feel like you’ve been put completely, utterly,
totally in your place. Harder honey, and faster, and turn the page
when you’re finally done

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