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Authors: Matthew M. Aid

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41. CIA, SC No. 07250/68,
Warning of the Tet Offensive
, undated but circa April 1968, pp. 7–8, Larry J. Berman Collection, Vietnam Archive, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.

42. David Parks,
Bien Hoa Air Base: Tet ’68
, bien-hoa-tet-68.htm.

43. Oral history,
Interview with Daniel O. Graham
, May 24, 1982, p. 15, LBJL, Austin, TX.

44. Harold P. Ford,
CIA and the Vietnam Policymakers: Three Episodes, 1962–1968
(Washington, DC: Center for the Study of Intelligence, 1998), p. 116.

45. CIA, interim report,
Intelligence Warning of the Tet Offensive in South Vietnam
, April 8, 1968, p. 3, CIA Electronic FOIA Reading Room, Document No. 0000097712, In 2005, the CIA
declassified another version of this document, which deleted the substance of this paragraph, for which see CREST Collection,
Document No. CIA-RDP80R01720R000 100080001-8, NA, CP.

46. Johnson,
American Cryptology
, bk. 2, p. 562; Ford,
, p. 116; Hanyok,
Spartans in Darkness
, p. 331.

47. Hanyok,
Spartans in Darkness
, p. 333.

48. Message, MAC 01430, GENERAL WESTMORELAND COMUSMACV to ADMIRAL SHARP CINCPAC, January 20, 1968, attached to memorandum,
Rostow to President, January 30, 1968, 109th Quartermaster Company Collection, Vietnam Archives, Texas Tech University, Lubbock,
TX. See also Don Oberdorfer,
(New York: Da Capo Press, 1984), pp. 110–11; Jones,
War Without
, p. 168; John L. Plaster,
SOG: The Secret Wars of America’s Commandos in Vietnam
(New York: Simon and Schuster, 1997), p. 179.

49. Theodore Lukacs,
Focus on Khe Sanh
, Southeast Asia Cryptologic History Series (Fort Meade, MD: Center for Cryptologic History, December 1969), pp. 4, 6, NSA
FOIA; Johnson,
, bk. 2, p. 561.

50. Johnson,
American Cryptology
, bk. 2, p. 562.

51. Oral history,
Interview with Daniel O. Graham
, May 24, 1982, p. 21, LBJL, Austin, TX.

52. The best all-around history of the tragic U.S. involvement in Cambodia remains William Shaw-cross’s epic
Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon and the Destruction of Cambodia
(New York: Simon and Schus-ter, 1979). The military aspects of the Cambodia invasion are well covered in Keith William Nolan,
Into Cambodia: Spring Campaign, Summer Offensive, 1970
(Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1970).

53. Johnson,
American Cryptology
, bk. 2, p. 573.

54. Hanyok,
Spartans in Darkness
, pp. 363–64.

55. Johnson,
American Cryptology
, bk. 2, p. 574.

56. Dr. Thomas R. Johnson,
American Cryptology During the Cold War, 1945–1989
, bk. 3,
and Reform, 1972–1980
(Fort Meade, MD: Center for Cryptologic History, 1995), p. 1, NSA FOIA; Hanyok,
Spartans in Darkness,
pp. 420–21.

57. Message, CIA/OCI/WHIZ 741006, “Communist Combat and Command Units Move Closer to Saigon,” October 6, 1974, CREST Collection,
Document No. CIA-RDP78S01932A000 100100011-5, NA, CP; message, CIA/OCI/WHIZ 741112, “North Vietnamese 308th Division May Move
South,” November 12, 1974, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP78S01932 A000100110010-5, NA, CP; message, CIA/OCI/WHIZ 741214,
“Vietnam Military Situation,” December 14, 1974, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP78S01932A000100190027-9, NA, CP; Johnson,
American Cryptology
, bk. 3, p. 3; Hanyok,
Spartans in Darkness
, pp. 429–30.

58. U.S. Intelligence Board Watch Committee,
Watch Report: Draft— Submitted for USIB Approval
, February 5, 1975, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP93T01468R00100040011-3, NA, CP; National Indications Center,
Draft Watch Report for Watch Committee Consideration
, February 18, 1975, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP93T01468R00100040022-1, NA, CP.

59. Johnson,
American Cryptology
, bk. 3, p. 5; Hanyok,
Spartans in Darkness
, pp. 432–34.

60. Johnson,
American Cryptology
, bk. 3, p. 6; Hanyok,
Spartans in Darkness
, p. 436.

61. DCI briefing for House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee,
The Situation in Cambodia
, March 10, 1975, pp. 1–3, DDRS; Johnson,
American Cryptology
, bk. 3, p. 9; Hanyok,
Spartans in Darkness
, p. 437.

62. CIA, Directorate of Intelligence, intelligence memorandum,
The Situation in Indochina (as of
1600 EST) No. 1
, April 3, 1975, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP86T00608R0 00200060001-4, NA, CP; CIA, Directorate of Intelligence,
intelligence memorandum,
Situation in Indochina (as of 1600 EST) No. 14
, April 16, 1975, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP79T00865A002500420001-9, NA, CP; Johnson,
American Cryptology
, bk. 3, pp. 9–10; Hanyok,
Spartans in Darkness
, pp. 439–41.

63. Letter, Carver to Schlesinger, April 23, 1975, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP 80R01720R000400110002-0, NA, CP;
DCI briefing for 24 April NSC Meeting,
The Situation in
, April 24, 1975, pp. 1–2, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP79R01142A 002100010004-8, NA, CP.

64. Johnson,
American Cryptology
, bk. 3, pp. 11–12; Hanyok,
Spartans in Darkness
, pp. 442–44.

65. Johnson,
American Cryptology
, bk. 3, p. 15.

8: Riding the Whirlwind

1. Dr. Thomas R. Johnson,
American Cryptology During the Cold War, 1945–1989
, bk. 2,
Wins, 1960–1972,
p. 293, and bk. 3,
Retrenchment and Reform, 1972–1980
, p. 21 (Fort Meade, MD: Center for Cryptologic History, 1995), NSA FOIA. See also U.S. House of Representatives, Appropriations
Department of Defense Appropriations for 1972
, 92nd Congress, 1st session, part 3, 1971, p. 536; U.S. House of Representatives, Appropriations Committee,
Department of Defense Appropriations for 1975
, 93rd Congress, 2nd session, part 1, 1974, p. 598; U.S. House of Representatives, Appropriations Committee,
Department of Defense Appropriations
for 1975
, 93rd Congress, 2nd session, part 3, 1974, pp. 340, 663; U.S. Senate, Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with
Respect to Intelligence Activities,
Final Report
, 94th Congress, 2nd session, bk. 1, 1976, p. 340.

2. William Reed and W. Craig Reed, “Thirteen Days: The Real Story,”
Troika Magazine
, 2001, network/ 13days.html.

3. OPNAVINST S3270.1,
Employment and Operating Policy for the U.S. Navy HFDF Nets
, May 18, 1984, pp. 2–4, U.S. Navy FOIA; OPNAVINST 02501.5E,
Cryptologic Tasks Assigned to Fleet Commanders
in Chief
, June 24, 1969, p. 3, U.S. Navy FOIA; NSGINST C3270.2,
Bullseye System Concept
of Operations
, June 30, 1989, p. 3, via Dr. Jeffrey T. Richelson; NWP-5,
Naval Cryptologic
, pp. 3-3–3-4, U.S. Navy FOIA;
1984 Annual History Report for the Headquarters Naval Security
Group Command
, June 5, 1985, sec. 10, item 10.2.1, COMNAVSECGRU FOIA; Desmond Ball, “The U.S. Naval Ocean Surveillance Information System—Australia’s
Pacific Defence
, June 1982, pp. 45–46.

4. The seven technical research ships were the USS
(AGTR-1), the USS
(AGTR-2), the USS
(AGTR-3), the USS
(AGTR-4), the USS
(AGTR-5), the USNS
Private Jose F. Valdez
(T-AG-169), and the USNS
Joseph E. Muller
(T-AG-171). “Technical research ship” section in
History of COMINT Operations: 1917–1959
, undated, RG-38, CNSG Library, box 104, file 5750/89, NA, CP; “Seaborne SIGINT Stations,”
, issue 5 (May 1965): p. 2, NSA FOIA; message, JCS 5338, “
Contingency Planning for
TRS Operations
,” November 6, 1965, DoD FOIA Reading Room, Document No. 845, Pentagon, Washington, DC; Julie Alger,
A Review of the Technical Research Ship Program, 1961–1969
, undated, NSA FOIA; Johnson,
American Cryptology
, bk. 2, p. 315; Wyman H. Packard,
A Century
of U.S. Naval Intelligence
(Washington, DC: GPO, 1996), p. 114.

5. Confidential interviews. See also U.S. Senate, Armed Ser vices Committee,
Department of Defense
Authorization for Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1994
, 103rd Congress, 1st session, part 7, 1993, pp. 452, 456.

6. For building spy satellites to monitor the Soviet ABM program, see Committee on Overhead Reconnaissance, TCS-0108-66,
Agenda for COMOR-M-390
, November 16, 1966, p. 3, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP79B01709A000100010029-0, NA, CP; letter, Helms to Vance,
November 21, 1966, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP79B01709A000 600060006-5, NA, CP; memorandum, Land and Killian to
Hornig, December 15, 1966, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP79B01709A000600060004-7, NA, CP. For the intelligence effort
against the ABM, see Frank Eliot, “Moon Bounce ELINT,”
Studies in Intelligence
, Spring 1967; pp. 63–64, RG-263, entry 27, NA, CP; Edward Tauss, “Foretesting a Soviet ABM System,”
Studies in Intelligence
, Winter 1968: pp. 22–23, RG-263, entry 27, NA, CP; David S. Brandwein, “Interaction in Weapons R&D,”
Studies in Intelligence
, Winter 1968: pp. 18–19, RG-263, entry 27, NA, CP; Donald C. Brown, “On the Trail of Hen House and Hen Roost,”
Studies in Intelligence
, Spring 1969, pp. 11–19, RG-263, entry 27, box 16, NA, CP; Gene Poteat, “Stealth, Countermeasures, and ELINT, 1960–1975,”
Studies in Intelligence
, vol. 42, no. 1 (1998): pp. 53–54, 57–58, RG-263, NA, CP. Copley quote from “John O. Copley: Developing Early Signals Intelligence
Programs,” in Robert A. McDonald, ed.,
Beyond Expectations—
Building an American National Reconnaissance Capability: Recollections of the Pioneers and Foun-
ders of National Reconnaissance
(Bethesda, MD: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2002), p. 79.

7. Harvest was retired from use at NSA in 1976. “Harvest: NSA’s Ultra High-Speed Computer,”
Cryptologic Milestones
, issue 13 (November 1968): pp. 2–3, NSA FOIA; Sam Snyder, “Age of the Computer,”
NSA Newsletter
, November 1977, p. 15.

8. Johnson,
American Cryptology
, bk. 2, p. 368, NSA FOIA.

9. CIA, Report,
The Long-Range Plan of the Central Intelligence Agency
, August 31, 1965, p. 29, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP82M00311R000100350001-3, NA, CP; Richard M. Bissell Jr.,
Review of Selected NSA Cryptanalytic Efforts
, February 18, 1965, p. 1.

10. The author is grateful to Dr. Jeffrey T. Richelson for providing a copy of this report. See also memorandum, Wheelon to
Advanced Planning Progress Report
, May 26, 1965, p. 4, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP71B00822R000100110007-9, NA, CP; CIA,
Reviews of the Intelligence Community
, December 1974, p. 10, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP87B01034R000700230001-3, NA, CP.

11. See, for example, CIA, memorandum,
Areas Highly Suspected to Contain Soviet ICBM Launching
, February 21, 1962, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP78T05449A 000200010001-0, NA, CP; Deployment Working Group of the
Guided Missiles and Astronautics Intelligence Committee,
Soviet Surface-to-Surface Missile Deployment
, October 1, 1962, tab 1, p. 5, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP78T04757A000300010003-3, NA, CP; Guided Missiles and
Astronautics Intelligence Committee,
Preliminary Analysis of Missile-or Space-
Associated Facilities at Emba, USSR
, March 1963, pp. 4–6, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP78T05449A000200270001-2, NA, CP; CIA, memorandum,
Rocket Engine Test Facility,
Perm, USSR
, September 28, 1964, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP78T05929 A000200010025-1, NA, CP.

12. Memorandum, SC No. 03292/61,
Guided Missile Task Force Comments on AFCIN Concept Papers
on Soviet Missile Deployment
, February 14, 1961, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP70T00666R000100130027-2, NA, CP; memorandum for the file,
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
, March 5, 1963, in Department of State,
Foreign Relations of the United States 1961–1963
, vol. 7,
Arms Control and Disarmament
(Washington, DC: GPO, 1995); National Intelligence Estimate No. 11-2A-63,
The Soviet Atomic Energy Program
, July 2, 1963, p. 6, CIA Electronic FOIA Reading Room, Document No. 0000843188, http://; NIE 11-11-66,
Impact of a Threshold
Test Ban Treaty on Soviet Military Programs
, May 25, 1966, p. 11, CIA Electronic FOIA Reading Room, Document No. 0000239460, http://

13. CIA, Photographic Intelligence Center, PIC/JR-1023/61,
Microwave Stations Within a 100-
Kilometer Radius of Moscow
, June 1961, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP78T04751 A000100010025-7, NA, CP; Economic Intelligence Committee, Subcommittee
on Electronics and Telecommunications, EIR SR-6,
Economic Intelligence Report: Status of High-Capacity Communications
in the Soviet Bloc
, October 1962, pp. 2–4, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP79S01100A000100110007-1, NA, CP; CIA, Office of Research and
Reports, CIA/RR EP 65-68,
Prospects and Problem Areas for the Development of Telecommunications in the Eu rope an Satellites,
, August 1965, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP79T01049A003100 130001-2, NA, CP. Quote from Albert D. Wheelon, “And
the Truth Shall Keep You Free: Recollections by the First Deputy Director for Science and Technology,”
Studies in Intelligence
, Spring 1995: p. 75, CIA Electronic FOIA Reading Room, Document No. 0000752314, “Reestablish COMINT
access” quote from memorandum, Wheelon to DD/S&T,
Planning Progress Report
, May 26, 1965, p. 6, CREST Collection, Document No. CIA-RDP71B00822R000100110007-9, NA, CP.

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