Read The Secret's Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter, #1) Online

Authors: Lila Rose

Tags: #MC, #Romance, #threesome, #m/m/f, #erotica, #suspense, #family life, #drama, #action

The Secret's Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter, #1) (15 page)

BOOK: The Secret's Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter, #1)
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Simone stopped at the end of the couch, Josie had her back to her. She stood there smiling with her hands on her hips. “Hey, ya’ll what’s going on?”

Josie cleared her throat. “N-nothing,” she stuttered. Then, as Simone went on to talk about her night with her new man and all about the movie they went to see, I glided my fingers up under Josie’s legs. She tried to stop me, pressing her leg down on my hand, but I wasn’t havin’ it. My girl wanted her release. She was gonna get it and learn how to be sneaky around people so she could still get what she wanted.

Lifting her legs up, so her knees were bent again, I leaned forward so there was no gap between us.  Easy access. Her pussy was ready for the takin’ and I did. I watched Josie as she bit her bottom lip and slightly shook her head as I slid two fingers into her slick pussy. My thumb ran over her clit and she bit down on her bottom lip harder.

Our poor girl wanted to come and hard.

“Simone, you got a sec to show me the coffee maker in the kitchen?” Caden asked.

Simone looked around suspiciously with narrowed eyes. “Sure,” she said and then thank fuck left.

“I’ll keep her in there.” Caden laughed.

“Thanks, brother, won’t take long. Our girl is primed and ready.” And I was so fuckin’ hard.

As soon as I heard him talkin’ to Simone, I wrapped my arm around Josie’s back. Her head turned to me. She glared, but that left her face as soon as I touched my lips to hers and kissed the fuck outta her. Thumbing her clit and pumping my fingers into her heat, she moaned against my lips. It didn't take long before her walls clamped down on my fingers as she came quietly.

Withdrawing my fingers, I pulled them from under her skirt and licked them. Josie watched me, then melted against me, her arms going around my neck.

“What about you?” she asked in a soft voice.

“Don’t worry about it. We’ll deal with that turn in your bed.”

Moving back, she made my day by givin’ me a big smile and sayin’, “I can’t wait.”

Neither could I, but seriously I was gonna have’ta rub one off before my dick and balls dropped off from all the blood that flowed into it. “Babe, you better go see your girl before she gets suspicious.”

She gave me one last lingering kiss before she got up and went into the kitchen. I bolted for the bathroom. As soon as the door was closed, I leaned with one hand against the vanity and tugged my pants down. Next I had my dick in my palm jerkin’ off, thinkin’ of how hot our girl was when she came.

So I didn’t hear the bathroom door open or Pick slip in until he cleared his throat. I let out a strangled cry and turned. “Fuckin’ hell, Pick,” I hissed.

He gestured with his chin to my junk. “Need a hand with that?”

My head jerked back, sending pain down my neck. “What?” I breathed.

He didn’t say anything. Instead, he walked toward me, got to his fuckin’ knees, shoved my hand outta the way and took my cock into his mouth.

His fuckin’ mouth.

Hot, wet and feeling fuckin’ amazing, he slid my cock out to the tip and then all the way in again.

“Jesus,” I hissed.

All control left me. I leaned my arse against the vanity watchin’ as Pick sucked me off. “Faster,” I growled and he did. He looked his hooded eyes up at me and slid his mouth up and down my cock faster. I grabbed the back of his head and held him down on my cock, though givin’ him enough room if he wanted to escape. When he didn’t move, I pumped my seed into his mouth. “Fuck, yes,” I hissed when he sucked the last drop outta me.

Pick stood, his pants were undone, his hand palmin’ his own cock. I flashed back to the drunken night when I last had his cock in my mouth. It’d been dark then, but fuck me, now the room was light and his dick was so fuckin’ hard. He was close to comin’. I could see it from the strain on his features.

Christ, he got off on givin’ me I had that time with him.

Without thinking, I stepped up, my hand reaching for his dick and when it did, his hand fell away. He seemed confused by my actions, he glared down at me. Was he worried I’d stop? There was no chance of that happenin’.

Stepping up closer, so the front of my body touched his side, I jerked his cock off in my hand and met his glare, which was starting to thaw. I then leaned in and whispered on a growl, “You like my hand on you?” He didn’t reply. His nod was all he gave me. I wasn’t happy with that. “Tell me,
. You like my hand wrapped around your cock?”

“Yes,” he snapped.

“Good,” I said.

“But I want your mouth on me.”

Pulling back to look at him, I raised a brow, “Really?”

“Yes,” he said through clenched teeth. He was close to comin’.

Smirking, I said, “All you had to do was ask.” I got to my knees. My mouth opened and was around his tip, just in time for his cum to shoot out and hit the back of my throat. 

I reckoned the three of us were gonna work out just fine, and from the smirk on Pick’s face, as we left the bathroom, he knew it as well.

Chapter Thirteen


The afternoon and
night were spent in the apartment. I’d actually helped Josie out in the kitchen while Eli made some phone calls about some shit. Simone sat at the kitchen table teasing Josie about how she’d gone and made us all domesticated. Like that would ever actually fuckin’ happen. There would be no way in hell I’d clean a house...unless Josie was doing it naked and needed some help with something.

Instead of bitin’ back in a teasin’ way, I ignored her comments and eventually she gave up. So then she went on about how great the sex she had last night was. That got me to leave the kitchen in a hurry, thank fuck mostly everything was done. As I walked out, Simone started cackling. I just bet she’d get along with Deanna real well.

It wasn’t until a little later when I walked back in to grab a beer did I guess what Simone had been up to. From the blushing red cheeks Josie had goin’ on, they’d been talkin’ about bedroom shit. I couldn’t help the chuckle that flew from my mouth. I walked past Simone, who was eyeing me up and down, to Josie. Bending over, I gave her a quick kiss, before pullin’ back and statin’, “I hope you’re makin’ us look good, precious.”

“You bet your balls she is. Now I’m not only jealous, but I’m thinkin’ of killin’ her to take her place,” Simone huffed.

Standing tall, I threw my head back and burst out laughin’. Eli suddenly appeared in the doorway askin’, “What’s so funny?”

Wiping my eyes, I told him, “Josie’s been talkin’ us up to Simone. Now she wants to off Josie to get to us.”

Billy smiled and walked to our woman. “Sorry, Simone,” he said offhandedly. “But you touch our woman, there’d be hell to pay.” He finished on a growl before he bent down and kissed Josie deeply. I grabbed a beer outta the fridge and leaned my arse against the bench, enjoyin’ the show. Though, I could feel eyes on me, so I looked to Simone. She was watchin’ and waitin’ for my reaction. Waitin’ for my jealousy to show. Well, she’d be waitin’ a fuckin’ long time.

There wasn’t any. Even when I knew they’d be sleeping in the same bed that night, I didn’t feel an ounce of jealousy. Why? Because I knew they needed me as much as I needed them, and they cared for me as much as I did them.

What Billy and I shared in the bathroom earlier that day was proof enough we could all make it work.

As Billy nibbled Josie’s neck, Simone stood from the table and yelled, “That’s it! I’m going for a cold shower. Try to keep your hands off each other when I come back out.” She was outta the room before Billy’s lips left Josie’s skin.

When he did pull back, however, Josie glared up at him. “That was and you,”—she pointed to the both of us—“make me forget my manners. We shouldn’t do that with other people around.”

“Baby.” I laughed. “We’re bikers. We’re horny and we love to kiss you, touch you and we wanna do that shit in front of people so we can show them
are ours.”

“Oh.” She blushed. “Well, maybe just keep it to a minimal.”

Billy and I chuckled. Billy then went to the fridge to grab his own beer. Once he turned around, he said, “We need our own place.”

“Good thinkin’, brother.”

“But, I can’t leave Simone.”

“Babe,” Billy started. “If we find the perfect person to live here with Simone, would you move in with us?”

She licked her lips. A nervous tick I noticed she did a lot. “Um, isn’t it too soon?”

Billy looked to me and then we both cracked up laughing.

“Hey,” Josie scolded, standing from her chair at the table.

“Sorry, precious. But no, it ain’t too soon. We’ve been waiting for you for nearly four years, and now we have you, we want to spend that time, as much of it as possible, with just us. No interruptions, so we can have you in every room without anyone walkin’ in.”

“Oh, um...”

“Sweetheart, you want this, yeah, us?”

“Yes, of course.” Her answer was instant. Fuck, I loved that.

Billy nodded and smiled. “Then I’ll start lookin’ for a place soon.”

“Won’t that be expensive? I only have a part-time job. I mean after I graduate, I’ll hopefully get a better paying job being a social worker, but I’m not sure—”

“Baby,” I interrupted. “You won’t be paying for anything. You’re our woman. It’s a man’s job to take care of his woman.”

She stood tall and snapped, “I won’t be kept.”

There was our minx with her backbone as well.

“Honey,” Billy said gently. “You won’t ever be kept. We’ll all put in, but I can tell you now the way you put in will be different to us. Babe, we fuckin’ suck at cookin’, cleanin’, hell any household chore, even shoppin’. We’d need you to do all that while we put in for the other household shit.”

“That sound fair, Josie?” I asked.

She was thinkin’ and I loved to watch her do it. Her head went to the side, her teeth worried her bottom lip and her eyes became unfocused.

Then, so fuckin’ cute, her head snapped back up and she smiled. “Yes, that’s fair.”

“Great.” Billy grinned and winked at her. “Now speakin’ of food. I’m starved.”

When we’d consumed dinner, after Simone came outta the shower lookin’ flushed like she’d just knocked one off, we watched some TV. Only, it was gettin’ late and I knew Josie had some classes in the morning before her shift at the diner. Simone had not long gone to bed. So I stood from the couch and announced I was hittin’ the hay.

Billy stiffened and then said to Josie, “Babe, get your cute arse to bed and I’ll be there in a second. Just gotta talk to Pick about some shit goin’ on at the compound.”

His words had me tense, that was until our woman came up to me for her goodnight kiss and a, ‘See you in the morning.’” She swayed her arse down the hall.

“Night, precious,” I called. She turned, smiled, and waved before walking in her room and shutting the door.

Turning back to Billy he said, “Sit down, brother.”

Fuck. I thought the day was good. I thought things were goin’ great.

Did he regret what went down in the bathroom?

My arse hit the couch and I demanded, “What is it?”

He leaned forward and took something outta the back of his jeans pocket. He slid it across the coffee table. It looked like something from the newspaper.

“What’s this?” I asked before picking it up.

“Brother, just look at it and you’ll know.”

Running a hand over my face, I knew this was gonna fuckin’ wreck my night. Pickin’ up the clipping, I opened it and froze.

Fucking cunt. Stupid fucking cock-sucking cunt. He’d changed his name. That was why I couldn’t find the bastard.

“Motherfucker,” I whispered. My hand scrunched up the paper in my fist. I couldn’t look at it any longer. “It’s the fucker’s father.”

“Yeah,” Billy uttered.

“You know who he is?” I hissed.

“Brother, I been in your room. I remember seeing the six people on your wall. All of them crossed out but that dickhead’s face.”

A stiff nod. “I’m goin’ after him.”

“Tomorrow. I have Dodge and Dallas comin’ here to take Josie to uni and then work. We go to his office tomorrow.”


“Yeah, brother, we. I got your back, man.”

“His office isn’t a good place if the man ends up disappearing. People will ask too many questions.”

“I have an idea about somethin’, but it means the guy livin’ for a little bit longer.”

“Tell me,” I growled.

“I’ve got Cameron’s number in my phone. We call him, get him to meet us at his dad’s office. Got a deal to make. Nigel gets Cameron to stay away from our woman or else you go public with the shit he did. We also get to tell Cameron just what kinda dad he has.” He pauses to get my reaction. It was fuckin’ brilliant. A smile lit my face as he continued, “Then, give it time, we take Nigel out.”

“He needs to stop breathin’,” I snapped.

“And he will,” Billy stated.

“By my hands,” I vowed.


“Make the call and get to bed. You got beauty waitin’ for you,” I said and stood from the couch.

“Brother, you need to sleep easy, you take the bed.”

“’Preciate the offer, but I’d be shit company tonight and Josie will sense something is up. I ain’t ready for questions.”

“Pick, she knows about your past.”

“Yeah, but she doesn’t need to know I’ll be killin’ the last fucker soon.”

Billy sighed loudly. “As long as you’re sure.”

“I am. Night, Eli,” I said quietly and walked off to the hall.

“Night, Cade.”

That actually made me smile.

Even when my past just surfaced, I still grinned because I had two people in it worth smiling for.



Josie was asleep when I got in the bedroom. Not that I minded. Watching her sleep was surreal. It was like I was imagining such a beauty in a bed I was about to climb in. Her fiery hair was splayed out on the pillow. She was on her side facing my way, her hands tucked up under her cheeks.

Fuck. She was heaven.

I felt like a prick though, as I was in there with her when I thought Caden could do with her sweetness, her closeness.

Then again, I knew where his head would be, and he was right. He wasn’t in the right place to be next to innocence. Even though Josie lost the choice of giving her body freely, she still had an innocent air surrounding her.

BOOK: The Secret's Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter, #1)
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