The Seduction 4 (11 page)

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Authors: Roxy Sloane

Tags: #The Seduction

BOOK: The Seduction 4
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“I’ll kill you,”
I vow, closing my hands around his throat. I squeeze hard, crushing
his windpipe, making his eyes bug out in fear. “I’ll fucking kill

“Vaughn!” Keely is
screaming behind me. “Vaughn, please stop!”

I squeeze harder,
watching him gasp for his last breaths. That’s right, bastard. See
how you like it now. I won’t let you go quickly, like my father:
one shot and his brains painted over the back of the garage. No,
you’ll die slowly, struggling for every minute.

I want to make it hurt.

“Vaughn!” Hands
close around my body, trying to drag me back. Keely pulls at me,
begging. “Please, let him go. Don’t do this!”

“You heard him,” I
pant, hanging on. “You know what he did.”

“And you’ll be just
like him!” Keely is sobbing now. She goes on her knees beside me,
forcing me to look at her. Her eyes are filled with tears, begging
me. “Vaughn, you have to let him go. I can’t lose you too. I
can’t watch you throw your life away like this!”

“But my father...”
I’m dizzy, clinging to the only thing I know for sure. Vengeance,
hot in my veins. Demanding justice for all Ridley’s crimes.

“Your father would
want you to move on,” Keely pleads. “Not spend the rest of your
life rotting in jail for murdering a man who doesn’t deserve the
time of day. Vaughn, listen to me. I love you!” she cries, “Please,
don’t leave me!”

Her words cut through
the haze of fury. I look down at Ridley, thrashing weakly on the
ground. “But I can’t just let him go.”

“You won’t.”
Keely insists. “We’ve got him now, the confession. He’ll go
back to prison, just like he should have all along. But if you do
this, then you lose everything. We both will.”

I stare at her. She’s
holding out her hands, trying to pull me away. To save me from making
the worst mistake of my life.

Because it would be.
Fuck. If I do this, he still wins. He still controls everything. He’s
still calling the shots.

I release Ridley. He
falls down with a wheeze, motionless and bleeding.

“I want to kill him,”
I growl, shaking. “I want him dead.”

“I know, baby.”
Keely pulls me into her arms, holding me tight. “I know you do.”

I feel a rush of
emotion, breaking me wide open. All the bitterness, all the anger, it
finally falls away. Everything that’s made me numb all these years.

“I love you too,” I
tell Keely harshly. I grip her body to me, so fucking thankful that
she’s here. She’s safe. “I swear I’ll never let anyone touch
you again.”

“It’s OK,” she
whispers, shaking in my arms. “Everything’s going to be OK.”



The cops come to take
our statements. The ambulance wheels Ridley away.

“He’ll be sucking
through a tube the rest of his life,” I hear one of the paramedic
mutter. I just hold tight to Vaughn, still not sure he won’t break
away and try to make good his promise.

“Just a few more
questions,” one of the cops says, but Cam interrupts.

“You’ll talk to
them later, with a lawyer present. Mr. Vaughn was intervening to
protect Miss Fawes. The audio recording will back up their

Cam ushers us
downstairs and into a car. “Wait,” I say. “What about the board

“They haven’t heard
yet.” He grins. “Brent is over there now, waiting to start. I
figured you could tell him yourself.”

“Thank you,” I say.
“For everything.”

“Hey, I’m just
doing my job. See you tomorrow, boss?”

“Make that next
week.” I give Vaughn an anxious look. He hasn’t said a word since
the cops arrived. “I think we need some time.”

“Just give me a call.
I’ll hold down the fort.” Cam nods.

We get into the car,
and I instruct the driver to take us back to the offices.

“Are you OK?” I ask
Vaughn softly. I take his hand, pressing it against my chest. “I
know that was tough for you back there. But thank you, for listening.
For stopping when you did.”

Vaughn takes a deep
breath. “I would have done it,” he says quietly. “I couldn’t
think straight. All I knew was that I had to make him suffer. I’ve
never felt a violence like that before.”

“But you stopped,”
I remind him firmly. “You didn’t cross that line.”

“But what if I had?”
Vaughn looks at me bleakly. “What kind of man would that make me?”

“You’re a good
man,” I argue. “You stopped. You did the right thing. I knew you

He cradles my face.
“How do you always see the best in me?” he asks, his voice

“Because you make me
better too,” I whisper.

With a groan, Vaughn
pulls me into his lap, claiming my mouth with a hard, desperate kiss.
I fall against him, not caring about the driver on the other side of
the partition. All that matters is right here: the lips possessing
mine, the arms crushing me against his body, the thick hardness
pressing into my hips.

He pulls back, gripping
my face. “I need you,” he growls, “Fuck, Keely, I need

“It’s yours,” I
swear, feeling a rush of wetness between my thighs. I reach between
us, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. His cock surges, hot
and hard in my hands, and I feel a bolt of pure hunger claw deep
inside. I close my hands around him, pumping along the thick shaft.

“Fuck,” Vaughn
groans. He yanks my skirt up around my waist and shoves my panties
aside, burying his fingers deep into my wetness. I cry out, arching
back to thrust against his hand. He thrusts his fingers higher,
leaning in to suck at my breast through the fabric of my blouse. His
lips close around my nipple, he bites down and I gasp.

“Now,” I demand,
shocked at the need that’s racing through me. “I need you, right

A smile curls at
Vaughn’s lips. God, he looks so good, so dangerously hot. “What
are the magic words?” he teases, withdrawing his fingers. I


Vaughn circles my clit
with swift, deadly strokes. Oh God.

“C’mon baby,” he
urges, breath hot in my ears. “You know what I want to hear.” He
rubs his cock against my lips, drenching them in my juices. I hang
onto his shoulders, spreading my thighs wide.

“Fuck me,” I gasp,
bucking at him desperately. “I need your cock deep inside me. I
need every inch of you, buried all the way to the hilt. Fuck me hard,
Vaughn, the way I like. Make me scream!”

“That’s my girl,”
Vaughn groans. “My gorgeous, dirty girl.”

He grips my hips and
then thrusts up with a roar, impaling me on all nine inches of his
magnificent cock. I cry out, split wide open, feeling him fill me, so
fucking thick. I rock down to meet him, clenching hard.

“Fuck!” Vaughn
slams up into me again, so hard my breasts bounce with the force of
his thrust. “Keely!”

I gasp for air,
grinding down on him, needing every inch. I lift myself up and down
on his cock, whimpering at the friction, God the way his cock rubs
against my walls, it’s driving me crazy, pleasure crashing through
me at every thrust.

“I’m coming,” I
gasp, sinking down on his cock as he slams it up inside me. Pressure
hits my clit, just right. Vaughn grips me tight, pinning me in place
as his dick drives deep inside me. “Oh God, I’m going to come!”

“That’s right,
baby.” Vaughn rocks his hips, plunging deeper, faster. “Because
you can’t get enough of my dick. Your greedy little cunt wants it
all. Take it, Keely, fuck me!”

I bounce faster, crying
out with every stroke. The pleasure is curling tight between my
thighs, I need release, God, I need it now!

“Look at me,”
Vaughn demands, grabbing my face. He holds tight, just inches away.
“Look at me, baby. I want to see you.”

I stare into his eyes,
the dark, hot depths. They’re black with lust, full of fierce
possession. The man I love.


My climax rips through
me with a scream. Vaughn grips my hips tighter and jerks up, spurting
hot and deep inside me. “Fuck!” he yells, thrusting over and
over, riding out my orgasm with new waves of pleasure until we’re
both collapsed, spent in each other’s arms. “God, baby, you’re
going to kill me,” Vaughn chuckles against me.

“Not if I die of
pleasure first.” I breathe fast, my heart racing.

His voice comes low in
my ear. “We’ve got the rest of our lives to test that out.”

Heat floods me,
satisfaction and joy. “Promise me it’s over,” I whisper, “All
the drama and pain.”

“Nothing but blue
skies ahead.” Vaughn tucks me against him, the space in his arms I
was made to fit. “Well... except for a couple of last loose

* * *

I have Brent and Carter
fetched from the boardroom and sent to meet me in my office. “You
tell the board the vote is off,” I instruct Cam, smiling. “Tell
them their bidder is getting wheeled off on murder charges.”

“My pleasure.” Cam
leaves, and I take my seat behind my desk, my heart racing.

“You look good back
there.” Vaughn grins. “Like you belong.”

“I guess I do now.”
I stroke the smooth cherry wood, looking around my office. “Who
would have guessed that I’d wind up here, with you?”

“Your father did.”
Vaughn crosses to stand beside me. He leans down to kiss the top of
my head. “He made some mistakes, but in the end, he knew what he
was doing, trusting you with this place.”

I blush. “And you,”
I remind him. “He wanted you here beside me all along.”

There’s a noise at
the door. Carter and Brent stride in, looking confused and pissed as

“What the fuck’s
going on?” Brent demands. “What is this, some kind of last-minute
Hail Mary? I told you, we’ve got the votes locked down. Ridley

“Ridley is currently
in surgery with five broken ribs,” Vaughn growls, “And you better
shut the hell up if you don’t want to wind up in the bed next to

Brent frowns. “I
don’t get it.”

“It’s over,” I
explain calmly. “Ridley’s busted, you have no buyer.”

Brent blusters. “That
doesn’t mean I can’t get you fired. They’ll appoint me CEO
instead when they hear about---”

“What?” I
interrupt. “The sex tape you illegally recorded of me with my
boyfriend? We both know that’s bullshit. And I’m pretty sure
selling out your own company violates that morality clause Ashcroft
wrote into the will. You’re the one who’s finished here. I want
you out of the office right now.”

“And you can pack up
your things from that company apartment too,” Vaughn adds, sounding

“Thanks for reminding
me.” I smile at Brent. “You could have sat back and lived off
your father’s hard work for the rest of your life, but instead, you
had to try and hurt me, and all the people who work here. Now you
have no place to live, no car, and you can bet I’ll be canceling
all those family credit cards too,” I add. “You have nothing now,
Brent. See how far your winning personality gets you now.”

His mouth drops open.
Fear flashes in his eyes. “You can’t do this!”

“I already did. Now
get the fuck out,” I add.

He stumbles back
towards the door, reeling. Carter turns to follow him.

“Not you.” In an
instant, Vaughn rounds the desk, yanking him back.

“I was just their
lawyer!” Carter protests, fearful. “I had no idea about anything
illegal. You can’t blame me for anything.”

“How about attempted
murder?” I get up, stalking towards him. Carter looks away, guilty
as hell. “You’re the one who pushed me down the stairs. The
police are on their way. Apparently, Ridley paid off the security guy
to lose the footage, but we offered him a bigger payout, and
surprise! He found the tape.”

Carter’s face
changes. He gulps, panicked. “They forced me into it!” he
protests weakly. “I had no choice.”

“You’re an
asshole.” I glare as he cowers in front of me. “Enjoy your time
in jail.”

I bring my knee up hard
into his groin. Carter lets out a high-pitched shriek of pain.

Even Vaughn winces.
“Remind me not to get on your bad side,” he murmurs, as Carter
hits the floor.

I turn to him, smiling.
“I’m sure you can think of some ways to keep me in line.” I

“Don’t tempt me...”
Vaughn pulls me into his arms. His hands slide down to cup my ass.
“How about we find out, in say, Bermuda?”

“A vacation?” My
heart leaps. Naked Vaughn, a sandy beach, and a fruity cocktail? Yes

“Why not?” Vaughn
gives me a wicked grin. “We can leave Cam to sort this mess out,
and get away for a few days. I’ll even bring my bag of tricks.”
He squeezes my ass. I catch my breath, my body already wet and aching
for him.

“I want to try out a few things,”
he whispers temptingly in my ear. “Starting with those


* * *

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you to all my readers. Your support of this series is tremendous.
Every kind word has meant so much to me. Seriously, you all rock and
I can’t wait to tell you what more I have in store. Vaughn has
never seen such sexy ladies and he’s loved getting to know you.

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