The Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Torture: Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency's Detention and Interrogation Program (74 page)

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Rafiq Bashir al-Hami was subjected to 72 hours of sleep deprivation between his arrival at DETENTION SITE COBALT and his October ██, 2002, interrogation. See ████████████ 28297 █████████.

Tawfiq Nasir Awad al-Bihani was subjected to 72 hours of sleep deprivation between his arrival at DETENTION SITE COBALT and his October ██, 2002, interrogation. See ████████████ 28462 █████████.

CIA cables from October 2002 noted that Shaukat was “tired from his regimen of limited sleep deprivation.” See ██████████ 29381 █████████.

Lufti al-Arabi al-Gharisi underwent at least two 48-hour sessions of sleep deprivation in October 2002. See ███████████ 29036 ██████████; and ██████████ 29352 ██████████.

Abu Badr was subjected to forced standing, attention grasps, and cold temperatures without blankets in November 2002.
█████████████ 29963 █████████████.

CIA interrogators used sleep deprivation, facial slap, use of cold (including cold cells and cold showers), “hard takedowns,” dietary manipulation, nudity, and light deprivation on Gul Rahman. See ███████████ 29520 ██████████; ██████████ 29520 █████████████; ████████ 29770 ███████████; ███████████ interview of ███████████ [CIA OFFICER 1], December 19, 2002; ██████████ Interview of Hammond DUNBAR, January 9, 2003; Memorandum for Deputy Director of Operations, from ███████████ January 28, 2003, Subiect: Death Investigation - Gul RAHMAN; CIA Inspector General, Report of Investigation, Death of a Detainee █████████ (2003-7402-IG), April 27, 2005; and CIA Inspector General, Special Review, Counterterrorism Detention And Interrogation Activities (September 2001–October 2003), May 7, 2004.

Abd al-Raliira al-Nashiri was subjected to unapproved nudity and approximately two-and-a-half days of sleep deprivation in December 2002, with his arms shackled over his head for as long as 16 hours.
email from: [DETENTION SITE BLUE] ██████████████; to: ███████████; subject: EYES ONLY - [█████████] ONLY -- MEMO FOR ADDO/DDO; date: January 22, 2003.

The facial hold was used against Ramzi bin al-Shibh multiple times without approval.
██████ 10415 ██████████; ██████ 10429 (101215Z FEB 03); ██████ 10573 (241143Z FEB 03); ████████ 10582 (242026Z FEB 03); █████ 10591 (252002Z FEB 03); ██████ 10602 (262020Z FEB 03); ███████ 10633 (011537Z MAR 03); and ██████ 10704 (071239Z MAR 03).

Interrogators used water dousing, nudity, and cramped confinement on Asadallah without having sought or received authorization from CIA Headquarters. Bathing detainees did not require authorization by CIA Headquarters; however, as described in CIA cables, the application of “bathing” in the case of Asadallalh was done punitively and was used as an interrogation technique. Nudity was also used in conjunction with water dousing/bathing and later as an interrogation technique, without approval from CIA Headquarters. See ██████████████████ 34241 ████████; and ██████████████ 34310 ███████████.

Mustafa al-Hawsawi was subjected to water dousing without approval from CIA Headquarters. See ████████████████████ (081207Z APR 03).

Interrogators used sleep deprivation against Abu Khalid prior to seeking authorization from CIA Headquarters, and then failed to obtain such authorization. See █████████████ 35193 ███████████; and █████████████ 35341 ████████████. Abu Khalid had been in CIA custody for 17 days prior to the use of the technique. Advance authorization from CIA Headquarters was therefore “feasible,” and thus required under the guidelines.

Abu Hudhaifa was subjected to baths in which ice water was used, standing sleep deprivation for 66 hours that was discontinued due to a swollen leg attributed to prolonged standing, nudity, and dietary manipulation. (See email from: █████████ to: [REDACTED], ███████, ████████, ████████, and ███████; subject: our telecom; date: March ██, 2004; CIA Office of Inspector General Report; 2005-8085-IG; ███████████████ 39098 ██████████████ 39042 ████████ MAY 03); and ████████████████ 39101 █████ MAY 03).). No request or approval for the use of standard or enhanced interrogation techniques could be located in CIA records.

Abd al-Karim, who suffered from a foot injury incurred during his capture, was subjected to cramped confinement, stress positions, and walling despite CIA Headquarters having not approved their use. See DIRECTOR ██████ ████████ MAY 03); and DIRECTOR █████ ████████████.

Abu Hazim, who also had a foot injury incurred during his capture, was subject to walling, despite CIA Headquarters having not approved its use. (See ███████████ 36908 ██████████; and ███████████ 37410 (291828Z APR 03).) Nudity, dietary manipulation, and facial grasp were used on Abu Hazim at least 13 days prior to receiving approval. See ██████████ 37411 (291829Z APR 03); ███████████ 37410 (291828Z APR 03); █████████ 37493 ███████████; DIRECTOR ████ ███████ MAY 03).

CIA cables indicate that Sayyid Ibraliim was subjected to sleep deprivation from January 27, 2004, to January 30, 2004, which exceeded the 48 hours approved by CIA Headquarters. See HEADQUARTERS █████ (272155Z JAN 04); ███████ 1303 ██████ JAN 04); ███████ 1298 ██████ JAN 04); ██████ 1303 ████████ JAN 04); █████████ 1311 ██████ JAN 04).

During March 2003 interrogations at DETENTION SITE COBALT, Abu Yasir al-Jaza’iri was “bathed,” a term used to describe water dousing, which was considered at the time to be an enhanced interrogation technique. (See ██████████████ 35558 ███████ MAR 03).) Water dousing had not been approved, and the subsequent request, by DETENTION SITE BLUE, to use the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques on al-Jaza’iri, did not include water dousing. See ███████ 10990 ██████.

Interrogators requested approvals to use the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques on Suleiman Abdullah, including water dousing. CIA Headquarters then approved other techniques, but not water dousing. (
█████████████████ 36559 ███████████; DIRECTOR ████ █████████.) Suleiman Abdullah was nonetheless subjected to water dousing. See ██████████ 37117 ████████.

The CIA’s June 2013 Response states that the CIA “conducted at least 29 investigations of RDI-related conduct, plus two wide-ranging reviews of the program . . . one involved the death of an Afghan national who was beaten by a contractor. The individual involved was prosecuted by the Department of Justice and convicted of a felony charge. Another case involved a contractor who slapped, kicked, and struck detainees while they were in military custody. . . . [T]he contractor was terminated from the CIA, had his security clearances revoked, and was placed on a contractor watch list.” However, the two specific examples provided in the CIA’s June 2013 Response refer to detainees who were never part of the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation Program. On November 6, 2013, the CIA provided a list of “IG Investigations Concerning Detention, Interrogations, and Renditions.” The list of 29 included 14 investigations that were directly related to the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation Program. Four additional investigations were related to detainees who claimed they had been subjected to abuse in transit from CIA custody to U.S. military custody at Guantanamo Bay. The remaining 11 investigations were unrelated to the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation Program. See DTS #2013-3250.

CIA chief of interrogations, █████████, placed a broomstick behind the knees of Zubair when Zubair was in a stress position on his knees on the floor. Although stress positions had been approved for Zubair, the use of the broomstick was not approved. See April 7, 2005, Briefing for Blue Ribbon Panel, CIA Rendition, Detention, and Interrogation Programs, at 22.

Majid Khan has claimed that, in May 2003, he was subjected to immersion in a tub that was filled with ice and water. (See ████████████, Briefing for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Implementation of Central Intelligence Agency Secret Detention and Interrogation Program, dated March 14, 2008.) While CIA cables do not confirm bathing or water dousing, Chief of Interrogations ████████, subjected Abu Hudhaifa to an (unauthorized) “icy water” bath at the same ██████ where Majid Khan was held. (See email from: ████ ██████; to: [REDACTED], [REDACTED], ████████, ███████, and ██████; subject: our telecon; date: ███████; and email from: [REDACTED] ██████████; to: ██████████; subject: Memo; date: ████████.) Ayub Murshid Ali Salih and Ha’il Aziz Ahmad al-Maythali were described as not having slept, although it is unclear from CIA records whether CIA interrogators kept them awake. (See ████████████ 28132 (101143Z OCT 02) and ██████████████ 27964 (071949Z OCT 02).) Bashir Nasri Ali al-Marwalah told debriefers at Guantanamo Bay that he was “tortured” at DETENTION SITE COBALT with five days of continual standing and nudity. (See ████████████ 14353 (231521Z APR 03).) Sa’id Salih Sa’id likewise informed debriefers at Guantanamo that he was “beaten” while blind-folded in CIA custody. (See ███████████ 13386 (090154Z JAN 03).) Sixteen other detainees were held at DETENTION SITE COBALT between September and December 2002, a period during which exposure to the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques such as sleep deprivation and nudity cannot be determined based on the lack of details in CIA cables and related documents.

December 4, 2002, Training Report, High Value Target Interrogation and Exploitation (HVTIE) Training Seminar 12-18 Nov 02 (pilot running).

DIRECTOR ████ (302126Z JAN 03); DIRECTOR █████ (311702Z JAN 03). For example, on May ██, 2003, CIA interrogator ██████ applied three facial attention grabs, five facial insult slaps, and three abdominal slaps to Abd al-Karim, under the supervision of CIA interrogator █████████ [CIA OFFICER 1]. (See ███████████ 37821 █████████.) █████ had not been approved by CIA Headquarters to employ the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques on al-Karim; approval had only been provided for ██████ [CIA OFFICER 1] to use the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques. (See DIRECTOR ████ ███████.) On ███████, CIA interrogator █████████, under the supervision of ███████ conducted an interrogation of Abd al-Karim in which interrogators used the facial attention grab, facial insult slap, and abdominal slap against al-Karim. (See ██████████ 38583 █████████.) ████████ had not approved by CIA Headquarters to employ the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques against Abd al-Karim. In another example, on ████████ DETENTION SITE COBALT requested approval for certified interrogators █████████ and ████████ [CIA OFFICER 1] to use the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques against Khallad bin Attash, and for three other interrogators, ██████████, █████████ and ████████ to also use the techniques “under the direct supervision of senior certified interrogator [██████].” (See ██████████ 38325 ███████.) Later that day, CIA Headquarters approved the use of CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques against Khallad bin Attash, but the approval cable did not include approval for participation by ██████, █████ or ██████ under █████’s supervision. (See DIRECTOR █████ (162224Z MAY 03).) On May 17 and 18 2003, ████ and ██████ used the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques on bin Attash under the supervision of █████, including facial grabs, facial insult slaps, abdominal slaps, walling, and water dousing. See ████████████ 38557 (191641Z MAY 03); ██████████ 38597 (201225Z MAY 03).

DIRECTOR ████ (302126Z JAN 03); DIRECTOR ████ (311702Z JAN 03). The DCI guidelines provided no further information, other than to note that the screening should be “from the medical, psychological, and security standpoints.”

See, for example, DIRECTOR ████ (101700Z FEB 03).

In the case of Abu Hudhaifa, and allegedly Majid Khan, interrogators placed the detainee in an actual tub in a CIA █████ when employing water dousing that included ice water.

CIA cable records often describe the detainees as naked after the water dousing, while other records omit such detail. See Volume III for additional information.

Email from: █████████, using ████████████ [REDACTED] account; to: ███████, ██████, and ██████; subject: Al-Hawsawi Incident; date: November 21, 2003.

For additional details, see Volume III.

Email from: █████████, using ████████████ [REDACTED] account; to: ███████, ██████, and ██████; subject: Al-Hawsawi Incident; date: November 21, 2003.

Email from: █████████, using ████████████ [REDACTED] account; to: ███████, ██████, and ██████; subject: Al-Hawsawi Incident; date: November 21, 2003. Volume III of the Committee Study includes a CIA photograph of a wooden waterboard at DETENTION SITE COBALT. As detailed in the full Committee Study, there are no records of the CIA using the waterboard interrogation technique at COBALT. The waterboard device in the photograph is surrounded by buckets, with a bottle of unknown pink solution (filled two thirds of the way to the top) and a watering can resting on the wooden beams of waterboard. In meetings between the Committee staff and the CIA in the summer of 2013, the CIA was unable to explain the details of the photograph, to include the buckets, solution, and watering can, as well as the waterboard’s presence at DETENTION SITE COBALT.

CIA OIG Disposition Memorandum, “Alleged Use of Unauthorized Interrogation Techniques” OIG Case2004- 7604-IG, December 6, 2006.

CIA OIG Disposition Memorandum, “Alleged Use of Unauthorized Interrogation Techniques” OIG Case 2004- 7604-lG, December 6, 2006.

An accusation related to an additional detainee was included in a September 6, 2012, Human Rights Watch report entitled, “Delivered Into Enemy Hands.” The report asserts that documents and interviews of former detainees contradict CIA claims that “only three men in US custody had been waterboarded.” Specifically, the report states that Mohammed Shoroeiya, aka Abd al-Karim, “provided detailed and credible testimony that he was waterboarded on repeated occasions during US interrogations in Afghanistan.” According to the report, Mohammed Shoroeiya stated that a hood was placed over his head and he was strapped to a “wooden board.” The former CIA detainee stated that after being strapped to the waterboard, “then they start with the water pouring . . . They start to pour water to the point where you feel like you are suffocating.” As detailed in the full Committee Study, Mohammed Shoroeiya, aka Abd al-Karim, was rendered to CIA custody at DETENTION SITE ██████ on April ██, 2003. While there are no CIA records of Mohammed Shoroeiya, aka Abd al-Karim, being subjected to the waterboard at DETENTION SITE █████, the full nature of the CIA interrogations at DETENTION SITE ██████ remains largely unknown. Detainees at DETENTION SITE ██████ were subjected to techniques that were not recorded in cable traffic, including multiple periods of sleep deprivation, required standing, loud music, sensory deprivation, extended isolation, reduced quantity and quality of food, nudity, and “rough treatment.” As described, Volume III of the Committee Study includes a CIA photograph of a wooden waterboard at DETENTION SITE ██████. As detailed in the full Committee Study, there are no records of the CIA using the waterboard interrogation technique at DETENTION SITE ██████. The waterboard device in the photograph is surrounded by buckets, with a bottle of unknown pink solution (filled two thirds of the way to the top) and a watering can resting on the wooden beams of waterboard. In meetings between the Committee staff and the CIA in the summer of 2013, the CIA was unable to explain the details of the photograph, to include the buckets, solution, and watering can, as well as the waterboard’s presence at DETENTION SITE ██████. In response to the allegations in the September 2012 Human Rights Watch report, the CIA stated: “The agency has been on the record that there are three substantiated cases in which detainees were subjected to the waterboarding technique under the program.” See “Libyan Alleges Waterboarding by CIA, Report Says,”
New York Times
, September 6, 2012.

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