The Shattered Land: The Dreaming Dark - Book 2 (53 page)

BOOK: The Shattered Land: The Dreaming Dark - Book 2
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Lakashtai stepped down from the block and walked toward him. “Daine, Daine, with your valuable dreams and hidden secrets.” She stood next to him, and she reached out and ran two fingers along his cheek. “This was never about you. You are a piece on a board so vast you cannot see the squares.”

Take whatever you want from me!
Daine couldn’t speak, but he could still think.
Just leave them alone!

“We don’t want anything from you, little Daine,” Lakashtai said. She glanced back at Lei. “Sometimes the best way to achieve your goals is to threaten another piece, but I’m sure you can understand that. After all, ‘Perhaps, when you’re mine, I’ll make you kill her myself.’”

Suddenly he remembered the terrible presence he’d glimpsed in his mind when Lakashtai had helped him so long ago in Sharn, and the crystal … the sliver of crystal he’d kept close at hand, which she’d
formed a bond between them. He’d let her in.

“Yes.” She paused for a moment, as if listening to some distant sound. “If only there was more time, but who can say …” She ran her fingers along his cheek again.
Perhaps I’ll see you in your dreams

He heard her laughter in his mind, and she slowly faded away, with the crystal orb clutched in her hands. The aura of magical energy faded with her, as did the power pinning his thoughts; he almost tumbled forward as the paralysis faded. He tore the emerald shard from his pouch and dashed it against the ground, and as it shattered he felt a pressure fade from his mind, a touch so faint he hadn’t noticed it was there.

Across the chamber, Pierce rose to his feet. “Daine … Lei!”

She was still spread across the dais. With desperate strength Daine forced himself up onto the table, with Pierce right behind. Lei’s skin was cool to the touch, but she was still

“LEI!” he called, shaking her.

She moaned. Daine clung to her, refusing to let go.

“It is the orb,” Pierce said. “Restoring it—the process has drawn on her own life energy. She is weak, but she will survive.”

A dull vibration shook the room … a slow, rhythmic rumble.

Daine frowned. “Is that …”

“The gate,” Lei whispered.

“Lakashtai!” he cried.

For a moment, he was torn, struggling between fury and the fear of leaving Lei. Pierce was looking straight at him, and somehow Daine knew that the warforged felt the same way.

“Go,” Lei said. “Stop her.”

Daine lowered her gently, and he and Pierce leapt to the ground. Pierce snatched his flail off the ground, and they were halfway to the archway when they saw the figure waiting for them.

, Harmattan said.
It’s been a long time

aine’s blades were out in an instant. As he charged, a chain snaked around his ankle and brought him tumbling to the ground. Pierce’s flail

“This fight cannot be won with a sword, captain,” Pierce said quietly. “Others need you. Do not throw away your life.”

The massive figure rustled, shards of metal rattling against metal, and Daine saw blood falling to the floor. He wondered about Shen’kar and Xu’sasar—this creature had to have come through the chamber of gates.

The vibration in the floor grew stronger.

If you think you can win my trust so easily, you are sadly mistaken, little brother
, Harmattan said.

“Indeed.” A dark figure slid into the room, stepping out from the shadows of Harmattan’s steel cloak. Adamantine blades slide from Indigo’s arms. “You made your choice, Pierce. You chose your masters. Now you may die with them.”

“Surely you did not come this far to threaten me,” Pierce said, helping Daine stand.

You are irrelevant. Despite Indigo’s wishes, I think I shall let you live … Our family is small enough as it is, but you have already served your purpose, whether you meant to or not. You passage gave us entry, and as for why we are here … It seems I was mistaken, after all. Destiny is a strange thing

“What do you want?” Daine growled. He was studying the strange figure, searching for any signs of weakness.

The rumbling in the floor ceased, and all was quiet.

I came here in search of one thing and one thing alone. I knew that it was waiting for me in this ancient place, so I assumed it to be a relic of the distant past
. Harmattan rustled again.
But the one I serve works in mysterious ways and leads me down paths I never considered. I want the vial

“What are you talking about?” said Pierce.

He knows
, Harmattan responded, and Daine felt a sudden chill.
A vial filled with blue liquid, glowing slightly, with a familiar seal stamped on the top
. His cloak spread further out around him, ready to lash forward in a swath of razored steel.
I have no desire to damage it, and I would rather let my brother live; you will all die if we do battle. Give me the vial, little fleshling, and I may even spare you and sister Lei

“Daine?” Pierce said, uncertain.

Daine reached into his pouch and produced the crystal vial. “Is this it?”


“You came all the way to Xen’drik—you cut off Lei’s finger—for

Yes. You are prepared to surrender it?

Daine looked at the unstoppable warforged, dripping with the blood of his allies. He remembered Jode’s voice in the darkness of the obsidian city. He thought of Lei, lying on the altar behind him.

And he thought of a temple in the depths of Sharn, of a winged lion with the head of a woman.

“No,” he said.

Harmattan hissed and Indigo leapt forward, but even as they moved Daine wrenched the seal from the top of the vial. As Pierce dove between him and the attacking warforged, Daine brought the bottle to his lips, and the liquid flowed down his throat. It was like light, brilliant and burning, overwhelming every sense.

Wake up


Aberrant Dragonmark:
There are twelve dragonmarks, but stories say that when dragonmarked bloodlines mingle, they can produce warped marks. Like the true dragonmarks, these bestow magical powers, but these powers are dark and dangerous and said to take a terrible toll on the mind and body of the bearer. See
dragonmark, House Tarkanan, War of the Mark

A small nation on the continent of Sarlona. Adar is the homeland of the kalashtar, and its mountain terrain serves as a natural defense in the constant battle against the Inspired.

A warrior of the Sulatar drow.

An island nation off the southeastern coast of Khorvaire, Aerenal is known as the homeland of the elves.

Alina Lorridan Lyrris:
A gnome wizard with considerable wealth and influence. Whether she is a true criminal or simply amoral, Alina is a dangerous woman who usually works in the shadows. Once she lived in the city of Metrol, where she employed
. Currently she resides in the Den’iyas district of Sharn.

The Sovereign of Life and Love. Arawai is said to bring good harvest to the land and fertility to the living. Nature is her domain, and she also holds influence over the weather; farmers and sailors alike ask for her blessings on their endeavors.

Arcane Congress:
Established by King Galifar I in 15 YK, the Arcane Congress was tasked to study the mysteries of magic and place these powers at the service of the kingdom. The congress has its seat in
, and when the kingdom collapsed in 894 YK the congress swore its allegiance to the Aundarian throne.

An institute of arcane studies in the nation of Aundair. Many of the greatest wizards of Galifar learned their craft within the floating towers of Arcanix.

A large continent to the southeast of Eberron, said to be the home of dragons.

A spellworker who channels magical energy through objects, creating temporary or permanent tools and weapons.

One of the original Five Nations of Galifar, Aundair is houses the seat of the Arcane Congress and the University of Wynarn. Currently under the rule of Queen Aurala ir’Wynarn.

A professional fortune-teller or diviner.

The Sovereign of Law and Lore, the source of order and knowledge. Followers of the Sovereign Host say that Aureon gives guidance to rulers and those who pass judgment, guides the scribe and the student, and devised the principles wizards use to work their spells.

A forgehold of House Cannith. During the Last War, Aleisa and Talin d’Cannith worked on warforged at the Blacklion Forgehold.

The mercenary’s guild of
House Deneith

A derogatory term used by the warforged to describe non-construct creatures, i.e., elves, humans, halflings.

The largest of the original Five Nations of Galifar, Breland is a center of heavy industry. The current ruler of Breland is King Boranel ir’Wynarn.

Predators found in Xen’drik. While roughly the same size and shape as a large predatory cat, briarghosts are a strange blend of flesh and vegetable matter.

Broken Oath:
One of the drow tribes of Xen’drik; the name translates into “qaltiar” in the Elven language. The Qaltiar drow are driven by an ancient vendetta against the giants of Xen’drik and the Sulatar drow.

An unusual form of lumber that has many of the traits of metal. The elves of Aerenal use bronzewood in the creation of arms and armor.

A soldier who served in the Cyran army under Daine’s command. Cadrian was killed in the battle of Keldan Ridge.

Cannith, House:
The dragonmarked house of Making.

A minor form of magic. A cantrip might be used to clean the dirt from filthy clothing or to open a door from across a room.

A fortified city in Cyre, destroyed by the Mourning.

Members of the changeling race possess a limited ability to change face and form, allowing a changeling to disguise itself as a member of another race or to impersonate an individual. Changelings are said to be the offspring of humans and doppelgangers. They are relatively few in number and have no lands or culture of their own but are scattered across Khorvaire.

Chaar, Hassalac:
A powerful sorcerer who resides in Stormreach. Hassalac prefers the title “Prince of Dragons.”

A cult leader who has been gathering followers in the dismal district known as Khyber’s Gate. Chyrassk has never been seen by those outside of his cult, and he remains shrouded in mystery.

A community built into the cliffs between the city of Sharn and the docks of the Dagger River.

Cold Fire:
Magical flame that produces no heat and does not burn. Cold fire is used to provide light in most cities of Khorvaire.

The copper crown is the lowest denomination of coin minted under the rule of Galifar.

One of the original Five Nations of Galifar, known for its fine arts and crafts. The governor of Cyre was traditionally raised to the throne of Galifar, but in 894 YK, Kaius of Karrnath, Wroann of Breland, and Thalin of Thrane rebelled against Mishann of Cyre. During the war, Cyre lost significant amounts of territory to elf and goblin mercenaries, creating the nations of Valenar and Darguun. In 994 YK,
Cyre was devastated by a disaster of unknown origin that transformed the nation into a hostile wasteland populated by deadly monsters. Breland offered sanctuary to the survivors of the Mourning, and most of the Cyran refugees have taken advantage of this amnesty. See
Mourning, Mourners, Mournland

d’Cannith, Aaren:
A dragonmarked artificer, one-time baron of Metrol, and member of the Cannith Council based in Cyre. The official records of the house credit Aaren with the mystical breakthrough that gave true sentience to the warforged. Aaren was fascinated by the mysterious continent of Xen’drik, and some say his work was based on ancient secrets recovered there. Aaren passed away in 984 YK. He is survived by his son
Merrix d’Cannith

d’Cannith, Alder:
A gifted artificer and architect, Alder was an influential figure in the early history of House Cannith. He designed the original forgeholds of the house, many of which remain in operation in the present day. Only a few of his portable creations have survived, but these magical tools are among the greatest treasures of House Cannith.

d’Cannith, Aleisa:
A dragonmarked artificer of House Cannith and mother of
Lei d’Cannith
. Aleisa was involved with the development of the warforged, but all records of her work were lost in the war. She is believed to have died in Cyre on the Day of Mourning.

BOOK: The Shattered Land: The Dreaming Dark - Book 2
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