Read The Sheikh's Secret Bride Online

Authors: Leslie North

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary

The Sheikh's Secret Bride (7 page)

BOOK: The Sheikh's Secret Bride
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Chapter 13


Two days later, Janna had Hamal take her back to the dress shop. She’d originally picked out the traditional Arabic wedding kaftan, but it had been her second favorite. Now that she would marry Nassir, she wanted to switch to the American-style gown she loved. The seamstress assured her she could have the adjustments done in time for the wedding in two days.

She also stopped by the florist and the cake shop one last time, assuring everything was going as planned. Finally, she reached the palace again and strolled into the gardens to see that the groundskeeper had already begun setting up the red and purple tents that would house their guests during the reception. Different from what they used back in the States, but their burst of color suited the lush gardens. Satisfied with the progress, Janna wandered back toward the grand fountain then sat down on the bench to check her planner one last time.

The last two days had been a whirlwind. Between spending their nights at his luxury apartment then commuting back here during the days, she hadn’t gotten as much done as she would’ve liked. Other than making love in the evenings, she and Nassir had barely seen each other. She sighed. At least he’d managed time in his busy schedule to have lunch with her today before returning to his office. Oh, and their dance lesson. She’d been more relaxed, knowing she wouldn’t have to memorize the steps and teach them later to someone else.

Everything seemed to be falling into place. Everything except her family. Once she’d accepted Nassir’s proposal, she’d called her mother the following morning and told them the news. Nassir had offered to fly them all over for the wedding and cover all of their expenses as his personal guests, but Mom had turned her down.

She’d said her doctor wouldn’t allow her to travel due to an infection, which meant her siblings couldn’t come either, as they’d need to stay home to care for her. Getting married without her family present didn’t sit well with her, but she had no choice now, it seemed.

Janna finished running through her daily checklist then closed her planner. Eyes closed, she tipped her head back and allowed the sunshine to warm her face. It was lovely here and she hated to leave her quiet oasis, but duty called. With a sigh, she stood and headed back inside the palace. The only thing left to oversee was the actual placement of the flower arrangements and food tables on the day of the wedding.

Lost in thoughts, she went upstairs to her room and contemplated a nap. She’d just kicked off her shoes when someone knocked on her door. Thinking it was her maid, Hafa, Janna didn’t bother putting her shoes back on. The face on the other side of the door, however, didn’t belong to Hafa. “Hazim? What are you doing here?”

He stepped forward, his expression dark, his tone menacing. “You and Nassir think you are so smart. Taking what’s mine.”

“What are you talking about?” She took a step back into her room, her hand on the door. “If you need to speak with Nassir, he’s at his office.”

She started to close the door, but he blocked it with his arm. “No, you cannot get rid of me that easily. Control of Adjalane Oil should have been mine. Without his precious American bride, Nassir will have no choice but to marry Nehla.”

Janna tensed, but refused to be bullied. “That’s all fine and dandy, but I’m not going anywhere.”

“Yes, you are.” Hazim stepped forward and grabbed her arm. She struggled against him, but he was much stronger than he looked. “You will come with me now.”

“Like hell.” She kicked and shoved at him. “You won’t get away with this. Nassir is on his way…”

“We both know that Nassir is a workaholic and will no doubt remain at his office until late in the evening. By then, you will have disappeared. With the time constraints, he will have no choice but to acquiesce to my plans.”

Next thing she knew, Hazim had pulled both of her arms behind her back and duct taped her wrists together. Cursing, she tried to free herself but couldn’t. “How exactly do you plan to get me out of the palace without anyone seeing us? The place is teeming with servants.”

“Who said I’m taking you from the palace?” His smile was cold enough to freeze water. “You’ve put so much effort into this wedding, it would be a shame for you not to see it come to fruition.”

She started to scream, but he slapped a piece of tape over her mouth. Bound tight, she could only watch as Hazim strode to the closet and pulled out her suitcases then hastily stuffed her belongings inside. Once he’d emptied the bathroom of her toiletries as well, he gathered her planner and her purse and set it all by the suite door. He knocked her facedown onto the bed then whispered in her ear. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Alone, Janna squirmed on the bed until got back to her feet, then searched for a way out of this situation. Her arms ached from the awkward position and her fingers were going numb from lack of blood supply. Panic set in, but she clamped a quick lid on it. Freaking out wouldn’t help anything now. She needed a plan. A way to communicate. Her gaze locked on the phone by the bedside table.

Janna rushed over to it and tried to grab the receiver with her tingling fingers, but it was no use.

Hazim mumbled something in what she assumed was his native language as he dragged her back onto the bed, then rolled her onto her stomach and pressed his knee into her lower back to hold her in place. The last thing she remembered was the smell of the cloth he pressed to her face—sickly sweet and nauseating and…


Chapter 14


Nassir returned to the palace around six that evening and headed upstairs. His mind had been occupied with nothing but thoughts of her all day, a novelty. Usually his mind was crowded with facts and figures and the business of running his company, but not now. His focus was solely on his bride-to-be. He and Janna had planned to practice their waltz once more before dinner. He stopped outside her bedroom door and knocked, but there was no answer.

Thinking she might be in the bathroom, he opened the door and peeked inside.


“Janna?” he called, to be sure. “Are you ready?”


He headed back downstairs and out to the garden, thinking maybe her planning duties for the day had taken longer than she’d anticipated. Outside, he discovered Adilan sitting on the veranda. “Have you seen Janna?”

“No.” His brother frowned. “Is she not in her room?”

“I looked there first.” Nassir spied Hafa helping some of the other maids carry boxes of lights out of the palace. He caught up to them and pulled the maid aside. “Have you seen my bride?”

“No, Sheikh Nassir. She returned from her errands several hours ago and went to her room after checking things down here in the gardens.”

“Did she seem upset or ill?”

Hafa shook her head. “No.”

Perplexed, Nassir headed for the stairs once more, thinking she must be wandering the halls or something. He knew she got bored waiting for him to return and she had a penchant for snooping.

Adilan joined him and together they reached the second floor landing. This time, Nassir didn’t bother to knock on Janna’s door, instead pushing inside and striding into her suite then over to the closet. All of her clothes had been removed. Next he checked the bathroom. All personal items gone from there as well. His stomach nosedived to his toes. “She’s gone.”

“What? No.” Adilan pulled open several empty dresser drawers. “Perhaps she moved into your rooms already.”

“Perhaps.” Nassir walked to the end of the hallway and into his own chambers, but found nothing except an empty bed and no sign of Janna. “Where is she?”

Adilan trailed into the room and picked up a piece of paper off Nassir’s nightstand. “Is this from her?”

Nassir took grabbed the paper his brother handed him and stared at the words written, not comprehending what he saw. He blinked, rubbed his eyes, read it again as a fresh wave of pain washed over him.


Marrying you and living in Al-Sarid is not what I want. Please do not look for me. Nothing will convince me to return The plans for your wedding are complete and I hope you and Nehla will be very happy together.


Nassir crumpled the note in his hand and headed for his office, Adilan following closely behind. “She’s changed her mind.”

“Surely not?” Adilan scoffed. “You two are in love. We will find her, brother, talk to her. Straighten this mess out.”

“I should have known it was too good to be true.” His heart ached and his chest constricted with anger and hurt. Even breathing was agony. Angry, he wadded the note into a ball and tossed it across his office. “Forget it and forget her. I am going to the gym.”

Adilan headed for the stairs, sticking to his side like glue, “You will need a boxing partner, but I’m warning you now, if you take any cheap shots, I’ll put you down. Broken heart or not.”

“Broken heart?” Nassir sneered. “I fear I no longer have a heart to break, brother. If you are so scared of my fury, perhaps I should find a braver sparring partner tonight.”

“I can handle you and your poor attitude with one hand tied behind my back.”

“We shall see.”

The pair arrived at the gym fifteen minutes later, and within another ten minutes they were padded up in the ring, circling each other as Nassir battled his anger and disbelief. This morning his plans had been in place and everything had been right. Now, he had no bride and no chance to save his job. All because he’d made the mistake of falling in love.

He and Adilan traded punches and kicks, pummelling each other until they were both completely exhausted, sweat and blood dripping.

At last, Nassir could take no more. He leaned against the ropes for suppose. “I’m finished.”

“As am I, brother.” Adilan stumbled up beside him, holding his bruised side. “What are you going to do?”

“I’ll have to marry Nehla.”

“No.” Adilan took an unsteady breath and grasped the ropes near Nassir. “You can’t do that.”

“Why not? What other choice do I have now? Unless you happen to have another bride hidden away that the board will approve of.”

“But Nehla is what Hazim wants,” Adilan panted.

“Hazim wants control of the company. I will never let that happen. Even it means marrying his mistress to keep our people safe and well-provided for.”

“I will pay good money to see the looks on their faces when you inform them of this development, brother.” Adilan leaned back on the ropes and winced. “My guess is they will not take the news well.”

Nassir shook his head and stepped out of the ring. With Janna gone, it mattered little who he married now. He’d learned his lesson well with his American bride and would never risk his heart again. From now on this marriage was a simple business contract.

Nothing more.

Hazim and Nehla and the rest of the world and their opinions be damned.


Chapter 15


With the day of the wedding fast approaching, Nassir couldn’t shake his gloomy outlook. Yes, his marriage would ensure the continuation of the much needed charity the people of Al-Sarid required, but the phone call to his gloating uncle to accept his offer of Nehla’s hand in marriage had all but gutted him.

Dark times were ahead, no doubt. A light had gone out of his world the day Janna left. She’d made him feel young again and he’d had hope in the future. That hope had evaporated the day she’d disappeared.

His new bride, Nehla, only inspired dread in his heart. The thought she’d been, and would continue to be, Hazim’s mistress even after their marriage made him queasy. But he’d make whatever sacrifices necessary to ensure his people thrived. It was his duty as Sheik. A duty he’d accepted as a young boy, and one he would continue to serve for the rest of his life, no matter the sacrifice. Even if that meant taking the mistress of his biggest rival as his wife.

To fail in his mission now would only serve as another sign of Nassir’s incompetence for his position to the board. Which meant they would elect Hazim as CEO of Adjalane Oil. Nassir was willing to be miserable for the rest of his life to prevent that outcome.

Someone tapped on the door and Nassir looked up to see Hafa, shuffling her feet, looking apologetic. “Yes, what it is?”

“Sheikh Nassir, there is a delivery here for Janna…”

“Send it away.”

“I can’t sir. The courier left it with me and it cannot be returned. What shall I do with it?”

“What is it?” He asked, then grew impatient. “Never mind, Hafa, just bring it in here and leave it. I’ll see to it.”

Hafa nodded and left, only to have his brother appear at the doorway shortly after her.

“Special delivery?” Adilan said, walking into Nassir’s office uninvited and making himself comfortable.

Nassir sent his brother an annoyed look. Did these people not realize he was busy? Busy wallowing in pity for himself, but still. “Whatever it is, I will get rid of it.”

“Aren’t you even the tiniest bit curious?”

Hafa and two other maids carried in a half dozen large boxes, all emblazoned with the logo of dress shop where Janna had purchased Nehla’s wedding kaftan. After bowing to Nassir, the women left.

Adilan took the liberty of opening the first box and then shook his head. “Janna had exquisite taste.”

Curiosity getting the better of him, Nassir came around the desk to look for himself. Inside was not the Nehla’s Arabic wedding caftan, as he’d excepted, but instead a gown fit for an American princess—an American princess. The delicate ivory fabric and elaborate beadwork would have perfectly framed Janna’s petite figure, making her look both elegant and sophisticated, yet young and innocent.

The second box held the underskirts, made from white silk with lines of silver running through the fabric. They shimmered in the box, like frothy angel’s wings. Once more, confusion and anger swamped him. It made no sense. Janna must have gone back to the shop after accepting his proposal and changed her order. But why would a woman with second-thoughts about losing her independence to her fiancé do such a thing?

Adilan fished the receipt out of the first box. “Says here that she ordered these two days ago. Seems odd she would order such magnificent gowns if she had no intention of going through with the marriage?”

“Exactly.” Nassir cursed. “None of this makes any sense. Yesterday morning, she was fine. Happy and excited to see all of her plans come together.”

“Nassir, brother,” Adilan said, his expression turning serious. “You do not need to make this sacrifice.”

“Yes, I do.”

“No, you do not. Marrying Nehla would be a mistake for both of you. There has to be another way. You and Janna were happy together. I witnessed this with my own eyes. In fact, you’ve never looked happier than you did with her. I refuse to believe this sham of a marriage to Hazim’s mistress is your only solution.”

“I have no choice, Adilan. If I am not married by tomorrow evening, the board will choose someone to replace me. There is no one but Nehla available now.”

“There has to be another way. Maybe father…”

“Father has made his decision. He will not change it now.”

“Perhaps you misinterpreted Janna’s note.”

Nassir gave his brother a flat look. “I am desperate, not stupid. Besides, you saw it.  The note clearly stated she will never return.”

“Did you even try to find her? To talk to her?”

“What would be the point, brother?” His voice broke with emotion and he slumped back in his seat. “She left me of her own free will. I could not marry her now, knowing she didn’t want to be here with me. Knowing that I trapped her into a marriage she did not want. A month ago I may have, but not now.”

“Let me look at the note again. Where is it?”

Nassir made a vague gesture toward the far wall. “I tossed it somewhere over there. I’m sure the maids have probably thrown it away. What does it matter?”

Adilan strode over to the area and began searching around the furniture. “Maybe there was something we missed that could help explain this idiocy.”

“I doubt it. As far as I’m concerned, this is over.”

“Well, as far as I’m concerned, it’s not.” Adilan stood and hollered for the maid again.

“Sir?” Hafa said as she entered Nassir’s office once more.

“There was a note here yesterday, crumpled and on the floor. Do you remembering seeing such a note?”

Hafa shook her head. “None of the second floor rooms have been cleaned yet today, sir.”

“Good.” Adilan glanced from Hafa to Nassir then back again. “We are looking for a white piece of paper. Will you let the rest of the staff know to be on the lookout?”

“Yes, sir.” Hafa bowed then left and Adilan resumed his search behind the sofa. A moment later, he held up a crumpled piece of paper. “I believe this is it.”

He smoothed the paper out and handed it to Nassir.

The words he never wanted to see again glared up at him from the page. Except now that he really looked at them, it didn’t appear to be Janna’s usually smooth script. No. These words had been clumsily scrawled across the page in black ink, not Janna’s standard pink. And the little hearts dotting the “I’s” were missing too. Nassir scowled. Perhaps his brother was right. Perhaps there was more to this story.

“What is it?” Adilan asked.

“I do not believe this was written by Janna.” For confirmation, he pulled out his original contract for the wedding planner services, then beckoned Adilan closer. “Tell me, do these look like they were written by the same person?”

“No.” Adilan squinted at both examples. “The note looks sloppy and more masculine.”

The brothers looked at each other and Nassir’s spirits rallied for the first time since Janna had gone. He called for Hafa once more. “Have you noticed any strange behaviour from the household staff in the last twenty-four hours?”

“No, Sheik. But I can ask the others if they’ve seen anything?”

Nassir nodded then stood. “Do that then report back to me, please. I’m going to call the airport and see if she has purchased a ticket home. Oh, and Hafa?”

The maid peeked her head around the door again. “Yes, sir?”

“Has my uncle Hazim been at the palace today?”

“I have not seen him, sir.”

“Thank you, Hafa.”

She bowed and departed again.

“What do you think has happened to her?” Adilan asked, his arms crossed as he leaned against the side of Nassir’s desk.

“I don’t know.” He checked his watch. “But I have to get ready. If we don’t start on time, the board will get suspicious and I can’t risk losing them at this point. Can I trust you to investigate this for me, brother, and report anything you find back to me immediately?”

“Of course.” Adilan bowed slightly. “What if the ceremony has already begun?”

“Then interrupt it if you must. I don’t care. Just find out the truth about what happened to the woman I love. Understand?”

“As you wish, brother.”



BOOK: The Sheikh's Secret Bride
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