The Sheik’s Captured Princess (The Samara Royal Family Series Book 4) (11 page)

BOOK: The Sheik’s Captured Princess (The Samara Royal Family Series Book 4)
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Chapter 10


Jurar looked down at the two women curled up on the sofa together.  He wasn’t exactly sure how to untangle the sisters. 

“What happened?” he asked of his future brother-in-law.

Ramzi looked down at his youngest siblings with retribution in his eyes.  “They got drunk.  But not before the two of them tried to instigate a mutiny.”

Ciala’s hand moved over to her head as the noise started to penetrate into her pain-riddled brain.  “Stop,” she whispered.

Shantra also started to shift, then cringed when the pain was too much.  “Close the windows!” she whispered. 

Jurar’s dark brows went up as the two lovely ladies dealt with their morning-after hangovers. 

“If you take care of your woman,” Ramzi suggested, “I’ll get Shantra’s guards to carry her back to her rooms.”

Jurar chuckled.  “You have a deal,” he replied. 

A moment later, Shantra was nudged out of the room with Ramzi following right behind.  Jurar was surprised by their privacy, but he wasn’t going to argue the issue.  Looking down at Ciala, he suspected the woman was in a great deal of pain.  She probably hadn’t had a good deal of nutrition yesterday either if the tray only partially filled with chocolate treats was any indication.  She hadn’t eaten any breakfast and she had most likely been too angry for lunch.  From what he could see, she’d devoured chocolate and white wine for dinner. 

“Here,” Jurar’s voice said from right beside her. 

She looked down and realized he had two, white pills in his hand.  “What’s this?” she asked, pulling back because even the white was too bright for her eyes at the moment. 

“Aspirin.  Take them and drink some water.  You’ll feel better soon.”

She popped the pills into her mouth and downed half the water, then regretted it when her stomach protested.  “I think I need a shower,” she commented, thinking that the warm water might help. 

She ignored the tall, disturbing man who was watching her as she moved slowly from her sitting room to her bedroom, then closed the bathroom door carefully so the snick of the door wouldn’t hurt her head. 

She stripped off her clothes from yesterday, grimacing when she realized that she’d never bothered to put on new underwear.  She’d been so annoyed with him yesterday that she’d forgotten something as basic as underwear! 

When she stepped into the warm water, she felt almost immediately better.  For a long time, she just let the warmth seep into her bones, letting the water help her headache fade away.  She attributed the easing of her headache only to the water and not to the aspirin he’d given to her.  She didn’t want to give him any of the credit since he was pushing her towards a future she hadn’t chosen and didn’t agree with. 

When she felt the strong hands on her back, she jumped and would have slipped on the wet tiles if Jurar hadn’t held her steady.  “What are you doing in here?” she demanded, looking around for one of her brothers to come storming in.  She also tried to hide her nakedness, as futile as the effort might be.  And stupid since the man was naked himself! 

It was especially futile since he gently but firmly took her wrists and pulled her hands away so that he could look down on her body.  “Why would you try to hide this perfection from me?” he asked with a heated glint to his eyes.

“You didn’t answer my question.  What are you doing in here?”

“You took too long.  So I thought you were inviting me to join you,” he explained a moment before he spun her around and placed her hands on the tiles.  “Don’t move,” he commanded and his hands slid down her body, moving along her spine then back up. 

Ciala closed her eyes and curled her fingers into fists as his hands found all of the electrically charged places on her body.  The aspirin had done a good job of getting rid of most of the headache but she didn’t think her body was ready for this with Jurar.  At least, she hoped she wasn’t!  “Don’t do that!”  She batted at the water in her ear and tried to pull away from him. 

“Why?” he asked as he bent to place a soft kiss on her shoulder.  She sighed, but then yelped when he bit the same spot. 

She closed her eyes, trying very hard to stop herself from falling under the man’s spell again.  “We’re not doing this Jurar!” she told him, trying to be firm.  But she knew she was sounding a bit too breathless to be taken seriously. 

“Do you really want me to stop?” he asked, pressing his chest against her back.  His hands slipped around to the front of her body, cupping her breasts with his large hands. 

“Jurar, we can’t do this anymore,” she told him, trying to stop his hands from moving further. 

But he ignored her feeble attempts, his thumbs skimming over her nipples.  “Give me one good reason why we should not enjoy each other.”

She sighed, her head falling back to rest onto his broad shoulder as his fingers teased, tweaked and tortured her nipple.  “Because we’re not getting married.”

“Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong, my beautiful fiancée.  We’re getting married in two days’ time.  And then,” he paused to kiss her shoulder, then her neck, moving up until he nipped at her earlobe with his teeth, “we will be off to my winter fortress for two weeks of wedded bliss where I think I will keep you naked and in my arms for the entire time.”

Despite herself, Ciala knew that the idea had incredible appeal.  “We could go there without the wedding.”

He laughed softly, his feet moving between hers and spreading her legs, making room for his body.  “It won’t be as much fun,” he told her. 

She felt his erection pressing into her body and her mouth fell open as she softened for him, trying to adjust to accommodate his size.  “You feel…”

“Good?” he asked as his hand moved around to the front of her again.  “Incredible?” he offered and his hand slid down her wet skin, stopping at that nub that was aching for stimulation.  “Wonderful?” and he started moving inside of her. 

She felt the friction and shuddered even as her body bent so that she could enjoy his penetration more completely.  “Yes!” she sighed, her fingers gripping the marble wall even as her body pressed back against each of his thrusts. 

“Do you want me to stop?” he asked, the fingers of one hand teasing her nipple while the fingers of his other hand teased that nub, making her moan with pleasure and need. 

“Don’t stop,” she gasped, moving in sync with his thrusts, wanting him to move faster, harder.  But she was too absorbed to ask him. 

“Tell me that we’ll be married,” he commanded.

Ciala shook her head.  She’d always been thought of as the calm sister.  The one that didn’t make waves.  Well, right at this moment, she was making waves!  “No!  Just…”

He pulled his hand away and grabbed her hips, not moving, not giving her what her body wanted.  “Tell me you’ll marry me, Ciala,” he commanded of her.  When she shook her head, biting her lip to try to stop herself from screaming out, he moved one hand back around to the front of her, sliding lower and lower, but not moving his hips, not giving her the friction that she needed so desperately. 

“You’re…” she wiggled her hips and Jurar just about lost his control.  But this was too important.  He wanted this woman.  He wanted her spunk and her fire and he wasn’t going to give in until he had her agreement. 

“Yes,” he agreed, as his hand moved down her spine.  “I’m cheating but I don’t care.  All is fair in love and war, right?”

“Not according to the Geneva Convention, you brute!” she yelled. She started to pull away from him but she couldn’t do it.  This man could give her what she needed, what she craved. 

“Tell me what I want to hear,” he told her and slid in and out of her again.  His hands moved along her skin, teasing her, making her move against him.  It was the hardest thing he’d ever done in his life, not moving, not giving this woman what she wanted.  “Tell me, Ciala.  Stop torturing both of us!”  He waited another moment before he said, “I need you Ciala,” in a hoarse voice. 

Ciala heard the strain and reacted to it.  Her whole body was taut, ready to snap but those last three words, as well as the way he said her name, made her body want to explode with happiness.  “Yes!” she sobbed, desperate now.  He needed her!  Those words made all the difference!  They weren’t “I love you” but they were good enough. 

When his fingers slid back into place and his body started moving in hers again, she felt ripped apart with the pleasure he gave her.  It crested, hovered over her head just out of reach, then she tumbled down as intense pleasure soared through her.  She felt like she was sobbing, but in reality, she was probably just silently screaming out his name over and over again. 

When it was all over, he spun her around and held her gently in his arms as they both shuddered with the reality of what had just happened.  Neither of them spoke.  The water kept running over their bodies but they couldn’t move.  Ciala could barely think.  His words kept running through her head.  “I need you” repeated again and again. 

No one had ever needed her before.

Chapter 11


Two days later, Ciala laid her hand in Jurar’s bigger grip, her eyes flashing up to his, seeking and gaining reassurance.  The words were spoken, rings exchanged and a blessing passed over their union.

Then it was done. 

Ciala was married! 

She felt Jurar pull her into his arms, knew he was going to kiss her and she fought to control all the emotions bombarding her.  Fear, nervousness, despair.  But there was also that strange feeling that was so similar to happiness, she wasn’t sure she was willing to believe it.  And a much more dangerous one.  Hope. 

Yes, she was hoping that Jurar, with all of his hard edges and tough appearance, might soften slightly towards her.  He needed her.  He’d said those words and he’d been so gentle after that explosion in her shower. 

Could he come to feel something stronger towards her? 

And even scarier, the love she felt for this man was so powerful and alarming, she wanted to pretend it wasn’t there in her heart.  How had she fallen in love with Jurar?  She’d barely spent any time with him so it couldn’t be true!  But every time she looked at Jurar, every time he held her hand or inconspicuously touched her skin, rubbed her back while talking with her brothers about various subjects…she felt that gentleness again and her heart pulsed with the need to make him happy, to show him the softer side of life. 

This was all so confusing! 

She sat down to the elaborate dinner that had been prepared for the small group of guests, her mind whirling as she tried to figure out the man who was now her husband.  He was so hard and uncompromising.  And yet, he’d held her in his arms, gentled her and soothed her after that crazy explosion between them. 

Was she making too much out of that morning?  Was she setting herself up for a fall later on when she realized that Jurar was just being possessive and his sweet, gentle caresses were nothing more than how he thought a husband should touch his wife?

“Are you okay?” he asked, leaning closer.  She could feel his hot breath against her ear and shivered, remembering the way he’d talked to her that first night, encouraging her to release her inhibitions and let go with him.  Goodness, she wanted to be alone with him again! 

“I’m fine,” she whispered back.  Her lashes lowered so that he couldn’t see the conflict, the confusion in her eyes.  This wasn’t the time or the place for confusion, she told herself.  It was the time to celebrate a decision.  Not one she’d made completely on her own, she thought and blushed at the memory of how he’d torn that agreement from her. 

She felt his smile and turned her head towards him.  “What?” she asked, not sure why he would be smiling like that.

He shook his head slightly.  “I was just wondering what the blush was for.  But since there have been only two instances in which I have had you alone, I don’t have a lot to choose from.”  He paused, his hand coming up to caress her cheek.  “That will change over the next two weeks.”

Her blush intensified and she sat up straighter, trying to pretend like the idea of spending two weeks alone with this man didn’t affect her as thoroughly as it really did. 

Unfortunately, the man knew exactly what she was trying to do and wouldn’t let her get away with it.  His hand moved to her back and slid up the satin of her dress.  His fingers teased the soft tendrils of her hair, causing sharp tickles to race down her back.  She sat up straighter, trying to dislodge his hand but he just moved his fingers lower and the ripples intensified. 

The conversations ebbed and flowed around the two of them and she couldn’t really participate in them, her mind too focused on being alone with him.  Goodness, she should be nervous about that, shouldn’t she?  A more genteel woman would be nervous about being alone with her husband. 

Ciala was not genteel.  She was not nervous and she definitely wasn’t worried in any way.  In fact, the only thing she was worried about was being able to withstand the amount of time before she could be alone with Jurar. 

She still didn’t like the fact that she’d had to marry the man, but since she had, she was eager to enjoy the benefits of that relationship.  Namely, more of that incredible pleasure she felt whenever he took her into his arms.

Yes, it would be nice if he loved her too. But that might come, she told herself.  She couldn’t have everything. 

“Are you ready?” he asked, squeezing her hand to get her attention.

Ciala looked up and realized that everyone was looking at her.  “Ready?” she asked, pretty sure she’d missed something significant. 

“Ready to leave?” he offered, standing up and taking her hand. 

Ciala blushed once again but stood up with him, trying not to appear as eager as she felt.  “Yes.  Of course.” 

Ramzi, Turk and Rais stood as well, all of them coming forward and shaking Jurar’s hand.  There were quick goodbyes and Ciala realized for the first time that she wouldn’t be only a few doors down from Shantra!  They had been so close growing up and now they would be hundreds of miles away! 

“I’ll see you soon!” she said as she hugged her little sister goodbye. 

Shantra blinked back the tears and nodded.  “You’ll be okay, right?”

Ciala looked over at Jurar who glanced away from Ramzi when he sensed she was looking at him.  But she only turned back to Shantra.  “Yes.  I’m going to be fine.  Are you?”

Shantra laughed and waved away her concerns.  “Oh, don’t worry about me.  I’ve got Jo, Mia and Raven here with me.”  She sobbed again, covering her mouth with the back of her hand.  “But you’re going to be alone!”

Shantra leaned forward and hugged Ciala once more.  “You just call me if you need someone, okay?  I can be here in just a few hours!”

Ciala hadn’t thought of that part of her marriage.  She didn’t like the idea of not seeing her sister or her sisters-in-law, all of whom she’d grown very fond of since they’d married her brothers and moved into the palace.  “Um…”

“You’ll be fine,” Jurar assured her as he stepped closer, putting his arm around her back and pulling her close to him.  “I promise, I’ll take very good care of her, okay?” he said to Shantra in an almost teasing voice.

Ciala looked up at him, startled by his tone and the laughter in his eyes.  She’d never seen him like this before.  He was almost…relaxed? 

Goodness, he looked even more handsome and dangerous with that devilish look in his eyes! 

“I’ll be fine,” she repeated, but realized she was looking up at him, stars in her eyes.  She cleared her throat and turned back to Shantra.  “I’ll be fine,” she told her sister.  “I promise, that as soon as I get homesick, I’ll call you and we’ll get together, okay?”

Shantra nodded but her eyes were sparkling with unshed tears.  “Make sure you do!” she told Ciala with a firm voice. 

Jurar tugged her gently towards the doors leading out to the hallway but Ciala was overwhelmed with hugs from Joline, Mia and Raven who all three offered her advice and encouragement on how to deal with a man like their husbands.  Some of their comments she laughed at and others…her mouth fell open and Ramzi actually came over and put a hand over Mia’s mouth after one suggestion. 

“Ignore them,” Turk said and put an arm around Raven’s waist, obviously warning in her in his own, silent way to behave because Raven’ just laughed, her eyes sparkling with mischief. 

“We need to go,” Jurar said.

Ciala took one more look at her family, hugged her brothers each again, then hurried back to Jurar’s side.  On trembling legs, she walked out of the palace that had been her home since the day she was born.  She’d lived here, studied here, fought and argued with her brothers in this building.  She’d snuck out, snuck in, done her research and learned how to defend herself. 

And she was leaving it now.  Forever! 

“It will be okay,” Jurar told her softly, somehow understanding what she was going through. 

She wasn’t aware of how tightly she was gripping his hand until she had to release it to step into the helicopter.  As soon as she was settled into the luxurious interior, she looked back at the palace.  So many memories, she thought with sadness. 


Jurar watched his new bride, wishing he could take away the pain and sadness she was feeling right now.  He hadn’t anticipated how heart wrenching it would be for her to leave her home, but looking at her now, he wanted to just pull her into his arms and offer her comfort. 

Instead, he told her stories about his home, about Drakar and all of the history of his country.  She probably knew all about it, having studied history at university, but he talked anyway, holding her hand and rubbing her palm with his thumb.  He was trying to reassure her, but he wasn’t sure if he was getting through to her. 

When the helicopter landed and he led her up the stairs to the plane that would take them back to Drakar, he wanted to pull her onto his lap.  Unfortunately, she had to be in her own chair with a seatbelt. 

By the time they’d landed in Drakar, she was sound asleep.  Not what he was expecting for his wedding night, but he lifted her into his arms and carried her to his rooms.  Laying her on his bed, he carefully slipped her shoes off, then unbuttoned her dress.  He laid everything carefully on a chair before stripping off his own clothes. 

It had been a long, hard day for her, he suspected.  She was tired but he wasn’t leaving her.  He should be a gentleman and let her sleep because she sure as hell wasn’t going to get much sleep tomorrow night. 

But instead, he pulled her into his arms and made sure the covers were over her.  It was a long time before he finally fell into a fitful sleep.  The woman next to him kept curling up, being all soft and sexy with her naked breasts pressed against his bare chest. 

By the time the sun was coming up over the horizon, Jurar couldn’t wait any longer.  The woman had woken him up over and over again during the night and he’d tried hard to be a gentleman.  But a man could only take so much.

When he rolled over and started kissing her neck, it took very little time before she was right there with him.  So when she sat up, gasping when his tongue touched her core, he almost laughed out loud.  He couldn’t since he was in too much pain, but he loved the way she tried to get away from him.  Within moments though, she was no longer pushing him away but was instead writhing on the bed with him, her fingers in his hair holding him in place while her body splintered apart.

Jurar didn’t wait for her body to calm down from that orgasm.  His mouth moved up her body, latching onto a breast and teasing her as he’d been thinking of doing all night long. 

“Jurar!” she screamed, trying to move his head away.  But he only grabbed her hands and clasped them over her head as he moved into place. 

“Yes wife?” he said a moment before he entered her, filling her up and pressing deeply into her body.  He watched her eyes, making sure that he wasn’t hurting her in his passion, but he couldn’t hold back when her eye lids lowered and her mouth formed that cute little “o” that made him groan. 

“Jurar!” she said again, but this time, her hips were rising to meet his thrusts and he could feel her inner muscles tightening around him, clenching him as she teetered on the edge. 

A moment later, she gasped out his name as she wrapped her legs around his waist and cried out with her climax, bringing him right along with him. 

Ciala was gasping for breath when he pulled her on top of him and she couldn’t do anything more than simply drape herself over his body.  So complete was her satisfaction that she wasn’t sure her muscles could move for the rest of the day. 

“You fell asleep on me,” he teased as his hands tangled in her hair. 

Ciala turned her head and propped her chin on his chest.  “I’ll do it again if you’re going to wake me like that every time.” 

It took her a moment to realize what she’d just said and her whole body froze as he looked at her with surprise. 

“I meant…” she stammered out, trying to backtrack. 

Jurar laughed and shook his head.  “No, I’m not letting you take that back.  I like hearing that you enjoyed it.”  He kissed her gently and let his head drop back to the pillow behind his head.  “So did I,” he told her. 

Ciala smiled, not sure if she was relieved or still embarrassed.  But she was still too comfortable to care at the moment. 

“I’m hungry,” she told him, still not moving.  Her muscles had all given out on her and she didn’t want to move.  Not an inch. 

“Then I guess I’ll have to feed you, won’t I?” he laughed. 

She laid her cheek against his chest.  “No.  Not necessary.  Not if it means moving.  I can’t do it.  I’ll just starve to death right here.”

Jurar laughed again but he lifted her into his arms.  He carried her out into the courtyard where a hot tub was bubbling away.  “How about if we relax while the staff brings in a breakfast for us?  We fly to my winter fortress today.”

She sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck, enjoying the warm water and the cool morning air.  “I thought we were flying there last night,” she yawned. 

He turned her so that she was sitting on his lap, her back against his chest.  “We were.  But you were too tired.”  He bit her ear.  “What are you going to do to make it up to me?” he asked.

BOOK: The Sheik’s Captured Princess (The Samara Royal Family Series Book 4)
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