The Shipping News

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Authors: Annie Proulx

BOOK: The Shipping News
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Chapter 1: Quoyle

Chapter 2: Love Knot.

Chapter 3: Strangle Knot

Chapter 4: Cast Away

Chapter 5: A Rolling Hitch

Chapter 6: Between Ships

Chapter 7: The Gammy Bird

Chapter 8: A Slippery Hitch

Chapter 9: The Mooring Hitch

Chapter 10: The Voyage of Nutbeem

Chapter 11: A Breastpin of Human Hair

Chapter 12: The Stern Wave

Chapter 13: The Dutch Cringle

Chapter 14: Wavey

Chapter 15: The Upholstery Shop

Chapter 16: Beety's Kitchen

Chapter 17: The Shipping News

Chapter 18: Lobster Pie

Chapter 19: Good-bye, Buddy

Chapter 20: Gaze Island

Chapter 21: Poetic Navigation

Chapter 22: Dogs and Cats

Chapter 23: Maleficium

Chapter 24: Berry Picking

Chapter 25: Oil

Chapter 26: Deadnvan

Chapter 27: Newsroom

Chapter 28: The Skater's Chain Grip

Chapter 29: Alvin Yark

Chapter 30: The Sun Clouded Over

Chapter 31: Sometimes You Just Lose It

Chapter 32: The Hairy Devil

Chapter 33: The Cousin

Chapter 34: Dressing Up

Chapter 35: The Day's Work

Chapter 36: Straitjacket

Chapter 37: Slingstones

Chapter 38: The Sled Dog Driver's Dream

Chapter 39: Shining Hubcaps


About Annie Proulx

For Jon, Gillis and Morgan

“In a knot of eight crossings, which is about the average-size knot, there are 256 different ‘over-and-under' arrangements possible. . . . Make only one change in this ‘over and under sequence and either an entirely different knot is made or no knot at all may result.”



Help came from many directions in the writing of
The Shipping News.
I am grateful to the National Endowment for the Arts for financial support, and to the Ucross Foundation of Wyoming for a quiet place to work. In Newfoundland, advice, commentary and information from many people helped me understand old ways and contemporary changes to The Rock. The Newfoundland wit and taste for conversation made the most casual encounters a pleasure. I am particularly grateful for the kindness and good company of Bella Hodge of Gunner's Cove and Goose Bay who suffered dog bite on my account and showed me the delights of Newfoundland home cooking. Carolyn Lavers opened my eyes to the complexities and strengths of Newfoundland women, as did novelist Bill Gough in his 1984
Mauds House.
Canadian Coast Guard Search and Rescue personnel, the staff on the
Northern Pen
in St. Anthony, fishermen and loggers, the Atmospheric Environment Service of Environment Canada all told me how things worked. John Glusman's fine-tuned antennae caught the names of Newfoundland books I would otherwise have missed. Walter Punch of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society Library confirmed some obscure horticultural references. Thanks also to travel companions on trips to Atlantic Canada: Tom Watkin, who battled wind, bears and mosquitoes; my son Morgan Lang who shared an April storm, icebergs and caribou. I am grateful for the advice and friendship of Abi Thomas. Barbara Grossman is the editor of. my dreams—clear blue sky in the heaviest fog. And without the inspiration of Clifford W. Ashley's wonderful 1944 work,
The Ashley Book of Knots,
which I had the good fortune to find at a yard sale for a quarter, this book would have remained just a thread of an idea.

In the process of writing
The Shipping News
I consulted hundreds
of books, journals, diaries and local memoirs related to many facets of Newfoundland outport life. It is not possible to list all these sources here, but the most important was the magisterial and rich
Dictionary of Newfoundland English,
edited by G. M. Story, W. J. Kirwin, and J. D. A. Widdowson. George Morley Story died shortly after
The Shipping News
was published and my most treasured book is the inscribed copy of the
he sent me only weeks before he died. Several volumes in the wonderful Canadian National Museum of Man Mercury Series were very helpful, especially David A. Taylor's superb
Boat Building in Winterton, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland,
a minutely detailed account of rural Newfoundland small craft construction, and increasingly valuable resource for those interested in small boats as the wooden-boat builders of Newfoundland are closing up shop forever these days. S. A. Gordons
Folk Music in a Newfoundland Outport,
and Gerald L. Pocius's
Textile Traditions of Eastern Newfoundland
both contain information difficult to discover elsewhere. Mariners' dictionaries, navigation rules, coastal sailing directions for Newfoundland waters, Chapmen's
histories of dories, cod, schooner construction and sailing, upholstery manuals, accounts of life on the Labrador coast were all fish in the research hold. William W. Warner's very fine
Distant Water, the Fate of the North Atlantic Fisherman
was invaluable for the tragic background history of the North Atlantic fishery. Finally, I studied many books of photography concerned with Newfoundland coastal communities, particularly those detailing the outports of the recent past. Perhaps the most moving of these is Candace Cochrane's
Outport, Reflections from the Newfoundland Coast.
And, of course, many hours of conversation with many Newfoundlanders, boat builders, fishermen, children and mothers, most of them people whose names were and are unknown to me, reinforced and enlivened the published source material.



Quoyle: A coil of rope.

Flemish flake is a spiral coil of one layer only. It is made on deck, so that it may be walked on if necessary.”


HERE is an account of a few years in the life of Quoyle, born in Brooklyn and raised in a shuffle of dreary upstate towns.

Hive-spangled, gut roaring with gas and cramp, he survived childhood; at the state university, hand clapped over his chin, he camouflaged torment with smiles and silence. Stumbled through his twenties and into his thirties learning to separate his feelings from his life, counting on nothing. He ate prodigiously, liked a ham knuckle, buttered spuds.

His jobs: distributor of vending machine candy, all-night clerk in a convenience store, a third-rate newspaperman. At thirty-six, bereft, brimming with grief and thwarted love, Quoyle steered away to Newfoundland, the rock that had generated his ancestors, a place he had never been nor thought to go.

watery place. And Quoyle feared water, could not swim. Again and again the father had broken his clenched grip and thrown him into pools, brooks, lakes and surf. Quoyle knew the flavor of brack and waterweed.

From this youngest son's failure to dog-paddle the father saw other failures multiply like an explosion of virulent cells—failure to speak clearly; failure to sit up straight; failure to get up in the morning; failure in attitude; failure in ambition and ability; indeed, in everything. His own failure.

Quoyle shambled, a head taller than any child around him, was soft. He knew it. “Ah, you lout,” said the father. But no pygmy himself. And brother Dick, the father's favorite, pretended to throw up when Quoyle came into a room, hissed “Lardass, Snotface, Ugly Pig, Warthog, Stupid, Stinkbomb, Fart-tub, Greasebag,” pummeled and kicked until Quoyle curled, hands over head, sniveling, on the linoleum. All stemmed from Quoyle's chief failure, a failure of normal appearance.

A great damp loaf of a body. At six he weighed eighty pounds. At sixteen he was buried under a casement of flesh. Head shaped like a crenshaw, no neck, reddish hair ruched back. Features as bunched as kissed fingertips. Eyes the color of plastic. The monstrous chin, a freakish shelf jutting from the lower face.

Some anomalous gene had fired up at the moment of his begetting as a single spark sometimes leaps from banked coals, had given him a giant's chin. As a child he invented stratagems to deflect stares; a smile, downcast gaze, the right hand darting up to cover the chin.

His earliest sense of self was as a distant figure: there in the foreground was his family; here, at the limit of the far view, was he. Until he was fourteen he cherished the idea that he had been given to the wrong family, that somewhere his real people, saddled with the changeling of the Quoyles, longed for him. Then, foraging in a box of excursion momentoes, he found photographs of his father beside brothers and sisters at a ship's rail. A girl, somewhat apart from the others, looked toward the sea, eyes squinted, as though she could see the port of destination a thousand miles south. Quoyle recognized himself in their hair, their legs and arms. That
sly-looking lump in the shrunken sweater, hand at his crotch, his father. On the back, scribbled in blue pencil, “Leaving Home, 1946.”

At the university he took courses he couldn't understand, humped back and forth without speaking to anyone, went home for weekends of excoriation. At last he dropped out of school and looked for a job, kept his hand over his chin.

Nothing was clear to lonesome Quoyle. His thoughts churned like the amorphous thing that ancient sailors, drifting into arctic half-light, called the Sea Lung; a heaving sludge of ice under fog where air blurred into water, where liquid was solid, where solids dissolved, where the sky froze and light and dark muddled.

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