The Sick Horror at The Lost and Found (19 page)

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Authors: Heidi King

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She whispered to Matt. “You will be
conceived in me. You will be your own father. Father and son. Just
as Osiris was conceived in Isis. I’ll be the widow. Just like Jesus
at the Last Supper with Mary Magdalene. You have great company. Mr.
MoJo Risen. Kill the father, fuck the mother, and be born again in
the Holy Goddess. Enjoy your Oedipus complex. After all, I’m gonna
be your momma soon.”

Matt’s eyelids began to

Once you asked if I ever
cry,” she said. Her hand was still on Matt’s neck -- his blood was
seeping through her fingers. “I cry through Shekinah. She cries for
me. She is my double. I love her. My only friend dropped down the
stairs.” Maria put her lips to Matt’s ear and whispered. “My dad
used to fuck me. My real dad. Fucked me without a condom. Fucked me
hard and smiled with these ugly yellow teeth. Fucked me with
nothing but an ugly gray fedora that smelled like cigars. Fucked me
and told me that if I had the baby, my twin Shekinah would be
reborn in me and Mom would be happy again.”

Matt thought about what he had seen at
Dr. Mike’s house. Whatever happened there had awoken the powerful
and terrifying nightmares buried in her unconscious. Even now, Matt
felt bad for her. He accepted death peacefully. But María, unable
to confront life and unable to confront death, was striving for
immortality. Reliving those nightmares tied to a bed was what
allowed her to kill. She was killing to achieve

She took her bloodied hand from his
neck. A pulsating stream of blood resumed its flow. She lay on top
of him. The blood from Matt’s neck covered Maria’s thrusting,
sliding body. Her voice rose again.

My dad fucked me,” she
screamed, “and I’d see the orgasm in his eyes. Fucked me and I’d
see his pupils dilate. I’d know the exact second when it would all
be over... And then we got on our hands and knees and prayed.
Prayed to God that I would be pregnant and Shekinah would come back
to us.”

María stopped. She sat up, straddling
Matt, covered in his blood.

You want to speak, don’t
you?” she whispered. “You want last words. What would your last
words be while your soul slowly leaves your body and enters

Matt slowly lifted his head. María
untied his gag. He coughed a few times, trying to suck in air. He
stared deep into pools of black.

Baphomet doesn’t work,”
Matt gurgled as blood spilled out.


Your anagram doesn’t
work,” he tried to whisper. “Matt is spelled with two T’s.” His
chest rose once more and then went still.

María turned to Estrella and Usnavy.
“I have drunk from the cup. We will find salvation and save
Shekinah. And he’s here too. I can feel him. This way to the
ancient gallery, Matt. We did good.”

Return to The Lost and

By Patrick

According to the official recorded
doctrine of the Church of Christ Templar, the secret Grail rituals
were first recorded with the Osiris and Isis archetypes. The Isis
cult then migrated and preserved their secrets at the Temple of
Solomon in Jerusalem. The Romans feared the power of the cult and
persecuted its members, a persecution the culminated with King
Herod’s execution of the babies of Nazareth and the beheading of
John the Baptist. Forced underground, the Egyptian priest, later
known as Jesus the Christ, divulged the secret rituals at the Last
Supper to his disciples and directed them to be passed down
secretly through each generation.

After Jesus’ death, the Romans once
more recoiled in fear before the new faith, which spread like
wildfire all the way to Rome. So they crucified its priests,
destroyed the second temple, dispersed the twelve tribes of Israel
and gained doctrinal control over Christianity. The true ritual of
resurrection was again lost. Through the idol, Baphomet, the rites
were rediscovered in catacombs beneath the ruined temple by the
Knights Templar, who were in their turn eliminated by the Roman
Church. The last grand master of the Templar, DeMolay, was burned
at the stake in 1307. The Templar attempted to preserve their
rituals in the secret society called the Freemasons, but the
rituals were again lost in a misogynistic patriarchy. The modern
history of Christ Templar, they claim, began in 2008 when Mat B.
Hope, through divine intervention, recovered the lost Grail

Estrella González and Usnavy Márquez
became the key chroniclers of this recent history of the modern
Templar and their savior, Mat B. Hope. She finished the Templar
Gospels in 2008.

Mathew B. Hope, Steven Banks and Dr.
Mike Anderson are lost and remain on Interpol’s missing persons
list. The whereabouts of María Concepción are unknown, but a series
of clues in the form a treasure hunt game have been left behind
that may lead to whereabouts of the missing persons. Their
disappearances are regarded as highly suspicious. The church claims
that they ascended into heaven. The file remains open to this

María Concepción gave birth to
fraternal twins, one male and one female. She named her son Mat and
her daughter Shekinah. The church has officially applied to the
Panamanian government as a nonprofit religious group and claims
dozens of new members each month.

This is Not The End


The plot only thickens and the story
continues but we need you. Imagine hunting for clues down
cobblestone streets, chasing down leads – in Panama! An app
developed by the editor and authors puts you directly hot on the
trail of Maria. Visit and check out
the apps video for a live action experience that takes this story
to whole new level… if you thought this story was interesting, the
experience will blow your mind.


About the Author


Patrick McGreer is the
co-founder and owner of The Lost and Found Eco Resort in the
Republic of Panama. This backpacker hostel is home to one third of
the hunt for the remains of the victims in story you have just
read. As well the eco hostel has coffee tours, jungle treks and
horseback riding adventures designed to benefit the local
community. Learn more at
You can email Patrick at
[email protected]
book is available as an ebook for free at Just
search the author.

Visit The Lost and

See the legendary hostel for yourself.
See the impact, the artwork, the aura, Maria imprinted on the Lost
and Found for yourself. Take her steps to Tuna’s cave, part of a
popular treasure hunt based on Maria’s cryptic clues and
experiences. Visit for more.

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