The Silent Sea (38 page)

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Authors: Clive with Jack Du Brul Cussler

BOOK: The Silent Sea
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“To be honest, I hadn’t thought much past this point. You did notice the piece of cargo under the tarp on the second boat?” The outside cameras had been watching the soldiers since the first group arrived at sunup.
“Seems about the right size and shape for a side-scan sonar probe.”
“Means they’re going to be looking for the Chinese wreck.”
“I assume we’re going to beat them to it?”
“See, the plan reveals itself,” Cabrillo said with the self-satisfied grin of a kid pulling one over on his parent. He really hadn’t thought much beyond getting the
into position.
Max nodded toward the image of the soldiers milling around near the bow. “We’ll need to wait until that lot sods off before we can empty enough ballast to open the moon-pool doors.”
Juan nodded. “I suspect they’ll start searching today, so as soon as they pass by in the workboat, we’ll do our thing. When Tamara wakes up, ask if she’d like to join us. The least we can do is show her the fabled Treasure Ship before we destroy it.”
That was the first Hanley had heard about that, and he stared at the Chairman for a moment before seeing the logic. “It’ll be a shame, but you’re right. It can’t be helped.”
“I know. We can’t afford to give the Chinese even the slimmest chance of staking a claim down here.”
An hour later, Juan released the clamps holding the thirty-two-foot Discovery 1000. The three-person submersible didn’t have an escape trunk like her big sister, but no one had any real desire to swim in water that was just a fraction of a degree above freezing.
Cabrillo sat in the reclined pilot’s seat with Tamara on his right. Linda Ross had drawn the lucky number to accompany them, although with the temperature chilly enough for them to see their breaths in the cockpit she wasn’t sure how lucky she felt.
“Can’t we crank the heat a tad?” she asked, blowing on frozen fingertips.
“Sorry, but the bay we identified off the satellite pictures is at our maximum range. We need the endurance more than the comfort.”
“Won’t the Chinese already be there?” Tamara asked. She was bundled in an arctic parka, with another draped over her long legs.
“Nope. They went the wrong way. There are two similarly shaped bays around here. One to the north and one south. Because of the body Linda and her team found at Wilson/George, we know the wreck has to be in that direction. Those guys are going to spend the next week or so surveying fifty miles from where they should.”
For the next three hours, they cruised at twenty feet. Because of the weak polar sun, it was nearly black even this shallow. Juan relied on the sub’s sonar and lidar systems to navigate. At least the seas were calm. Had the weather been foul, running so close to the surface would have been like taking a ride inside a clothes dryer.
Linda and Juan kept Tamara entertained with some of the crazier stunts the Corporation had pulled off, making certain each story painted Max in the best light. If she suspected they were putting on the hard sell for their friend, she didn’t let on. They drank sweetened tea and ate gourmet sandwiches prepared in the
’s world-class galley.
“The nav computer says we’re coming up on the bay,” Cabrillo informed his passengers. “The depth here is five thousand feet, but the bottom will come up sharply.”
Juan had been thinking about where in the fjordlike cove the Chinese ship would have been sunk. He assumed they would have been as close to shore as possible, and in the satellite pictures he had spotted what he believed to be the best area. There was a beach of sorts, or at least an area where the towering mountains and glaciers were much lower.
He steered the submersible into the mouth of the bay and plotted a course to the spot. He kept one eye on their side-scan sonar. As he had predicted, the bottom was rising at better than a sixty percent gradient. It remained featureless rock without so much as an outcropping. Had the incline below them been above water, it would have been nearly impossible to scale.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Tamara said for the third or fourth time. “Just a few days ago, I was half certain Admiral Tsai Song and the
Silent Sea
were just legends, and now I’m about to see her for myself.”
“If we’re lucky,” Juan cautioned. “A lot could have happened in the past five hundred years. She could have been ground into toothpicks by the ice.”
“Oh. I hadn’t thought of that. Do you think that happened?”
“Not really. Eric and Mark, you met them on the bridge—”
“The two who don’t look old enough to shave?”
“That’s them. They’re crackerjack researchers. They looked into archives from the 1957-58 International Geophysical Year, the last time anyone took measurements of this area. The mountains around the bay were never named, but a survey team checked the glaciers and found them to be about the slowest moving on the continent. If the ship is in deep enough water, she wouldn’t have been affected even when the surface froze over.”
Cabrillo rubbed his hands together to restore some circulation. He checked their battery level and determined they had more than enough but left the heat control untouched. He would rather spend more time surveying the bottom on this trip than have to go through it all over again tomorrow.
They saw their first sign of life when a leopard seal swooped in close to the acrylic view port. It pirouetted in front of them, its body trailing a wreath of bubbles, and then it vanished as suddenly as it appeared.
“Cute little fellow,” Linda remarked.
“Not if you’re a penguin.”
Juan eyed the bottom profiler. The slope they had been traveling over was leveling out as it neared the shore, which was still about three miles away.
“Whoa,” Linda called.
“What do you have?”
“I just got a strong hit off the magnetometer to starboard.”
Cabrillo eased over the aircraft-style yoke, and the submersible swung right, not as elegantly as the seal, but she responded much better than their big Nomad. “Check out the sonar,” he said.
Directly in front of them was what to the electronics looked like a solid wall measuring three hundred and eight feet long and forty high. It was three hundred yards away—still too distant, in the poor lighting. The motors purred sedately as they neared. When it was fifty feet off, Juan toggled the floodlights mounted over the pressure hull.
Tamara put her hands to her mouth to stifle a gasp. In seconds, tears coursed down her smooth cheeks.
Though he hadn’t invested a lifetime studying the subject, Juan couldn’t help but feel emotional as he gazed across time and distance at the massive Chinese junk lying on the bottom of the Bellinghausen Sea.
The masts had long since vanished, most likely broken off by a passing iceberg, and there was a huge hole in her hull just below where her bottom had been clad in copper. Other than that, she looked perfectly seaworthy. The low salinity and frigid temperatures meant there was little life in these waters to attack the wood. She couldn’t have been better preserved if she’d been left in a windless desert.
Just above her waterline were dozens of ports. Juan asked about them because he doubted they were windows.
“For oars,” Tamara replied. “A ship this size would probably have twenty to a side, and each one would have at least two rowers, sometimes three. She would have had probably six or seven masts that were square-rigged like all junks.”
Nearer still, they could see that the long superstructure that ran almost the entire length of the ship had been painted a buttery yellow with red trim and possessed pagoda-like architectural details.
“The Emperor would have insisted that his ships be as ornate as possible,” Tamara continued, “in order to show off the wealth and sophistication of his kingdom. Only the finest artists and craftsmen would have been allowed to work on them.”
“And you said she was loaded with treasure?” Linda asked.
“You showed me that lump of gold you recovered. And those shards of jade.”
“The crewman who survived the sinking and died near Wilson/ George must have pocketed them from the stores,” Juan said, and flew them up and over the huge ship. “It’s possible the prions hadn’t progressed that far yet, and he still had his wits about him.” Dr. Huxley had confirmed that the Chinese mummy and Andy Gangle were riddled with them.
Over the bow were two large cannons shaped like dragons. They were scaled-up versions of the pistol they had found next to Gangle’s corpse. There was so little slime on them that Juan could see teeth etched around the bore and wings carved along their flanks.
The aft deck was actually three stories taller than the main, and there was a square house dead in the middle with an elegantly sloped roof. Tamara pointed toward it. “That would be for the captain’s use.”
“His cabin?”
“More like an administrative office.”
Juan brought them down again and nosed the submersible up to where Admiral Tsai had placed the explosive charge that scuttled the ship and killed its ill-fated crew. The xenon lights threw what little of the interior they could see into sharp relief. The decks were wooden, as were the walls. The room they were looking into was too broad for them to see the far side and contained a veritable forest of support columns. Too many, in fact, and it was Tamara who recognized what they were seeing.
“This is one of the crew’s berths. They hung hammocks from the columns.”
Juan added, “They were still doing it that way into the twentieth century, at least on warships.”
“This is just amazing,” Tamara breathed. Her eyes were wide with wonder.
“Now for the bad news,” Juan said. She looked at him sharply. “We have to destroy it. I brought you along so you could see it with your own eyes, but we can’t let the Chinese find her.”
“No buts. I’m sorry. Once we convince the Argentines that it’s in their best interest to abandon their plans here, we can’t leave a window open for Beijing to fill the vacuum. They’re riding on the Argentines’ coattails because they have no claim. This gives them one. A damned big one, at that. They discovered Antarctica three hundred and eighty years before the first European laid eyes on the continent.”
“I . . .” Tamara’s brow furrowed. “I hate politics. This is one of the most significant archaeological finds in history and it has to be sacrificed so some power-hungry men can’t get their hands on a bunch of oil.”
“That’s it in a nutshell, I’m afraid,” Juan said as kindly as he could. “The stakes are too high for anything else. Our government has decided it doesn’t want to play the role of world cop, but we need to show people that there are still consequences for breaking international law. One of the ways we have to do it is to destroy that wreck.”
She didn’t look at him, or even speak, but after a second she nodded slightly.
Juan laid a hand on her shoulder for a moment, then went back to the controls. He vented some water out of the ballast tanks, and as the submersible rose toward the surface the light slowly became brighter.
When they broached, Juan climbed out of his seat and over Linda to reach the topside hatch. “Back in a second.”
He stood to the side when he spun open the locking wheel to avoid the deluge of freezing water that cascaded to the deck. He climbed up the integrated ladder, his hands going numb on the wet steel. He popped his head out of the hatch. The chill took his breath away. Needles of agony pierced his sinuses, and it felt like his eyes were being seared. Juan ignored all this and concentrated on his surroundings. A tongue of ice stood poised in the gap between two black mountains that soared at least two thousand feet into the sky. The ice formed a vertical wall between them that ran right to the water. The bottom edge had been partly eroded by waves and tides, but the rest looked like a solid massif.
“You’ll do,” he said aloud, his words torn from his mouth by the wind, and then he ducked back into the relative warmth of the submersible.
His first act when he retook his seat was to crank the heater to maximum, power-reserve requirements be damned.
Silent Sea
lay on the bottom even before Juan and the others returned to the
. Juan had radioed his instructions for them to take the larger Nomad back up north and get to work on making the wreck disappear. Mike had five others with him and almost a ton of gear crammed into the submersible.
They were in for a cold, miserable night.
After what was the longest, hottest shower of Juan’s life, and learning that the Argentine’s survey boat hadn’t spent more than an hour in the wrong location before coming back to base, he met with his department heads to go over the next phase of their operation. The meeting went quickly. In the idle hours motoring back from the wreck site, Cabrillo had developed a plan that needed little refinement. He was back in the moon pool less than two hours after returning home.
Rather than take the time to recharge the Discovery’s batteries, technicians swapped them out for fresh ones, and they changed the carbon dioxide scrubbers and refilled all her air tanks as well. For this mission, Juan chose Franklin Lincoln to accompany him. He wasn’t expecting any gunplay, but the big former SEAL moved like a wraith despite his size and had been on more covert insertions than almost the rest of the crew combined.
By the time they were ready to leave, Kevin Nixon arrived with arctic clothing his staff had modified to closer resemble the gear the Argentines wore. Once they were bundled into the jackets, pants, hoods, scarves, and goggles, they would be completely anonymous.
It took them ten minutes to enter the narrows. Even submerged, they could see the aura of lights on the far shore. With machinery on the oil platforms banging and whining, the waters sounded like a wrecking yard. The industrial clatter masked the sound of their motors, so there was no need for stealth as they started across.

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