The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook* (50 page)

BOOK: The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*
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“So if you have no intention of ravishing me then why I am lying on top of your desk?”

“You’re right. I do need to feed,” he continued to smile. “I’m worried about biting you in the neck again. It’s still tender.”

“Then where are you planning on biting me?” I asked anxiously. The possibilities were running through my sick, sex starved mind like an Olympic athlete.

Mathias toyed with the button on my jeans before releasing its hold. He bent his head and using his teeth slowly peeled down the zipper on my jeans. I watched as he pulled down my pants, and the cold air of the room washed over my exposed flesh. His fingers lightly explored my feet and calves with gentle, teasing strokes.

I giggled when he swirled his index finger on my knee and shifted slightly. When I looked into his eyes; however, the laughter died on my lips. Mathias eye’s had started glittering red again. If I were to look through a glass of whiskey in front of a roaring fire that’s exactly what his eyes looked like to me.

His hands gripped the top of my thighs and pushed them apart. My eyes rolled back into my head, and I relaxed against the hard, smooth surface. His lips replaced his hands, and he started placing kisses over both of the tops of my legs. When his tongue began to swirl on my left thigh, right near the juncture to my sex, my breath started coming out in short spurts. I pushed my hands in his hair and indulged in the feel of its soft, thick texture. I felt so alive. Every scent and touch seemed magnified as he continued to ready my flesh for his bite.

My hips bucked up when I finally felt his fangs enter my thigh. Mathias pushed me back down the table gently and then his hand slowly made the journey from thigh to my center. He toyed with the outer edges of my panties while I moaned softly. When he finally ventured under the fabric, I gripped his hair tighter and pushed him closer.

When his finger slipped inside of me, I bit my lip. He continued exploring, pushing himself in and out until I shrieked with pleasure as a powerful orgasm ripped through my quivering body. Mathias removed his hand and placed it over my mouth that I promptly bit. I could taste his salty blood, and I wanted more.

I felt his teeth leave my thigh and before Mathias could say a word I pulled his head up to my face and brought his lips down to mine. His body settled in between my thighs and I lifted leg to wrap around his waist. I could taste my blood on his tongue and instead of grossing me out; it made me want him more. I reached down to grasp his manhood, but he stopped me.

“I thought you said you weren’t going to have sex with me here?” he grinned

“I changed my mind.” I said breathlessly

“Willa, we are not going to do this now,” he stated as he sat up and went to stand by the desk.

“Next time you lay me down, bite me in my thigh, and get me all primed and ready for sex, you better be prepared to deliver the goods.” I said in exasperation

Mathias handed me my pants as I stood up slightly frustrated. He watched me while I put them on rather clumsy. “Usually men watch a woman take off her clothes not the other way around.”

“I was thinking about how much I wanted to take them off again,” he replied darkly

“Maybe you should have thought about that before you got to third base.”

“I do believe you are right in this instance,” he said as he bent down to give me my shoes

“I’m sorry. I must have potatoes growing in my ears. Did you just say I was right?” I asked in mock disbelief

“Don’t get used to it, this is a rare occasion.” Mathias said as he came towards me

I wound my arms around his neck. “I’m still pissed at you for not telling me about the diary.”

“I would love to stay and go over all of your transgressions that have pissed me off but unfortunately I do not have a week to spare at the moment.” he replied

I rolled my eyes and pushed him away. “I doubt very much it would take a week.”

He smiled as he grabbed me and pulled me back to him. “Maybe not a week but a few days where I can have your undivided attention may be necessary.”

“We don’t have a few days.” I said quietly as my smile dimmed.

“I’ll be back as soon as possible,” he said gravely. “You will not face the Fae without me.”

I knew with absolute certainty that Mathias would be back before the Fae arrived. I also knew that there were some things that he couldn’t help me with now. I knew that there was going to be certain instances that were going to require more than vampire strength and speed. Unfortunately, these were things that only I was capable of doing. I wanted to tell him all my fears, but the words got stuck in my throat. To admit them to anyone, even Mathias, was not something I could do right now. I could only hope and pray that even if I didn’t survive this the people that I loved would.

“Bring those paintings back and I might let you steal home.” I quipped trying to lighten the suddenly serious mood.

“I’m pretty sure I will not have to steal it,” he said confidently. “I have every intention of sliding in very smoothly.”

“When have I ever been easy?” I asked saucily over my shoulder as I walked towards the door

“Shit,” he said before following me out of the office and down the hall



We said our goodbyes to Julia, Mathias and Riah a few minutes later. As they took off in the sky, I said a small prayer to the elements to guide them safely to their destination. I turned around when I heard a screech of tires. Sure enough, there was Polly and the dogs in my golf cart.

“W’sup?” she yelled. “I’m here to shop at Granny’s attic.”

Winifred had given me a withering look before she and Kathleen set off into the castle. I laughed as I yelled back. “That’s a good name for a store.”

“A geriatric shop maybe,” she said as she walked up to my mother and me

“Clothes, walkers and Ben Gay, I can see the sign already.” I said

“I would hold off on that if I were you.” Cecily said. “She has some very nice dresses that span many decades. Just remember we can alter anything.”

“Does she have any of those woman’s cotton pant thingy’s?” Polly asked. “You know pontoons?”

“I’m pretty sure she does not have a boat up in the attic but there very well maybe a pair of pantaloons,” my mother explained

“‘On the pontoon...’” I started singing

“I’m out here on the ocean… motor boating.’” Polly finished

My mother just looked to the heavens for a minute before muttering. “This is why they call wine mother’s apple juice.”

An hour later we were having a ball up in the attic looking through Winifred’s clothes that were hung in covered racks throughout the vast space. I had called Katya when we were walking upstairs and invited her to join our small party. I knew Robert was going to be attending, and I had suspected Katya probably was in the same dress less boat as Polly and me.

“This would look stunning on you Katya. “ I said as I pulled out a dark red satin mermaid style dress. “You have to try it on.”

“Oh, it’s lovely but I couldn’t,” she said. “It looks expensive and I don’t want to spill anything on it.”

“Nonsense,” Winifred said. “Dresses are meant to be worn and enjoyed.”

“I just can’t picture you in that dress Granny Winnie.” Polly said. “No offense.”

“None taken,” she replied dryly. “It was for Augusta but she decided the red color washed her skin out.”

“Go try it on.” I urged Katya towards the makeshift dressing room we had set up behind a large screen.

She shyly took the dress and disappeared. I turned my attention back to the racks and began to look over a few more dresses before I heard Kathleen say, “Polly dear.”

“What do you got going on Ms. Kathleen?” Polly answered

“This is what I have going on,” she answered. Hanging from her arm was a gorgeous emerald green flapper dress. The long V-neckline was almost scandalously low in the front and back. The drop waist had ended around the hip area before it flared out with sparkly green and gold beads that stopped just below the knee.

“Hmmm,” Polly mused while she took the dress and held it out in front of her. “Not what I usually go for but I think I may have to try it on.”

“I dig the beads.” I said admiringly. “I can see you spinning around all night.”

“I’m not really a twirling kind of girl.” Polly said. “I’m more into head banging.”

“If you head banged in that dress your boobs might fall out.” I observed

Polly’s face brightened. “Cool.” She pulled her shirt over her head and was just starting to undo her ripped jeans when my grandmother made a shocked sound.

“Polly,” she admonished. “The dressing area is over there.”

“I’m good,” she replied. “Don’t you remember I’m a wood nymph? We get naked all the time in front of people. It’s our way of life.”

“Woodlia is a naked commune?” Cecily asked. “I’ve never heard that.”

“It’s kind of like the Hulk.” Polly explained. “When he turns from Bruce Banner into the green monster? His clothes rip, right? Well, when we meld our bodies within our trees, we have to be naked or else our clothes would be ripped to shreds whenever we become one with our trees.”

“Ah, gotcha,” Cecily said

When Polly finally got the dress on we all gaped at her. The dress had transformed this Goth punk girl into a sophisticated woman. When my grandmother walked towards her, she fitted a wide green band around her head, complete with a green, gold and blue feather sticking up out of the headband.

“Wow.” I said. “Polly you look freaking amazing.”

“I’m going to have to agree with you,” she replied cheekily.

“Now all we need are shoes.” Kathleen announced as she went towards the trunks of shoes.

“No need.” Polly answered. “My black biker boots will look perfect.”

Winifred, Kathleen and my mom let outcries of protest, but I just chuckled. It may sound weird, but I knew on Polly it would look perfect. The cries quickly turned into OH’s and Ah’s as Katya stepped out of the dressing room. The strapless red gown looked like it was made for her. From the ruching on the top of the fitted bodice to the rest of the dress that hugged her curves tightly before it flared out slightly just below the knee.

“Robert is going to have to pick his fangs up off the floor.” I said

Katya giggled. “I love it. I have to say I feel like I’m a princess in this dress.”

“You look utterly captivating. It looks like it has always been yours.” Winifred said kindly.

“Thank you your Majesty.” Katya responded. I knew that she was still a little uneasy in my grandmother’s presence, but I believed this time together helped mend some old wounds.

“Willa.” Kathleen said. “I think I may have found something for you.”

I turned to look at the dress Kathleen was holding up and smiled. “Is that from the fifties?” I asked my grandmother

“1952 I believe,” she answered. “I wore it with a little bolero jacket which I’m sure you would forgo.”

The dress was black silk cut in a classic fifties style design. The strapless fitted bodice had a sweetheart neckline and shimmered with black beading and lace. The dress then flared out over yards of black tulle that just peeked out at the bottom and was edged with sparkly fake diamonds beads.

I grabbed the hanger from Kathleen and went behind the dressing screen. I had a small moment of panic when I struggled with the zipper around the side of my generous bust but let out a sigh of relief when it finally was in place. I looked in the mirror and let out a happy sigh.

This was my dress.

I walked out and had the pleasure of everyone but my mother smile at me. When I looked at her with a questioning look, she said. “It looks beautiful on you sweetheart but I’m worried about the neckline.”

“What’s wrong with neckline?” I asked rushing over to the tall mirror by the shoe truck

“Your bust might be a little too large for the dress.” Kathleen said hesitantly

“I think my girls are displayed nicely.” I replied while I looked at my reflection.

“I think perhaps if we sewed in a built in bra?” Kathleen asked my mom

“That might work,” she said biting her lip

“Oh for heaven’s sake, it’s a ball. Women are supposed to display their assets.” Winifred said

“Willa is going to be the richest woman there.” Polly laughed

“Don’t be jealous of the girls.” I said

“Can I be there when Mathias gets a load of you in that dress?” Polly asked. She ignored my warning look and continued. “I have a feeling he’ll throw a blanket over you and haul you off before any of those Lord’s takes a good look at you.”

“I’m sure Mathias will do no such thing.” Winifred said

I smiled to myself. I was also looking forward to Mathias seeing me in this dress. I just wished he didn’t rip it off and ruin it when he did.








Chapter Ten


After finishing up in the attic turned dress salon, my mother, Polly and I were just making our way to the foyer when my cell phone rang.

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