The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook* (58 page)

BOOK: The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*
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Polly and I continued to have an earring powwow for a minute before Mathias’s voice bellowed through the phone. “Can you at least send Polly at up? Milton is waiting to escort her.”

“What do you mean?” I asked. “I thought we were all going together?”

“The royal family usually arrives at the ball last.” he answered

Polly gave me a hug before heading upstairs. I rummaged through my small jewelry box and settled on simple diamond studs that my parents had given me for my birthday several years ago. I grabbed my small beaded clutch and slowly headed up the stairs.

When I stepped into the living area, I looked around in confusion. The house was empty. I had no idea where Mathias had gone. The doorbell rang, and I almost jumped out of my skin. I was almost certain that answering the door was a big no-no in Mathias’s rule book.

Answer the door. It’s me
. Mathias said in my head

How do I know it’s really you? Maybe you’re an imposter.

Open. The. Fucking. Door.

It’s him, I thought happily.  I opened the door and was completely unprepared for the sight before me. Mathias was fully decked out in a tux, and he looked good. Correction he looked James Bond amazing.

I was so busy drinking in the sight of him I didn’t register the fact that he seemed to be doing the same. I found myself uncharacteristically shy under his appraising stare.

“You look…beautiful.” he finally said

“You look pretty fine yourself Guardian Worthing.” I smiled

He reached into his jacket and pulled out a black velvet jewelry box. “Here, these are for you.” he said gruffly as handed it to me

“What is this?” I asked. I almost lovingly stroked my hands over the velvet that was soft beneath my touch.

“They were my mother’s.” he answered

I looked at him perplexed before finally opening the lid. My breath caught in my throat as I saw the stunning three tiered diamond drop earrings that lay on the yellowed white satin.

“Mathias I can’t accept these.” I said. “I would hate to borrow them and lose one or even both.”

“You’re not borrowing them,” he replied. “They’re yours to keep.”

“Mathias...” I sputtered. “It’s too much…I can’t...”

“Will you please just accept these as a gift?” Mathias asked softly

I could only nod as I walked back into the house and set the box on a small table in the foyer. I swiftly took off my diamond studs and teleported them back downstairs. Gently I took Mathias’s mother’s earrings out and put them on, and I moved my hair out of the way to look at my reflection in the mirror.

They looked perfect.

“You may want to put these in water.” Mathias suggested as he produced a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. My jaw dropped again, flowers and jewelry? This night was certainly starting out on a surreal note.

“You brought me red roses and daisies.” I said, “How did you know they were my favorite bouquet?”

“I heard you mention it the other day in the florist shop.” Mathias said

I took the flowers from him and quickly set them in a vase full of water. When I finally returned to the hall where he stood I stopped short as a thought occurred to me.

“Is this a date?” I asked

“Oh for Christ’s sake can we go now?” he asked

I took my clutch and stopped by the door. Turning, I leaned forward and placed a light kiss on his cheek. “Thank you.”

Mathias just muttered under his breath before shutting the door and heading down the walkway ahead of me. I was grinning from ear to ear when he stopped.

“Milton took the golf cart?” I asked. When Mathias nodded, I took his hand, and I teleported us to the castle. When we arrived in the family room, I looked around and saw that it was empty.

“Are we late?” I asked. Mathias just nodded again and took my hand. We walked down to the ballroom in silence. The air between us crackled with electricity. I almost stopped and took us back to my house, but I knew that I couldn’t. I had to attend tonight. I was hoping to gain more insight into the Fae Lord’s and what makes them tick. That is if Mathias let me.

When we arrived at the ballroom, Mathias let go of my hand, and I walked into the room further. I spied my family and rushed over to their small group. We all complimented and admired our attire before Winifred announced that the first dance was to commence shortly. I watched as everyone paired off with one another. Even Julia, who looked radiant in her pale pink strapless ball gown, managed to get ahold of Jeremiah.

“Princess Willa.” Lord Cual said. “May I have this dance?”

I hesitated. I knew this dance was a big deal. Whoever I choose would seem like they were my favorite or chosen future groom. If I could get away with it, I would have picked Mathias in a heartbeat but I was
well aware of the proverbial shit that would hit the fan. Instead, I narrowed in on the only other person I knew would be a safe bet.

“I’m sorry Lord Cual but I have already promised someone else for this dance.” I said regretfully

I rushed over to where Polly and Milton stood off to the side. “Milton, would you dance with me?”

Milton’s eyes bulged out of his head, and his mouth gaped open. Polly smirked and pushed him towards me. I took his hand, and as we were walking towards the center of the dance floor, I caught Mathias’s approving eye. I didn’t even need to have a silent conversation to know that he thought my choice was appropriate.

The small orchestra started playing the waltz and for a moment Milton didn’t move. I started gently to guide him around the crowded dance floor.

“Willa,” he whispered urgently. “I don’t know how to dance.”

“I don’t either,” I whispered back. “I figured as long as we don’t trip over each other and fall we’re all good.”

Milton nervously laughed and eventually began to relax. When the dance ended, he gave me a slight bow and turned to leave. I smiled at his departure. I was just starting to walk off the dance floor when I found myself swept up in someone else’s arms.

I stiffened when I looked up at Lord Machall. Although I could tell he was trying to exude warmth from his sherry colored eyes there was something in the depths that made my skin crawl.

“Lord Machall, I’m surprised at your boldness.” I said coldly

He chuckled. “I figured the only way I was going to procure a dance with you is if I caught you off guard.”

“Make no mistake, I will be sure to keep my wits about me as far as you’re concerned.”

“I do so love a challenge.” he said

“I’m not throwing down the gauntlet.” I replied. “I just want you to be aware of the consequences that your actions may bring.”

“Like you knocking my teeth out?” he asked wryly

“Oh, that won’t be the only thing.”

“A woman with a fighting spirit,” he said. “That is extremely arousing.”

I shook my head. I caught Mathias glaring at us out of the corner of my eye. “I have no wish to fight with you Lord Machall nor do I have any intention of encouraging you and your advances.”

“I think you may have an unflattering opinion of me,” he replied. “Maybe if we were to spend some time alone together you would realize I’m not such an evil, lecherous rake.”

“I have no desire to spend any time with you alone.”

“You wound me your highness,” he said feigning a hurt expression

“I don’t think you’re that upset.” I replied. “In fact, I think that this is all a little game for you. I’m sorry, but I’m not playing.”

“I’m not playing a game. When I know what I want, I go after it.”

“I fully appreciate that.” I said. “But I have to tell you, I have no interest in you that way.”

“That’s a shame because you interest me a great deal.”

“Sorry, Macky but you’re not my type.” I said. “There’s nothing that you can do that will ever change my mind.”

“Oh, I’m sure that there are plenty of things that I can do rather well that will have you changing your tune,” he said with twinkling eyes. “I must say, all this verbal foreplay makes you even more desirable.”

“Yeah I know
, my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.” I said dismissively. “I agree that it’s nice to spar with a worthy opponent but that is the only kind of activity you and I will ever engage in together.”

“I have to be honest Willa,” he said. “I don’t think anyone woman has ever turned me down.”


“Very serious,” he said smiling. “Now I’m going to have to try even harder to woo you.”

“That could be a bit awkward.” I said, starting to enjoy myself

“Why is that?” he asked

“Because after your little stunt today there is no way my Guardians will ever let you be alone with me.” I explained

“Really?” he asked. Before I knew it, I was being swept up and teleported. My heart started pounding furiously. Not only was I somewhat frightened but I was also furious. I looked around and noticed we were in a small, empty, reception room off the foyer. Although we were relatively close to the ballroom, we still had vanished out of sight.

Mathias was probably wild.

“How dare you.” I said with disdain. “You had no right to do that.”

“I merely was trying to prove a point my lovely Willa,” he said as he leaned down and whispered in my ear. “I will do my best to have you any way I can.”

I didn’t even think. I just balled my hand into a fist and swung at his face as hard as I could. My fist started screaming on impact, but I felt a perverse sense of satisfaction when I saw his nose spurting blood.

“Arrggg.” he yelled. “Why you…”

“Crazy bitch?”
I finished. “Yeah, I am. I warned you what would happen if you tried something again.”

WILLA! Where are you?
Mathias roared in my head

I’m in the reception room off the foyer. Bring a handkerchief


Because I think I broke the asshole’s nose

I backed away from him and crossed my arms as I waited for Mathias. He immediately sprinted in the room and grabbed Machall, who had tried to teleport. I saw the fear and disbelief that flashed in his eyes as he took in Mathias’s expression.

“What in God’s name is going on here?” my father yelled as he raced in behind Mathias. My grandfather Kelvin and his small army of Guards had also followed him. Oliver and Riah came in a second later.

“Are you all right?” Oliver asked

“I’m fine.” I answered. “My hand may be broken though.”

“Let me see Willa.” Oliver ordered. I held out my hand, and he ran his long fingers over my injury. Tingly warmth had spread over my hand before a loud crack made me jump. I yelped in pain, drawing everyone’s attention. After a few seconds, the pain dissipated and I flexed my hand slowly.

“Thanks.” I said to Oliver

“It wasn’t broken,” he answered. “You just had a small fracture.”

“Lord Machall this is the second time you’ve made an inappropriate advance towards my granddaughter.” Kelvin said

“Forgive me Prince Kelvin. I just wanted to talk to the Princess in private.” Machall answered

Mathias growled and tightened his hold. I saw Machall’s Adams apple move furiously as he tried to swallow air.

“Mathias, please move out of the way.” Kelvin said in a low voice

Mathias growled, and I bit my lip. This situation was going to get ugly real fast.

Kelvin walked up to Machall and, much to my surprise, punched him in the stomach. Mathias dropped him almost in disbelief. I could tell by the look he gave Kelvin he approved of what my grandfather just did.

“If you ever touch her, teleport with her, or even use your magic on her without her consent again, you will find yourself rotting in the dungeons beneath the castle for the next several hundred years. Do you understand me?” Kelvin asked in disgust

“Yes, your highness.” he panted while holding his stomach.

“Apologize to Willa.” Kelvin ordered

Machall made his way over to me wheezing. I backed up and leaned against my Uncle Oliver. Riah had put his hand on my shoulder in comfort. What they didn’t realize is that I didn’t want to be near him, not because I was afraid of him, but because I was afraid of what else I would do to him. I never considered myself a violent person but at that moment I wanted to rip his head off and play a round of kickball with it.

“I am sorry Willa.” Machall said. “I never meant to frighten you. I suppose I’m used to the games of court, and it is not only accepted but quite reasonable to teleport off with someone.”

“We’re not in the court of Fairlia.” I replied

“No, we are not,” he replied. “Please forgive me. I promise it will never happen again. Not only because I obviously overstepped my bounds, but I have no desire to have you break any more parts of my body.”

I have to be honest. He did look contrite. I’m sure his sexy; I’m going to take what I want attitude was a hit in Fairlia but to me not so much. I nodded my head and watched him limp out of the room.

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