Read The Slave Online

Authors: Laura Antoniou

Tags: #luster editions, #submission, #circlet, #laura antoniou, #Adult, #bdsm, #erotic slavery, #dominance, #bondage, #the marketplace, #erotica, #marketplace series, #erotic novel, #circlet press

The Slave (15 page)

BOOK: The Slave
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Rachel laughed with delight and walked
around her, snapping the little whip in unexpected places, like
across the inside of one thigh, or around the upper arm, or across
the belly. It never struck hard enough to throw Robin off balance,
but it did serve to keep her moving, and to stimulate the arrival
of tears.

I can’t bear
, Robin
thought madly, clenching her fingers behind her.
Not one more
minute, I just can’t!
And the pounding in her head and her chest was
matched with the trembling of her body and the agony between her
legs, still hot, still demanding a touch, as wet as she had been

And then it stopped. “Not bad, dolly. You
wouldn’t pass muster at any dance club I go to, but all you need
for that is practice. Down.” Robin hit the floor heavily, and
gasped. The weights spun and danced between her legs.

Thank me.”

Each kiss on each boot dragged the weights
on the nipple clamps across the carpet, took pressure off and then
returned it, but Robin was too flustered to care.

Now, really thank me.” Rachel
unhooked her skirt and let it drop behind her. Stockings adorned
her legs up to her thighs, but her own pussy was bare of any
covering but a tangle of dark hair.

Robin froze for a moment, and then carefully
wet her lips. Controlling her body so she could keep her balance,
she sank lower and arched her back a little. Craning her neck,
cursing the stiff collar that prevented her from being as flexible
as she should be, she placed a soft, respectful kiss at the top of
Rachel’s cunt, right over the clitoral hood.

That’s it, keep going.”

New kisses got placed all along the lips,
and as Rachel obligingly spread her legs, Robin sank between them.
The rich, heady scent of a woman filled Robin’s world, and she
whimpered just a little before her tongue came from between her
lips to gently caress the flesh above her. Her heart was pounding
too loud to hear the responding purr, but she continued
nevertheless, licking at the soft folds of flesh, covering them a
kind of worshipful attention.

She went slowly, that much she knew. Up and
down, along the sides and dartingly between them, returning to the
hood and licking alongside it, and then gently probing at it.
Rachel’s clit was already pushing it aside, and Robin struggled
with the urge to go for that little bundle of nerves, that tightly
wrapped center of pleasure that she knew would respond so well to
the thrumming of her tongue and the soft pressure of her lips. But
she held back, opening the labia, taking that soft flesh between
her lips and licking, planting wet kisses along the sides, sending
her tongue gently into the wetness inside.

Abruptly, Rachel stepped back. “That’s
enough for now,” she said, her voice just a little hoarse.

Robin struggled a little for balance, but
rose in one nice movement. As soon as she was back up, Rachel
kissed her, hard, pressing their bodies together. The compression
of the clamps on her nipples hurt, but the ecstasy of a kiss from
someone who was so clearly dominant and forbidding washed away the
discomfort. Robin moaned and received the kiss, letting Rachel
probe the inside of her mouth with a hot tongue. And when she felt
Rachel’s hand between her thighs, her moans got louder, and she
thrust her pelvis forward into Rachel’s hand.

With one hand, Rachel gripped Robin to her.
With the other, she released the clips on Robin’s labia, one by
one, and dropped them to the floor, each new agony adding to the
desperate, muffled cries beneath Rachel’s mouth and lips, each new
absence of weight and pain a shuddering of relief and regret.

Robin trembled as Rachel pulled
herself away. Indeed, all of Robin’s body was shaking, from her
head to her toes. There was a burning sensation all along her cunt
lips, and a steady pounding from her heart and clit. She had to
take deep breaths, and even so, she felt slightly dizzy.
No, not
, she
heady. This is what it’s like. I’d forgotten.

She expected Rachel to remove the clamps on
her nipples, but Rachel took the posture collar off instead, and
then she pushed Robin back down onto her knees, guiding her with
the neglected leash.

Stay,” she said, the tone of her voice
reflecting her amusement. And as she left the room, leaving the
door open, Robin shivered, both from the unexpected draft of cool
air that swept in and from
the sensations that were struggling within her body. Even
these little shivers set the weights still on her nipples moving,
and she muffled back a whimper. Between her legs was a tangled pile
of clips and weights―all of which had been suspended from her own
pussy lips just a moment ago. She closed her eyes and opened them
again only when she heard the voices in the hall.

Of course,” Chris was saying, in a
warm tone of voice that was clearly not meant for Robin. “Of course
my invitation included that. But you aren’t finished with her
already, are you?”

No, no, I want to bring her in. Don’t
be cross! Let’s have some fun tonight!”

You’ll get your fun!”
The two of them laughed softly together and Robin felt a new ache,
one in the pit of her stomach. This one was also familiar, the
desire to be with a couple, the intense fantasy of having a pair of
powers to serve. It was classic and poetic, such a natural thing to
her. Instead of being a partner, which always seemed inappropriate,
to be the adjunct, the addition, to serve the balance instead of
making it.
Please, please
, she silently begged,
oh please!
She kept absolutely still.

But this little chit hasn’t earned
it,” Chris was saying, closer to her now, actually inside the room.
“She’s barely gotten used to her collar. She’s been a veritable
list of imperfections since arriving here. Haven’t you,

Robin’s head dipped low in shame. Keeping
her thighs apart was a tremendous effort; she felt that if she
didn’t concentrate, she would be clenching them together in a
desperate effort to stop the moisture that threatened to spill from
her body. “Yes, sir,” she whispered in response.

Well, I want to take her to bed now,”
Rachel said, standing so near to Robin’s body that Robin could feel
the heat from her legs. “I’m in no mood to wait and see if you ever
drag her there. I’m here now.”

There was a long pause. Bent forward as she
was, Robin couldn’t see either of them, and she squeezed her eyes
shut to help her concentration.

Blindfold her.”

A heavy, shaped blindfold was slipped over
her eyes while she knelt, and hands came around to the front of her
body to remove the nipple clamps. Robin gasped as blood returned to
those sensitive knots of tissue, and gasped again as her hands were
released and she was pushed forward on her hands and knees and
fingers ran up between her legs and entered her without

How sweet! She’s a river!” Rachel
chuckled and withdrew her fingers. “Come along, kitten, follow me,
that’s a good girl.”

Robin moaned as she crawled, feeling the
humiliation build up inside her, but trying to concentrate on
keeping the leash taut but not to pull against it. To remember the
layout of the room, to estimate where the door was, to follow
Rachel’s upward leading, to keep her head level, her limbs

Her nipples ached, begged for soothing

When she was pulled up again, on her knees,
her hands were jerked behind her again, and the cuffs linked.
Something touched her lips, and without thinking, she kissed it. It
was a small piece of warm skin. A finger? No, it was smaller, and
on it, through it, was a ring.

Finally! Robin’s breath came out in a small
whisper of heated air against Rachel’s breast, and then her mouth
gently caressed the nipple with all the adoration she could
express. Her tongue snaked out and flicked at it, firmly, and then
retreated, as Robin‘s lips pursed around it. In front of her, she
could hear Rachel’s sharp intake of breath and feel the rising of
her chest.

So sweet,” Rachel breathed, pulling
Robin toward her.

So bad,” Chris chuckled from behind
Robin’s back. “Keep those legs spread, girl!” His hands parted them
further, and Robin whimpered, because that brought her further away
from Rachel’s breast. Her two tormentors laughed.

You just have to learn to reach a
little more,” Chris prompted, one heavy hand at the back of her
neck. “Up! Now forward... Don’t lean! Don’t fall!”

When she had a nipple before her again,
Robin renewed her gentle teasing, lapping at it, circling the ring
with her tongue, or with her lips. When Rachel pushed her head, she
eagerly reached for the other nipple and gave it similar

Come here, Parker,” Rachel sighed at
one point. And Robin could feel the man leaning over her back, hear
the wet sounds and the low, throaty murmurs of kissing above her
head. It was almost too erotic to bear. The fabric of Chris’s jeans
brushed against her hands, and she clutched at it, shivered at the
feel of the denim, the closeness of the two bodies.

When Chris pulled away, Rachel leaned back
onto the bed, leaving Robin with empty air. But not for long. Chris
firmly guided her back to that delta between Rachel’s thighs, and
whispered hotly in her ear, “I want kisses, soft kisses, all the
way up and down her thighs. And then I want you to pleasure her as
though she were your mistress, the woman who owns you body and
soul. You’d better impress me, girl!”

And then he joined Rachel on the bed, and
took hold of her and the bed shook for a moment. Robin swore curses
she had never said aloud as she began her row of kisses on Rachel’s
soft inner thigh. What she would give to be able to see what they
were doing! As it was, she could sense that Rachel was feeling
great pleasure. The shifts in position of her legs and lower body,
the tensing and relaxing, all these things were familiar. And when
the kisses reached back up to her cunt, Robin found that Rachel was
more than ready to be pleased, her lips open and wet, her clit
engorged and sensitive. It was no hardship for Robin to dive in; in
fact, it was hard to hold back and be as gentle as she felt she
must be. Above her, on the bed, creaks and rustles told of other
things happening, but Robin couldn’t even imagine what they

She’s good,” Rachel murmured to
Chris. “Oh, shit, she’s good.” She moaned softly and pushed her
hips up a little. Robin flushed with pleasure, and wondered why
Rachel’s movements seemed to be curtailed. Other women often moved
their bodies more, or at least relaxed. Rachel’s hard body was all
tension, as though she....

As though she was being held
, Robin
thought with a new rush of confused pleasure.

Do you want her to make you come?”
Chris asked, his voice also low. He shifted his position slowly,
and his weight moved away from the edge of the bed. Robin knew he
was leaning over Rachel now, and the sounds of kissing, deep, hard
kissing, swept down to her. When they stopped, Parker asked, “Shall
I hold you down until you come all over her?”

No, damn you! I want... I want you in
me.” Rachel tensed and arched her back, and in one powerful move,
almost dislodged him. It surprised Robin, but only for a moment.
She was back at her pleasurable work almost at once. And what an
amazing thing this was, this struggle above her! Robin breathed out
hard and hot across Rachel’s cleft.

Not that easy,” Chris said, moving
again. There was a sharp movement, one that rocked the mattress,
and a hissing sound that could have only come from Rachel. “Never
that easy. Try again, and you’ll regret it. Why don’t you relax,
and let this new toy suck her way to your heart?” He leaned down
again, and when he moved back up, they were both gasping for
breath. And when Rachel jerked suddenly, in what Robin imagined to
be a struggle against Chris’ hold on her, the dark woman
immediately yelped, and snarled, and Robin moaned in sympathetic
pain. Whatever happened, it led to new wrestling, and new shifting,
and then a tangle of exchanged laughter, low and

I wish I knew what was going
thought desperately. But no instructions came, so back she want,
lavishing more powerful affection into her task, taking the swollen
pussy lips up into her mouth and sucking on them, washing them back
and forth with long swipes of her tongue.

Now what was it that you wanted?”
Chris teased.

Fuck me, goddammit, I want your
cock!” Rachel relaxed suddenly, moaned as Robin began working
steadily on her clit. “Do me. Come on, let me have it, Parker, I
want to feel it all the way in me!”

Then take it out.”

That, Robin heard clearly. Anxiety ran
through her as positions shifted on the bed again. Would she be
pulled up anytime soon to show Chris how she was at cocksucking?
She felt a brushing across her face, a swirl of air as Chris moved.
Under her hungry lips, Rachel clenched just a little, and then
relaxed again, and even above the beating of her heart and the
muffling of Rachel’s thighs and Chris’s body, Robin could hear the
appreciative sigh that Rachel made.

Oh yes,” Rachel murmured, “that’s it.
That’s what I want. Ease back, dolly, mama’s got a new toy to play

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