The Solitarian: Part 1 of The Amaranth Series (11 page)

BOOK: The Solitarian: Part 1 of The Amaranth Series
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Chapter 20

We race down the back roads and up toward the city. The moon is bright enough to see the tip of the trees. The sounds deep in the night frightens me. If we can just make it back to town I will feel better. I mow over different scenarios inside of my brain. We have to leave Myrtle Beach. We have to leave my friends, my family and my home. Although one of the things I listed is actually still mine. My friends hate me, my parents want to experiment, potentially killing the man that I love and my home is not my own. My forehead begins to crinkle as my mind spins out of control.

“Calm down McKenna. You’re going to cause a brain hemorrhage for the both of us.” Keyan states as he marches forward into the night. I sigh and attempt to control my frenzy of thoughts. Ever since the day that we were intimate, breaths away from totally giving in to our passion, we have been inseparable. Our hearts practically beat as one. We can’t feel every feeling but we are more connected now. I dream in small fragments envying the life that he has lived before me. I’ve seen the beautiful Cortina and she was absolutely gorgeous. I felt the love that he felt for her and vice versa. She adored him. The smile that plagued her lovely face when he entered a room could only be described as unconditional love. She couldn’t wait to be his bride. I would hate her but she’s dead and that’s just not nice.

“Where are we going? We don’t have our cars nor money. I don’t even have my parent’s jewels.” He says as he slows down and turns to me. He walks really fast and he doesn’t get tired. I’m completely exhausted. I wish I was Amaranth now so that I could keep up with him. If Raven were to find us now, I would only slow him down.

“I’m thinking.” I say as he turns and continue walking up the road. “I’m sure they are out searching for us by now.”

“I know that they are. That’s why we need to get off of this road and find some way to get out of town.” He grabs my hand and pulls me close.

As we walk I see a semi approaching. I step into the road and begin to wave relentlessly. The high beams blind me as I jump up and down waving my hands about. I hear the screech of the brakes as the driver pumps them. I hurry over back to Keyan’s side. The truck comes to rest right in front of us. The window rolls down and a man with a baseball caps sticks his arm out, then his head. He smiles and tips his hat.

“What are you youngen doing way out here?”

“Hello sir. Our car broke down after we were visiting my dad’s warehouse. We’re trying to get back into town. Can you help us please?” he looks me over then Keyan. He spots a bandage on his hand.

“Are you alright there son?” he nods toward his wound.”

“I’m fine.”

“Okay come on.” He waves. “I’ll drop you guys as close as I can. Hop on in.” he waves his hand and we hurry around to the passenger side door. Keyan sits in the middle keeping me close to the door. We ride silently as the driver turns up the radio. Keyan grabs my hand and holds it tight. I look out of the window and wonder where we will go once we get close to town. Suddenly Rhoda crosses my mind. She is the only one that I can think of that isn’t out to hurt us. I make the decision to gamble on her.

“Can you get us as close to Hull drive as possible?”

“Sure honey that’s actually close to the truck stop. I have to fill up anyway.” I take a deep breath and pray that Rhoda isn’t part of The Order.

The truck driver pulls onto Volkes drive and parks at the corner of Hull. We thank him before we hop out. I look at my watch and it reads 2:18am. We walk toward the house. Secretly I’m hoping that Rhoda’s husband doesn’t shoot us for intruding. I tip toe up the stairs and we step onto the porch. I tap and then ring the doorbell. I wait for a moment and before I can tap again I spot someone peeking out of the window. I wave and little Deana waves back. She smiles and runs away screaming my name.

“Mommy, mommy! It’s Kenna, its Kenna!” I look to Keyan and pray that Rhoda is in the dark about the Amaranthines. She fumbles with the door and I hear the lock click. She opens the door and her eyes are wide.

“What on earth are you doing out here at this hour McKenna? Get in here.” She snatches my arm and yanks me inside. She waves for Keyan to follow. She searches the street with her eyes as she shuts the door behind us. I turn to face her as she locks the door and offers a confused look. She lifts her arms and folds them. Her eyes shifts between the two of us.

“It is such a long story Rhoda. I really need your help.”

“With what McKenna? Where are your parents?”

“There at the warehouse. But you can’t tell them that I’m here.”

“Why? You’re scaring me honey.”

“Look Rhoda. My dad is involved in something terrible. If they find us they will hurt Keyan. Please trust me.”

“No. Mr. Duvall wouldn’t hurt a fly. Let me talk to him.”

“No! Rhoda please. If someone finds us they will kill Keyan. No one can know that we are here.” I plead.

“What is going on? You have to tell me something.” She reaffirms her locked arms and glances at Keyan. He looks at me. I sway back and forth afraid to expose him to anyone else.

“Trust me please. My dad is not who he says that he is. I just found out some terrible things about my family. Things that could get you killed Rhoda. Just know that you have to pretend that you haven’t lay eyes on us since you left the house. Don’t ask me to explain anymore. Please?” her eyes widen as the fear of my truth sets in.

“Well why did you come here? Why would you put my family in danger?”

“No one knows that we are here. I was very careful I promise. You have been there for me since we arrived and I love you for that. And I will leave. But we are in danger and I need money to run.”

“I don’t have much but I can…”

“No. I want you to go to my house and get some things for us.” She swallows hard. “You can’t let on that you know anything Rhoda. Go to work as usual just stuff some of our things into a plastic bag. If you are oblivious you will be fine. I promise.”

“I don’t know McKenna…I…”

“Listen I’m going to write a list and I want you to casually fill a few bags with the things and pretend to take them to the trash outside and slip into your trunk. No one will see you if you are clever enough. I would ask you if this wasn’t a life or death situation for me. Oh and if a girl named Raven comes by do not engage her. She is very dangerous and wants to kill me.”

“Oh my god Kenna! What have you gotten yourself into? This boy is turning your life upside down honey.”

“I promise I would have never left Paris if I knew that I would put McKenna in danger. I swear.”

“Can’t you turn him in or something? If you give them what they want it could save your life.”

“No. I’m aware of a world that doesn’t exist to you and the rest of the world and I want it to remain that way. Keyan is the best thing that has ever happened to me Rhoda. If he had not returned with me I would have never found out how much of a monster my dad is.”

“I don’t want to know anything else. I will get your things but you have to leave immediately.”

“I’ll help Rhoda.” We turn and her husband Brent is standing in the hall. He’s been listening to the whole conversation. “I never trusted Duvall. No offense.” He waves.

“None taken.”

“I could bring the things back here in your car.” He suggests.

“No my car is too easy to spot. You could get Keyan’s car it’s parked on the street. Rhoda could load our things before the sun comes up and you can drive them here. We’ll be gone before you get home. Thank you Brent.” He walks over to me and Keyan.

“I don’t know you, but I know McKenna. I trust her and I think that she wouldn’t do all of this if it wasn’t necessary. Take care of her and keep her alive.”

“I will die myself before a hair on her head comes to harm.” He shakes his hand. “Now you two go into the guest room. You only have a few hours before you have to hit the road. Rhoda leaves here at four am.”

“Thank you.” He embraces me like a concerned dad and shows us to the guest room.

We look around the quaint room and Keyan sits on the full size bed. That is the only piece of furniture besides a dresser. I pace back and forth reliving every situation that I have been through. I mow over everything that has happened today. Rhoda enters with a blanket and two glasses of water.

“Would you like something to eat before you go to sleep?”

“No I can’t eat.” Keyan shakes his head no.

“I want you to know that I have loved you as much as I love Dee. I loved you first. You were the model child. You are the reason that I’m a mom. I hope you get out of here safely. And I hope I get to see you again someday.” Her eyes tear and she snatches me into a bear hug. I began to sob inside of our embrace. I never imagined not ever seeing the people I love again. Becoming an Amaranth will change my life forever and now I’m confused as to whether I’m really ready to leave everyone behind.

After Rhoda leaves the room I spread out the cover and I lie down. Keyan slides up to where I am. He wraps his arms around me and the tears fall faster.

“You’re confused now. I understand. If you want to go home. Your father can protect you from The Order. They would never kill one of their own.”

“But I would have to turn a blind eye while they murder and torment your kind, our kind. I never want to be a part of something so heinous. And how would I live without you now that I’ve fallen so deeply in love with you?”

“You could always go back to Rylan. He is your first love anyway. Besides I will only hold you back from the vibrant life that you deserve.”

“No.” I flip around so that we are face to face. “I deserve you and you deserve me. I don’t ever remember anyone saying that love feels like this. My heart dances to a different rhythm since the day that I wondered soaking wet into that cave. I was meant to be yours. How else would you explain this? We are soul mates.” He doesn’t respond. His eyes become glossy and he sighs.

“I wish that you were born one hundred years ago, then we could have been together all of this time. The day that you stepped into that cave was the day that all of my and my parents’ prayers were answered. Love has finally found its way to me and it is true.” He smiles and plants soft sensual kisses onto my lips. And before things get really heated he kisses my forehead and shuts his eyes for a few hours of sleep.

Chapter 21

I impatiently watch the clock as it ticks away. I hope that Rhoda is cautious. I don’t want her to get hurt assisting me. It’s been a few hours since Rhoda has left so I’m getting nervous. Thank goodness little Deana is at school. The school bus picked her up around 7am. I finally hear the sound of keys jingling and it’s Brent.

“Come on guys you have to leave now.” Keyan and I rush out of the guest room into the living room. “The girl that you spoke about was posted at the end of the block. She is one menacing looking chick. I had to wait a while before I could leave. I actually had my partner drive the car to a store and park. She followed him and I followed her in our patrol car. I’m not on duty but my partner is. When she spotted the cruiser she cut out. We switched and I hurried here. Rhoda said that all of the things on the list and some other important things are in the trunk. She even got you some cash to start with. But all of your bank info and Identification are there. Good luck Kenna please be safe. Rhoda is more worried than ever now that we saw the girl with our own eyes. As soon as you can ditch the car and get another. She seems like she maybe a pro at finding people.”

“She is. You could say that she is a hunter.” Keyan adds. Brent drops the keys inside of Keyan’s hand.

“You may be able to get pretty far in this car if I could get Sandy to switch your tags. She owes me a favor. I’ll see what I can do. Oh and I got you a burner phone. Keep it for emergencies. I programmed my number in there. If you need my help, I am the police. I can assist you guys a little.”

“Thank you for not asking too many questions. I know with you being in law enforcement and all, you really should be interrogating us.”

“You would be surprised at some of the things that I am aware of. I may not know all of the details but I do know that your father is untouchable. We are ordered to keep him off of the radar no matter what. When he travels he doesn’t have to go through any of the trials that us normal citizens have to. So I knew that he was into something. Now go and be safe.” He hugs me and shakes Keyan hand.

I wave as Keyan zips out of the driveway and down the block. He heads straight for the highway. “Where should we go?” he asks.

“I have no idea. But first we need to draw out all of our money before we go anywhere. I don’t want anyone tracing our steps. Then you can just drive until you are tired.” Keyan drives to the nearest branch bank and trust. I want to draw the money that we deposited in a personal account separate from my dad’s. I go into the bank and the clerk is very helpful. I concoct a foolproof story to get the money out. She believes that Keyan and I are running away to elope. And even though it is highly unusual, she gets it approved. She carefully packs the money into a few envelopes, and we hurry out of the bank as fast as we can.

I relax a little as we hit the highway again. I turn on the radio and listen to the tunes that spills out. It quickly calms my raging nerves. We zoom past the Marion County Airport on interstate 501. After a few hours the interstate changes to 301 and we continue driving through Fayetteville. My stomach is now growling and I can’t seem to remember the last time that I ate. I shift in my seat and Keyan notices my discomfort.

“What’s wrong?” he says as he attempts to watch me and the road.

“I’m hungry. I thought that I would be able to hold on until we leave North Carolina but I can’t. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s alright I’m actually hungry as well.” he drives for a few more miles and then exits the highway. We stop at a little diner off of the main road. It is a small town outside of Fayetteville. We enter and take a seat. A young waitress that appears to be around our age approaches us.

“Hello. What can I get for you two today?” she says smacking on chewing gum.

Keyan looks at the menu and frowns. I smile. Although he adapts quickly, he is still learning to adjust to the way things have changed. I mow over the menu and decide because it is late in the afternoon that I will go with a burger and fries. I order Keyan chicken alfredo with lemonade. The young girl hurries off to get our orders. Keyan reaches across the table and squeezes my hand.

“So today is almost over. Tomorrow is Wednesday September 3, which makes it five more days until your birthday. I still want it to be really special. Where would you like to be on your birthday?”

“I don’t care where I am as long as we are together and alive.” I smile and he plants a peck on my knuckle. When I lift my eyes from his smoldering glare the waitress has returned. As his lips graze my hand a tingle surges through me causing me to stutter.

“Ummm…mmm…hhhhi. Are our orders ready now?”

“They will be up in one sec. Would you like me to bring your drinks?”

“Yes please.” I say as Keyan brushes his lip across my hand repeatedly. I can’t control the fire that is building deep inside of me. A mere touch from my immortal love sends my body into a whirlwind of emotions. I want him to take me right here right now. I imagine that when he finally decides to ignite our eternal flame I won’t be dead from the anticipation that is driving me over the edge. I close my eyes and melt inside of his touch. I want his hands to be somewhere else but considering our situation and that we are actually running for our lives I have to douse this fire quickly.

Our food arrives and we devour it. I always enjoy watching Keyan try new meals. The way his face lights up when he rolls it around in his mouth reminds me of the beam in his eyes when he is gratified sexually. After we are done eating we notice that it is now night. He says that we should hit the road to get out of NC before someone catches up to us.

Once we hit the highway again I am content. The only anxiousness that I feel is when I think of being alone with Keyan. I fantasize about the day that I become one with him. I lightly touch my lips as I remember our somewhat steamy evenings in my bedroom. My heart flutters at the thought of him caressing me. I stare out of the window as I he speeds down the road. It’s amazing how he doesn’t know where we are headed but he is as confident as ever in our escape. My mind wonders away from my fiery nights and onto my parents. I can’t believe that I’ve been living a lie. My eyes veer from their passion filled cloud to a teary pool. I sniffle and Keyan hears.

“Are you alright McKenna?” he says placing his hand onto my thigh.

“I will be. It’s just….I just…I fucking can’t believe that my dad is the head of this Cognoscente Faction. I mean he is a doctor for goodness sake. That means that he went to medical school and he also had to take extensive courses concerning science to be able to do what he is doing. Right? It’s all just hitting me. I could never go back to them. I will never see my mom again.” My body quivers as it sets in. I cover my eyes and sob into my hands.

“I’m so sorry Kenna.”

I clear my throat and sniff. “It’s not your fault Keyan. I’m well aware of my decisions and they aren’t totally based on you. I want to be here. The love that we share is an added bonus.”

“I am really happy that we found one another, but I can’t help but feel terrible for dragging you into all of this.”

I pause and take a deep breath. “I didn’t tell you everything back at the warehouse. I wanted to but…”

“Tell me what?” his eyebrow lifts and he takes quick glances at me then the road.

“Okay, my dad has been administering Amaranth blood into himself since before I was born. He has a genetic disorder that is incurable. So I have Amaranth blood in me. He says that you guys have a natural sense of one another so he used me to track you. He thought because I didn’t know exactly what I was searching for that it would help me find you when so many others have failed. He took me up there because of The Order’s suspicion. They figured that you were hiding there in the mountains. No one else was able to find you, but I did. So I put your life in danger Keyan.”

I sigh and he is quiet for a moment. “You were sent to lure me out? And our attraction and connection is because of the Amaranth blood that he stole from my people.”

“Yes. I am a product of thievery and mutilation of Amaranthines.”

“It’s not your fault. Let’s place the blame where it belongs, your father, The Order, and all of its elements.”

“What makes things worst is that he thinks that he is helping mankind.”

“I thank him for one thing and that’s bringing you into my life.” He shakes his head and just as it was started he has ended it.

I lie my head back and release the band from my hair, it spills down the back of my seat. Keyan’s brows are crunched and his expression is one of anger. I stare at him so long I swear that I can hear his thoughts. I hear him politely hate my father for what he has done to me. He is disgusted with my mom as well for allowing him to use me.


As I close my eyes I see his gorgeous face behind my lids. But he isn’t frowning he is happy and grinning from ear to ear. I see Cortina again. They are walking hand in hand. As he turns to face her, I feel the love that he feels for her radiating from him. They enter the jewelry shop and he releases her hand. His handsome father, looking as dapper as my Keyan, emerges from a room in the back with a gold band in his hand. He lifts it and Keyan covers Cortina’s eyes.

“Father I don’t want my bride to see her ring until I slide it on this lovely finger.” He lifts her hand and kisses it, just like he does mine.

“I’m sorry when I heard the bell I assumed you were alone son. Cortina please do not peek, Keyan has put a lot of work into designing your band.” I like the way that she is dressed, but I can’t help but feel a bit of envy. Keyan really loves her.

“I promise I won’t look. But Keyan could give me a tiny string and tie it around this finger and I would be equally ecstatic. Just as long as he meets me at the church tomorrow.”

“I am so glad that he has found you Cortina. His mother and I have wanted this for him since the day that he was capable of loving another. You are his first and will be his last.”

She breaks away from Keyan’s grasp, races across the shop and pulls his dad into a tight embrace. Keyan is smiling so brightly.

“And he is my first and my last.” He kisses her cheek and she turns to Keyan.

“Come son we have work to do.” Keyan passes her and she gently caresses his hand. I feel a shiver rise up his spine and tickles his heart. He really cares for this woman.

“I’ll wait for you out here my love.” She waves.

“Alright darling, just remember that we have the dinner party tonight. My mother has so much to tell you.” he winks as he leaves the room.

“I can’t wait.” She smiles.

As Keyan and his father works on his wedding band the bell rings again. Keyan assumes that Cortina has stepped out until he hears her scream. He drops the ring onto the floor and rushes to her aid. When he exits the backroom he spots a man dressed in all black. He has a on black wide brimmed hat. His eyes are dark like his hair. He is seriously creepy looking. Much like Raven but times a thousand. He tips his hat as he holds onto Cortina’s arm. Another man enters holding a dagger to her father’s throat. He has tears in his eyes.

“Finally I have found the infamous McGrath family.” The man laughs.

“Oden you can let them go. They have nothing to do with this.” Keyan’s father says joining Keyan’s side.

“No, they are as filthy as you. This man was going to allow his daughter to be violated and infected by the likes of your kind.”

“She is innocent of all of this. Please.” He reaches out and she extends her hand as if to touch. The man slits her throat in one motion. Keyan mouth opens and he cries out. The other man stabs her father in the chest without an explanation. I feel the anguish mixed with anger that builds inside of Keyan as he charges the last man. His father charges Oden. They scramble around the store destroying everything in their path. Keyan overpowers the man after an intense struggle. He jabs the man several times in the heart with his own dagger. Tears roll down his cheeks as he spots Cortina lying in a pool of blood. He wipes them away and hurries to assist his father.

He grabs Oden and his father stands from being pinned beneath him on the floor. His father dusts himself off and grabs the jeweled blade.

“You have taken my son’s happiness away from him the day before his wedding. I…”

“Spare me the dammed speech Brandan. You should be overjoyed that I didn’t find Gwent. Because that would be her blood covering your dear son instead of his fatally wounded bride to be.” He smiles. Keyan’s father takes the blade and plunges it into his stomach. He twists it as he steps closer.

“You will never see Gwent again. My family is no longer your concern. Someone else will maybe have the pleasure but not you. You die today.” Oden falls to the floor and Keyan drags his body into the back room. They do the same with his partner. When they have to retrieve Cortina’s lifeless body Keyan is unable to proceed. His father takes over and shuts the door to the back room.

“We have to set this place a blaze. Gather all of the jewels and the things that mean the most to you and your mother.” Keyan covers his eyes.

“The thing that means the most to me is lying in the backroom motionless and without life. And it’s all my fault father. She does not even know why she died today.”

“I know Keyan but we have to go. We do not have much time. Oden travels with a group of hunters so we have to retrieve your mother and go.” He starts to pack the jewels in the sack that the jewels are in today. He sobs as he enters the room and spots the solid wedding band. He picks it up, walks over to her, and bends down in front of her body. He slides it onto her finger and plants one last kiss onto her hand. He then pulls his ring from his pocket and slides it onto his finger.

BOOK: The Solitarian: Part 1 of The Amaranth Series
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