The SONG of SHIVA (48 page)

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Authors: Michael Caulfield

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has truly been a labor of love, every creative endeavor demands a great deal of genuine hard labor as well. Being respectful of the demands of Karma, therefore, I would be remiss if I did not thank the many generous and talented people who deserve a good deal of credit for the story that resulted.

If the characters and events portrayed between curtain up and epilogue resonate with anyone, most of the credit should go to Don Meserve, a dear friend since childhood, who spent countless hours as fearless manuscript editor and believability engineer, restraining my tendency to excess.

Doug Allaire, Brett Huston, Paul Addison, Dennis Báthory-Kitsz and my brother Patrick have provided open eyes and scores of uncompensated hours, pouring over a seemingly endless series of preliminary drafts, pointing out everything from minor typographical errors to significant plot inconsistencies. Each of these stalwarts deserves more thanks than I will ever be able to deliver.

Warren Hammond, author of the gritty
series of scifi/detective novels, who read through the lumbering first and second drafts without complaint, offered invaluable advice on how the story might be tightened and thereby improved. Through Warren, I was able to gain the eye and ear of New York literary agent, Richard Curtis, who offered encouragement and graciously made recommendations that reinforced much of Warren's advice.

Finally, I would like to thank Dave Millwater, confirmed orientalist and also a dear friend since childhood, who provided the initial generative spark from which
ultimately sprang, as well as nearly all the Thai transliterations of fictional people and places that, I sincerely believe, add much to the narrative's authentic sound, feel, and general air.

To each and every one of you, my earnest and heartfelt thank

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