The Songbird's Seduction (31 page)

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Authors: Connie Brockway

BOOK: The Songbird's Seduction
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The heat of him soaked through the thin shirt, toasting her palms. His chest rose and fell in deep, even breaths, and uncontrollably, her fingers curved and pressed, testing the dense texture of his pectoral muscles. Her eyes tripped up to meet his. Black as tar,
wicked as midnight sin, they gleamed with an unsettling light, regarding her with an expression that heated her from fingertips to belly, lips to thighs. He bent his head, bringing his lips within inches of her ear.

“Try harder,” he whispered, the warm wash of his breath making her tingle.

She did as instructed. He pitched backward like a falling tree, at the last second grabbing her around the waist and pulling her down on top of him. She landed with a surprised “oof!” and pushed up onto her forearms, her hair spilling over her eyes.

A gentle hand swept her hair back and lingered to cup the side of her face. Lucy found herself staring into Archie’s eyes, drowning in them, helplessly transfixed. Slowly she became aware of her breasts against him; of their hearts beating in duet, hers a rapid staccato, his slower and heavier.

His hand trailed back from her temples, his fingertips spearing through the tousled locks to cup the back of her head. Gently, he urged her head down toward his. He angled his face and with exquisite tenderness touched his lips to hers.

She trembled.

“That’s for the clumsiness of the last two kisses,” he murmured. He touched his mouth to hers again, a soft buffing of her lips. “That’s for the clumsiness that is sure to come.”

His mouth ambushed hers in a rough, voluptuous kiss. Her thoughts went muzzy, reason fleeing before the onslaught of a melting pleasure, filling her like candle wax, turning her warm and pliant. Her arms slipped around him, provoking a breathless, gratified laugh.

She answered with her own ardent kiss. Her lips parted to his tongue, warm and insistent, brushing the roof of her mouth and the inside of her cheek, then tangling in voluptuous combat with her own. Her head spun, drunk on sensation. Vaguely, she became aware that he was rolling her beneath him; she went willingly. His
thumbs brushed the corner of her mouth as his large hands bracketed her face before tipping her chin higher, stroking back her hair. He kissed her, then kissed her again. He lifted his head, breaking away from her mouth to taste the hollow at the base of her neck, his tongue swirling in luxurious exploration and then moving lower, to the swell of her breast exposed by the modest neckline.

She arched into the glorious sensation, her fingers digging into his back, the shirt keeping her from that marvelous, corrugated muscle. She popped the top buttons free of their holes and slipped her hands beneath the opening only to find herself further thwarted by his undershirt.

With a sob of frustration she jerked his shirt off his shoulders.

He lifted his head. His breath came heavy, his hair falling in dark, disheveled curls over his forehead, his dark beard shadowing his jawline and smudging the cleft in his chin.

“Lucy,” he said, looking down at her. “Lucy, we—” He groaned and dropped a kiss on her mouth that she returned even as she continued working to free him of his shirt.

“We shouldn’t,” she finished for him as soon as he raised his head again. She undid the last button and tugged the shirt off of him.

“No. I mean, you’re right,” he said. “We mustn’t.”

“Mustn’t.” Now she tugged at the undershirt, but then his head dipped to the lee of her neck. She buried her fingers in the cool, silky curls, holding his head tighter, panting softly.

His hands slipped up her back to peel her blouse from her shoulders, the cool air sifting across her bared flesh. Bared flesh . . .

She grabbed the material at his waist, yanking it up.

“Our society frowns—” he rasped, then there were more kisses; wilder, wetter, longer kisses. He tore his mouth free. “Not all societies.”

“Really?” She could barely hear her own voice. He raised his arms and she pulled the soft undershirt off and now, finally, her hands were free to explore his gorgeous physique: to plumb the density of his
pectoral muscle; stroke the velvet ladder of his rib cage; rake the soft, light smattering of fur that crossed his chest and speared in a thickening line down into his trousers.

“This is madness.” He was working on her blouse now, trying with clumsy fingers to push her blouse buttons free and failing miserably.

“Madness.” She proceeded to demonstrate more madness by launching a battery of kisses on his mouth and throat, chest and shoulders. Then she abruptly pushed him away and searched his face worriedly, earnestly. “I want you to know, I have . . . I’m not . . .”

He shut her up with a long, hard kiss, broke it off, his forehead pressed to hers, eyes half shut with pleasure. “I don’t care.” A tender smile flickered across his face. “Me, either.”

She gave him such a rapturous smile he groaned again and slewed his mouth over hers, his hand fumbling with her blouse. She only wanted to be free of the thing, to feel every inch of her flesh against his. And then . . .

“I can’t get the stupid thing off,” he growled.

She must have made a sound—dismay or frustration or simply encouragement—for all of a sudden he took the bottom of her blouse and stripped it off over the top of her head in one motion. He tossed it aside, his gaze locked with hers.

For one brief second he went absolutely still, his eyes afire, his face almost reverential.

He took a shuddery breath. “God, you’re beautiful.”

And after that, the only conversation they had did not need words.

Thump! Thump!

“Get up or you’re going to miss the train!” Ned shouted through the door.

Archie came awake with a start, snapping upright on the bed—
. He swiveled round and there she was beside him, lying on her side beneath a blanket, snoring lightly. A corona of rich brown curls surrounded her face and she’d tucked one hand beneath her cheek.

. He raked his hair back with his hand, staring down at her. She looked ungodly beautiful, wholly appealing.

“Are you awake? Answer me!” Ned renewed his pounding. “You have twenty minutes to get to the station!”

“All right! All right!”

Beside him, Lucy stirred. He looked down again to find a pair of gorgeous green-and-gold-shot hazel eyes calmly regarding him. Without thinking, he bent to kiss her, pulled along on a rip tide of attraction. Somehow he found the wherewithal to stop himself.

“What did he say?” she asked.

“What?” He couldn’t help it, he looked at her, tousled and sleep-muzzed and sex-flushed in his bed—or was it her bed?—and all he could think about was that he knew there was a mole on the inside jut of her left hip bone, that the backs of her knees were ticklish, that she laughed even as tears spilled from her eyes as she reached her climax, that her nipples were silky and that her skin tasted toasty.

“What is he shouting about?”

He came back to his senses with a start. “He says the train is leaving for Châtellerault in twenty minutes.”

Her eyes flew wide with alarm. She bolted from the bed, dragging the blanket with her, covering herself.

“Don’t just stand there,” she said, grabbing up her discarded clothing. “We have to go.

She was right, of course. There wasn’t a second to waste. But this was not how he envisioned or wanted this morning to play out.

He snatched his trousers off the floor, and, still sitting, stabbed his feet through the legs. Behind him he heard the sound of clothes hastily being donned. “Lucy, about last night—”

“Archie, we don’t have time for this. Not now.”

Damn, but she was being cavalier about this. Which was fine for her, but he didn’t have quite her, well, considering the situation he couldn’t call it worldliness, could he? Her
laissez faire

“Look, I’m . . . I appreciate—” No, he didn’t. “I, ah, defer to your pragmatism but this—” He stopped, feeling stupid and frustrated and worried, worried sick.

He didn’t have a clue what to say. He had no idea what she was thinking, what she expected or even if she expected anything, let alone know what she wanted. Or what she felt.

In other words, he had no idea where to start but he had to start somewhere. So he started with the one certain, unassailable fact. “Why did you say you weren’t a virgin?”

The rustling abruptly stopped. “What?”

“Why did you say you weren’t a virgin?” All the shock and dismay and sense of betrayal he’d felt upon making this discovery last night—which, granted, had lasted all of five seconds before other thoughts, or rather feelings, banished them to the background—filled his voice.

” She sounded as amazed as he’d felt.

“Didn’t you think I’d notice?”

“I didn’t think.”

Which made two of them. He snapped his shirt off the bed’s corner post and shoved his arms through the sleeves before turning to face her again. She was stuffing the ends of her blouse into her skirt’s waistband. Twin brackets scored the area between her eyebrows.

“Just before . . . before things became . . .” God, if only he had Lucy’s gift of frank speech. “Became intense, you said you wanted me to know that you weren’t a virgin.”

Her scowl became more pronounced.

Ned shouted through the door again. “

“I most certainly did not.” She sounded flabbergasted.

“You said you wanted me to know you weren’t a virgin.”

“I can’t think how you—” The frown disappeared, replaced by dawning comprehension. “You have it wrong. I had been about to say I wanted you to know I didn’t have any regrets over . . . you know.” Amazingly she blushed, enchanting him anew. “And that I’m not going to.”


She scooped up a half boot and stuck it on, hopping one-footed as she tried to push her heel into place. “Of course, I was a virgin. I—” She broke off suddenly and stopped hopping and stared at him. “You thought I was
?” She gasped. “You did! For not being a virgin! Save me from the hubris of men. That is the most conceited—”

“No, no! I swear—I mean, yes, I did, but I swear I didn’t think you
to apologize, that’s why I said—”

Her eyes grew round as she finished his sentence, “ ‘Me, too.’ Archie. You mean you
a virgin?”

He closed his eyes. In his worst imaginings, he could never have envisioned this conversation proceeding as it was. “Does it matter?”

“I suppose not.” She finished lacing up one boot and made quick work of the other before hastening about the room, snapping up sundry articles of clothing and stuffing them in the kit he’d purchased.

“Honestly, Archie,” she muttered as she worked. “What sort of woman goes about declaring she’s
a virgin?”

“Lucy, please. I just need you to know that I am so—”

The look on her face cut his words off midsentence. “If you say you are sorry, I shall never, ever forgive you. I will consider it the most . . . the most caddish thing ever.”

“Lucy, I—”

“Come on, Archie!” Ned yelled through the door. “I’ve sent a lad to see if he can delay them but they won’t wait long.”

“Yes! I heard you the first time!”

Lucy glared balefully at him.

Things had gone from bad to worse and he hadn’t even said anything yet. At least, nothing important. And he needed to, he could see that. He needed to say something and he needed it to be far more eloquent than anything he’d managed thus far. Probably in his entire life. But with Ned banging on the door and Lucy shooting daggers at him, eloquence just wasn’t going to happen.

So, he opted for the only sensible course open to him: he kept his mouth shut.

He seized the kit in one hand, strode to the door, and yanked it open. Then he went back into the room, grabbed Lucy’s hand, and pulled her after him.

The daily train stopping in Châtellerault had no private compartments but they did have semiprivate ones. Even so, Lucy thought the tickets expensive. After paying for the tickets from Archie’s winnings—and wouldn’t you think the purse offered for the winner of a regional boxing championship would be more than a hundred francs?—they had little money left, a fact Archie swore he’d sort out with a local bank as soon as they’d reunited with her great-aunts.

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