The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory (31 page)

BOOK: The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory
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Jemima continued.  "You are so very precious to our Father, so special to Him that He can hardly contain Himself with all the joy that you bring to His heart.  You are in covenant relationship with Him as in a marriage, and He is protecting you as He would His bride."  She hesitated, then looked directly at Nicole and asked a very strange question.  "Honey chile, do you like to hug people?"

Nicole's eyes flew open and she suddenly felt confused.  "Yes.  NO!  Wait, I do…."  She was feeling and terrified confused.  She jumped to her feet.  Maybe she should run while she could.  She looked at the door and saw that Sam had come back in and was standing in front of it, so she decided that if this woman wanted a hug, she'd hug her and then she'd be done.  She leaned down, stretched out her arms toward Jemima and said, "I'll hug you." 

With surprisingly quick reflexes and strength, Jemima reached up and caught Nicole's arms before they touched her neck.  "Oh no you don't!" she said as she lowered Nicole's arms down to her sides.  And then she did a very strange thing. 

Jemima stood up, then leaned down right in front of Nicole's tummy and cried out with a very loud voice, "Come up!  I am callin' you up out of the deep!  Rise up I say, and come on up outta there!"

Immediately Nicole was a three year old, terrified little girl.  She was aware of what was happening but couldn't control it.  She heard Sam and Joel praying in tongues quietly beside her.  The lady in front of her was frightening her and she tried to back away.  Joel was beside her on one side and Sam had come and was standing behind her. 

Since she couldn't get away from these scary people, she turned and tucked her head as far away from them as she could, and her clenched fists raised themselves protectively over her chest.  She didn't know what the lady was saying now, but the frightened little girl whimpered.  "You're going to hurt me." 

Jemima said, "No precious little one, we are not gonna hurt you.  We are here to help you."   She began praying that God's love would help her to know His true love. 

Nicole's body began remembering the things that had happened in the past.  She began to feel excruciating sexual pleasure and then torturing pain.  She dropped to the floor and curled up in an impenetrable small ball, screaming out in torment.

Jemima took authority.  "In Jesus' Name I command the demons to stop tormenting God's prize and precious jewel!  And Good Lawd, please stop the memory of the pain now so's this little one can get delivered and healed in Jesus' Name."

The pain faded away, and Nicole slowly relaxed.  After a moment, she sat up, embarrassed.  "I'm sorry.  I had no idea that would happen!"

Sam helped her to her feet.  When she looked at him, there was no condemnation or judgment in his eyes, just concern. 

Joel sat back down in his chair.  "Nicole this is exactly what needed to happen.  Jemima here is not just my housekeeper, she's my secret weapon."  He smiled at her fondly as she walked over to the tea table.

Jemima's response was, "Well I say, it's time for some physical refreshment."

"Not for me Jemima," Sam said.  "I came to tell you that my flight leaves soon, and I'll be on my way.  I'm not sure how long I'll be gone, but I'll come back here as soon as this mission is accomplished."

"Oh I wish I could go with you!" Nicole who was herself again said.

Joel offered up a prayer of safety, protection, wisdom and discernment for Jake as well as Sam, and then said, "God speed, Sam."

"Thank you Sir."  He looked once more at Nicole, then turned and walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

Nicole watched him leave as many emotions flooded her soul.  She sat down and Jemima handed her a tea cup.  The warmth of the liquid felt good in her hands and helped to calm her all the way through. 

The three of them quietly sipped their tea.  As Nicole contemplated what had just happened to her, the words that Jemima had spoken over her at the beginning comforted her greatly. 

"Joel?" she interrupted the silence.  "What do we do now?  It's been a long time since I felt like this.  I thought I was done with little girls, but I think there's something else inside me.  I don't understand!  Jesus showed me the room with the boxes and it was empty of the past and full of new life!  What is happening and why?" 

"Sometimes there are things that have been hidden so deeply that they would not be recognized without a searching.  I believe that God brought you here for the completion of His healing work in you.  There may be some memories that God needs to bring into your consciousness because remembering breaks down the programming.  Are you willing to allow Jesus to open the door on these hidden things?"

Nicole considered, and then agreed.  "Yes, if there is more that He needs to do, I will accept His work."

Joel prayed, "Lord Jesus, we thank You that You understand this.  Holy Spirit we ask that You illuminate the things hidden in the darkness and that You help Nicole to understand what You want her to know." 

Then in an authoritative voice he said, "In Jesus' Name I command all demons that are protecting these memories from surfacing to come out of hiding and go to into the pit and await judgment."

"Oh my goodness!" Nicole gasped.  "Is it possible that the rocks are alters?  I see that the first stack of rocks has fallen over and the middle rock has sprouted arms and legs!  I see Jesus and He's moving rocks around.  He's smiling at me and He says He's rock gathering.  He just moved the middle rock of the second stack away from its group and the top part of the rock has opened like a lid.  I see a face coming out of the rock!  I can't tell if it’s a boy or girl.  It has very short hair and is skinny like its starving, and it is so white it looks like death!"

Joel listened intently then replied.  "It is a common practice in Illuminati programming to dehumanize and hide certain alters within inanimate objects as failsafes.  That way even if other alters are accessed or discovered, the failsafes are not recognized as parts and are allowed to remain.  Their undisturbed presence is an open door for demonic spirits or the human spirits of the programmers to have continued access and influence over the slave, keeping them in semi bondage."

"Well I see the rock with arms and legs frantically running around screaming in fear!  I feel her feelings and she's young and doesn’t understand what is happening!  I think that is the one that was just out a little bit ago.  She's terrified!"

"Nicole," Joel interrupted, "Tell her it will be ok and that we are going to help her."

"She's not listening!"

"Ask Jesus to come and help her."

"He's just letting her run.  I do see Joy!  She's running around with the rock person, but she's not upset, she's happy!  She's excited because I found them.  But I don't understand that either!  Joy is one of my other alters, and I haven't seen any of them in so long.  I thought they were integrated.  Why is she here?"

"Ask Jesus."

"He told me that He sent Joy because she can comfort the little girl.  Joy says she's known about them a long time.  This one is three years old.  Hey do you think the numbers are ages of the rocks, or rather the part of me that is inside them?"

"Very possible.  Part of the dehumanizing process is to assign numbers to alters instead of names.  You also need to understand that even though the numbers may represent alters, they have very significant meanings.  Here again we see how Satan has perverted numbers that are sacred to the Lord.  In the occult and Illuminati, there are six sacred numbers.  The numbers 3, 7 and 9 are among these, and they believe that when sacred numbers are grouped together, their power is intensified.  Therefore, the number 21 is seen as powerful because 3x7, two sacred numbers combined, equals 21."

Nicole sat very still while considering what she was hearing.  She felt as if another veil was being lifted from her mind, and while it wasn't exactly painful, it was very disturbing.  It was more confirmation that her memories and the things she was experiencing now were reality. 

"Sir, you mentioned the number 9.  I didn't see or hear that number," Nicole said as she tried to find an excuse to deny reality.

"Ah, but you did," Joel countered.  "How many stacks of rocks did you see?"


"And how many rocks were in each stack?"

"Three…."  Nicole closed her eyes as truth hit.  "And 3x3 equals 9!"

"You're doing good Nicole.  Jesus is doing a work within you.  Alters like these, are buried very deep and are often close to the core person.  They have been with you a long time.  I'm going to talk with Jesus now, ok?"


"Lord Jesus, thank You for revealing truth in Nicole's deepest being.  I am feeling a sense of urgency in this matter, and I would ask that You would expedite the healing and deliverance process now.  Holy Spirit, I pray for angels to guard and protect Nicole and these others, and that Satan's plans will be thwarted.  In fact I praise You because we know that they have already been overcome!  Yours is the victory!  In Jesus Name, Amen."

After a moment of silence Joel said, "Nicole, tell us what you are seeing, hearing or feeling as you can.  Jemima and I will each take one of these parts to pray over.   Which part do you want to focus on Jemima?"

"I be takin' the arms and legs.  That one needs some big time deliverance and true love."

"Fine.  I'll take the middle one," Joel said.

Nicole was barely aware of their presence as the Holy Spirit answered Joel's prayer and was doing a quick work of revelation. 

She explained what she was seeing and hearing.  "3 has gotten tired and is lying down.  Joy is lying beside her and she is touching 3's index finger with her index finger.  The contact seems to be comforting to her, but she's afraid of any more touching than that.  She seems to feel that touch always turns to pain.

"Wow!  7 is out of the rock completely!  She is saying that she's a girl even if she doesn't look like one, and she's telling me that she wants long hair like mine!"

Joel said, "Can you ask her what her assignment was?"

"I'm not sure if she's saying this or not, but I am hearing, 'Steal, kill, destroy.  Steal, kill, destroy.'" 

Nicole gasped.  "Oh no!  I just had a thought.  Some of my things have been missing lately.  If her assignment is to steal, maybe she's responsible for that.  I forgot with everything that's been happening, but not too long ago I told Jake that I was worried that I had been hiding things and was not aware that I was doing it.  My favorite big spoon is gone along with my favorite paring knife, and even one of the pictures on the wall…gone! 

"It seems like lately when I am thinking about how much I like something, it disappears.  I've always been afraid that I would do something and not know.  What if I've done something terrible?!"

Joel saw Nicole's fear and agitation and said, "Nicole, I want you to look up some scriptures."  She reached over and took the Bible he handed to her.  "First, Satan perverts God's Word.  We know that Satan came to steal, kill and destroy, but what's the last part of that verse?"

'But I (Jesus) came that they might have life and have it abundantly.
'  Yes, that's right, and I belong to Him and His life is in me."  Peace began pushing away the fear in Nicole's heart.

"Now look up all the verses on rocks that you'll find in the concordance at the back of the Bible, and then tell me what the Lord Jesus says to you." 

Joel and Jemima looked as though they had fallen asleep, but Nicole knew they were praying.  Five minutes later, she said, "Ok.  This is really good!  Jesus is the Rock and Satan tried to pervert that truth with these false rocks of protection and hiding. 

"Lord Jesus please forgive me for trusting in false rocks, false truth.  You are my true Rock and my Redeemer, I claim Jeremiah 23:29:
'Is not My word like a fire?” says the
, “And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?' 
So Jesus, please break all these false rocks into pieces with your hammer so that only the things within Your Kingdom of Truth will remain."

Nicole felt as if a great shaking were going on inside of her.  She didn't see anything for a moment, and then, when everything grew still, she saw 3, free of her rock, sitting on top of a hill looking out over the remains of crushed rocks.  7 was standing at the base of the hill also looking at what remained.  While they watched, angels came down from heaven and stood near the crushed rocks.  Jesus spoke to Nicole then. 
"Command the demons to reveal themselves."

"In Jesus' Name," Nicole said, "I command all you demons to reveal yourselves."

Some of the chunks of rock began moving and taking on shapes.  7 explained that she and 3 were the middle rocks, but that the rocks on top and underneath of them were demons. 

The demons assigned to 3 looked like imps, not too big, but very scary looking.  One was drooling and oozing goo all over its body.  It stood looking at 3 while licking its lips like it wanted to devour her.  The other was like a big mean dog that would like to attack and tear her apart.  Nicole saw that an angel had leashes on those demons and was holding them away from her. 

She heard 3 saying, "I like the big pretty angel, but I don't like those other things.  Please make them go away!"  

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