The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory (40 page)

BOOK: The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory
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"Yes, I know.  I have relied on her to help me carry out my assignment."

"Ok.  The time has come for you to make a choice." 

Megan's eyes grew wide in fright. 

Casie explained, "That's right, you will have to choose who you are going to serve.  We can help you be free from this evil spirit and any others that are controlling you, but you have to choose to be free from them.  And you would have to choose to be connected to Jesus instead of your old connections.  You would basically be changing your citizenship from the kingdom of darkness, hatred, violence, manipulation, control…to the Kingdom of light, love, freedom, joy, peace, hope…."

"And Jesus would keep me safe from my handler?  He's very evil.  I know I'll be in very bad trouble if he catches me."

Gary spoke up.  "Jesus will be your shield and defender.  And we will do everything we can to protect you as well.  We can't promise you that you will never be hurt.  But we can promise you that Jesus will always be with you and His Holy Spirit will be your guide and tell you what to do."

"And Jesus would give me a new job?  I've never considered that possibility before.  I've never thought about liking or not liking my job or my life…that wasn't allowed.  But now as I think about it, I don't like my job.  I'm not happy.  I want to be happy."

Liz said, "Jesus has a perfect job for you, and when you do it, you will find that you are happy and fulfilled."

Megan was quiet a moment, then she said, "I choose Jesus." 

She barely got those words out when the vile spirit reared its ugly head again.  "You can't have her, she's mine!  I birthed this one and you have no right to take her from me!"

Casie said, "We have every right because she chooses Jesus and is born again."

"She has no rights and she is not allowed to choose.  She's a clone, not a person!"  The intensity of the spirit let them know that they were all on the right track. 

Jake said, "I believe that I am to take authority over this spirit and to pray for her deliverance."  He suddenly looked a bit startled.  Had he really said that? 

Gary slapped him on the back.  "Go for it, brother."

Jake stood on the right side of the bed near Megan's head and the others surrounded the bed. 

The spirit began to curse. 

Jake said, "In Jesus' name I bind your mouth shut, you evil spirit.  I will speak with Megan right now."

"I'm here," she said in a weak voice.

Jake began to question his sanity as the thoughts that were forming in his mind were contradictory to any he wanted to claim; however, the word "claim" was a key, and he knew that he must continue.  He rubbed his forehead as if hoping that the thing he was about to say would vanish. 

"Megan, you are as the flesh and blood of my wife.  You have no human parents.  Those who have claimed you have used you for evil purposes.  I believe that you need parents who will love you and care for you." 

He looked over at Casie as if he wasn't sure if he were crazy or not, but she just looked back at him with a huge smile and began nodding her head in encouragement.  He decided he better continue with this thought that had taken over his mind even if it sounded weird. 

"If you are willing to renounce the soul ties to your spiritual parents and your handler who have filled that perverted roll in your life, Nicole and I would like to claim you as our daughter.  We will love and care for you."

Megan, who had been staring straight ahead, turned her head towards Jake to see if he meant what he said.  It seemed preposterous, like some sick joke to her. 

"You can't be serious!" she exclaimed.  "I have been terrible to you and to Nicole.  Besides, what makes you think she would agree to this?"

Jake just smiled.  "I know my wife, and even though she may have to work through some feelings, she will love you.  My guess is that God's already working on her heart.  Forgiveness is a way of life for her.  And for me.  I choose to forgive you, Megan.  Do you choose to accept my forgiveness?"

She turned her head and looked straight ahead again while she thought about that.  "I don't know this forgiveness.  It is a new concept to me.  To forgive means that you don't hold anything against me anymore?"

"Yes, that's right.  Like when you held your hand out to me when I first got here.  You could have been angry that I drugged you, but you were willing to start over."

"And you could be angry with me for…so many things.  But you are willing to start over?"

"Yes.  And God could be angry at all of us for so many things, but He is always willing to forgive us, to start over when we repent, ask Him to forgive us and then accept it by entering into a new relationship with Him based on His love for us."

"No punishment?"

"No.  He already took the punishment for our sins and for all the sin in the world."

"Oh yes…when He died on the cross."

"That's right.  Megan, if you choose Jesus, you need a new family.  Nicole and I would like to be that for you.  Will you allow us to claim you?  To adopt you into our family?"

Tears began trickling down her face.  She wiped them away and said, "Sorry, I know I shouldn't do that."

Liz said, "What?  Not cry?  Girl, we do a lot of that around here.  It's fine!  I'll get the Kleenex…I think I need one too."

"Me too," Casie said as she wiped at her own eyes.

Megan looked up at Jake.  "Yes.  Yes, I'll accept your offer and allow you to claim me.  But can I be a sister instead of a daughter?"

He laughed, "Yes of course!  How old are you anyways?"

Megan did not answer.  Casie took hold of her arm.  "What is it sweetie?  What's going on?"

"It's telling me that it is going to kill me.  I can't belong to a family.  I'm different, not like you…"

Jake stepped in.  "That's a lie Megan.  Don't believe it.  I think it's time to get rid of this tormenter." 

He placed his hand on Megan's head and proclaimed, "In Jesus' name I claim Megan in the spiritual and physical realm as my sister.  In Jesus' name and by the power of His blood, I bind this foul spirit.  I take captive the Jezebel spirit, murder, suicide, witchcraft, manipulation and control, anger, hatred, violence, seduction….and any other cohorts.  I command you to be bound together, and in Jesus' name, I command you to release Megan.  You will not hurt her in any way, and I call for angels to come and escort you to Jesus' feet to wait for His judgment of you.  So in Jesus' name, go now."

There was another blood curdling scream that came from the pit of Megan's stomach, and then it was quiet.  Everybody was waiting to see if Jezebel was going to take over again, but then Megan said, "I feel so weird!  Like empty, and it's so quiet."  They breathed a sigh of relief.

"Holy Spirit," Jake prayed, "Please come and fill Megan with Your Holy presence.  May Jesus come and make His home in her heart."

"I feel Him!"  Megan pushed the covers completely off of her and she got on her knees in anticipation.  Joy began to flood her spirit, soul and body, and it radiated from her beautiful face.  When she could no longer contain the joy, she stood up and started jumping on the bed with her hands raised toward heaven. 

Liz and Casie began jumping as well; Deanne was standing with her eyes closed and her hands lifted in worship; Gary was shouting praises and thanksgiving, and Jake was just watching, thanking God for this amazing miracle of deliverance and transformation as Megan was transferred from darkness into the Light.

Finally, Megan dropped to her knees again and she looked up into heaven and prayed her first prayer.  "Jesus, Holy Spirit, whoever you are.  Thank you for saving me.  That's what it feels like.  I didn't even know it was an option.  Please forgive me for all the things I did before.  I want to start over with You.  Thank You for wanting me, for claiming me, and for Jake and Nicole who claim me now as family.  I claim You as my God and them as my family.  Thank You for Casie, Deanne, Liz and Gary who have helped me.  I claim them as my friends…" she stopped and looked up at Casie wondering if she had overstepped her bounds.

Casie smiled, nodded and agreed by adding, "Yes, we claim Megan as our friend and sister in Christ," Liz, Deanne and Gary agreed.

Then Megan closed her eyes and continued.  "I never had family or friends before.  I never belonged before….I just was.  But now I am…I don't know what, but please give me a new job, Jesus.  I don't want my old one.  Take it away from me, please….  Oh, You already did?  That's right, I can barely remember what it was…Oh, ok, I won't think about it anymore.  Well I'll be right here, so when You're ready to tell me about my new job…Oh, You want me to read the Bible?  That sounds easy.  Oh, that's, just the first part of it?  Oh.  Ok, I'll do that."

Megan looked up at Liz and asked, "Can I use your Bible?  Jesus wants me to read it.  He said that was just the beginning but that's where He wants me to start."

Liz reached for the Bible and handed it to her.  "Of course!"

Deanne smiled and said, "It looks like Megan is already taking after Nicole's heart for God."



Nicole had been left in the hotel room to wait while Sam and Gus procured an invitation to the fashion show that evening, and were now shopping for the appropriate attire for the black tie affair.  

When Sam and Gus got back, Sam set up his computer and equipment while Gus changed.  Gus stepped out of the bathroom a few minutes later and Nicole had to keep herself from whistling. 

Gus headed toward the door.  "On my way."

Sam said, "Just about there…" as he made a few more technical adjustments and Gus opened the door.  "Testing, testing.  You copy?"

"Copy that, Harry.  All set."

"I've got visual.  Going silent."


Nicole watched the screen with Sam.  They watched him step out of the room into the hall, then into the elevator, then out.  He stepped up to the street and hailed a taxi. 

Nicole said, "I thought Gus was going alone."

"He is," Sam replied.

"Then there's someone following him.  Aren't you worried that the guy in the elevator got into the taxi with him?"

"What are you talking about?" 

"Didn't you see him?  He's right there beside Gus in the cab."

If Sam didn't know Nicole better, he'd think she was crazy, but considering Maria and the men in black, he decided he wanted to see for himself.  "Lord, open my spiritual eyes," he prayed, then said, "Harry breaking silence…no auditory feedback necessary; just turn your head toward your right.  Stop.  Well I'll be!  Gus, blink once in affirmation if you see someone beside you, twice for negative if you don't." 

Two blinks. 

Sam said, "Well buddy, we do.  You're being accompanied by a very large angel dressed in a black tux like yours.  He picked you up when you got into the elevator and followed you into the cab.  So if anyone mentions a bodyguard, just agree with them.  He'll be allowed wherever you go." 

One blink. 

"Going silent." 

Nicole said, "Gus is wearing camera contact lenses so that we see what he sees?"

"Yep.  Except that the digital images that show on our computer screen are much more powerful than the human eye can see.  Gus basically looks right through the lenses and sees normally.  But we have the ability to see wider areas than he does and to zoom in for a closer look. 

"And what we call 'wires' for auditory sound are not really wires at all, just bugs like you had, except that they're not imbedded, they're just resting on the skin.  We can hear everything he hears and more with them; and we can hear him at all times even though he can't hear us unless I push the talk button."

"That's what I'd be wearing if I have to go in?"

"Basically, only your contact lenses will be made to look just like Megan's.  There will be an almost invisible insignia on hers that we'll have to copy."

"What if they use one of those devices and it detects the bugs on me?  Won't they find them and know that they've been compromised?"

Sam looked at Nicole.  "Yes, it's possible that they'll be detected, however, we have a new technology that they don't have yet…as far as we know…and it causes a misreading in the device so that it sees the bug more as a freckle and not as a piece of technology."

They watched and listened in silence as the cab pulled up in front of an expensive hotel and Gus paid the taxi driver, then he and his body guard walked through the front doors and into a hallway.  He walked up to the doorman/guard. 

"Uh oh," Sam said.  "He's got a bug scanner.  I guess we're about to find out how well the new tech works."

Gus addressed the guard and said, "I'm here to see Macchiato."

"Who's Macchiato?" Nicole asked.

"Shhh," Sam shushed.

The guard picked up the scanner and ran it over Gus's body.  He looked at it and ran it again, then opened the door and said, "Enjoy the show Mr. Frank."

Sam answered Nicole's question.  "Macchiato isn't a person; it's a code word for this new type of fashion show.  It means marked or stained, which is an actual literal description for these guys and girls being displayed and then sold for the remainder of the night."

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