The Sound of Shooting Stars (32 page)

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Authors: Heather Allen

Tags: #Young Adult

BOOK: The Sound of Shooting Stars
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Jamie Grey



I’ve been a member of the Chase family for six months now. I will be eighteen at the end of the month which means I will officially be on my own if I want to be. But now that it’s almost here, the last thing I want is to be on my own and alone. Especially now that I’ve experienced what it’s really like to be loved and wanted.

This weekend is the prom. One of the last rites of high school where we all get to still be free of responsibility and have fun. Beckett and I have been out on more dates than I can count but I have counted them, every one of them, forty-three if we don’t count those times when we stayed home to watch a movie or I attempted to make a meal for the two of us that didn’t consist of peanut butter and jelly.

Tonight though is the date of them all. Marla has enjoyed every moment of the mother daughter time she’s spent getting her ready.

As the hour approaches I climb down the steps and sit quietly at the kitchen table. Sasha places a box with a white daisy nestled inside. I smile and look over as she slides into the chair facing me.

“I figured you might need that.”

I nod appreciative of everything she’s done for me since I’ve been here.

A few minutes later, Marla’s voice calls from the foyer, “Jamie Grey, I would suggest you get yourself in here. You know how impatient this girl is.”

I smirk and straighten my navy blue dress pants and baby blue shirt. Absently I straighten my pale pink tie, grabbing my suit jacket and ask Sasha, “How do I look?”

She winks, “Like you’re about to have the time of your life with the girl of your life.”

I smile and turn to the foyer sliding into my jacket. When I enter the room my feet stop moving at the sight coming down the stairs. Her small frame is covered in a strapless pale pink dress resting at the tops of her knees. Her hair is piled messily on top of her head and a tiny tiara peeks out. She steps up to me and asks, “Do you like?”

My face turns red because Marla is watching the whole thing. She snaps a picture as I place the corsage on Beckett’s wrist. She shakes her head and steps forward instructing, “Be home by two o’clock you two and have a wonderful time.”

She turns to walk out of the room but adds over her shoulder, “Love you both.”

We both say in unison, “You too.” And start laughing. Dating the girl you live with has its oddities.

We climb into a waiting limo and make our way out of the drive. A few blocks away it pulls into another drive lined with a tall metal gate in front. When the car comes to a halt Beckett tears out of the car before I have a chance to help her. The front door opens to reveal Elizabeth standing with a large grin on her face. I watch as she embraces Beckett and Sam steps out in a black floor length dress followed by Gabe. Her hand snuggly nestled in his.

Beckett followed by Sam and Gabe make their way down the steps. Elizabeth remains on the porch and waves. I nod but that’s all I’ll give her these days. Maybe at some point I’ll be able to forgive her or maybe not. I keep my distance because of the hurt that seeing her causes. Maybe seeing me causes her the same feelings and we’re better off with this, a wave or nod here and there.

Beckett grabs me pulling me behind her to the car. She ambles through the open door and I let Sam get in after her. Before Sam is in all of the way she hands me an envelope. She looks up to the house and back explaining, “That’s from my mom.”

I glance down at the envelope unsure if now is a good time to open it but Beckett’s impatience brings me out of my reluctance. I sidle up to her and she asks, “what’s that?’

I shrug my shoulders but Sam pipes up, “You should open it.” She teases before kissing Gabe, “You never know what it might be.”

Beckett asks, “Do you want me to open it?”

I shake my head and angle my finger to rip it at the crease. A single sheet of paper falls out. I carefully open it and scour the page. As I look up Sam’s eyes meet mine. Her lips spread as she calls out, “Hello college man.”

Beckett asks, “what?” and snatches it from my grip.

“This is a full paid scholarship for wherever you want to go.”

I nod, knowing and accepting that this is Elizabeth’s way of trying to make up for her mistake so many years ago. I smile at the thought that I can now go to college. I never thought this would be a possibility for me.

The night passes by quickly. We sit at a table when we’re not dancing with Brett and Cara who have suddenly become the couple of the moment. Trina is dating Brandon on and off. She is still hurt that Dani moved away but I say good riddance. I don’t think Trina and Beckett will ever be close like they were before but at least they are cordial to one another.

When Beckett’s feet are tired I pull her out into the warm night to walk along the beach. One of the perks of living on Palm Beach.

We walk hand and hand through the soft sand. A small distance from the hotel where the dance is, I pull her to face me. She looks up to the sky and muses, “I wonder what a shooting star sounds like.”

My eyes glisten with the absolute happiness this girl gives me and tell her, “It doesn’t matter because your voice is my favorite sound.”










I am so thankful for my family, you are
life. Everything in this life we share together is a wish come true. Thank you to my boys and my girl for your patience and allowing me to write this story. Thank you to my husband for believing in me and encouraging my pursuit of a dream.

Much more gratitude than I can utter to all of my readers. I wouldn’t be doing this if you didn’t love to read. My bestie... Rochelle Gilman, for all of your support and positive criticism, where would I be without you? Heather Gunter, for helping me maneuver my way through this new world and for talking things through with me even when I had doubts. Julie Deaton, for loving this story and Jamie! J Your beta reading is HOT! J Kathy Kindler, for an awesem-tastic job beta reading! All of your notes and help- I appreciate so much! AND last but not least, Tami Norman, the multi-talented Aussie that is an expert with everything she touches. You rock my writing world with all of your support! I am so thankful for our friendship girls!

Thank you tons to Allie Brennan from B Design for having a vision and creating such a beautiful cover to portray Jamie and Beckett’s story.

Thank you so much to the amazing Sherry Ashley, editor extraordinaire. I’m so glad we crossed paths in the real world so I could involve you in my make-believe world. You are so good at what you do!

I want to thank the wonderful blogs that have supported me through this journey. Thank you to Mandy Anderson from Ireadindie, Mary Tatar from Mary’s Crazy Book Obsession, Stephanie Locke from Rude Girl Book Blog, Jennifer Noe from The Book Blog, Kristy Louise from Book Addict Mumma, and Tami Norman from Into The Night Reviews. Your support has meant so much in my journey.




Other Books by Heather Allen

Just Breathe (Just Breathe #1)

Ever Harding, an average teenager with a passion for swimming is about to turn eighteen. Out of the blue she has been dumped by her long time boyfriend, which is the ultimate of tragedies in her life. Little does she know that on that fated eighteenth birthday, she will have to make a choice that will change her life as she knows it, forever.

A month before her birthday, Ever meets Jack, a mysterious new boy with mesmerizing eyes. He affects her like no one else. This meeting sets things into a whirlwind she never would have dreamed. With Jack's guidance she discovers a family line that leads her to the sea. She must make the ultimate choice, stay on land where life as she knows it, won't change, or go and live in the sea as a mermaid with Jack.

Ultimately her choice sets into motion an even bigger decision, in which she has the fate of a race of people, in her hands. The people in the sea are in a feud, she will tip the balance. She must battle the ageless moral dilemma of prejudice and race. Once she comes to terms with her life changing choices, she must ask herself, did I make the right decisions? and Is Jack really who I think he is?

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Barely Breathing (Just Breathe #2)

Ever Harding used to believe in love. That is until she was left heartbroken by the only person she ever really loved, Jack, the mysterious boy from her history class. Little did she know he was born of the sea, on land to watch over her. But was he really? She made the ultimate sacrifice, to live in the sea as a mermaid, for Jack and for love. But she found that in the end, that love wasn't enough.

Now she finds herself alone, having to make a huge choice. She must decide whether to defend others against the choices she has made or fight for the freedoms of a population, she has just become a part of.

Ever's brother James, became a part of the sea not by any choice of his own, but he is willing to embrace it as long as a certain long legged, beauty is by his side. But as his sister found, things are not always as they seem.

In the end what they feared the most comes to reality, the battle, waged between staying true to life in the sea or changing a race of people to become more powerful and diverse. Will Ever and James survive the lines drawn in the sand or will they have to battle each other for what they believe?

Little do they know the battle in the end, will be something entirely different than what they were ready for.

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