The Sound of Shooting Stars (5 page)

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Authors: Heather Allen

Tags: #Young Adult

BOOK: The Sound of Shooting Stars
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I dress in my plaid uniform skirt, a white button down shirt and navy blue knee socks. I slip my phone into my sock and head down the stairs to the kitchen. Hesitantly, I enter ignoring the beautiful boy sitting at the kitchen table.
What is my deal?
I greet Sasha and pull the chair across from him out from under the table. I’m sure to make a show of it. I refuse to look up and meet his gaze but I can feel his stare on me. Sasha sets a plate of eggs down in front of me and I concentrate on eating. It’s probably record timing for me to finish. When I’ve eaten a few bites, my appetite has suddenly disappeared and I decide that I’ve had enough.

I look up while setting my fork down. He is staring intently at me with the greenest eyes.

“What are you looking at?” My voice wavers slightly.

His eyebrows go up as if offended and he looks away. His hand moves from his own fork to the edge of the table. When he looks up again he states in an even voice, “Just so we’re clear, I didn’t choose this.”

He falls silent as if waiting for me to say something. My contempt for him heightens even more. I push away from the table and storm off towards my room to brush my teeth. Before I make it to the doorway though I call over my shoulder angrily, “I’m leaving in five minutes.”

I swear I heard him chuckle as I left the room but I can’t be sure. He doesn’t know who he’s dealing with. He better not laugh at me if he knows any better. Maybe he doesn’t but I will be sure to show him.

Five minutes later I stroll out to my car eager to leave him behind but he’s already standing beside the passenger door with his arms crossed over his chest.  This is the first time I’ve seen his full height. Last night was brief and I was so uncomfortable.

His shoulders are broad and he’s not as thin as I had originally thought. The chambray uniform shirt Marla must have given him shows a firm build beneath it, lending stray thoughts to my imagination. The khaki pants fit him perfectly and pool at his shoes. I look up and catch him staring again, this time with a slight tilt of his lip.
Dammit Beckett, why do you always do this to yourself?

I huff around the car pissed that I got caught gawking. He climbs in as I unlock the door. I start up the car and sit for a moment before turning to him and state, “Just so we’re clear, I didn’t choose this either so stay away from me.”

He doesn’t respond which infuriates me further. I shift into drive and speed the short five minute drive. Usually I try to prolong this drive, savoring the feel of my car. This is the first time I’ve ever wanted to get out of my baby as fast as I can. I suddenly can’t breathe. The car feels claustrophobic.

When I pull into the lot, I get out as fast as I can and head to the wide doors without a backwards glance. Of course when I look up Dani and Trina are standing there waiting for me but they both start ogling as Jamie gets out of my car.
Fuck! When am I going to get a break?

Once I’m up the steps to the entrance Trina starts, “Oh Beckett, I think you have some explaining to do.”

I chuckle inwardly as her pronunciation of ‘explaining’ reminds me of the old Lucille Ball episodes my mother made me watch when I was young.

I shake my head and walk past them into the building. Both girls hurry to catch up. Dani whispers close to my ear, “I think there’s a story here that you need to share.”

I turn to both girls and in a rush of breath exclaim, “His name is Jamie Grey. He’s a foster kid that Marla took pity upon. I’m stuck with this shit for the whole school year so don’t either one of you even think about it. It’s bad enough that he has to live down the hall from me. I better not see any more rubbernecking.”

Trina looks offended and then a slow grin spreads over her full lips, “Actually Beckett, I think you owe me one for the Nick thing. This might be exactly what I need as payback.”

I glare at her and look to Dani for backup but she smiles and nods her head in agreement. I throw my hands up and tighten my hold on the strap of my bag.

I call over my shoulder on the way to my locker, “You people are impossible.”

When I glance up it’s too late. I stumble and my face is flush into a wide, solid chest. Warm hands grasp my elbows to steady me. Once I’ve caught my balance, I step back and look up into Jamie’s amused face. I frown and let out a breath of total irritation. I don’t look back after getting my books. They can all go to hell as far as I’m concerned.

Throughout the morning I refuse to acknowledge Dani or Trina. I share a class with each of them but ignorance is bliss today. As I stroll into the cafeteria at lunch I’m shocked to find neither of them at our usual table. I may have pushed the limits a little too far. Instead of looking for them Brett catches my eye. He looks pretty yummy today in a white button down shirt and navy blue pants. I swiftly walk over and glare as Jessica gets up from the table when I approach. She’s still not over our little misunderstanding that happened last year. She was dating Brett and I kind of messed around with him. In my defense, he could have looked the other way but he made a choice just as I did. So the chick needs to get over herself. Obviously Brett isn’t into her anymore.

His breath tickles my ear as he leans in and whispers, “Hey beautiful, did you reconsider our conversation yesterday?”

I look down and shake my head. When I look up my eyes meet Jamie’s. He is sitting across the cafeteria at a corner table by himself. My face turns red. I look up at Brett and tell him in a determined voice, “Actually Brett, how does Saturday night sound?”

His face moves an inch away angling to gauge how serious I am. When he realizes I’m not going to back down he leans in and asks, “Can we seal it with a kiss?”

Unintentionally, I look across the room at Jamie again. He looks away as soon as I meet his gaze.

“Um, why don’t we wait until Saturday?”

“Whatever you say Beckett.”

His hand softly caresses my thigh making me shift further away from him. When I look over at Jamie again he is staring at me with a curious gaze.
What is with him? Just get out of my life.

Trina and Dani glide in during the last five minutes of lunch. I look up at them once again feeling guilty that I treated them so badly. They shoo Brett away and sit on either side of me.

Dani grabs my hand and explains, “Beckett, we’re sorry for gawking at your new boy toy this morning but giving us the cold shoulder isn’t going to fly.”

My mouth gapes open at her reference.

A smile spreads over my lips as I explain, “Um, he is definitely not my boy toy, in fact the opposite. I can’t wait for him to get out of my life. And I’m sorry girls. This whole thing was sprung on me last night. I’m obviously having a hard time handling it.”

Trina laughs, “Since when do you not have a hard time handling things, Beckett? We forgive you but seriously, he is HOT. You have to admit it.”

Dani chimes in, “If we didn’t have the girl code, I think we would have a fight on our hands.”

I smirk and wrap my hands around theirs just as the bell rings, signaling the end of lunch. When I look up Jamie is passing us with his head down and music blaring in his ears.


Chapter Seven

Jamie Grey

Cygnus – The Swan

Spartan Queen Leda, who gave birth to two sets of twins, the immortal Pollux and Helen and mortal Castor and Clytemnestra, after being seduced by the god Zeus, who had transformed himself into a swan. The immortal children were fathered by the god and the mortal ones by Leda’s husband, King Tyndareus.



It doesn’t matter where I attend school, it’s all the same. But mix a private school complete with uniforms and the princess Beckett Chase, and I’m in hell. I ended up in English class with her but she was too busy being a bitch to her friend to notice that I was there. I don’t even know why I’ve bothered to pay attention to her. She thinks she’s better than not only me but everyone else around her as well. She treats people like garbage.

Lunch was the icing on the cake. She kept looking over at me as if interested in my reaction as she practically sucked face with some dude. I could care less. I have every intention of calling Michelle tomorrow after school to get a new placement. Hell, I might even consider going back to the home as hard as it will be. I’ve been away for so long. Most of the others that were there have probably already been adopted.

When I walked Michelle out to her car last night, I practically pleaded with her not to leave me at the Chase house. She asked me to give it a couple of days and call her to tell her how it’s going. This is probably my last stop as they say but I don’t know if I’ll be able to endure Beckett for the whole year.

At the end of the day, I leave as soon as the bell rings and bypass my locker. When I get to the lot she’s already gone. What a bitch. I start down the road in the general direction of her house. Marla gave me her cell number last night, I could call and get Beckett in trouble with her mom but something tells me, that will unleash an even worse version of her.

I hike my backpack up onto my shoulder and undo the top of my shirt. It’s scorching out here. I’ll have to think of some sort of payback and a better way to get back to her house each day.

A half block from the school, a car slows almost to a stop beside me. I glance over and see the two girls Beckett was with this morning. The black haired chick is driving a silver Lexus. I chuckle at this whole situation. All my life I’ve wondered how I’ll get my next meal and all of these people drive brand new cars and throw money around like it’s never ending.

The Spanish girl leans out the window and asks, “Jamie isn’t it? Do you need a ride?”

I stop walking as the car stops. I look forward unsure actually where I’m going and the thought of these two dropping me off in front of Beckett crosses my mind. Somehow I think that will piss her off.

“Yeah, that would be great. Thanks.”

I climb into the back seat. She guns it as soon as the door slams behind me. The exotic looking one turns in her seat and pushes her hand out, “Hi, I’m Trina and this is Dani.”

I nod and briefly shake her hand.

Dani asks, “So you’re holed up at Beckett’s? That must be fun.” Her tone is sarcastic.

I don’t answer. Instead I watch the perfectly manicured lawns pass us by. She turns down a street and claims as we pass a huge white house set well back from the road, “That’s my house.”

Note to self, don’t tell this chick anything about Beckett, they are obviously close, living this near each other.

Trina adds, “I live on the other side of the island. You’re lucky that we were on our way over to Beckett’s or we would have missed you.”

I mutter under my breath as we turn into the drive and she punches in the code to the gate, “Thanks for the ride.”

The car is silent down the drive. As soon as she parks, I notice Beckett’s car in front of us. As I’m getting out, I look up to see Beckett staring down at me from the porch. A frown is cemented across her face. A smirk rises at the corner of my mouth.

I climb the stairs and stop inches in front of her. A smile is rising on her lips most likely amused that she left without me. I lean in and tell her sarcastically, “Thanks for waiting.”

I gesture back to her friends close behind me, “These girls were nice enough to give me a ride.”

Her mouth falters.

I walk past her without another glance determined to stop this before it starts. Why am I letting her affect me like this?

A few hours later, I am summoned from my room to dinner. The only time I’ve ever experienced dinner at a table with parents was at Sam’s. Her dad was the bread winner and the rule setter. He was a father to me if I could call anyone that. I was devastated when he was killed in the accident.

I climb down the stairs to the dining room. Beckett, Marla and David are already seated. Sasha is just bringing in a large bowl with spaghetti. I sit down and meet Beckett’s glare across the table. She moves her face in a grimace and glances down at the food in front of her. Can we get any more childish?

Marla pipes up, “So Jamie, how was your first day?”

“It was good. I’m still finding my way around.” I look up and meet Beckett’s worried expression. Good let her wonder if I’ll rat her out.

She looks to Beckett, “Are you helping him out? Did you end up in any classes together?”

She looks annoyed as she answers in a bored voice, “No Marla, we didn’t have any classes together.” Then she mumbles, “Thank God.”

Marla looks down her nose at her daughter as if silently scolding her. Beckett rolls her eyes and looks my way as if by accident.

I smile at her and announce, “Actually, we do have one class together, English.”

Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise. She opens her mouth, I know, to protest but quickly closes it in a tight line. If she had laser vision, I’d be toast.

I chuckle quietly at her reaction. Her parents continue asking both of us questions and get short, abrupt answers. Finally Marla gives up and diverts her attention to David.

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