The Sounds of War (The Genesis Series Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: The Sounds of War (The Genesis Series Book 2)
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“Enmerkar…this is where you need a full comprehension of what I say, so if I lose you let me know. El Elyon
’ breath gave Adam a spirit. Before he sinned, Adam could have become a physical immortal being. His physical terrestrial body would have lived forevermore…but he ate from the tree that fed his soul. Therefore he became a soul dominated being whose physical body became subjugated to death.

“All beings, Celestial or terrestrial, have spirits and
bodies and souls. The difference between terrestrial and Celestial is the matter of our physical bodies. Their bodies are immortal but because of sin, ours are mortal. Yet neither our souls nor our spirits ever die. The redemptive process, promised by the story of the Promised Seed is about returning immortality to mankind. It is about where we will spend the rest of our everlasting existence. As men, we shall die, but when the Promised Seed comes and he pays the price of justice, we receive a new corporal body that will be immortal. However if we fail to align ourselves with the Melek of Righteousness, we do not get a new immortal body. Instead, we are doomed to an everlasting death of darkness and torment.

“Now, going back to the Nephilim, they were the offspring of immortals and mortals.
Another way of looking at this, they were of the visible and the invisible. They possessed powers and had knowledge of that which surpasses what mere mortal men know. They could see into dimensions that are higher and lower than we can see; they heard frequencies higher and lower…you get my point. They possessed supernatural abilities. The first generation Nephilim, being half-terrestrial and half-Celestial…”

Slapping the tabletop Enmerkar exclaimed, “Oh, I get it they could hear and see what mere men could not
so they understood the gates of Enoch!”

“Well…yes…but more than one generation of Nephilim was born upon the Earth. The first generation came shortly after Mahalalel’s son Jared was born
. Adam still was the Melek but even with his superior knowledge, he was unable to prevent the Watchers from overrunning his authority. The generational life of the Nephilim was about five hundred years. So by the time the second, third and fourth generations were born, Enoch was then the Melek and by then the Celestial traits within the Nephilim were somewhat diminished and the offspring were more human than Celestial…”

“That’s incredible!” Enmerkar shook his head, “I’m sorry to interrupt again
. But were they still giants?”

“Almost all of the first and second generation, yes,” Noah nodded, “later, while they were taller than most men, the giants of ov
er thirty feet were less common. Because the giants were so gigantic, the Watchers began to cease allowing these monstrosities to come to full term. In other words, they aborted the fetus if the sound emitting from the womb was not compatible for their purpose, and you must keep in mind the giants of thirty or more feet tall were impossible to control or to feed...and that brings me to another point, before the flood, there was sort of a golden age.

“Right after Methuselah became Melek
, there was a war of vast proportions across the Earth. The first generation, the Titans and the second generation, the Olympians began to war with each other. They each had built magnificent cities. They had used monolithic stones that no human could move, yet they easily built these massive structures, they literally moved mountains, not only with brute strength, but also with sound. Anyway, war broke out and devastation was everywhere; many of their cities all but destroyed.

“The giants fought with the elements of Earth and annihilated each other.
When I say they fought with Earth’s elements, I mean the fought with fire, and they harnessed the energy of wind and water. Those that did not die in the war, soon died because of the effects of war. They became ill and then the first and second generation Nephilim died. This is when I was born, and for about a hundred years, there was peace.

“There was seemingly no Nephilim
. Life was good, people were happy and Earth brought forth plentiful harvests. But shortly after I celebrated my first one hundredth birthday, we began to hear the rumors of new giants being born. My grandfather, informed by the Malakhim, learned the profane and unholy Celestials were abducting women again, and these women were giving birth to a new breed of Nephilim.

“At first we didn’t understand how this could be, why would the Celestials risk the wrath of El Elyon and return. After studying the writings of his father Enoch, Grandfather came to me one day and said that the
evil Celestials were not coming as men to have relationships with women, but were modifying the babies in their mother’s wombs. The profane Celestials were acting as gods, and creating hybrid beings by inserting into the fetus a new sound. This new breed of Nephilim babies, contained Celestial information somehow coded within them that was to eliminate the mortality, which existed in the first generation of Nephilim. From that point on, until the flood, things only got more bizarre.

“I don’t see how.
” Enmerkar snorted, “This is already beyond bizarre!”

“Well, wait I’m about to tie this all together for you,” Noah smiled, “you see what we didn’t know at first was that the Celestials, and you do understand, I’m speaking about the evil ones, not the good ones?”

Enmerkar nodded.

“Okay, well they operate in ranks, much like a military force. This time their rulers were coming into our dimensions and were searching for a bloodline of certain families
. They were looking for the offspring of the first and second generation Nephilim in order to produce a more Celestial dominate third and fourth generation Nephilim. When they found traces of Nephilim blood, they would wait until a woman of that family became pregnant, and then they would come to her in a dream or vision, even sometimes snatch her physically, and keep her for a while.

“These women would report
they were given something to eat or drink and even often forced to allow examinations that tampered with her baby. When she returned to her family, and if she still carried the baby, everyone knew her baby would not be born human. We heard these stories repeatedly.

“Then these
Celestials began to manifest, they imparted new knowledge and as a result, men began to form kingdoms and build bigger and bigger cities. Temples and altars were prepared to and for the Celestials. Men sought to go beyond their own dimensionality and into the dimensionality of whatever Celestial they served. For most people ancestor worship became important. If a man or woman could prove they were descended from one of the Titans or Olympians, they received great favor from the Celestials.

Men began to sell their daughters and even their wives to the Celestials. After the Celestials impregnated the women by someone from the Titan or Olympian bloodlines, the husbands and fathers of these women were given great wealth.

Then we began to hear of the chimeras. Babies were being born not just from Celestial and terrestrial mixing but also from the mixing of human and animals. Earth became full of violence once again.

“The Watchers
had persuaded men to assist them in finding a solution to the dimensional issues so the profane Watchers themselves could cross the dimensions of Celestial and remain in the terrestrial whenever and however they desired. You see, the evil Celestials wanted the restrictions of their Celestial dimensions not to restrict them when they were in the dimensionality of Earth. At the same time, they did not want to lose any of their attributes of being Celestial. In addition to this, the Watchers wanted to find the perfect mate. They wanted to produce an offspring that would be Celestial in power and abilities, and be immortal. An offspring that could terrestrially function with no terrestrial limitations of mortal man.

“So the Evil Ones built machines that took them wherever they wanted to go, into whichever dimension they wanted to be in, and they
offered these machines to those whom they favored. The flying machines shimmered like a mirage on the water. These machines could travel faster than the eye can follow, and where they went, I do not know. Men and giants alike fought to possess these machines, and the more violent the wars became the more dreadful conditions on Earth became. The sounds of war were constant as men’s minds worked overtime to devise new ways to gain the knowledge of these machines.

“About one
hundred and twenty years before the flood, El Elyon spoke directly to me and told me to warn of impeding judgment, for one hundred and fifteen years I traveled Earth proclaiming that unless men changed their ways they would be judged. No one listened. I saw unspeakable horrors and witnessed inexplicable wonders, but still no one listened. I might as well have been spitting into the wind.

“I took a wife and my sons were born, I preached and I preached. Then one day God gave me plans and told me to build an ark.” Noah closed his eyes
and was for a moment very still. “What my eyes have seen no one should see. Man’s heart is wicked, but the evil comes when man’s mind is full of the sound of the Evil Ones…men will do anything and everything despicable. Surely, the Promised One will come soon. I grow old. Yet I wait.”

Enmerkar amazed by the information he had just received wanted to ask questions, yet he wasn’t sure what to ask so he remained silent as he watched Noah shaking his head
attempting to eject the memories of the past. Slowly Noah opened his eyes and continued, “Well, back to summarize this lengthy discourse. Blood has information that I believe is actually a sound.

“Both Enoch’s drawing and that of Seth’s show us that space or dimensionality can be traversed
. However, it takes the ability to do two things. The first is to see the portal and the second, the ability to harmonize with the portal. When sound within the traveler harmonizes with the sound within the portal, the portal opens.

“The Evil Ones have abilities and knowledge that we can only guess at, but they
do understand light and sound. Our dimensions are difficult for them, and theirs impossible to us. But they know and I know that if you have everything working in harmony…well as Enoch said, nothing is impossible.” Noah paused and pointed to Enoch’s drawing. “The land you see on Enoch’s drawings doesn’t exist like that now. After Peleg explored Earth a few years back, he brought me new drawings and we compared them to these. There were a number of differences. Land has shifted and the boundaries of the oceans have changed. Land that was habitable before the flood is now underwater. There are places that have permanently disappeared. Peleg believes these places will never reappear.

“Enoch said that the righteous will inherit Earth. The Evil Ones want to overthrow God, but lack the ability to reenter the dimensions from which they are dispossessed, and they lack the ability to
possess Earth unless men do it for them. Men want to be immortal and to possess the supernatural powers of Celestials. Woe unto Earth each time wicked men and fallen Celestials combine their goals.

“There is no doubt in my mind El Elyon will prevail. Oh, wars will come again, and perversion will return. Deception will enter the hearts of men, and many will be led captive by the powers of their captors. The fallen ones will once again manipulate and deceive men, but righteousness shall eventually reign.”

Several days passed and then the day came when Enmerkar took leave of his great-grandfather Noah. After his parting farewells, he rode Raham to the southeast. With Enmerkar went the garments, which had remained hidden in his saddlebags. Never again, would he see his great-grandfather, and while he received Noah’s understanding of the heavens, Enmerkar never allowed its message within his heart.



Behold, I am toward God and before Him even as you are; I also am formed out of the clay [though I speak with abnormal wisdom because of a divine illumination]. Job 33:6, AMP

My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes did see my substance, yet being imperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee. Psalm 139:15-18, KJV


olding his cell phone between his cheek and right shoulder, Emmett was doing his best to converse while packing the Jeep. “Yes, sir, Leighann and I will be leaving for Navasota, shortly. We’re only going to be gone a week, but I swear Leighann has enough stuff here for a month,” pausing he rechecked the cargo area making certain all boxes and suitcases were snug and couldn’t shift during the drive and he then continued, “it’s amazing how much I’ve crammed into this Jeep, when will you and Mom be joining us?”

“We’ll drive up early in the morning, Marla has something or another she wants to attend this evening, but I’ll do my best to head her out early enough to make Nava
sota mid-morning. We should be there about the time you all are ready to leave for Austin.” Clearing his throat, Ray asked, “Did Justin arrive okay?”

“Yes, he did. I just got a text a few moments ago from Kirsten. They just left the airport
and are on their way to Navasota as we speak.” Emmett, satisfied everything was properly stowed, reached for his cell with his left hand and shut the hatch on the Jeep with his right, “Kirsten offered to swing by here, but I said no, to go on home, we shouldn’t be too far behind them.”

“I really like that young man. I hope something develops be
tween the two of them. Whenever I think of how the Lord miraculously healed him last year, it always amazes me. What an astonishing God we serve, and you know, I can’t help believe there’s something special ahead for Justin,” Ray grinned as he recalled the events of last fall. “The revelation of justice he got...was remarkable!”

“Yes, I agree; Justin’s definitely a keeper
.” Opening the back passenger door of his Jeep, Emmett began checking the sacks of groceries deposited by Leighann to make sure they were properly secured. “I called because you need to know, I’m fascinated by your manuscript. Particularly by the DNA information. Your speculation about junk DNA is startling. We absolutely have to make some time this week to talk.”

Chuckling, Ray concurred, “Well be warned, since I started researching this, it’s all I want to talk about. But since you brought the subject up, I just finished reading about mutations in DNA. I’ll bring the article, I’m sure it’s here somewhere on my desk. It’s all about mutation switches
that control body-shaping genes. Science has found what they refer to as non-coding DNA, which actually is junk DNA. Some of the scientists working on this project speculate that perhaps the junk DNA gives credence to the theory of extra-terrestrial interference of the human genome. Anyway, the writer of the article concludes higher organisms are muddled with these mysterious elements. Science is beginning to understand the effect so called junk DNA has on complex organisms. This stuff is so fascinating, so I’ll look forward to bouncing the subject around with you and the kids. Especially in light of all of the Nephilim theories they have.” Ray smiled, “Elijah will be blown away. The article speculates upon the manipulation of human, animal, and plant-life DNA in the past. As believers, we know the fallen angels performed crossbreeding. The article doesn’t speak of the specifics as it relates to the past; the writer does give insights as to how science is experimenting along these lines now. The article actually gives credence to our supposition we have returned to Noah’s day, as Jesus warned.”

The bridge between Emmett’s eyes narrowed as he thought
on Ray’s words. “Yeah, bring the article, please.”

“I will,” Ray replied
. “You know many in the media and in the public are innocently under the impression trans-humanism experiments are conducted to improve our existence and eliminate pain and suffering, but embedded in trans-humanism are problematic situations that have the potential of serious ethical conflicts. These experiments could lead the scientific community into deep deceptions of gigantic proportions. The effect of these scientific advances will affect the political, economic, social, and religious systems. I see a great deception in the making, I don’t mean to be a prophet of gloom and doom, but I really think we’re being set up for some major problems.”

“I hear you, Pops,” Emmett took a deep breath and released it. “It’s the gross darkness that Isaiah 60:2 speaks of
but, thank God, he gave us the preceding verse first.”

“Yeah, I see the fingerprints of darkness in much of what I have uncovered about DNA
research. And now that we have the source codes, and DNA can be altered or rewritten…well this article says it is not only possible, but that it will happen. It is all a matter of time.”

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