The Stars Trilogy (61 page)

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Authors: Eve Montelibano

BOOK: The Stars Trilogy
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They were reclining on the chaise lounge, her head resting on Dare’s arm.

“This is delicious,” Dare commented.

“Most people don’t like the taste.”

“Are you kidding me? This is a pleasant discovery for me. I’ll order this flavor and have it flown to the States.”

“Most women I know hate the natural smell of it. They  associate the smell with...” She giggled.



“Huh? Seriously?” He sniffed on his ice cream. “Is this how I taste?”

She laughed. “No. You’re much more delicious.”

“Woman, can you take another round?”

She sat up and straddled him. “No...but can you?” Smiling wickedly, she rubbed the cone on his nipple.

He gasped and made a growling sound deep in his throat. “’re a naughty girl.”

“Am I?” And she did it again. Both his nipples were now coated with whitish cream. “Now...let’s see if you can take more...” She bent and licked his nipples slowly, sucking them gently until they were clean of cream.

She rubbed the cone from the middle of his pectorals, along the ridge bisecting his fabulous abs and down to the little hole of his navel. She licked him off clean like a kitten until he was breathing hard and his track pants was bulging at the fly.

She undid the drawstring and revealed his erection. Impressive as usual. The  thick shaft was lying back on his belly, reaching his navel.

“Uhmmm...” She looked in his eyes and saw the raw need there. He was so still, the tendons on his shoulders drawn tight, his fingers gripping the arms of the chaise lounge like vise, waiting for her next move.

Slowly, she lifted the thick shaft and rubbed the cone around the bulbous tip.

He inhaled sharply, moaned and cussed. “Shit, baby, where did you learn to do this?”

“What?” she asked him innocently.

“This trick. It’s quite a leap from your virginal attempts in the jungle.” He had a suspicious look in his eyes again.

She grinned at him. “I refreshed on my YouTube videos the past days.”

“YouTube? Are you shitting me? They have blow job videos?”

“Yes. They’re clinical, educational video tutorials and quite helpful.” She coated his shaft with cream, avoiding his balls. “You’d be surprised what you could learn from YouTube. Now...what do we do next?”

He stared at her.

She smiled and licked her ice cream.

“Celine, don’t tease me,” he said between gritted teeth.

“Hmm? Who’s teasing?”

“Do it.”

“Amazing how it doesn’t shrink from the coldness.”

“It won’t shrink even if you dump the whole thing on it.”

She giggled. “Really? Let’s see.”

She dumped the remaining contents of the cone all over his straining shaft.

He was cussing colorfully now, but indeed, his penis didn’t shrink. In fact, it grew even bigger, twitching and jerking, turning a darker shade of red.


She took pity on him and gave him what he wanted.

Dare couldn’t believe what was happening if he was not experiencing it firsthand.

Celine was giving him head like a pro, taking in his gigantic cock down her throat like she wanted to swallow the whole thing. Of course she couldn’t take the whole length yet. She’d have to practice on it a lot to be able to perform that feat. But she compensated her inexperience with natural enthusiasm. A novice with such natural sensuality he was jealous of any imaginary guy who may discover this talent of hers in the future.

She was making noises, really pleased purring, humming noises as she sucked him, the ice cream coating her lips and cheeks. The visual and tactile combination of senses was too much. Fucking out of this world!

“Baby...slow down...shit...don’t good...yeah...oh fuck, yeah!”

Gracious fuck, he was going to die...!

He didn’t want it to be over too soon but the pleasure was too intense and sharp to last longer.

He erupted like a volcano, shouting and splashing all over her lips and face. It was so fucking good he blacked out for a moment, forgetting everything. When he came back to earth, he opened his eyes to find her sprawled between his legs, her chin resting on her palm, her other hand gently stroking his penis and grinning knowingly. Whitish cream coated her lips and chin.

His cream.

His cum mixed with the Durian ice cream.

And there was more.

“Now that you’re back...” she purred.

As he watched, she proceeded to slowly lick everything off, leaving his now relaxed cock clean and shiny. She then tucked him within his pants again.

“Did you like that?” she asked him softly afterward.

He couldn’t form the right words to verbalize his appreciation. He merely nodded repeatedly.

“Good.” He patted his belly lightly and stood up.

“Where are you going?” he managed to ask her weakly.

“Back to the Four Seasons.”

She disappeared into the apartment.

He got up and followed her inside, his legs rubbery. Shit. What a sexpot she was becoming every day.

He found her in the bedroom, donning her dress again.


She smiled. “I had a great time.”

Sitting on the bed, she rummaged inside her bag, found her make-up kit and began putting powder on her face. The feminine ritual had him staring at her for a few minutes, mesmerized. He had never taken interest in women’s toilette before but he was fascinated now.

“You’re making me self-conscious,” she said.

“No...don’t mind me.”

She started putting on her lipstick.



“Will you...come back to the US with me?”

She paused from dabbing on her lips and looked at him. “I don’t think I can do that right now. My parents won’t let me.”

He didn’t like her answer. “You’re no longer a child. You can make your own decisions.”

“Yes. Yes, I can. But I don’t want to go against my parent’s wishes at this point. Maybe later...when they have recovered from the shock of the plane crash.”

He sighed. “Listen... what happened here today...what happened in the rainforest...we both wanted it...right?”

“Of course. I don’t have any regrets, Dare. You’re the best lover any woman can ever wish for. Thank you so much.”

He gave a short laugh. “Baby, don’t build up my ego too much.”

“You can afford the ego. You’re packing...” She gave him a slow once over, her eyes lingering on his fly. “everywhere.” She winked at him.

He chuckled. “Ah Celine...”

She slipped her feet into her high heels and stood up from the bed. “Well, I have to go. Mom called. My curfew is 8PM. Where’s Rocky?

“He’s down at the lobby.”

“Alright. Walk me to the door.”

They both walked silently toward the main door of the apartment.

They faced each other. He felt awkward as hell but he didn’t have her just to be deprived again. “I want to see you again.”

“Sure. I’ll give you a call when I’m in the US again. I just don’t know when that will happen.”

“I mean, tomorrow. I want to see you tomorrow.”

“For another round of wild sex?”

“No...yes... don’t make it sound like it’s just like that...”

“Like what? Like hot sex? It is like that.”

“It’s not only that!” he grated, annoyed at her nonchalance.

“What is it then besides that?”

He stared at her, angry that she would deliberately play dumb. She told him that she loved him, dammit!

“We have shared more than sex, Celine.”

“Yes, as far as I’m concerned, it was more than sex, Dare. You know how I feel about you. I have repeatedly told you. But you have repeatedly rejected my feelings for you.”

He felt like he had hit her with those words. “I...I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to...”

“It’s alright. Really it is. But understand that I’m not made of stone. I’m not like the women who’d been with you who can take it casually in the name of pleasure. I’m not that liberated in mind and body. I came to you because I love you. That’s the only reason why I am with you.”

He sighed. The conversation was making him sweat in discomfort but it couldn’t be avoided at this point. “I know. I believe you, baby. It’s just that...” He swallowed, not knowing how to explain his position.

“What? It’s just that you cannot reciprocate my feelings?”

“I won’t lie to you. I may not reciprocate your feelings in the manner that you expect. I may hurt you. I’m not good at this.”

“You can try.”

“Can’t we just be together and not put labels on what we have? Just go with the flow and see where it takes us? It’s more honest and natural, to let things develop in their own time.”

“You mean we should meet up, have sex and see if it develops into something more? Wilder, better sex perhaps?”

“Shit, why do you have to be difficult on this? Why do you need to complicate things? Yes, we had great sex! We both enjoyed it immensely. What’s wrong with wanting more of that? What’s wrong with having it on a regular basis and see how long the attraction will last? It’s the rational thing to do! The practical thing to do!” His tone rose now as he was feeling cornered and threatened.

She shook her head, her eyes sad. “See? We haven’t even begun and it’s already over in your mind. I’m not one of your business deals, Dare. I’m not a contract that expires or an agreement that you draft with certain conditions.”

She opened the door.

“Celine, don’t do this. Baby...”

She stepped out of the door. He followed her  to the foyer. She pushed the elevator button.

“You said you love me!” he shouted, feeling desperation grip him and how he hated it. He was chasing after a woman, almost begging her to stay with him.

She faced him. “Yes. I love you. That’s why I’m leaving.”

“Great! Some love you have there!”

“I’ve given you all that I can, Dare. But I want to leave something for myself, too. I won’t be your next Alana, Naiomi and Gabby who all settled for what you only chose to give them.”

“I will give you what I can! Whatever I’m capable of! It’s a lot!”

“Material-wise, yes. But that’s not enough for me. I won’t ever settle for that.”

“What the hell do you want from me, Celine?!” He was so furious now that she had to back him on the wall like this.

The elevator dinged.

“I want it all, Dare. I want my ever after. My happy ending. I deserve it. If you can’t give it to me...then I’ll just wait for this love I feel for you to die so that I can love again. Hopefully, I’d find a man who deserves me and will cherish everything I can give him. My passion, my devotion and my love. If I can’t find him, I’d rather be alone.”

The elevator opened and she turned around to enter it.

As the doors closed on her, he wanted to run and force it open and drag her back to his apartment and then...

His shoulders sagged.

Fairy tale. She wanted a damn fairy tale. The little witch was living in Neverfuckingland with stardust blinding her stupid eyes! This was the modern world for cripe’s sake! Dealing with avaricious bitches was infinitely more preferable than trying to figure out the mind of a rabid Sleeping Beauty fan.  At least, with a woman who put a price tag on herself, he’d know how much he’d be giving away. But with Sleeping Beauty who professed love, passion and devotion, he couldn’t quantify how much she’d demand from him in return and he didn’t know if he had it in himself to give her what she wanted.

Fuck Sleeping Beauty! Oh yeah, she was not Sleeping Beauty or Cinderella, she’d said. She was Mulan.

Mulan who?!

Frustrated and angry, he strode back to his apartment.


Celine fought the urge to ask the elevator man to bring her back to the tenth floor. She was just putting on a brave front, declaring with pride that she won’t settle for anything less...but deep inside, her heart was crying out for her to settle, to forget about her principles and just take whatever was available on Dare’s table. Because this might be the last time they would see each other. Dare wasn’t the type who’d come after a woman. Women were running after him.

But even if she loved him to bits, she won’t sacrifice her self-respect anymore for that love. She had done her part. If she gave more, she would be left with nothing.

She covered her mouth to stop herself from sobbing.

“Ma’am? Are you alright?” the elevator man asked her kindly.

She just nodded.

Rocky was waiting for her at the lobby. He stood up from an arm chair when he spotted her.

“Hey, you okay?”

“Yeah. Let’s go.”

“Cruz rented a car. I’ll call him now.”

Minutes later, they boarded a Mercedes Benz sedan. Cruz was driving.

“Hi, Cruz,” she greeted the bodyguard, trying to conceal her sadness.

“Miss Celine,” he simply said with a kind smile and turned on the ignition.

“Mom called awhile back. I made her think we spent lunch and dinner together. Which was our original plan.”

Rocky nodded. “Okay.”

She didn’t say anything more.

“Cee, you okay?” Rocky asked her after a lengthy silence.

“No,” she replied softly.

“What happened?”

She sighed. “We’re not on the same page, that’s all. It happens.”

“Damn. He hurt you.”

“Hey, don’t take that against him, okay? Dare is giving you your huge break in Hollywood. Do not let personal matters interfere with work. I’m your friend but he’s your boss. Learn to separate the two.”


“No buts, Rock. Promise me you won’t mess up this chance. So what if my love life sucks? I want your career to rock. Don’t fail me in that.”

Rocky sighed.

“Come on, it was too good to be true anyway. I was over the top delusional. Didn’t work. Life goes on. I’m a big girl. I can handle it. Promise me you won’t hold a grudge on him.”


She elbowed him.

“Ouch! I promise!”

They reached the Four Seasons. Cruz opened the door for her.

“Thank you, Cruz. You take care of your boss, okay?”

“As always, Miss Celine.”

“Okay, bye. Let’s go, Rock. You have to make an appearance with my folks.”

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